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Keto Breath: Understanding Causes and Solutions for Better Oral Health

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Keto breath is a common side effect of a ketogenic diet. 
  • The breath typically has a fruity or acetone-like odour. 
  • Key causes are ketosis, protein metabolism, and dehydration.  
  • Home remedies for managing keto breath include proper hydration, adjusting protein intake, good oral hygiene, and consuming a balanced diet.  
  • Regular dental examinations and maintaining a moderate level of carbohydrates in the diet may help avoid keto breath. 


Starting a ketogenic diet is a strong step towards weight loss and improved health. Yet, a minor issue known as the keto breath can occur while on this low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet.  

In this article, we’ll discuss what is keto breath,  its causes, and how to handle it.  Additionally, we will discuss tips to avoid it. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

keto breath

What is Keto Breath? 

 Keto breath is a distinct fruity or acetone-like smelling breath. It’s a short-term condition that occurs when the body shifts from using glucose (from carbohydrates) for energy to using fat. Although this smell might make you anxious, remember it’s a normal part of the keto diet. 

Symptoms of Keto Breath 

To detect keto breath, you should know that it has a unique smell and it lasts for a brief moment.  

  • Odour Characteristics 
  • Sweet fruity whiff: The breath smells like a slightly off apple.   
  • Acetone scent: The breath might smell like nail polish remover. This is due to acetone, a ketone made during ketosis. 
  • Duration of Keto Breath 
  • Temporary Stay: Expect the keto breath to vanish in a few weeks or so. As the body becomes efficient at burning fat, this smell will lessen. 

Did you know?

  • A study found that 40% of individuals on a ketogenic diet experienced keto breath. Source: Ncbi
  • Keto breath is not harmful and is considered a normal physiological response to ketosis. Source: Ncbi
  • Breath acetone sensors can be used to monitor ketosis during a ketogenic diet. Source: Ncbi
  • Drinking more water and staying hydrated can help reduce the severity of keto breath. Source: Ncbi

Causes of Keto Breath 

Knowing why keto breath occurs will guide you toward effective management options. The chief triggers are ketosis, protein breakdown, and lack of fluids. 

1. Ketosis and Acetone Production 

Following a ketogenic diet means the body starts burning fats, not carbohydrates for fuel. This activates the production of substances called ketones. The body makes mainly three kinds which are acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone. As the body uses up acetoacetate, it makes acetone, which is breathed out. This leads to the distinct keto breath smell. 

  • Role of Ketones in Keto Breath 
  • Acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate are responsible for the fruity smell in the breath. 
  • Acetone causes the nail polish remover-like smell. 

2. Protein Metabolism 

The keto diet includes more protein than a typical one. As the body uses up protein, it ends up as ammonia, a compound that can cause bad breath. 

  • Amino Acid Breakdown and Ammonia 
  • Protein use: When the body uses proteins as nutrients, it creates ammonia. 
  • The smell of ammonia: Ammonia leaves the body through urine and breath, causing an unpleasant smell. 
  • Importance of Adequate Protein Intake 
  • Protein balance: Change your protein intake to a reasonable level while eating more healthy fats. This can help lessen the ammonia smell linked with keto breath. 

3. Dehydration 

A lack of fluids can amplify keto breath. By reducing saliva production which leads to a dry mouth and higher levels of smell-causing compounds  in the breath. 

  • Effects of Water Intake on Oral Health 
  • Watering down ketones: Drinking lots of water will help dilute ketones and lessen their effect on the breath. 
  • Boosting saliva: Staying hydrated will make more saliva. This will cleanse the mouth of food bits and bacteria that can trigger bad breath. 

Home Remedies for Keto Breath 

Remember there are practical ways to handle keto breath while your body adjusts to the ketogenic diet. 

1. Increasing Water Intake 

Drinking more water may help wash out ketones and smell-producing bacteria from the mouth.  

  • Recommended Daily Water Intake 
  • Aim to drink at least 8-10 cups of water daily. This is proposed to help  maintain hydration levels and lessen bad breath. Yet, remember that this quantity can change based on how active you are, the climate, and your personal needs. 

2. Adjusting Protein Intake 

Controlling how much protein you eat may help control keto breath. Take care to eat enough protein, but not too much. 

  • Finding the Right Balance of Protein 
  • Try different sources of protein. This can help you find out what amount works best for you. Choose from a varied menu of protein-rich items like fish, chicken, and plant-based options like nuts and seeds. 

3. Practicing Good Oral Hygiene 

Following good oral hygiene habits is very important for maintaining fresh breath while on a ketogenic diet. 

  • Proper Brushing Techniques 
  • Scrub your teeth a minimum of two times every day. Consider investing in an electric toothbrush for a deeper clean. Always use toothpaste with fluoride and aim for at least two minutes of brushing each time. 
  • Importance of Tongue Cleaning 
  • Clean your tongue daily with a toothbrush or a tool made for this. This will remove bacteria that may trigger bad breath. 
  • Flossing and Dental Check-ups 
  • Floss daily and get your teeth checked at regular intervals. This will help maintain overall oral health and the breath fresh. 

4. Masking Odour with Mints and Gum 

You can chew on mints or gum to mask keto breath.  Just for a short term while the body adjusts. 

  • Sugar-Free Options 
  • Pick mints or gum that have no sugar. This keeps extra carbohydrates out of the diet. Don’t forget to check labels for the amount of carbohydrates and opt for those containing xylitol, which might offer more oral health benefits. 

5. Modifying Carbohydrate Intake 

Adding a bit more carbohydrates may lessen the strength of keto breath without  jeopardising ketosis.  

  • Adding Healthy Carbohydrates 
  • Start by adding small amounts of healthy, low-carbohydrate  vegetables and fruits to your meals. This may trim down keto breath yet stay within the correct  carbohydrate intake for ketosis. 

6. Patience and Adaptation 

It is important to be patient. It’s just a matter of time till the body adjusts to its new energy source. While you wait for the keto breath to fade, continue following oral hygiene practices and try other home remedies to control the smell. 

Strategies to Reduce The Risk of Keto Breath 

Actively taking steps to avoid keto breath may make the change to a keto diet more pleasant. 

  • Slow Transition Into Ketosis 

If you are thinking of drastically reducing your  carbohydrate intake consider a slow and steady approach to ketosis. Making slow reduction in  carbohydrates over time may lower keto breath. This lets the body naturally adjust to using fat as fuel. 

  • Monitoring Nutrient Intake 

Making sure your meal gives you a balanced spread of nutrients is key to good oral health and to avoid keto breath. Keep a regular check on your intake of macronutrients (fats, proteins, and  carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). This ensures a varied, balanced diet. 

  • Regular Dental Care 

Oral hygiene is a major player in controlling bad breath caused by ketosis. Attend regular dental appointments for professional cleaning and  examinations. This helps maintain good oral health and routines that catch any potential problems early. 


While keto breath can be a pesky side effect of the keto diet, remember it’s just short-lived. By following various home remedies and tips to reduce the risk like controlling your carbohydrate and protein intake, making sure you drink enough water, and practicing good oral hygiene, you may be able to control keto breath as the body adapts to its new fuel source. 

Remember, though, regular dental  examinations and maintaining a varied diet play a vital part in fresh breath and overall oral health. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Does Keto Breath Mean You’re Burning Fat? 

Yes, keto breath often signifies that the body is burning fat soundly and transitioning into ketosis. 

How Long Does Keto Breath Typically Last? 

Expect keto breath to last a few days up to some weeks. As the body gets better at using ketones for energy, the smell should fade. 

Can You Completely Eliminate Keto Breath? 

While you can’t completely do away with keto breath during the adjustment phase, you may try to manage the smell using home remedies and strategies to reduce the risk of keto breath. 

Are There Any Health Risks Associated with Keto Breath? 

Keto breath itself isn’t risky to your health, but it’s important to monitor your overall health and nutrient intake while on a ketogenic diet. 

How Can I Differentiate Keto Breaths from Other Types of Bad Breath? 

Keto breath has a unique fruity or acetone-like smell, unlike the sulfurous smell we link with everyday bad breath. It’s also temporary and will fade as the body adjusts to ketosis. 


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  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Ketogenic Diet [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499830 
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  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Ketogenic Diets and Chronic Disease: Weighing the Benefits Against the Risks – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8322232 
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  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Biochemistry, Ketogenesis [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jun 20]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK493179 

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