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Gokshura kis tarha se Lena hai ki weight gain Kiya ja sake

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Gokshura: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Precautions & More!

By Dr Smita Barode +2 more


Gokshura, often known as Tribulus Terrestris is a tiny leafy Ayurvedic herb that belongs to the Caltrop family. 1 Because the fruits of this plant resemble cow hooves, its name is derived from two Sanskrit words: ‘Go’ meaning cow and ‘Aakshura’ meaning hoof.2

Gokshura, also known as Goksuraka, Gokhuri, Gokshra, Devil’s thorn, Goat head, Small Caltrop, Gokharu, or Gokhri is a vital element used to cure urinary diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), prostate gland problems, heart ailments and kidney problems. It may also aid in the development of muscle growth, increased and cognitive activity.  

Gokshura herb in a plate

The fruit bears sharp thorns over its surface that are hard enough to puncture a cycle tire, earning it the name Trikanta or Puncture vine. This herb’s active components, alkaloids and phytosterols combine to make it may be an effective diuretic. Apart from urinary issues, gokshura can possibly help with hair loss, neurological disorders, rheumatic pain, headaches, obesity, stress, piles, bedwetting, and eye problems. 3

Did You Know 

  • Gokshura has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for reducing inflammation in the body. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Research suggests that gokshura may have potential benefits for men with erectile dysfunction. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Gokshura may help reduce symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and mood swings. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Preliminary studies indicate that gokshura may have neuroprotective properties, which could be beneficial for brain health. source: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Nutritional Value of Gokshura:   

Gokshura has active components, the most important of which are the alkaloids, norharman and Harman. It also contains terrestrosins A E, flavonoid glycosides, and furostanol, which are steroidal saponins. 4 

Nutritional Components Gokshura Powder 
Carbohydrates (g/100g) 15.9 
Protein (g/100g) 1.3 
Fat (g/100g) 0.52 
Total Energy (Kcal) 73.48 
Vitamin C (mg/100g) 14.2 
Total Flavonoids ( µg/ml) 19.92 
Calcium (mg/100g) 59 

I may have some good news for people trying to manage type 2 diabetes. In a study with 98 women, it was seen that Gokshura might help lower blood sugar levels. Thus, it might just be the natural support you’ve been looking for!

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Properties of Gokshura:  

In India, gokshura may be used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat asthma, edema, cough, and renal problems, as well as to aid with hair loss, rheumatic pain, headache/stress, menstruation, weak nervous system, obesity, piles, and eye problems. This herb has been discovered to have hypotensive, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, aphrodisiac and diuretic qualities by researchers. 5 

Gokshura is also known to have many medicinal properties. These include-6 

  • It may have some body building properties 
  • It may show diuretic activity 
  • It may have anti-aging effect  
  • It may have hypotensive (blood pressure lowering) properties
  • It may show anti-obesity property  
  • It may have anti-hair fall properties 

In my opinion, Gokshura is a special plant with some fantastic benefits. An animal study looked into the effects of a special extract from Gokshura on different muscle preparations. The results show that this mixture may help reduce muscle spasms and ease colic pains.

Dr. Smita Barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

Potential Uses of Gokshura: 

Gokshura may be an extremely useful herb for many common ailments. 

Potential Uses of Gokshura for Urinary Disorders:

Urinary conditions such as urinary incontinence, painful urination, and burning sensation when urinating may be benefitted with the Gokshura churna. When gokshura is mixed with cow’s milk, it may relieve pain and burning micturition, it may also encourage proper urination and it may help dysuria since it is a mild diuretic.

Antimicrobial and antibacterial characteristics of gokshura may help against urinary infections.7 Your doctor will be able to access your condition and prescribe dosage and form correctly.

Potential Uses of Gokshura for Body building:

Consuming Gokshura at the recommended dosage may provide the body with nutrients and minerals essential for muscle strength, making it a natural approach to potentially build healthy muscles. 7 As the available data seems insufficient we may need further studies that can give evidence for these benefits on humans.

Potential Uses of Gokshura for Kidney Functions:

The traditional Gokshura churna supports kidney health by assisting in the elimination of excess uric acid and managing the uric acid level in the kidneys, thereby preventing or curing gout.

The anti-lithiasis (against stone formation) properties of Gokshura churna may help against the production of kidney stones, as well as breaking or reducing the size of those that may have already developed. It may also work against polycystic kidney disease, kidney stones, and cystitis. It may aid in the management of diabetes and hence may combat underlying symptoms such as frequent urination.7 You must consult with your doctor for better advice.

Potential Uses of Gokshura for Digestion:

Gokshura churna’s may have digestive qualities have been discovered to be particularly help in improving digestion. It may increase the absorption of important nutrients and improves digestion by stimulating the release of digestive juices.

It also addresses symptoms of stomach pain, distension, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as preventing fluid retention.7 We may need further studies that can give evidence for these benefits on humans.

Potential Uses of Gokshura for Joint Pain:

The analgesic and anti-inflammatory characteristics of Gokshura may help in reducing pain and inflammation, and the churna can be used to benefit in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. 7 The studies available currently are insufficient and therefor more scientific evidence is needed to backup this claim.

Potential Uses of Gokshura for Brain Functioning:

Gokshura churna is a traditional medicine that may have beneficial effect on brain function. The powerful antioxidants in gokshura may help people with their memory, attention, concentration, tranquilly, and alertness.

Regular use of the powder has been studied to have positive effect on memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive capacities, as well as being particularly may be helpful for psychotic diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.7 You must consult a doctor before including any herb in diet for its skin benefits as they may be able to access your condition and prescribe dosage and form correctly.

Potential Uses of Gokshura for Cardiac Functioning:

Owing to powerful antioxidative properties, the Gokshura churna may be helpful for a variety of heart conditions. It may strengthen the cardiac muscles and keeps lipids and other debris out of the blood vessels, preventing atherosclerosis. The bioactive ingredients in gokshura may lower the levels of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), that may help in lowering the risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and other cardiovascular diseases.

It’s also important for keeping blood cholesterol levels in check.7 Your doctor will be able to access your condition and prescribe gokshura dosage and form correctly.

Potential Uses of Gokshura for Skin Health:

Gokshura may be an excellent natural antioxidant and cleanser for healing oxidative free radical damage caused by the sun’s rays. As a result, when used on a daily basis, the Gokshura mixture can help to reduce skin issues, fine lines, dark circles, and spots, and some other symptoms of ageing. It may also help with wounds, hives, itching, and skin infections while providing a smooth, radiant, regenerated complexion. 

Potential Uses of Gokshura for Acne:

Gokshura may help with acne, which is very common among youngsters. It can be used to help with itching, skin irritations, skin eruptions, and eczema, among other dermatological issues.8 

You must consult a dermatologist before using anything for your skin.

I came across a study that may have shown some exciting benefits for postmenopausal women. In the study, women who took Gokshura experienced potential improvements in their sexual function, like desire, arousal, pain, and anorgasmia. Thus, Gokshura might just be the secret ingredient you’ve been searching for!

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Other Potential Uses of Gokshura for Hair Loss:

  • The paste of the Gokshura seeds may help with prevent hair loss.8 

Also Read: 5 Ayurveda Herbs for Hair Growth

  • The herb is also may help with migraines and headaches.8 

Also Read: 7 Home Remedies for Headache Relief

  • Fistula and piles may be benefitted with Gokshura because of its anti-inflammatory properties.8 
  • Gokshura may be helpful for eye disorders 8 

Though there are studies that show the benefits of gokashura in various conditions, but these are insufficient and there is a need of further studies to establish the true extent of benefits of gokshura on human health. 

How to use Gokshura?  

Gokshura is available in five different forms 9 

  1. Gokshura Churna  
  2. Gokshuradi Churna 
  3. Gokshura Tablets 
  4. Gokshura Capsules 
  5. Gokshuradi Kwath 

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor. 

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Side Effects of Gokshura:

The majority of research has concluded that Gokshura is mostly safe to consume and has no harmful effects. Gokshura has the potential to upset the stomach and enlarge the size of the prostate in men. Before including Gokshura into the daily diet, consult with a qualified Ayurvedic doctor, and be cautious in the following situations. 9 

  • Allergic reactions:  When using Gokshura, some people may have allergic symptoms such as stomach distress and rashes 
  • Ongoing illness: Women with a history of cancer or breast cancer should avoid Gokshura, as should men with a prostate cancer history. 

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If you experience any side effect on consuming gokshura, you must consult the doctor who prescribed it to you immediately.

Precautions to taken with Gokshura:

If you have one or more of these conditions, it is important to consult with your doctor before taking Gokshura. 10 

  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Gokshura consumption during pregnancy may be harmful. It may be harmful to the development of the baby. It is not recommended that pregnant or nursing women consume Gokshura.
  • Prostate problems or prostate cancer: Gokshura may aggravate prostatic issues like benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) or prostate cancer. According to preliminary studies, Gokshura can increase prostate weight. 
  • Diabetes: Gokshura has been shown to lower blood sugar levels. As a result, the doctor may need to adjust the dose of diabetes drugs. 
  • Surgery: Gokshura may cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate. This could make blood sugar control difficult during and after surgery. As a result, it’s best to stop taking Gokshura at least two weeks before a surgery.10

Also Read: Ashwagandha Benefits for Skin: Exploring Research-Backed Improvements

Interactions with other drugs:

It is essential to keep in mind not to use Gokshura with any of these medications: 10


Gokshura could have a diuretic or water pill effect. Taking Gokshura may impair the body’s ability to eliminate lithium. This could cause side effects by raising the level of lithium in the body. If you are taking any of these medications, you should speak with doctor. 

Anti-diabetes drugs

Gokshura may help to lower blood sugar levels. If you use Gokshura with diabetic medication, your blood sugar may drop too low. As a result, the diabetes medication dose may need to be adjusted.

ACE inhibitors

Blood pressure appears to be reduced with Gokshura. Consumption of Gokshura with hypertensive drugs might cause blood pressure to go too low.

Anti-hypertensive drugs

Gokshura seems to lower blood pressure. Consumption of Gokshura with hypertensive drugs might cause blood pressure to go too low.

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Frequently Asked Questions:    

Does Gokshura increase blood pressure? 

Gokshura’s diuretic properties may aid to maintain blood pressure by increasing urine output and helping to drain the excess fluid from the body that causes high blood pressure. 6 This beneficial property of gokshura need further studies to understand its potential use in humans.

Does Gokshura cause hair loss? 

Gokshura does not make you lose your hair. On the contrary, Gokshura may have some beneficial effects on hair loss in women. As a result, Gokshura may be helpful in the treatment of hair loss in women rather than inducing hair fall. 6 It is advisable to consult your Ayurvedic physician to understand dosage, uses and precautions as per your health condition.

What is the use of Gokshura? 

Gokshura is helpful for numerous problems such as rheumatic pain, neural problems, headache, bedwetting, low water retention capacity, hair fall, stress, obesity, menstruation, piles and eye problems. 6 You must consult your Ayurvedic physician for proper advice as per your condition.

Can we take Gokshura empty stomach? 

Yes, we can take Gokshura tablets on empty stomach with milk. 6 

How to consume Gokshura? 6 

Gokshura can be consumed via any of these forms based on your doctor’s prescription:  
Gokshura Churna 
Gokshura Capsule 
Gokshura Kwath
Gokshura Tablet 

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  1. Al-Bayati FA, Al-Mola HF. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of different parts of Tribulus terrestris L. growing in Iraq. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B. 2008; 9(2): 154-159. 
  1. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Part 1 Volume 
  1. Chhatre S, Nesari T, Somani G, Kanchan D, Sathaye S. Phytopharmacological overview of Tribulus terrestris. Pharmacognosy reviews. 2014; 8(15): 45. 
  1. Usman H, Abdulrahman FI, Ladan AH. Phytochemical and antimicrobial evaluation of Tribulus terrestris L. (Zygophylaceae). Growing in Nigeria. Research Journal of Biological Sciences Medwell Journals. 2007; 2(3): 244-247. 
  1. Khare CP. Indian medicinal plants: an illustrated dictionary. Springer Science & Business Media; 2008 Apr 22. 
  1. Rajashekar V, Rao EU, Srinivas P. Biological activities and medicinal properties of Gokhru. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2012; 2(7): 581-585. 
  1. Akram M, Asif HM, Akhtar N, Shah PA, Uzair MU, Shaheen G, Shamim T, Shah SA. Tribulus terrestris Linn.: a review article. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 2011; 5(16).  
  1. Raja M, Venkataraman R. Pharmacognostical studies on Tribulus terrestris and Tribulus alatus. Der Pharmacia Sinica. 2011; 2(4): 136-139. 
  1. HgH Blog. MAX H. Tribulus Terrestris Benefits, Uses, Side Effects and Functions 2015 [Internet]. 
  1. Seth, S. D. and Prabhakar, M. C. Preliminary pharmacological investigations of Tribulus terrestris, Linn. (Gokhru) part 1. The Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. 1974; 28(9): 377-380. 
  1. Do J, Choi S, Choi J, et al.Effects and mechanism of action of a Tribulus terrestris extract on penile erection. Korean Journal of Urology. 2013; 54(3): 183-188. 

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