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My mother has suffering with cough and we use many madicine but results is Zero kindly suggest me how to remove cough at home

Ashir Sahal

You are most welcome. Hope you found it useful.

J. Wahome

It was very helpful

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12 Best Remedies To Say Goodbye To Your Dry Cough

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more


Currently, the cough is the most dreading symptom one can have. It is one of the common symptoms of COVID-19 infection. This reason makes us take extra care of our throat and respiratory system. Although, cough is not dangerous every time. Sometimes, it can be in a milder form due to some other causes. However, nothing is more annoying than a persistent dry cough. It not only irritate your throat but also hamper your daily activity. 

A cough is your body’s defensive reflex that functions to keep your airways clear of irritating or obstructing substances so you can breathe effectively. It is also known as an unproductive cough because this type of cough doesn’t produce mucus or phlegm. 

home remedies for dry cough

Causes of dry cough

A dry cough can be the result of various factors, and understanding dry cough causes is essential for effective management. The causes of dry cough are as follows:

  • Viral infection, such as cold, influenza, COVID-19 infection.
  • Post-viral illness cough-cough that persists for weeks after a viral illness.
  • Allergy – dust allergy or pollen allergy
  • Smoking 
  • Post-nasal drip – the drainage of mucus secretions from the nose or sinuses down the back of the throat.
  • Asthma 
  • Tuberculosis 
  • Laryngitis 
  • Due to foreign body inhalation.
  • certain types of lung disease known as interstitial lung disease. 
  • Medication-induced like ACE inhibitors induced cough 

In most cases, people use over-the-counter drugs to get instant relief. However, to rule out the underlying cause is essential if the cough is persistent for more than 2 weeks. Until then, you can manage the symptoms of a cough at home with these simple dry cough home remedies.

Did you know?

Home remedies for dry cough

If you’re wondering how to get rid of a dry cough then these are quick and effective home remedies that you can try: 

1. Warm drinks 

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Staying warm and hydrated is vital for those with a cough or cold. A quick and effective dry cough remedy is to drink hot beverages as it may relieve your symptoms immediately. Warm water, clear broths, herbal teas may reduce the dry cough, throat irritation, and chills instantly and remained for a continued period after finishing the hot beverage.

2. Saltwater gargles 

It is one of the most effective home remedies for treating a sore throat and cough. It reduces the inflammation of the throat and the bouts of cough. 

Stir half a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water until it dissolves. Allow the solution to cool slightly before using it to gargle.

3. Ginger 

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Ginger is the first home remedy that will come into our minds whenever we think about the cough. It possesses anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps boost immunity and relieve the accumulated mucus in the respiratory tract. There is evidence that ginger may suppress the cough reflex by relaxing the smooth muscles of the airways.

Ginger may be found in many food items and teas. Ginger tea is an excellent option to get rid of dry cough and the blocking sensation. Adding honey may make it even more beneficial for dry cough.

4. Raw honey 

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Raw honey is one of the oldest home remedies to treat cough. It helps to soothe your throat and reduce irritation. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that may potentially temper minor bacterial or viral infections. 

You can add 2 teaspoons of honey to a glass full of warm water and drink it once daily. Also, you can use honey as a substitute for the sugar in your tea.

5. Turmeric 

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Turmeric is a great antiseptic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory agent that helps your body recover from any infection. It contains curcumin that helps to ease cough and other symptoms of asthma. Turmeric is beneficial to treat upper respiratory conditions, bronchitis, and tonsillitis too. 

You can make your regular tea and add half a teaspoon of turmeric into it, or else you may add 2-3 black pepper seeds in it for better results.

6. Licorice root

Licorice root has been used since 2100 B.C. and is said to alleviate pain, clear phlegm, and ease cough. Licorice root tea may help to reduce throat irritation and congestion. It is available in any grocery shop. 

7. Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root is an ancient type of herb beneficial to treat dry cough. Some studies suggest its effectiveness in soothing the throat and reducing the irritation caused by a dry cough.

8. Mint leaves 

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Mint leaves contain menthol that helps numb the throat nerves that may reduce recurrent bouts of dry cough. It also helps in clearing the congestion of the throat. For a quick and effective home remedy for dry cough you can add 3-5 leaves of peppermint to your tea and boil it for a few minutes before drinking. 

9. Chilli Peppers

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Chilli peppers contain a compound known as Capsaicin, which binds to pain receptors and causes the characteristic burning sensation when we consume spicy food. Studies have shown that consuming a controlled amount of chilli powder (which contains capsaicin) can significantly improve the sensitivity of the throat and thereby control dry cough to some extent.

10. Aromatherapy

Taking advantage of aromatherapy by adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to hot water and inhaling the vapours may also help ease the dry cough symptoms. Since existing research literature has proven the benefits of eucalyptus oil in the treatment of respiratory illnesses, this is one great home remedy for dry cough.

11. Humidifiers

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Studies have proven that for people who are recovering from thyroid surgeries, having a humidifier at home can significantly reduce soreness of the throat as well as coughing. Since humidifiers help to soothe the throat, they can also be used effectively to temporarily suppress the symptoms of dry cough as well.

12. Thyme Tea

Thyme is a herb that has multiple health benefits. It may serve as a natural dry cough treatment as it contains an antispasmodic compound, which is a substance that helps to relax muscles. As a result, regular consumption of controlled amounts of thyme tea can greatly help to soothe the throat muscles and provide long-term relief from constant coughing. 

Read more about: Turmeric: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Dry Cough VS Wet Cough: Understanding the Differences

Dry Cough:

1. Characteristics:

  • Dry cough is often characterized by a tickling or scratching sensation in the throat.
  • It is non-productive, meaning there is little to no mucus or phlegm expelled during coughing.

2. Causes:

  • Common causes include viral infections like the flu or cold, allergies, or irritants such as smoke or dust.
  • Postnasal drip, where mucus drips down the back of the throat, can also trigger a dry cough.

3. Symptoms:

  • Irritation or soreness in the throat.
  • Persistent and often accompanied by a hoarse voice.

4. Treatment:

  • Remedies often focus on soothing the throat, such as staying hydrated, using lozenges, or using a humidifier to add moisture to the air.

Wet Cough:

1. Characteristics:

  • Wet coughs are associated with the production of excess mucus or phlegm in the respiratory tract.
  • Coughing is productive, as it helps clear the airways by expelling mucus.

2. Causes:

  • Respiratory infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, are common culprits of wet coughs.
  • Environmental factors, smoking, or chronic conditions like asthma can also contribute.

3. Symptoms:

  • Presence of mucus or phlegm when coughing.
  • Rattling or congestion in the chest.

4. Treatment:

  • Hydration is crucial for thinning mucus and making it easier to expel.
  • Medications, like expectorants, may be recommended to help loosen and clear mucus from the airways.

Understanding the distinctions between dry and wet coughs helps in appropriate management and targeted treatments based on the underlying causes. Always consult with a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and personalized care.

When to see a doctor?

Sometimes, the aforementioned dry cough remedies may not be effective against a persistent and stubborn cough. It may foreshadow a more serious chronic disease or those dealing with diseases like IPF (Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis), lung cancer and heart disease that can worsen if the cough is left untreated for a long time.  It’s essential to consult a doctor to understand the potential dry cough reasons for proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Usually, a combination of two or more of the below mentioned symptoms leads to a more serious issue

  • High (prolonged) fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing up blood
  • Loss in appetite
  • Fatigue and weakness in the body
  • Chest pain when not coughing
  • Night sweats

For instance, serious coughing is a common indicator of IPF, but it is generally accompanied by some other symptoms like shortness of breath as well. Hence, if you try out the dry cough remedies at home and they do not improve your situation, it is always advised to visit the doctor and do a full check-up. 

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