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Potential Benefits of Hydrogen Water: Breaking Down the Research and Claims

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Hydrogen water is pure water infused with additional hydrogen molecules. 
  • Potential benefits include antioxidant properties, improved athletic performance, metabolic syndrome benefits, and improved skin health. 
  • Limited research on long-term effects and interactions with medications. 
  • Sources of hydrogen water include bottles and generators. 
  • Alternatives to hydrogen water include antioxidant-rich foods and functional beverages. 
  • More research needed before the full range of potential benefits can be confirmed.  


Water is crucial for us humans. Recently, it is seen that hydrogen water is gaining popularity for its proposed benefits. It’s simply water with extra hydrogen, which claims to offer a different set of potential health benefits compared to plain water. In this article, we will explore what hydrogen water is, its potential benefits, possible side effects, and where to find it. Additionally, we will also discuss alternatives for those seeking other ways to stay healthy. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic. 

hydrogen water benefits

Did you know?

  • Hydrogen water has been shown to have antioxidant properties, helping to reduce oxidative stress. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Research suggests that hydrogen water may have neuroprotective effects, potentially benefiting conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Hydrogen water has been found to have anti-allergic effects, potentially reducing symptoms of allergies. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Drinking hydrogen water may help improve gut health by reducing inflammation and promoting a healthy balance of gut bacteria. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Drinking hydrogen water may improve athletic performance and reduce muscle fatigue. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Understanding Hydrogen Water 

What Is Hydrogen Water? 

It’s just everyday water, but with added hydrogen molecules. This added hydrogen is thought to be more body-friendly than the naturally present amounts. This may lead to an improvement in its proposed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. 

How Is Hydrogen Water Made? 

Making hydrogen water involves adding hydrogen gas into plain water. It all happens before they seal it in cans or sachets. People believe this added hydrogen gives you extra health benefits. 

Chemical Properties of Hydrogen Water 

The key difference between regular water and hydrogen water is that hydrogen water has more hydrogen. Despite the extra hydrogen, they look and taste the same. 

Potential Benefits of Hydrogen Water 

Hydrogen water is linked to several potential health benefits. But remember, the research is still in early stages. Below we have discussed some proposed benefits. 

1. Antioxidant Properties 

Hydrogen water has more hydrogen molecules. This might improve the body’s ability to fight harmful substances. 

  • Reducing Oxidative Stress 

Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals outnumber helpful molecules. This may cause damage to the body cells. The added hydrogen in hydrogen water might help keep this in check. More research is needed to continue exploring the antioxidant potential of hydrogen water.  

2. Improved Athletic Performance 

Some studies suggest that hydrogen water may help improve energy levels and reduce workout fatigue that occurs following an intense workout. Exercising creates lactic acid which tires the muscles. But there’s research showing the hydrogen water may help lower the lactic acid accumulation. More research is yet needed to corroborate these claims.  

3. Metabolic Syndrome  

Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of chronic illnesses. But hydrogen water may help. Insulin controls blood sugar levels. Hydrogen water has shown promise in making insulin work better and reduce inflammation. Thus, it may aid reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome. But more research is needed to corroborate these claims.  

4. Skin Health Enhancement 

Hydrogen water may aid slow down aging via their proposed antioxidant properties. It may help hydrate the skin and improve its plumpness. However, further scientific probing is warranted.  

Side Effects of Hydrogen Water 

As with anything new, it’s natural to worry about side effects. The research on hydrogen water is very limited, from whatever research is available the following side effects are possible.  

Long-term Implications 

We must remember, research on the long-term effects of hydrogen water is scanty thus the long-term effects are unknown. Hydrogen water may disrupt gut health. 

Interaction with Medications 

We need more details about how hydrogen water might interact with medicines. 

  • Potential Interactions with Antioxidant Supplements 

Interestingly, since hydrogen water has an antioxidant element, we don’t know if it might interact with antioxidant supplements. Thus, it is always advised to consult a healthcare professional before consuming hydrogen water.  

  • Drug Efficacy and Absorption 

The effects of hydrogen water on medicine absorption and effectiveness are vague. Check with your healthcare professional before you try hydrogen water. 

Consuming Hydrogen Water 

Sources of Hydrogen Water 

You can find hydrogen water in bottles or generators. 

Recommended Intake 

As for how much to drink, there are no set rules yet. 

  • Considering Daily Water Needs 

Since there are no set rules, keep your daily hydration needs in mind. 

  • Consulting with a Healthcare Professional 

Before you start drinking hydrogen water, please check with a healthcare professional. They can guide you best. 

Hydrogen Water Alternatives 

Alternate options are as follows.  

Antioxidant-Rich Foods 

For those after the benefits of hydrogen water, eating foods full of antioxidants is a good option. 

  • Incorporating Fruits and Vegetables 

Fruits and vegetable are packed with antioxidants. Adding them to your diet may be beneficial. 

  • Adding Nuts and Seeds to the Diet 

Nuts and seeds are not only tasty but also filled with nutrients and antioxidants. 

Other Functional Beverages 

Kombucha may be a good alternative to hydrogen water. Plus, they have their own unique beneficial properties. 

  • Kombucha 

This is a fermented tea proposed to fight for gut health. It is also packed with antioxidants and aids digestion. 


Hydrogen water is proposed to have multiple potential health benefits thanks to its extra hydrogen. Though in its research infancy, some studies show promise. It’s marketed as high in antioxidants, good for athletic performance, metabolic syndrome, and skin health. But remember, we need to understand its long-term effects and interactions with medications better. Before starting a hydrogen water regimen, consult a healthcare professional.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How long does it take for hydrogen water to show benefits? 

Because research is limited, we can’t say when exactly one might notice the benefits of hydrogen water. Each of us is unique and will react differently. 

Is hydrogen water safe for long-term consumption? 

Long-term effects of hydrogen water are not well-researched. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making it a long-term habit. 

Can hydrogen water help with weight loss? 

In a healthy lifestyle context, hydrogen water may potentially assist in weight management. But more studies are needed to confirm this. 

Are there any known side effects of drinking hydrogen water daily? 

Information about daily side effects of hydrogen water is limited right now. Checking with a healthcare professional before starting such a regimen is wise. 

Is hydrogen water safe for pregnant women and children? 

Limited research makes it hard to conclusively say if it’s safe for certain groups like pregnant women and kids. It’s always best to consult with healthcare professionals as a safety measure. If you are not sure if it is safe for you, it is always better to avoid it. Never self-administrate without guidance of a doctor. 

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