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Best Health Benefits Of Kamalam (Dragon Fruit)

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more


kamalam fruit benefits

Many of us are not aware of this name, but we know dragon fruit!!

Recently, The Government of Gujarat (India)  renamed the dragon fruit as ‘Kamalam’. Kamalam, in Sanskrit means lotus. The outer layer of the fruit resembles a lotus. It is a bright pink and green colored fruit with a scaly external look. 

Kamalam belongs to the cactus family. It is a tropical and subtropical region-fruit in South America and Asia. It is present with white fleshy material with black, tiny seeds that are sweet.

Nutritional Facts of Kamalam

It is a super nutritious fruit with a lot of health benefits. It is less in calories and rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, dietary fibers, minerals and antioxidants. Beyond essential nutrients, kamalam supplies beneficial plant compounds like polyphenols, carotenoids and beta-cyanins.

Health Benefits of Kamalam

It is known as Pitaya in Hindi. It is a powerhouse of nutrition, equipped with many health benefiting properties. They are as follows –

1. May boost immunity 

Various factors make your immunity strong and diet is one of them. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants helps to boost your immunity. Since kamalam is rich in vitamin C, carotenoids and antioxidants, it may increase your immunity to fight against infection. All you need to do is consume 1 cup of this fruit every day and stay healthy. 

In my experience, dragon fruit has shown potential antimicrobial, especially anti-viral properties. This may be attributed to its content of betacyanins, phenolics, fatty acids, alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, terpenes, and α-terpineol. These components have been associated with inhibiting the growth of viruses and microorganisms, which can help protect against infections.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

2. Helps to control blood sugar levels 

Kamalam contains a high amount of dietary fibers. It may help to control blood sugar levels and also help to suppress sugar spikes. Regular consumption of this fruit helps to stabilize blood sugar. According to a study, kamalam may help replace cells in the pancreas that have become inactive and do not produce insulin. However, more research is required to understand this mechanism. 

3. Help for good digestion 

Kamalam contains prebiotics that help promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the stomach. Thus it may help to prevent indigestion. Prebiotic is a type of fiber that gut-friendly bacteria need to grow.

4. Beneficial for the heart 

Kamalam has some superpower that may keep your heart healthy. The juice pulp of the fruit contains betalains that may reduce the bad cholesterol. Also, the tiny seeds of kamalam contain omega-3 fatty acids that help heart health. 

Did you know that dragon fruit pulp and peels have a high water content and are rich in fibers? Not only that, but they also contain a wide range of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. So, if you’re looking for a refreshing and nutritious fruit, dragon fruit is definitely worth considering!

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

5. Great for the skin 

A food rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants always helps healthy skin. Kamalam is rich in all these nutrients that can help in sunburn, dry skin and acne problems. You can make a face mask using the fruit combined with honey as a natural alternative to anti-ageing masks. You can also drink kamalam juice regularly for healthy benefits. 

6. May treat damaged hair: 

Are you dreaming about thick, shiny black and healthy hair? Kamalam may help you with all of this. Kamalam powder may help you by reducing the hair damage caused by artificial hair coloring. It helps keep the hair follicles open, allowing your hair to breathe and remain healthy and smooth. You can also use kamalam juice that may work as a conditioner for your hair.

7. Helps for strong bones

Kamalam is rich in magnesium that helps your bones to get stronger. It also helps to fight against joint inflammations (arthritis). It may act as an anti-inflammatory super-fruit. For better results, you can drink a glass of kamalam juice regularly. 

8. May reduce the risk of cancer:

Kamalam helps to reduce the risk of cancer due to the presence of vitamin C and antioxidants. Some studies suggest that kamalam may be beneficial against stomach cancer. 

9. A good source of iron 

Kamalam contains iron that may help our body to refill the iron requirement. It is also rich in vitamin C that helps to absorb iron rapidly. Kamalam is a magical fruit to eat during pregnancy as it contains iron, vitamins, other minerals and antioxidants.  

Including pitaya in your diet may help replenish vital nutrients and support healthy blood production, potentially aiding in preventing or addressing anemia. Pitaya, also known as dragon fruit, contains essential nutrients that may be beneficial for the body, particularly for individuals susceptible to anaemia, such as postpartum mothers. Pitaya is rich in nutrients like iron, vitamins C, E, B1, B2, and B12 that play a crucial role in supporting the formation of red blood cells.

Dr. Smita Barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

Also Read: 10 Health Benefits And Recipes Of Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)

How To Eat Dragon Fruit

Now that you know more about the benefits of dragon fruit, you may want to include it in your diet more often. Dragon fruit or Kamalam is a versatile fruit that can be consumed in several ways:  

  • Prepare the dragon fruit like so – slice down the fruit and divide it into equal halves. Use a spoon to scoop out the inner flesh and dice the flesh into cubes or thin slices. Alternatively, you can try to peel the skin off rather than the scooping method.
  • One of the dragon fruit benefits is that it can be eaten raw without additional preparation.  
  • Dice the fruit into smaller chunks and add it as a topping to yoghurt or health drinks.
  • Make a mixed fruit salad with dragon fruit, kiwi, lime, blueberries and more.  
  • Use it as a garnish for desserts like ice cream, cakes, sorbets, and Panna cottas.  

It will take some time to get habitual with the new name of dragon fruit. However, due to its unique appearance, it won’t be tough to remember its new name. Kamalam is the best tropical fruit with numerous health benefits. It is a delicious option to try when you are looking for health benefits with taste.. 

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