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Rhodiola Rosea: Unveiling Its Research-Based Benefits and Uses

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Rhodiola rosea is a plant with proposed adaptogenic properties known for its stress-reducing effects. 
  • May help decrease stress, improve fatigue, reduce symptoms of depression, and enhance brain function. 
  • May also improve exercise performance, help manage diabetes, and might have anticancer properties. 
  • Supplements come in various forms including capsules, tablets, powders, and teas. 
  • It is essential to choose high-quality, standardized extracts and consult a healthcare professional before taking Rhodiola rosea. 


Rhodiola rosea is a hearty plant that thrives in the freezing mountain regions of Europe and Asia. Sought after for centuries, it’s praised for boosting physical and mental health. In this article, we will be  delving deep into the potential benefits, side effects, how to select related supplements, and how to use Rhodiola rosea. Lastly, we will be answering some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

What is Rhodiola Rosea? 

Rhodiola Rosea, a perennial plant thriving in cold, high-altitude climates. This plant, marked by hefty roots and vibrant yellow blooms, is vital in Scandinavian and Russian traditions. Rhodiola is hailed for fighting fatigue, boosting stamina, and aiding stress resilience. This plant is also referred to as Arctic root or golden root. Most of Rhodiola’s potential effects come from active compounds called rosavin and salidroside. These key elements are said to affect the body’s natural processes. 

rhodiola rosea

Did you know?

  • Rhodiola rosea has been found to improve symptoms of mild to moderate depression. source: NCBI
  • A study showed that Rhodiola rosea reduced symptoms of burnout in healthcare professionals. source: NCBI
  • Rhodiola rosea may enhance cognitive function and reduce mental fatigue. source: NCBI
  • Research suggests that Rhodiola rosea may improve physical performance and reduce fatigue. source: NCBI

Potential Health Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea 

1. Stress reduction 

Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen, which are substances that help the body adjust to any kind of mental and physical stress. Thus, it might support the body’s defense against diverse stressors. This is proposed to foster overall balance and stability. Also,  
several studies have shown that rhodiola effectively decreases blood cortisol levels. This reduction may ease stress and related symptoms. 

In a study involving 60 workers facing fatigue, it was found that Rhodiola extract significantly improved their stress symptoms after a 28-day cycle. Participants reported feeling less tired and more energized. Another study with 80 participants found that consuming 200 mg of rhodiola twice daily for four weeks resulted in lowered perceived stress. 
However, more research is needed to corroborate these findings. 

2. Fatigue 

Rhodiola rosea might be a viable weapon to combat physical and mental exhaustion. Its nature may help the body fight fatigue, boosting energy levels and vigor. Rhodiola rosea may potentially reduce feelings of fatigue and lethargy. It might boost energy, improve focus, and increase mental alertness. 

In a study with chronically fatigued adults, those receiving 400 mg of rhodiola daily for eight weeks noted significant improvement in stress, fatigue, mood, and concentration levels compared to a placebo group. However, more scientific probing is warranted.  

3. Depression 

Rhodiola rosea might impact serotonin and dopamine levels. These brain chemicals are linked with mood control. A 12-week trial involving 57 participants with mild to moderate depression suggested Rhodiola’s antidepressant advantages. The herb is tolerated better than the prescription drug. Another study pointed out that rhodiola might be a management option for those who cannot bear conventional antidepressants’ side effects. However, we still need more scientific evidence supporting the antidepressant effects.  

4. Brain Function 

Rhodiola rosea’s antioxidant properties may protect brain cells from harmful oxidative stress. It may shield brain cells from free radical damage, improving brain health and functionality. This property might enhance thinking skills, memory, and learning capacity. 
Studies have tied Rhodiola to improved functioning of the brain in humans and animals. In a study with 64 healthy participants, rhodiola supplementation resulted in significant enhancements in attention, cognitive abilities, and memory within 20 days. 
 Another analysis of 36 animal studies concluded that rhodiola may support learning and memory. Another study found that Rhodiola significantly improved memory and showed an evident antidepressant influence on mice. These studies provide initial evidence of the benefit of Rhodiola for the nervous system; however, further probing is still required.  

5. Exercise Performance 

People have used Rhodiola rosea for years to boost athletic performance.  It is believed to increase endurance, decrease perceived exertion, and lessen muscle soreness after exercise. Rhodiola supplements might enhance exercise performance by fighting physical fatigue and boosting the body’s energy reserves. 
In one study, women running a high dose of rhodiola ran faster than those on placebo. A review of 10 existing studies found that it might boost muscle power, strength, and recovery during training. More scientific probing is warranted.  

6. Diabetes Mellitus 

Rhodiola rosea might positively affect glucose balance and insulin sensitivity, suggesting a role in managing diabetes. It is proposed to improve glucose and lipid metabolism, which can aid in managing diabetes and reducing the risk of fat build-up. 

One recent study reported that Rhodiola improved the mice’s fasting blood glucose levels, managed their insulin response, and lowered circulating lipopolysaccharide and hepatic C-reactive protein transcript levels. More human studies are required to corroborate these findings. 

7. Anticancer Properties 

Rhodiola rosea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may lead to potential anticancer effects. Rhodiola’s antioxidants might help neutralize oxidative cell damage, while its anti-inflammatory property may help reduce the risk of cancer development. 

Test-tube and animal studies suggest that rhodiola’s active component, salidroside, might inhibit lung, bladder, stomach, and colon cancer cell growth. We need more studies to be conducted in humans to corroborate these findings. 

How to Take Rhodiola Rosea Supplements? 

It’s vital to know the forms of Rhodiola available, how to choose a supplement, and when and how much to take it. 

Forms of Rhodiola rosea (capsules, tablets, powders, teas) 

Think about your needs when deciding the right form of Rhodiola rosea supplement: 

  • Capsules: They offer exact dosing and are often an easy way to take rhodiola. 
  • Tablets: They are just as easy to dose as capsules. 
  • Powders: This is a good option if you prefer to mix supplements into drinks or smoothies. 
  • Teas: If you enjoy hot beverages, rhodiola tea might be the right choice. 

Choose a form that matches your preferences. This will help you stick with the supplement and get the best results. 

What to Look For? 

When selecting Rhodiola supplements, it’s crucial to look for the following.  

  • High-quality extracts: Look for products with standardized extracts with 3% rosavin and 1% salidroside. 
  • Dosage and active compounds: Always check the bottle label for daily dosage advice and the presence of vital compounds like rosavin and salidroside. Also, consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating it into your routine.  
  • Product testing: To ensure product quality and avoid adulteration, stick with Rhodiola supplements marked with the USP or NSF seals. These bodies verify supplement content for purity and correctness. 

How Much and When to Take It? 

Here are some general dosage guidelines for Rhodiola rosea supplements: 

  • Dosage range for adults: Check the supplement label for daily dosage suggestions. They can vary based on the product formula and extract strength. 
  • Best time to consume Rhodiola: It’s best to consume the supplement at least 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch, on an empty stomach. However, be sure to avoid it near bedtime due to its stimulating effects. 

Consult your healthcare professional as always before starting any new supplement. 

Also Read: Red Clover: Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects & More!

Safety and Potential Side Effects of Rhodiola 

While generally safe, it is crucial to know about the possible risks, side effects, and interactions of Rhodiola rosea. 

  • Common minor side effects: Some individuals might experience dizziness, dry mouth, sleep issues, and jitteriness when taking rhodiola supplements. 
  • Major side effects and allergies: If you encounter any severe allergic reactions, inform your healthcare professional right away. 
  • Drug interactions: Rhodiola might interfere with certain medicines, such as serotonergic and stimulant drugs. It’s crucial to speak with a healthcare professional before starting rhodiola supplements if you’re on medications. 


Rhodiola rosea is an intriguing herb known for its adaptogenic properties, historical uses in traditional medicine, and numerous research-backed potential benefits. Studies suggest that rhodiola may help decrease stress, improve fatigue, reduce symptoms of depression, enhance brain function, and offer potential advantages in managing diabetes and anticancer properties. 

When choosing a rhodiola supplement, it’s vital to select a high-quality, standardised extract that has undergone third-party testing for purity and potency. Consult a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regimen to ensure safety and suitability. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Does Rhodiola rosea help with weight loss? 

While Rhodiola rosea may impact exercise performance and energy levels, there is insufficient evidence of its direct effect on weight loss. More research is needed to confirm if rhodiola may aid in weight management. 

Can Rhodiola rosea cause weight gain? 

As of now, no substantial evidence links Rhodiola rosea directly to weight gain. However, as every person reacts differently to supplements, it’s key to monitor your health and weight while taking a new supplement. 

Is Rhodiola rosea the same as Ashwagandha? 

No, Rhodiola rosea and ashwagandha are distinct plants. Both have stress-managing adaptogenic properties but come from different botanical backgrounds and have unique chemical compositions. 

What is the recommended dosage for Rhodiola rosea? 

To figure out the correct rhodiola dosage, follow the instructions on the product label. Typically, daily doses range between 100 to 200 mg but vary based on the standardised extract. 

Are there any known interactions between Rhodiola rosea and other medications? 

Yes, rhodiola may interfere with certain drugs, including serotonergic and stimulant drugs. So, always consult a healthcare professional before mixing Rhodiola rosea with any medicines. 

Can Rhodiola rosea be used as a daily supplement? 

Yes, adults can take Rhodiola rosea daily for benefits like stress management, fatigue reduction, and cognitive improvement. However, always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement routine, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on medications. Usually, it is better to avoid.  

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