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Black Salt: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Precautions & More!

By Dr Ashok Pal +2 more


Kala Namak is a form of rock salt that is commonly referred to as black salt. It comes from India’s, Pakistan’s, Bangladesh’s, Nepal’s, and other Himalayan salt mines. Ayurvedic medicine first used black salt for its holistic, medicinal powers. It’s full of insoluble minerals, making it difficult for the body to absorb them.

Himalayan black salt, black lava salt, and black ceremonial salt are the three main varieties of black salt. Black lava salt is also known as Hawaiian black salt because it is typically found in Hawaii. While Black ritual salt, also known as witch’s salt, is made up of ashes, sea salt, charcoal, and occasionally black pigment. It isn’t intended for human consumption.1,2

black salt benefits

Did You Know?

  • Black salt is commonly used in Indian cuisine for its unique flavour and aroma. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • Black salt is known for its high sulfur content, which gives it a distinct smell and taste. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • Black salt is often used as a digestive aid and is believed to help relieve bloating and indigestion. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • Black salt is low in sodium compared to regular table salt, making it a healthier alternative for those watching their sodium intake. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • Black salt is rich in minerals like iron, potassium, and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining good health. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov

Black Salt For Cooking

Indian black salt, or kala namak, is another name for Himalayan black salt. It’s often utilised in cooking, especially in Asian and Indian cuisine, because of its pungent, savoury, and umami flavour. It’s also employed in vegan cuisine to produce an egg-like flavour because of its faint, sulphurous fragrance, which is similar to eggs.

Cooking with black salt is common, and it’s a popular element in Indian cuisine. It has volcanic origins and is composed of sulphur compounds that contribute to its odour and flavour. Iron and potassium chloride are also present.1  

Talk about the effectiveness of black salt for arthritis! Researchers believe warm compresses with a bag of heated black salt on joints might help with arthritis problems.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Also Read: The Health Perks of Green Salt: An Exploration into Its Benefits

Nutritional Value of Black Salt: 

The nutritional value of black salt is presented in the following table.3 

Nutritional Components/100 g Black salt 
Sodium 37.83g 
Chloride 60.3g 
Sulphur 450mg 
Iron 43.1mg 
Potassium 87mg 

Discover the ancient secret to relieving depression and finding relief! From high cholesterol levels to obesity, diabetes to stomach acidity, let black salt be your trusted ally on the path to wellness. Black salt is believed to maintain and regulate the serotonin and melatonin levels in our body, which helps to sleep and relax.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Properties of Black Salt: 

Ayurveda considers black salt to be a cooling spice that may be beneficial digestive and health benefits.

Black salt is also known to have many beneficial properties.1 These include- 

  • It may have benefits as a fat burner 
  • It may show anti-diabetic activity  
  • It may be an anti-hair fall agent 
  • It may be an effective antacid 
  • it may show haematinic (stimulate blood cell formation) activity
  • It may show anti-flatulent properties 
  • It may have anthelmintic (destroy parasitic worms) activity
  • It may have adaptogenic activity 
  • It may have demulcent (relieving inflammation) properties
  • It may be digestive stimulant 
  • It may have antioxidant benefits1,2

Did you know black salt can aid in teeth whitening? Researchers believe that regular application of black salt mixed with mustard oil on the tooth surface might help in cleaning the debris from the tooth surface and hence, whitening the tooth.

Dr. Smita barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

Potential Uses of Black Salt

Black salt is an extremely useful herb for many common ailments.1,2 

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Anemia 

Black salt contains modest amounts of iron, which may contribute to the production of haemoglobin in the body. Thus, it can potentially help with iron-deficiency anaemia symptoms.1 4 It is however, essential to consult your doctor before taking black salt for anaemia.

Also Read: 7 Home Remedies for Anaemia

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Babies 

Black salt may have some effect on boosting a child’s immunity. It may also help get rid of intestinal gas, promotes digestion, and eliminates excess phlegm from the body, making it suitable for babies older than one year.1 We may need further studies that can give evidence for these benefits on humans. Further, you must always consult a doctor and use any herb for children and babies only if prescribed.

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Digestion 

Black salt improves digestion by increasing the natural production of acid in the stomach and increasing the formation of bile juice in the liver. It may also helps boost the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. Bloating can be caused by a variety of factors, including overeating, allergy, constipation, inflammatory bowel syndrome, etc. Black salt’s has alkaline characteristics to neutralize excess acids in the stomach. The minerals it contains help to reduce the damage caused by acid reflux. Moreover, for any conditions related to digestion you must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Constipation  

Due to its Rechana (laxative) properties, black salt is beneficial for constipation. It softens hard stools and makes moving bowels easier.4 More studies on humans are required to back this claim. Therefore, it is essential to first speak to your doctors and only use it if prescribed.

Also Read: 7 Home Remedies for Constipation

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Diabetes 

Insulin is a hormone generated by the pancreas and is in charge of controlling blood sugar levels. When a person’s body is unable to produce enough insulin or has become resistant to insulin, he or she is diagnosed with diabetes.

Low sodium levels have been linked to a decrease in insulin release in the body, according to studies. Regular consumption of black salt, which is high in sodium, aids in producing insulin and hence helps control of blood sugar levels.1 

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Muscle Cramps  

Black salt has a high potassium content, which is important for muscular function. It might also aids in the absorption of other minerals. Thus, black salt may have the potential to treat muscle cramps and spasms by relaxing them . 1 

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Skin  

The possible anti-inflammatory effects of black salt, as well as its abrasive texture, might aid in the healing of cracked heels, sprains and swollen feet. Soaking feet in warm water containing black salt might help relieve the pain and swelling. It also functions as a cleanser, assisting in the opening of congested pores and providing a clear complexion.The possible skin benefits from its high quantity of helpful minerals. Cracked skin can be healed by washing the afflicted region in lukewarm water with black salt. This may aid in the natural healing of skin.  However, every person has a different response to different herbs. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before you use black salt for your skin problems.

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Hair  

Using black salt on a regular basis might help achieve luscious, and damage-free hair. It may contain important minerals that may aid in the repair of split ends, the reduction of dandruff, and the control of excessive hair fall. 1 

Also Read: 5 Ayurveda Herbs for Hair Growth

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Weight Loss 

Black salt for weight loss is a great addition to diet if you’re trying to cut back on sodium while also avoiding bloating and water retention. Black salt helps to dissolve fats by increasing the solubility of digestive enzymes. When compared to regular table salt, it may speeds up digestion and provides more nutrition to the body’s cells. 1 However more studies are needed to understand its effect on weight loss in humans, consult a dietitian or a doctor to get better advice.

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Heart Functioning 

Black salt thins the blood and may be beneficial in persons with high cholesterol. People with high blood pressure, on the other hand, should limit their intake of black salt as per prescription. Any heart uses must be treated under qualified doctor’s supervision.

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Circulation  

Black salt helps to maintain good blood circulation in, which helps to prevent blood clots .1 We would need to understand the benefits of black salt on health further doing more research on humans.

Potential Uses of Black Salt for Sinusitis 

People suffering from respiratory problems or sinusitis can benefit from kala namak. 

You can speed up the clearing up of phlegm and the opening of nostrils by gargling with black salt in warm water or by steam inhalation or by adding it to warm water for gargling. 1 

Other than culinary uses, black salt might aid in the beautification of nails. Black salt is believed to remove dead skin debris and hence might clean the yellowness in the nail bed by using black salt as a scrub or soaking in the water containing black salt.

Dr. Anuja Bodhare, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

How to Use Black Salt?  

Black salt is available in three different forms;1 

  • Black salt in cooking 
  • Black salt with trikatu churna 
  • Black salt in buttermilk 

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor. 

Also Read: Celtic Salt Benefits: Uncovering Unique Health Advantages in Research

Side Effects of Black Salt:  

In small quantities used in the regular diet, black salt is probably harmless. Black salt should not be consumed in excess.1 

  • Excessive consumption of black salt may lead to an excess of sodium in the body, resulting in increased water retention and an increase in blood pressure. 
  • While bathing with salt water, do not use too much salt and avoid soaking in water for too long, as it may absorb excess skin moisture and leave it too dry. 

Too much salt in the diet leads to excess secretion of calcium in the urine, resulting in the formation of kidney stones.

However every herb may react differently in every individual. Therefore, if you experience any of such side effects, seek immediate medical help from your doctor who has prescribed it to you. They will be the best guide for providing proper treatment to overcome side effects. 

Precautions and Warning to be Taken with Black Salt:  

If you have one or more of these conditions, it is important to consult with your doctor before taking Black salt.1 

  • Black salt can produce nausea and vomiting in certain conditions. 
  • As black salt might affect blood pressure, it’s a good idea to check blood pressure on a regular basis. 

Interactions with Other Drugs:  

Information is not available about the interaction of black salt with other drugs.  However, every herb may react differently in every individual. Therefore, if you must discuss your ongoing medications with your doctor who has prescribed it to you. They will be the best guide for providing proper treatment to overcome any possible interactions with other drugs.  

Also Read: Epsom Salt: Exploring Potential Health Benefits 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):  

What is black salt? 

Black salt is a sulphurous, pungent-smelling kiln-fired rock salt used in the Indian subcontinent.1 

Is black salt and rock salt the same? 

Black salt, often referred to as Himalayan black salt, Indian black salt, or kala namak, is a volcanic rock salt produced in the Himalayan region. It contains varying amounts of sulphur compounds found naturally in the Himalayan mountains, in addition to sodium chloride (the primary chemical constituent in salt).1 

How to use black salt for weight loss? 

Add lemon juice and a pinch of black salt to water. Drink this after thoroughly mixing it. It can be had either first thing in the morning or after a meal. It’s important to remember that this is only a tactic to help you with weight loss and cannot help you lose weight just by doing this.1 You must consult a dietitian for further benefits.

Is black salt good for pregnancy?

Inadequate salt consumption can reduce blood volume and have a negative impact on the placenta’s growth and function. When the placenta’s ability to function is compromised, the baby’s growth, development, and even life is jeopardised. Preeclampsia and fetal death may both be exacerbated by a lack of salt in the diet. 1 

Does black salt contain sulphur? 

Black salt, contains varyiable amounts of sulphur compounds found naturally in the Himalayan mountains. 1 

Is black salt good for kidney stones? 

Kidney stones are a painful condition caused by a build-up of minerals and acid salts into a lump that blocks the flow of urine and causes nausea. However, because of its medicinal characteristics, many traditional practitioners recommend swapping black salt for normal salt. 1 You should consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment for such conditions, it may be dangerous to self medicate using herbs without proper information of its impact on your condition.

What is black lava salt? 

Black lava salt comes from Hawaii or Cyprus and is simply table salt mixed with activated charcoal. Use black lava salt as a finishing salt; it’s more for the aesthetic effect than the taste. 1

How to use black salt?

Indian black salt can be sprinkled on popcorn or kale chips for a unique flavour. Vegans can enjoy black salt because it gives egg-free foods the scent and flavour of eggs. It can also be used as a scrub or a soak while bathing. 

Can black salt be used for cooking?

Yes, you can use black salt for cooking. Black salt is now widely used in cooking and is a typical element in Indian cuisine. Black salt is perfectly safe to use in cooking. 1 

Does black salt cause gas?

No, black salt helps to decrease heartburn and bloating by stimulating bile production in the liver. It lowers acid levels and alleviates reflux. A pinch of salt can help to prevent gas production, bloating, and flatulence. 1 You should consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment for such conditions.

Does black salt contain iodine? 

Because black salt does not contain iodine like table salt, you will need to supplement diet with iodine sources. 1

Does black salt contain sodium? 

Sodium chloride and trace impurities of sodium sulphate, sodium bisulfate, sodium bisulfite, sodium sulphide, iron sulphide, and hydrogen sulphide make up the majority of kala namak. 1

How to use black salt for hair? 

Black salt contains minerals that are said to help thicken hair, cure split ends, and promote healthy hair development. Add black salt to hair scrub or dissolve it in water and use it as a hair rinse after washing hair to gain the advantages of black salt for hair. 1 

What are the uses of black salt? 

It aids in weight loss, cures acidity, acts as a laxative, promotes hair growth, and has antioxidant effects. It also has a low salt content, minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium that are necessary for good health. Black salt helps to decrease heartburn and bloating by stimulating bile production in the liver. 1

Can black salt expire? 

Salt, as we all know, has no expiration date because it is a preservative in and of itself. Because salt packers are required to print the expiration date on the bag, the majority of them print it two years from the day of production. 1 

Can black salt cause diarrhea? 

Due to its Rechana (laxative) nature, black salt can produce diarrhoea if consumed in large quantities. 1 However limited human studies are available to establish this claim.

Is black salt and pink salt the same? 

Black salt is another type of Himalayan pink salt. However, to infuse some therapeutic characteristics, this salt is burned at extremely high temperatures in kilns with charcoal, harad seeds, amla, and other ingredients. 1 

Is black salt good for blood pressure? 

Yes, black salt is good for blood pressure, as it contains more potassium and less sodium than table salt. 1,2 You should consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment for such conditions, it may be dangerous to self medicate.


  1. Basu D, Sharma D, Darji V, et al. Discard biochemical malfunction by black salt through naturopathy. Eur J Pharm Med Res.2015;2(6): 96-101. https://www.ejpmr.com/home/abstract_id/485
  1. Chander V, Tewari D, Negi V, et al. Structural characterization of Himalayan black rock salt by SEM, XRD and in-vitro antioxidant activity. Science of the Total Environment. 2020; 748: 141269. https://sci-hub.st/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141269
  1. Mumtaz T, Zuha SB, Saha ML, et al. Mineral composition and microbial association of a local condiment- ‘Beat laban’ (Black salt). Microbial Biotechnology with special reference to amylase, lipase and protease. January 2011.  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/255984030_Mineral_composition_and_microbial_association_of_a_local_condiment-_’Beat_laban’Black_salt
  1. Shinde LV. A Herbal composition for treatment of acidity and indigestion problem. Publication number: 20200222482, 16 July, 2020. https://patents.justia.com/inventor/laxman-vishwanath-shinde


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