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Kalonji: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, and more!

By Dr Siddharth Gupta +2 more


Kalonji is small, black-coloured seeds similar to cumin. Therefore, they are also called black cumin. The potential properties of kalonji are so vast that it might be considered the ‘the herb from heaven’, or Haba-al-Barakh (blessed seeds) or miracle seeds.1

Kalonji, being a popular ingredient in the culinary world and also in traditional medicine, is grown and used in different regions of the world. Kalonji is used in Arab countries, Africa, Asia and Europe to manage various diseases and ailments.1

kalonji benefits

Moreover, kalonji is a panacea and is used in various forms. It has potential use and might be helpful to recover from tiredness and restore the body’s energy, as has been stated in the book ‘The canon of Medicine’ by Avicenna, who is The Father of Early Modern Medicine. It is also used in various traditional systems of medicine such as Unani, Ayurveda, Tibb, and Siddha.1  

Nutritional Value of Kalonji

The nutritional composition of kalonji is as follows:2 

  • Proteins: 16.67 %
  • Fats: 33.33 %
  • Total carbohydrates: 50 %
  • Iron: 0.012 %

It also contains: 

  • Essential amino acids 
  • Micronutrients: zinc, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorous, niacin, pyridoxine and folic acid.  
  • Phytochemicals: alkaloids, saponins and sterols.  
  • Oils: fixed oils and essential oils.3 

Properties of Kalonji

The wide range of potential properties that kalonji may possess, might be the reason for its potential use for various health-related problems for centuries. The properties are as follows:

  • It may be an antioxidant
  • It might have anti-inflammatory potential
  • It might act as an immunomodulatory (modulates the action of the immune system) agent
  • It may be an anti-bacterial (helps fight against bacteria) agent
  • It might have an anticancer potential
  • It may be a stomach-protective action
  • It may help in acting as a kidney-protective action
  • It may have a liver-protective potential
  • It may have a heart-protective property
  • It may be an anti-diabetic agent
  • It may have anti-hypertensive (helps in the control of high blood pressure) potential.1

Based on studies I had read, kalonji contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Due to these properties, the oil extracted from kalonji seeds might be useful for improving the pulmonary functions of those people who are suffering from chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD).

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Potential uses of Kalonji

The following might be the potential uses of kalonji, according to the currently available research data

1. Potential use of Kalonji for Diabetes:

In a study conducted on patients who have diabetes, it was seen that the blood sugar of patients might be affected positively with the oral administration of black cumin seed oil for 20 days. In many cases, it might be helpful as an adjunct to the oral medications prescribed for lowering blood sugar as seen in various studies.3     

The potential blood sugar lowering effect of kalonji may be attributed to its various potential properties that might help reduce free radicals in the body either by apparently helping in increasing the level of antioxidants or by neutralisation of free radicals, controlling inflammation, and regulating blood cholesterol, by increasing good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol.3   However, more research is required to ascertain the above-mentioned potential uses. You should consult a doctor for serious conditions such as diabetes which must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

Also Read: Jamun: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

2. Potential use of Kalonji for High Blood Pressure:

Research has been conducted to study the effects of kalonji as a blood pressure-lowering agent. One of the trials conducted over a period of one year with supplementation of kalonji daily showed that kalonji might help with lowering of blood pressure in the patients.3

Although many studies showed the potential use of kalonji as a blood pressure-lowering agent, one of the studies conducted on elderly patients suffering from elevated blood pressure failed to do so. The difference in the methods of study might have caused this difference in results as the previous studies were performed on patients with milder forms of the disease, and the dosage of kalonji used to treat it also varied.3

This activity of kalonji may be due to its potential property of decreasing oxidative stress (neutralisation of free radicals) and might also help in increasing the urine output, both of which mechanisms might prove to be helpful for high blood pressure.3 However, more studies are required to prove the potential use of kalonji for blood pressure. Moreover, high blood pressure is a serious condition and must be diagnosed and treated by a dcotor.

3. Potential use of Kalonji for Infections:

Potential use of kalonji for bacterial infections – Kalonji might help to stop the growth of a wide range of bacteria and thus might help with various infections caused by them. It was found to have a possible effect on a bacterium (Helicobacter pylori),which is found to be associated with the formation of gastric ulcers.3 however, more studies will be necessry to prove such claims.

Potential use of kalonji for fungal infections – Apparently, it also doesn’t allow fungi to grow and might therefore help with fungal infections. It is also hypothesised that it might interfere with growth of various fungi. Therefore, it might be used as a food additive and a natural preservative to prevent the spoilage of food.3 However, more research is required to prove such effects.

  • Potential use of kalonji for viral Infections: In people infected with hepatitis C virus, a potential use was seen with a possibility to decrease the infection rates by the use of kalonji oil. Use of kalonji may be possible in the near future after thorough research and investigations, as it shows growth inhibitory effect against virus.3
  • Potential use of kalonji for parasitic infections: Parasitic diseases like schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis and malaria might also be affected by kalonji as it might help to eliminate these parasites (tiny organisms living in our body and causing diseases) from the body.3 However, more research is required. Please consult a doctor.

Also Read: Turmeric: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

4. Potential use of Kalonji for Pain and Inflammation:

Diseases like cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, allergies, asthma and cancer are associated with inflammation and pain. The volatile oil of kalonji has been found to have the potential to help with pain and also inflammation in such conditions. A study revealed that kalonji extract in asthmatic patients might help to improve lung function as compared to another compound (theophylline), in addition to relieving inflammation due to the disease. The relief in pain and inflammation due to asthma might be possible due to the potential activity of kalonji in reducing histamine (an enzyme).3 However, more studies are necessary to prove such claims. Please consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of conditions.

5. Potential use of Kalonji for Cancer:

Kalonji might have a potential use against cancer that may be attributed to its potential antioxidant activity and also to its action to possible help in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in the body. This effect has been noted in studies conducted in the laboratory and also in animal models.3 However, more studies are required to prove these claims. Cancer is a serious condition and must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

6. Potential use of Kalonji for the Nervous System:

The bioactive compound present in kalonji might intervene with the signaling pathways of neurons in the body and may show a positive effect. This activity may be responsible for its possible use against the diseases of nerves and even certain mental disorders.3 Studies have also shown its potential positive effect on Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy (seizures), anxiety and depression, and drug addictions (opioid tolerance and dependence).3 However, more studies are required. Kindly consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

7. Potential use of Kalonji for the Liver:

Kalonji extract might help with blood flow to the liver, thus might help stop damage caused due to decreased oxygen levels. Thus, it might protect the liver. It might also protect the liver from the toxic effects of certain heavy metals by nullifying their activity.4 However, more research is required. Please consult a doctor.

Also Read: Home Remedies For Hair Thinning

Other Potential Uses of Kalonji:

Having potential antioxidant activity, kalonji oil, together with vitamin C, might help the kidney by potentially lowering the serum creatinine and blood urea levels.4

The potential antioxidant activity of kalonji has been observed in various studies that showed its potential use in the reduction of oxidative stress (free radical accumulation). The free radical build-up has a negative effect on all the systems of the body, causing diseases of the nerves and nervous system, cancer, ageing and various other diseases related to hormone imbalance like diabetes.3 

Though there are studies that show the potential useof bael in various conditions, these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of benefits of baelon human health.

Based on my observation, kalonji seeds contain anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound-healing properties. Due to the presence of these properties, kalonji seeds might be your good friend in your struggle against various skin diseases and your path to good skin.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

How to Use Kalonji?

Black Cumin or Kalonji can be used in the form of:

  • Seeds
  • Powder4 
  • Oil3   

Your Ayurvedic physician will prescribe you the form and dosage as per your health condition.

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor

Side Effects of Kalonji

Kalonji might have side effects but there is a requirement for more research to study these effects. Kindly consult a doctor and do not self-medicate, alter, replace or discontinue any ongoing treatment.

Precautions to Take With Kalonji

Moderation and a doctor’s supervision are the keys when it comes to using anything. Pregnant women, nursing women, children and the elderly should use it with caution. Kalonji should only be used after consulting an Ayurvedic physician.

Interactions With Other Drugs

More research is required to prove the adverse drug interactions of kalonji. Your Ayurvedic physician will be able to guide you better with specifications based on the requirements for your health and condition. Ensure that you disclose information about all the current medications being used so that your doctor can have a clear idea and advise accordingly.

Also Read: Kalijiri: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects & More!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can kalonji oil be used for knee pain?

Kalonji oil can might have potential use to relieve pain as it has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.3 However, more research is required to prove these claims. Kindly consult a doctor.

Is kalonji beneficial for diabetes?

Kalonji might have potential use for diabetic patients as it might possess blood sugar-lowering effects.3 However, more studies are required. Diabetes is a serious condition and must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

Will kalonji help to prevent hair loss?

The use of kalonji for preventing hair loss has not been reported in studies.

Will kalonji help in curing asthma?

Kalonji oil might help lung health and be helpful for asthmatic patients.3 However, more research is required. Kindly consult a doctor.

Can kalonji oil be used for skin rashes?

The use of kalonji oil for managing skin rashes has not yet been reported in any study.

What is kalonji called in English?

Kalonji is referred to as black cumin, black caraway, black seed, fennel flower, nigella, nutmeg flower and Roman coriander in English.5


1. Benefits H, Pharmacology M, Dash R, Sikder MH, Rahman S, Timalsina B, et al. Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.): A Comprehensive Review on Phytochemistry, Health Benefits, Molecular Pharmacology, and Safety. Nutrients. 2021. Available from: 

2. Yimer EM, Tuem KB, Karim A, Ur-Rehman N, Anwar F. Nigella sativa L. (Black Cumin): A Promising Natural Remedy for Wide Range of Illnesses. Evidence-based Complement Altern Med. 2019;2019. Available from:  

3. Ahmad A, Husain A, Mujeeb M, Khan SA, Najmi AK, Siddique NA, et al. A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2013;3(5):337–52. Available from: 

4. English I. Nigella sativa. React Wkly. 2018;1718(1):170–170. Available from: 

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