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Raman Patel


Ashir Sahal

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[…] 1: Rich in Immune-Boosting Nutrients: […]


Hi. me and my two other friends been using Giloy for while and we all conclude after Giloy uses tummy are getting big, we thought it’s because Giloy tabulate. so we stop taking that, and it’s work so we are not sure but cant ignore it either. Could it be the reason?

Prasanna Kumar

It’s good for health. I like this medicine

Ashir Sahal

Thank you for your feedback, glad you liked it.


Aap isi tarah gharelu upchar harbal ke dawara dete rahe

Thank u

Ashir Sahal

You are most welcome. Glad you found it helpful.

Ashir Sahal

You are most welcome. Hope you found it useful.

Kamlesh Dave

Is daily consumption of Giloy harmful?


Does giloy helps in improving cancer cells

Nain singh

Good and very beneficial knowledge to every one. I have grown up this plant but it’s uses not known.

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10 Health Benefits of Giloy – The Ultimate Immunity Booster

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

It’s time again to find a wave of peace in natural medicine to heal yourself. Based on many studies, Ayurveda treatment is considered the best natural form of healing in India and all over the world.

In Ayurveda, Giloy is considered one of the best medicines to treat various fevers and other conditions. Giloy is one of the three Amrit plants. Amrit means the ‘root of immortality. Hence, it is also called Amritavalli or Amrita in Sanskrit.

giloy benefits

What is Giloy?

Giloy is scientifically known as Tinospora Cordifolia or Guduchi in Hindi. The stem of Giloy is considered highly effective because of its high nutritional content and the alkaloids found in it but the root and leaves also can be used.

According to a shloka of Charak Samhita, Giloy is one of the main herbs with a bitter taste. It is used in various disorders and also helps alleviate Vata and Kapha dosha.

Giloy also gets its name Heart-leaved moonseed by its heart-shaped leaves and its reddish fruit. 

What are the Medicinal Properties of Giloy?

The stem of Giloy is considered highly effective because of its high nutritional content and the alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, and other compounds found in it, but the root and leaves also can be used.

These compounds present in Giloy have effective against various disorders, such as diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, fever, etc.  

1. Alkaloids:

  • These compounds give plants a bitter taste.
  • Alkaloids may have benefits for blood pressure, pain, malaria, and intestine problems.

2. Terpenoids:

  • These are the most abundant group of compounds in Giloy.
  • These compounds are involved in giving plants their colors and taste.
  • In lab tests, terpenoids have been shown to have antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-diabetic properties.

3. Lignans:

  • These compounds are found in fibrous plants.
  • Lignans have antimicrobial properties.
  • They are also thought to be antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Steroids:

  • Steroids may have benefits for skin, wound healing, and heart health.

How to Consume Giloy?

As per Ayurveda, Giloy can be consumed in either a powdered form or can be in the form of kadha (decoction) or even juice. Nowadays it is also available in capsule and readymade powder. Giloy is applied topically too as a paste for skin problems.

The regular dose of Giloy is a teaspoon at a time, taken twice a day. The dose might vary depending on the type of health problem. 

How to Prepare Giloy Juice?

To prepare Giloy juice, you need some clean, chopped branches of the plant. Blend these chopped branches with a cup of water in a fine, green liquid paste. Now, sieve this green paste to make a Giloy juice.

Health Benefits of Giloy

Giloy is a strong immunity booster, anti-toxic, antipyretic (that reduces fever), anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. This classical medicine is the ultimate answer to all health anomalies.

1. Giloy for Chronic Fever

In Ayurveda, two factors cause fever – Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) and the second one is due to some foreign particles. Giloy acts wonderfully in chronic, recurrent fevers. It is an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic herb that helps to boost your immunity to fight against the infection and also helps in early recovery. Giloy has a Javarghana (antipyretic) property to reduce fever.

How to use – Take 2-3 tablespoons of Giloy juice and a similar amount of water. Mix them well. Drink this mixture daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. Giloy for Dengue Fever

Giloy is an antipyretic herb. It improves platelet count in dengue fever and reduces the chances of complications. Regular intake of Giloy helps to improve immunity during dengue and also for a speedy recovery. For better results boil Giloy juice with a few Tulsi leaves and drink to increase platelet count.

How to use Extract the juice of fresh stalk of Giloy and mix it with 5-7 tulsi leaves and boil with 1/2 cup of water and drink it daily. It helps increase platelet count.

3. Giloy for Hay Fever

Giloy is very useful in hay fever also known as allergic rhinitis. It reduces symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, nasal obstruction, and watering of eyes. To reduce the temperature, take  ½ teaspoon of Giloy powder mix it with honey, and eat this before food.

How to use – To reduce the temperature, take  ½ teaspoon of Giloy powder mix with honey and eat this before food.  

Over the years, I have observed that Giloy may have promising anti-HIV effects. It has been found to decrease the recurrent resistance of the HIV virus, which can improve the effectiveness of HIV therapy. Additionally, it has been shown to stimulate certain immune cells, such as B lymphocytes, macrophages, and polymorphonuclear leucocytes, and enhance the percentage of hemoglobin, suggesting its potential application in managing the disease.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

4. Giloy for Corona-virus Infection

Giloy can boost immunity hence it may be useful for various fevers specifically for viral fevers like corona infection. Though there is no evidence that Giloy can cure coronavirus infection but it can raise your immunity to fight against it.  According to some scientific studies, the results show promising results to control Corona infection. 

How to use it You can take Giloy kadha or Giloy juice two times per day for 4-6 weeks. Some studies suggest that a combination of Giloy and Ashwagandha may provide you a shield against this deadly infection.

Giloy Health Benefits

5. Controls Blood Sugar Level

In Ayurveda, Giloy is known as a ‘Madhunashini’ which means ‘destroyer of sugar’. It helps to enhance the production of insulin which ultimately controls the blood sugar levels. Giloy is also useful for diabetes complications like ulcers, and kidney problems.

How to useTake 1/2 teaspoon of Giloy powder twice a day with water after eating lunch and dinner.

6. Boosts Immunity

This herb activates the immune system of our body and increases vitality in a person. Including Giloy juice or kadha in your diet, twice a day can improve your immunity. It is full of antioxidants and helps to release toxins from the body. Giloy juice also detoxifies your skin and improves your skin. Giloy is also used for liver diseases, urinary tract infections, and heart-related issues.

How to useTake 2-3 teaspoons of Giloy juice. Add the same quantity of water to it and mix it. Drink it preferably before meals once or twice a day to boost your immunity.

In my experience, I have observed that the extract of Giloy leaves may have hepatoprotective effect. This effect is believed to be due to its ability to neutralize harmful free radicals and inhibit lipid peroxidation, which can damage liver cells. The combined action of Giloy’s constituents and micronutrients work synergistically to protect the liver and promote its normal functioning.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

7. Improve Digestion

Giloy improves digestion and reduces digestion-related problems like diarrhea, colitis, vomiting, hyperacidity, etc. 

How to use Take  ½ teaspoon of Giloy powder in 1 glass of lukewarm water twice a day. 

8. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Giloy is an excellent remedy to reduce mental stress and anxiety. It calms down your body. Giloy also has the power to enhance memory and cognitive functions.

How to use Take 2-3 teaspoons of Giloy Juice and the same quantity of water. Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning once a day.

9. Treats Arthritis and Gout

Giloy contains anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties which help to reduce arthritis and gout. For joint pains, consume Giloy powder with warm milk.

How to use For joint pains, consume Giloy powder with warm milk. 

10. Improves Eye-sight

Giloy is very effective in improving eye-sight when applied topically. It is usually used in Panchkarma.

How to use – All you need to do is boil Giloy powder or Giloy leaves in water, once it cools down apply it over the eyes.

11. Improved Respiratory Health

Giloy has anti-inflammatory properties. Breathing problems caused by asthma can be traced to inflammation of the trachea. Giloy can help ease the inflammation to help you breathe more freely. 

How to usetake a few small branches of the plant, wash them thoroughly and scrape off the outer skin with a knife. Toss the stems into a blender and add one cup of water. Run the blender until you get a smooth juice. Drink it up.

12. Youthful Skin

Free radicals speed up the aging process. Since giloy is loaded with antioxidants, it can prevent oxidative stress and that in turn slows down the ageing of the skin. Giloy can also improve blood circulation which bestows a natural glow to the skin.

How to useAdd a stick of giloy to a cup of milk and boil it. When the beverage cools down a little, drink it. Milk too can benefit the skin in many ways and together, milk and giloy can do wonders for your skin. 

I have observed that Giloy may have potential anti-cancer activity. It has been found to show promising effects in reducing the metastatic potential of B16-F10 melanoma cells, which are associated with its spread. Giloy may work by increasing the levels of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-angiogenic agents, which can help inhibit the growth and development of blood vessels that support tumor growth.

Dr. Smita Barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

Side Effects of Giloy

Giloy herb doesn’t have any side effects. However, when taken Giloy with other diabetic medications it may lead to low blood sugar levels.

Giloy may cause the immune system to become more active which may worsen the symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Its effect is unknown to lactating mothers. So, it’s good to remain on the safer side and avoid Giloy during lactation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Giloy be taken daily?

Giloy can be taken daily, in moderation but for people with any health condition, the doctor must be consulted. The duration and frequency of Giloy consumption need to be supervised to avoid further health complications.

Where can I buy Giloy?

You can buy Giloy tablets or juice, online from healthcare and products sites. It is also available in most medical stores and you must only buy the good quality ones.

Which is the best time to have Giloy?

You can drink Giloy juice every morning but avoid taking it at night. You can have Giloy tablets or capsules anytime during the day. For best results, drink Giloy juice on an empty stomach in the morning.

Is Giloy helpful during menstruation?

Yes, Giloy is a beneficial herb, its steam, leaves as well as root can be used to prevent excessive bleeding during menstruation or after abortion or delivery.

Can Giloy help boost the immune system?

Yes, Giloy is believed to possess immunomodulatory properties, which means it may help enhance the body’s immune response. Regular consumption of Giloy is thought to bolster the immune system and protect against infections.

Is Giloy effective for managing fever and infections?

Giloy is traditionally used to manage fever and treat various infections due to its antipyretic and antimicrobial properties. It is often used in combination with other herbs to promote recovery and relieve symptoms.

Can Giloy be used for respiratory health?

Yes, Giloy is known for its potential to support respiratory health. Its anti-inflammatory properties may help soothe respiratory issues like coughs, colds and bronchitis.

Is Giloy beneficial for managing diabetes?

Some studies suggest that Giloy may have hypoglycemic properties, which can help lower blood sugar levels. However, it should not be used as a sole treatment for diabetes and individuals with diabetes should consult their healthcare provider before using Giloy.

Can Giloy help improve digestion?

Giloy is considered beneficial for digestive health. It may help improve digestion and alleviate issues like indigestion and constipation.

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