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World Obesity Day – How To Stay Committed To Weight Loss Goals?

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

11th October is World Obesity Day when health care specialists will spread awareness about the benefits of weight loss and many people heed this call to action and chalk up a weight loss plan. But losing weight is difficult. Many people stick to their plans for the first few months and then the enthusiasm gradually starts to fizzle out. Unsuccessful attempts at committing to weight loss have happened to many of us. But it is possible to dedicate yourself to your weight loss regime and once you do that you will reach your target weight in no time.

Why Staying Committed to Weight Loss is Difficult?

The primary reason people ditch the routine that can make them lose weight is that weight loss is a long, laborious and painful process. When you embark on this new journey, your body will encounter many challenges and changes. Exercise can make your muscles sore and your new super healthy diet can make you feel both hungry and miserable and many people cannot put up with these changes and revert to their old routines soon.

How To Stay Committed To Weight Loss Goals

Another reason why people give up is that they do not see the desired results as fast as they want and thirdly, some are too busy to find time for workouts. Their healthy routines go for a toss when they feel that they can’t manage time.

So How will you make Yourself Commit to your Weight Loss Program?

1. Understand Why you Started this Journey for Staying Committed to Weight Loss

Ask yourself if the reason you backed out of your weight loss plan holds up to scrutiny. If you think it was really taxing on your body, then you have to explain to yourself that any new routine feels that way till you acclimatise with it. When you start exercising for the first time, your muscles produce lactic acid which makes your body ache. But in a few weeks when your body starts to get stronger, it will make the soreness subside.

You can also consider requesting your trainer (if you have one) to suggest another regime for you, one that is less painful.

As for not getting speedy results, you need to know that weight loss cannot be rushed. In the early phase, you will lose the kilos rapidly but after a point, it will slow down- that is the natural course. Losing weight the healthy way, without causing damage to your body requires patience and the wait is worth it.

And if you feel that you are too busy for weight loss, then you are deceiving yourself. Excess weight can ruin your health by inviting a horde of illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, kidney damage, heart disorders, etc. That is why you have to find time for exercise because if your health fails you, nothing else will matter.

2. Your Diet Doesn’t Have to be Bland

Another way you can make yourself stick to your weight loss resolution is by spicing up your diet. A healthy diet does not translate to a boring diet. Disguise the blandness with aromatic spices and herbs. Look up recipes online that will help you introduce a new twist to your dull meals. But most importantly, allow yourself a cheat day every week. On this day you can indulge your food cravings (but within reasonable limits). A cheat day ensures you do not slip into an insipid food-induced depression.

3. Positive Affirmation is Vital for Staying Committed to Weight Loss

You have to step into the right mindset if you want to achieve your goal. Don’t look at the process as a mammoth task. Instead, take it one day at a time. Focus on getting through your gym session and new diet-based meals for the day and consider that a victory. Tell yourself, ”Yes I can do it” – self-affirmation works like magic and if you have faith in yourself, you will succeed.

4. Announce Your Plan to the World

Tell all your friends and family about your newfound resolve to lose weight. This way you are creating what psychologists call accountability. Everyone will be expecting you to zealously honour your weight loss plan and if you give up, you will end up embarrassing yourself when people keep asking you why you are no longer going for a run or to the gym or why you are binging on sweets. In a way, you will be counting on peer pressure to drive you.

5. Be Hard on Yourself

Tell yourself, ”No more excuses, no more slacking off”. You will at all costs make your body go through at least half an hour’s worth of physical activity no matter how late it is, how tired you are or how many tasks are piling up. Stick to your diet no matter how miserable you are or even if you are eating out with your friends. There will be no room for ‘exceptions’ in your life.

Staying committed to weight loss can be made possible with the tips we have suggested. So stay fit, stay healthy!

Also Read: Diet Or Exercise – Which One Should I Focus On For A Healthy Weight Loss?

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