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Panchatikta Ghrita: Uses, Benefits and Side effects By Dr. Smita Barode 

By Dr Smita Barode +2 more


Ayurveda has many different medicinal preparations, such as primary and secondary types of preparations. Swarasa (juice), kalka (paste), kwatha (decoction), hima (cold infusion) and phanta (hot infusion) are the primary preparations whereas avaleha kalpana (confections), vati kalpana (tablet), sneha kalpana (fat preparation), asava arista (hydro-alcoholic preparation) are considered as secondary preparations. 

Sneha kalpana or fat preparations are very usual ayurvedic dosage forms prescribed by ayurvedic doctors. Panchatikta ghrita is one of the types of sneha kalpana. It is a formulation of five plants and ghee as a vehicle. It has many benefits for our bones and skin.1,2 

Benefits of Panchatikta Ghrita

 Let us see what other ingredients make up panchatikta ghrita and its wonderful benefits! 

Nutritional Value of Panchatikta Ghrita

  • Azadirachta indica (Nimba): 480 g 
  • Trichosanthes dioica (Patola): 480 g 
  • Solanum xanthocarpum (Kantakari): 480 g 
  • Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi): 480 g 
  • Adhatoda vasica (Vasa):480 g 
  • Terminalia chebula (Haritaki): 128 g 
  • Terminalia bellerica (Bibhitaki): 128 g 
  • Phyllanthus embelica (Amlaki): 128 g 
  • Ghee (Ghrita): 768 g 

 To prepare panchatikta ghrita, nimba, patola, kantakari, guduchi and vasa are taken 480 g each and boiled in 12.29 litres of water till the water is reduced to 3.07 litres. To this decoction, haritaki, bibhitaki and amalaki about 128 g each are added along with 768 g of ghee as a vehicle.2 

Panchatikta ghrita contains 5 active compounds that give the formulation its medicinal properties. These are Azadirachta indica (stem bark), Tinospora cordifolia (stem), Adhatoda vasica (root), Solanum xanthocarpum (root) and Trichosanthes dioica (aerial parts). 2 

Properties of Panchatikta Ghrita

The properties of panchatikta ghrita are discussed as follows: 

  • It may have anti-inflammatory properties. 
  • It might possess antimicrobial properties. 
  • It may have analgesic properties.14 
  • It may have astringent properties.3 
  • It may have the property to manage bone disorders. 
  • It may have lipid-lowering (hypo-lipidemic) properties.15 
  • It may have the property to protect from heart diseases.15 
  • It may have anthelminthic properties.2,11,12 

Potential Uses of Panchatikta Ghrita for Overall Health

Let us see some potential benefits of panchatikta ghrita 

1. Potential use of panchatikta ghrita for bone disorders 

  • Potential use of panchatikta ghrita for osteoporosis 

Osteoporosis is a disorder where bones become fragile and brittle. A study was conducted by Munshi et al. in 2016 on the effect of panchatikta ghrita in rats on osteoporosis. The study showed that panchatikta ghrita might have the effect of managing osteoporosis in rats. However, further studies are recommended for panchatikta ghrita to be used for osteoporosis in humans. Do not self-medicate.3 

  • Potential use of panchatikta ghrita for osteopenia 

Osteopenia is a condition in which the protein and mineral content of our bones is decreased. A study was conducted by Munshi et al. in 2019 to assess the effect of panchatikta ghrita on patients with osteopenia. The results concluded that panchatikta ghrita might be used as preventive therapy in osteopenia. However, these studies are done in a small population, and further information is required to check these findings. It is essential to consult a doctor before replacing panchatikta ghrita with any type of medicine.4 

  • Potential use of panchatikta ghrita for cervical spondylosis 

Cervical spondylosis is the gradual degeneration of bones and disks in the neck. Sawarkar et al., in 2020, studied the comparative effect of panchatikta ghrita on cervical spondylosis. The study concluded that both the groups, when administered panchatikta ghrita showed decreased symptoms of cervical spondylosis. Panchatikta ghrita may be potentially used in cervical spondylosis. However, additional research is required to begin using panchatikta ghrita. One must consult a doctor before self-medicating or replacing any medication.5 

2. Potential use of panchatikta ghrita for disorders of the skin 

  • Potential use of panchatikta ghrita for acne vulgaris 

Acne vulgaris is a skin condition that often results in the formation of pimples on the skin along with inflammation. Sharanamma et al. did a study in 2020 that gave positive results of panchatikta ghrita in acne vulgaris cases. So it may be potentially beneficial in the management of acne vulgaris. However, further research is necessary to prove its efficacy on acne. Hence, it is better to take a professional opinion if you are suffering from acne.6 

  • Potential use of panchatikta ghrita for psoriasis 

Psoriasis is a skin disorder characterised by itchy and scaly patches commonly found on knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. Keshao et al., in 2012, studied the effect of panchatikta ghrita in psoriasis. The study showed the possible use of panchatikta ghrita in managing psoriasis. However, this study was conducted in a small sample size, and more evidence is required to prove its efficacy in managing psoriasis. Therefore, please consult your doctor for better health outcomes.7 

  • Potential use of panchatikta ghrita for atopic eczema 

Atopic eczema is a condition where the skin becomes dry, itchy and cracked. Sharma et al., in 2019, evaluated the efficacy of panchatikta ghrita with other ayurvedic medicines on atopic eczema. The study showed that panchatikta ghrita might help in the management of atopic eczema and a better understanding of other skin disorders. However, this clinical trial is an ongoing process, and further results are yet to be published. More research is required to establish the efficacy of panchatikta ghrita for atopic eczema. It is advised to consult a doctor before replacing panchatikta ghrita for any kind of ongoing treatment.8 

  • Potential use of panchatikta ghrita for erythroderma 

Erythroderma is a severe life-threatening condition with large red skin patches and scaling on 90% of the surface of the skin leading to many other diseases like pneumonia and heart failure. Singh et al. in 2015 conducted a study that showed that the administration of panchatikta ghrita, along with other ayurvedic medicines, can be potentially used in the management of erythroderma. More research, however, is required to demonstrate the impact of panchatikta ghrita on erythroderma. Therefore, you must consult your doctor if you notice any symptoms of erythroderma.9 

  • Potential use of panchatikta ghrita for allergic contact dermatitis 

Allergic contact dermatitis is a condition that causes an inflammatory reaction of the skin when it comes in contact with a foreign object or an allergen. Chauhan et al. in 2019 carried out a study for the management of allergic contact dermatitis. The study results showed potential relief in the management of allergic contact dermatitis. However, further information is required to check the efficacy of panchatikta ghrita. It is essential to consult a doctor before replacing panchatikta ghrita with any type of medication.10 

3. Potential use of panchatikta ghrita as an antimicrobial agent 

Bhoyer et al. in 2017 conducted a study on the antimicrobial activity of panchatikta ghrita. Their study concluded that panchatikta ghrita showed antimicrobial activity. Although panchatikta ghrita may be used for its antimicrobial property, more research is needed to further prove its efficacy.11 

4. Potential use of panchatikta ghrita for stomach worms 

Stomach worms or parasitic worms are one of the most common types of parasites in humans. Katar et al. in 2021 carried out a case study in which panchatikta ghrita was given to these parasitic worms. The study showed that panchatikta ghrita might be useful for stomach worms. However, further research and studies are required to prove the efficacy of panchatikta ghrita as an anthelminthic agent. It is advised to consult an ayurvedic doctor before taking panchatikta ghrita.12 

Although there are studies that show the benefits of panchatikta ghrita in several conditions, these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of panchatikta ghrita on our health. 

As I have seen, the ingredients found in Panchatikta Ghrita may exhibit a strong antibacterial activity. This suggests that they might effectively combat the underlying factors responsible for conditions like anal fistula. The antibacterial properties of Panchatikta Ghrita’s ingredients may help target and fight against the bacteria that contribute to such conditions.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

How to Use Panchatikta Ghrita?

Panchatikta ghrita is an ayurvedic medication available in the market under different brand names. It should be consumed about 10 ml daily or as directed by your healthcare provider. 

You should consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor. 

Side Effects of Panchatikta Ghrita

Panchatikta ghrita is quite safe to consume in small doses. Consuming any drug in excess quantity is not recommended. Consult your ayurvedic doctor or healthcare provider before taking panchatikta ghrita. If any reaction is observed while taking panchatikta ghrita alone or in combination with other drugs, immediately seek medical help.  

Based on certain studies I read, Panchatikta Ghrita might be useful for urticaria (hives) along with other ayurvedic medicines. As Panchatikta Ghrita’s ingredients work together to provide multiple benefits, they may address allergies, ease itching, purify the skin and blood, and might even help reduce inflammation associated with this condition.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Precautions to Take with Panchatikta Ghrita

Taking panchatikta ghrita in small doses may be safe. However, certain precautions should be taken. 

  • Pregnant women should avoid taking panchatikta ghrita. 
  • One should not self-medicate with panchatikta ghrita. 
  • Lactating women should take special care and should consult a doctor before taking panchatikta ghrita. 
  • Extra precautions should be taken when children and elderly are given panchatikta ghrita, and it should be administered by the caretaker only as prescribed.13 

Interactions with Other Drugs

Panchatikta ghrita contains amalaki which is contraindicated at bedtime. It also contains Terminalia chebula, which should be avoided during pregnancy. Always consult your doctor before taking panchatikta ghrita along with other prescription or non-prescription drugs.13 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are some benefits of panchatikta ghrita?

Panchatikta ghrita has many potential benefits for bone disorders like osteoporosis, osteopenia and cervical spondylosis. It also has other benefits for skin issues like acne, psoriasis and it may possess antimicrobial properties.

Is panchatikta ghrita used in psoriasis?

Yes, panchatikta ghrita may be useful in managing psoriasis. 

Does panchatikta ghrita contain ghee?

Yes, panchatikta ghrita does contain ghee. 

Is panchatikta ghrita used for osteoarthritis?

No, there is no proven evidence of panchatikta ghrita being used for osteoarthritis. 

Can we take panchatikta ghrita for hair growth?

No, there is no proven evidence of panchatikta ghrita for hair growth.  


  1. Rao PN, Kadibagil VR. PHYSICOCHEMICAL STUDY OF PANCHATIKTHA GHRITA PREPARED WITH AND WITHOUT GRITHA MURCHANA. Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine. 2017 Jul 27.  
  1. Munshi R, Joshi S, Panchal F, Kumbhar D, Chaudhari P. Does Panchatikta ghrita have anti-osteoporotic effect? Assessment in an experimental model in ovariectomized rats. Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine. 2021 Jan 1;12(1):35-42.  
  1. Munshi R, Patil T, Garuda C, Kothari D. An experimental study to evaluate the antiosteoporotic effect of Panchatikta Ghrita in a steroid-induced osteoporosis rat model. Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 2016 May;48(3):298.  
  1. Munshi RP, Kumbhar DA, Panchal FH, Varthakavi P. Assessing the Effectiveness of Panchatikta Ghrita, a Classical Ayurvedic Formulation as Add-on Therapy to Vitamin D3 and Calcium Supplements in Patients with Osteopenia: A Randomized, Open-Labeled, Comparative, Controlled Clinical Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2019 Oct 1;25(10):1044-53.  
  1. Sawarkar P, Deshmukh M, Sawarkar G, Bhojraj N. A comparative efficacy study of the panchtikta ghrita matra vasti and panchtikta ghrita Marsha Nasya in cervical spondylosis. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine. 2020 Jul 3;11(2):218-27.  
  1. Prashanth AS, Chavan SG. A comparative clinical study on the cosmetic approach in Tarunyapidaka vis-a-vis Acne Vulgaris amongst female population through Shodhana Shamana and Lepa. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences. 2020 Oct 31;5(05):104-10.  
  1. Keshao SM, Jaiswal L, Kameshwar SY, Jindal N, Mishra D. Effect of Matra Basti of Panchatikta Ghrita in psoriasis. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy (IJRAP). 2012;3(6):789-91.  
  1. Sharma BS, Mahajon B, Rao BC, Srikanth N. Study Protocol of a Prospective, Open-label, Single-arm, Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of Classical Ayurveda Medicines in the Management of Vicharchika (Atopic Eczema). J Res Ayurvedic Sci. 2019;3(1):27-33.  
  1. Singh SK, Rajoria K. Ayurvedic management of life-threatening skin emergency erythroderma: A case study. Ayu. 2015 Jan;36(1):69.  
  1. Chauhan A, Agarwal RR. Management of allergic contact dermatitis with ayurvedic intervention. Journal of Conventional Knowledge and Holistic Health; 2019  
  1. Shraddha P, Rajeshwari A. Standard operating procedure of Panchatikta Ghrita and study of its antimicrobial activity. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2017 Feb 7.  
  1. Katkar SR, Shipte A. To study the efficacy of Apunaravartan Chikitsa in ekakushtha: A case study. International Journal of Advanced Academic Studies. 2021.  
  1. Khot DS, Pawar AR, Satpute SS. Integrations and Interactions of Ayurveda Drugs: Review WSR to Merits and Demerits. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research. 2020;9(3):87-9. 
  1. Bhende S, Parwe S. Role of Nitya Virechana and Shaman Chikitsa in the management of Ekakushta with special respect to plaque psoriasis: A case study. J Indian Sys Medicine 2020;8:57-62;year=2020;volume=8;issue=1;spage=57;epage=62;aulast=Bhende  
  1. Kadibagil VR, Sarashetti RS and Hussain G: Hypolipidemic activity of panchatikta ghrita prepared by a murchita and murchita ghrita. IntJ Pharm Sci & Res 2021; 12(8): 4302-06.  

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation. 


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