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Rosemary Water for Hair Growth: Evidence-Based Tips and Techniques

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Importance of natural remedies of rosemary include potential to promote hair growth.  
  • Understanding the science behind rosemary water and its active ingredients. 
  • The potential benefits of rosemary water for hair health, including improving shine, strength, and scalp health 
  • Research highlighting comparisons between rosemary water and conventional therapies. 
  • Methods and recipes for creating and using rosemary water at home. 
  • Safety, side effects, and precautions when using rosemary water for hair growth. 
  • Comparing rosemary water with other hair growth techniques. 


Hair growth is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy and visually appealing mane. Various factors can negatively impact the rate at which hair grows, such as aging, genetics, stress, and harsh hair care practices. As a result, many people actively seek natural remedies to help stimulate hair growth and improve overall hair health. 

One popular natural remedy that has recently garnered attention is rosemary water. This botanical remedy is derived from the rosemary plant and has been used traditionally for various purposes, including hair care. In this blog, we will explore the science behind rosemary water, its potential benefits for hair growth, and how to create and use it effectively. 

rosemary water for hair growth

Did you know?

Understanding Rosemary Water 

Rosemary water, as the name suggests, is made from soaking rosemary leaves in water. These extracts come from an evergreen shrub called Rosmarinus officinalis. Experts say there are compounds inside these extracts that are good for hair health and growth. 

What is Rosemary Water? 

Making rosemary water is quite simple, just steep fresh rosemary leaves in hot water. It’s similar to brewing tea. The infused water enjoys aromatic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties which are thought to be good for hair health. 

The Science Behind Rosemary Water 

There have been some studies looking into the potential benefits of rosemary extract for hair health. It’s thought that the active compounds found in rosemary help hair growth. These active compounds are proposed to improve blood flow in your scalp, reduce inflammation, and nourish hair follicles. As a result, rosemary water has become quite popular in hair care.   

The Active Compounds in Rosemary  

The herb is packed with the following compounds.  

  • Rosmarinic acid: It’s an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that is said to help reduce scalp inflammation and aid hair growth. 
  • Carnosic acid: A very strong antioxidant that protects hair cells from harm caused by free radicals. 
  • Camphor: Gives a cool feeling on the skin and said to boost blood flow to the scalp. 
  • Caffeic acid: Another antioxidant compound with anti-inflammatory properties. 

All these compounds work in harmony, boosting each other’s effects, and give rosemary water its potential to aid hair growth. 

The Extraction Process 

Extracting the active compounds from the rosemary leaves requires some careful steps. The process starts by soaking the leaves in hot water. The heat breaks down the plant cell walls to release useful compounds into the water. The steeping time and temperature can affect the strength and usefulness of the resulting mix. 

Along with hair growth, rosemary is also good for overall skin health. In skincare products, rosemary is used because it smells nice and makes your skin feel soft. It also helps keep the products fresh and stops bacteria and fungus from growing on your skin.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D

The Potential Benefits of Rosemary Water for Hair 

Rosemary water has become well-regarded for its believed hair growth benefits. It’s seen as a natural choice for those looking to  improve their hair health. 

1. Promoting Hair Growth 

Rosemary water may boost hair growth by feeding hair follicles with key nutrients. This may result in stronger and healthier hair strands.  In 2015 a study found rosemary oil as effective as minoxidil, a common hair growth product ingredient, in reversing hair loss caused by a condition called androgenic alopecia. 

  • Improving circulation 

Active compounds in rosemary water, like camphor, may enhance blood flow to the scalp. This leads to better nourishment for hair follicles, which supports hair growth. 

  • Strengthening hair follicles 

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nature of rosemary water is said to protect hair follicles and strengthen them. By reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, hair follicles can function better. This may lead to thicker and healthier hair. 

  • Reducing dandruff and itchiness 

Because of its antimicrobial properties, rosemary water may help with dandruff and an itchy scalp. By fighting bacteria and fungi on the scalp, it can ease these common hair problems and nurture a healthier scalp. 

2. Nourishing and Moisturising Hair 

  • Supply important nutrients: Rosemary water can deliver necessary nutrients to the hair, such as vitamins and minerals, which are crucial for maintaining hair growth. 
  • Maintain moisture: Due to its hydrating nature, rosemary water may help retain moisture within hair strands, thus avoiding dryness and breakage. 

3. Enhancing Hair Shine and Colour 

Rosemary water can give a radiant shine to your hair. Plus, its antioxidant effects can guard hair strands against harmful factors like pollution and UV light, which can discolour your hair. 

4. Improving Scalp Health 

Having a healthy scalp is vital for ideal hair growth. Managing your scalp with rosemary water may help address several issues like inflammation, dandruff, and itchiness. By promoting a healthier scalp, your hair gets a better chance to grow strong and healthy. 

Although studies have shown potential benefits of rosemary water for hair health, further large-scale human studies are needed to confirm these. 

I recently read that combining rosemary and citrus extracts can protect skin cells from damage caused by UV radiation. This combination reduces harmful radicals and prevents DNA damage. In a study, volunteers who took this combination orally showed improved skin protection against UV rays. It suggests that these extracts can boost skin health beyond sunscreen use.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Research on Rosemary Water and Hair Growth 

While there’s a lot of talk about rosemary water being good for hair growth, it’s important to look at what the science says on the matter. 

1. Overview of Studies 

Research on rosemary water’s hair growth benefits is still in the early stages but is expanding. The main focus so far has been on rosemary extracts or essential oils rather than the infused water. However, the valuable compounds found in these extracts are also present in rosemary water, albeit at lower levels. 

2. Direct Comparisons with Other Management Options 

One study done in 2015 found that rosemary oil was just as effective as minoxidil. This is a key ingredient in many commercial hair growth products, aimed at reversing hair loss caused by androgenic alopecia. This suggests that rosemary water, which has similar active compounds as the oil, might offer similar benefits. Please note though that the study used rosemary oil, not rosemary water. 

3. Limitations and Areas for Future Research 

Despite the early promising results, more studies on the hair growth benefits of rosemary water are needed. Future studies should test rosemary water directly as a hair growth management option, compare it to other options, and figure out the best amount and ways to apply it. 

Methods for Using Rosemary Water 

Making and using rosemary water for hair growth is really easy and is described below.  

1. Creating a Rosemary Water Blend 

The first step in preparing rosemary water is to steep fresh rosemary leaves or essential oil in hot water. Here are two ways to prepare it: 

Fresh Rosemary Water: 

  • Heat five cups of water in a pot until it boils. 
  • To the boiling water, add five sprigs of rosemary (one per cup of water). 
  • Keep boiling for 15 minutes before turning down the heat. 
  • Leave the mix until the water turns a nice shade of pink or red. 
  • Sieve the water to remove any remaining rosemary bits then pour it into an empty spray bottle or another container. 

Essential oil rosemary water: 

  • Fill up a spray bottle with filtered water. 
  • To every fluid ounce of water in the bottle, add 6-12 drops of rosemary essential oil. This will help maintain a 1-2% oil concentration. 

2. Infusions and Decoctions 

To get the most out of rosemary water, there are different extraction methods to consider like infusions and decoctions. Here’s a brief overview of each method: 

  • Infusion: An infusion just means soaking rosemary leaves in hot water for a while. Doing this pulls out the helpful compounds from the leaves which then mix with the water. To make an infusion, add fresh rosemary leaves to boiling water and steep for at least 30 minutes or until the water turns a shade of pink or red. 
  • Decoction: A decoction involves boiling rosemary leaves in water to draw out their active compounds. Unlike an infusion, decoction needs more time in heat, which might result in a stronger end product. If you want to try this method, add fresh rosemary leaves to boiling water and simmer for 30-40 minutes. Keep going until the water is reduced in volume and takes on a deep, amber  colour. 

3. Methods to Maximize Potency 

There are a few tricks you may use to make your rosemary water more potent: 

  • Use fresh rosemary leaves when possible instead of dried ones. Fresh leaves typically have a higher concentration of active compounds. So that would mean a more potent rosemary water. 
  • Store the rosemary water in an opaque or dark glass container to protect it from light, which can drain the strength of the active compounds over time. 
  • If you steep the rosemary leaves in water for longer, the final product will be stronger. Try leaving the leaves to steep for at least 30 minutes, until the water turns a shade of pink or red. 

4. Application Techniques 

There are several ways to apply rosemary water on your hair and scalp to promote hair growth. Here are some ideas: 

  • Pour some rosemary water into your scalp and massage in small circles. Pay extra attention to areas where hair growth is slower or thinner. Massages may improve blood flow to the scalp, encouraging hair growth by supplying hair follicles with necessary nutrients. 
  • Add some rosemary water to your shampoo or conditioner. When you wash your hair, the active compounds will interact with your scalp and hair, helping hair growth and overall hair well-being. 
  • Pour rosemary water onto your hair and scalp before washing your hair or as a final rinse after using conditioner. Doing this may help lock in moisture and supply an additional dose of nutrients for healthier, stronger strands. 

Rosemary Water Safety and Side Effects 

As with any natural remedy, there are some precautions and possible side effects to be mindful of when using rosemary water for hair growth. 

1. Identifying and Managing Allergic Reactions 

Some people may be allergic to rosemary or experience sensitivities when using rosemary water. It is essential to perform a patch test before using rosemary water on your scalp and hair to determine whether you may have an adverse reaction. If you notice any redness, itching, or irritation after applying rosemary water, discontinue its use and consult a healthcare professional. 

2. Possible Drug Interactions 

Rosemary water may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners, diuretics, and blood pressure medications. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional before using rosemary water if you are currently taking any medications or have a medical condition that may be affected by its use. 

3. When to Use Caution or Discontinue Use? 

If you experience any side effects or discomforts while using rosemary water, it is essential to discontinue its use and consult a healthcare professional. Additionally, pregnant individuals should avoid using rosemary water without first consulting their healthcare provider, as its safety during pregnancy has not been established.  

Comparison With Rosemary Oil 

Rosemary water and rosemary oil both contain active compounds that are good for hair growth and hair health. That being said, there are some differences that might affect which one you want to use.   

1. Differences Between the Two 

  • Concentration: Rosemary oil is stronger than rosemary water, so it may work better. 
  • How to use it: Typically, rosemary oil is massaged into the scalp or mixed with other hair care products. But, you can leave rosemary water in your hair, rinse it off, or add it to your hair care routine. 

2. Pros and Cons of Rosemary Water  

  • Pros of rosemary water: You can leave it in your hair, it’s flexible, and could be softer on the scalp because it’s not as strong. 
  • Cons of rosemary water: It’s less strong than the oil, which means you may need to apply it more often for results. 

3. Pros and cons of rosemary Oil

  • Pros of rosemary oil: It’s stronger, lasts longer, and could deliver better hair growth benefits. 
  • Cons of rosemary oil: Can cause irritations for some people, and hair might feel oily if not rinsed out well enough. 

4. How to Choose the Best One Based on Individual Needs? 

To decide whether rosemary water or rosemary oil is the best choice for you, think about what kind of hair care you need and prefer. If you want a leave-in therapy that doesn’t require rinsing and leaves your hair feeling less oily, you might prefer rosemary water. But, if you’re after a more intensive management option offering potentially more hair growth benefits, rosemary oil might be a better choice. If you’re unsure which option is best for you, remember it’s always best to get in touch with a healthcare professional. 

Complementing Rosemary Water With Other Hair Growth Techniques 

Apart from using rosemary water for hair growth, it’s also important to have a balanced hair care routine that covers every aspect of hair health. Here are some hair growth techniques to consider: 

1. Diet and Nutrition 

Eating a diet rich in key nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats may support hair health and growth from the inside. Include foods high in iron, zinc,  biotin, and other nutrients that are good for hair in your meals to give your hair the nourishment it needs to grow healthy and strong. 

2. Hairstyling Habits 

Having healthy hairstyling habits may help avoid damage and breakage that could slow hair growth. Be gentle when you brush or detangle your hair, avoid using too much heat when styling, limit using chemical therapies, and choose loose hairstyles to reduce pulling on your hair follicles. 

3. Stress Management and Sleep 

Stress can play a big part in hair loss, so finding effective ways to manage stress, like mindfulness, meditation, or exercise, may help encourage hair growth. Also, aim for 7-9 hours of good sleep each night to give your body the rest it needs to support healthy hair growth. 


In conclusion, rosemary water may be a promising natural remedy for promoting hair growth and improving overall hair health. Although research on its specific use is limited, the active compounds found in other rosemary products have demonstrated beneficial effects on hair growth and circulation. By incorporating rosemary water into a well-rounded hair care routine that includes proper nutrition, gentle hairstyling habits, and stress management, you may set yourself up for success in achieving healthier, more vibrant locks. 

Also Read: Sea Salt Spray for Hair: A Quick Guide to Achieving Beachy Waves

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Can I spray rosemary water on my hair every day? 

Yes, you can. You can apply rosemary water to your hair daily as it is a mild and natural option. Just make sure to check your hair and scalp regularly for signs of irritation, dryness, or other negative reactions, and adjust usage if needed. 

How long can I leave rosemary water in my hair? 

You can leave rosemary water in your hair all day or overnight if you’re using it as a leave-in option. If you prefer to rinse it off, just leave it on your hair and scalp for at least 30 minutes before shampooing and conditioning as usual. 

Is rosemary water better than rosemary oil for hair growth? 

Each has its own benefits depending on individual needs and preferences. Rosemary oil is more concentrated and may offer stronger hair growth benefits, while rosemary water is more flexible and milder to the scalp, making it suitable for everyday use. 

How do I store my homemade rosemary water? 

To store your homemade rosemary water, simply place it in a clean, air-tight container such as a glass jug or spray bottle. Leave it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight to keep the active compounds stable and effective. 


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