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11 Herbs And Spices For People With  High Blood Pressure

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Whenever your doctor says that your blood pressure (BP) is high, you will be anxious by thinking about it and its medications. There are various types of medicines in modern science (Allopathy) that can control your BP immediately. However, many people opt for herbal medicines because of their effectiveness.

There has been an increase in demand for herbal therapies worldwide for various diseases. About 75% to 80% of the world population use herbal medicines, mainly in developing countries, for primary health care because of their better acceptability with the human body and lesser side effects. Research has found a variety of herbal therapies to be successful in reducing high blood pressure with diet, exercise, stress management and supplements.

Herbs And Spices For People With High Blood Pressure

What is High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure, referred to as hypertension (HTN)-is defined as elevated blood pressure in arteries persistently. The level of Blood pressure in a healthy person is 120/80 mm of Hg. It can be high or low according to underlying causes. High blood pressure should be diagnosed by assessing at least one of the following criteria:

  • Systolic blood pressure (the top number) over 130 mm Hg
  • Diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) over 80 mm Hg
  • Both systolic and diastolic values above these levels

You can manage high blood pressure with different medications, such as beta-blockers with dietary and lifestyle changes. The research found that with these medicines, many herbs are also beneficial to control high BP. Here are some herbs that may help to lower your blood pressure –

Did You Know?

  • Garlic has been shown to decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension. source: PMC
  • Oats can significantly reduce the need for antihypertensive medication and improve blood pressure control. source: PMC
  • Green tea consumption has been linked to a decreased risk of developing hypertension. source: PMC

1. Garlic (Allium Sativa)

Garlic is a well-known herb for having different medicinal properties. Garlic is rich in many compounds that are beneficial for the heart. One of the primary active compounds that give garlic its characteristic odour and many of its healing benefits is called allicin, which may help to reduce high blood pressure and relax blood vessels.

2. Celery (Apium Graveolens)

According to a Chinese theory, celery has antihypertensive properties because it acts upon the liver: one type of hypertension is associated with liver dysfunction. Researchers have suggested that celery seed extract may help lower blood pressure as it acts as a natural calcium channel blocker. Celery seeds are also rich in fibre which helps to lower blood pressure. Consume fresh celery juice with vinegar to relieve dizziness, headache and shoulder pain associated with high BP. Celery is beneficial to reduce high BP associated with pregnancy and climacterics.

3. Basil (Ocimum Basilicum)

Basil is a popular alternative because of its compounds. Basil is rich in a plant-antioxidant- eugenol that helps to lower the blood pressure by acting as a natural calcium channel blocker.

4. Ajwain (Cassia Absus)

Ajwain also called as thyme-is an Indian spice, found everywhere in India. It contains a flavoured compound called Rosmarinic acid that is known to have many benefits, such as reduced inflammation and blood sugar levels, increased blood flow and also helps to lower blood pressure. A study suggests that an intravenous administration of a crude extract of ajwain decreases BP, accompanied by a decrease in heart rate.

Nutmeg is packed with antioxidants and has a slew of anti-inflammatory properties, which have been shown to help reduce blood pressure and improve heart health, overall dietary modifications and medical consultation are still important.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

5. Cinnamon (Cinnamomumgenus)

Cinnamon is a flavoured spice obtained from the bark of a cinnamon tree. Since ancient times, cinnamon has been used to treat various heart-related symptoms, and it also reduces high blood pressure. It appears to relax and dilate the blood vessels.

6. Green Oat (Avena Sativa)

Green oat contains a high amount of dietary fibres that significantly reduce the need for antihypertensive medication and improve blood pressure control. They also improve the deranged levels of lipid and glucose and reduce cardiovascular risk.

7. Flaxseeds (Linum Usitatissimum)

Flaxseeds and their oil are rich in α-linolenic acid and omega-3 fatty acid that appears to be beneficial for heart diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, and other health problems. Several studies suggest that diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids lower blood pressure significantly in people with high blood pressure. Flaxseed may protect against atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease by reducing cholesterol levels. Daily consumption of 15 to 50 g/day of ground flaxseed can modestly reduce total cholesterol.

8. Ginger (Zingiber Officinale)

Ginger is a versatile spice that is used over a period to improve many aspects of heart health, including circulation, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure. Ginger acts as a natural calcium channel blocker that helps to relax blood vessels. You can incorporate ginger in your daily meal and beverages.

Ginger which acts as a natural calcium channel blocker and ACE inhibitor (calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors are medicines for hypertension) is very useful in reducing BP If used daily. Findings revealed that ginger supplementation has favorable effects on BP.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

9. Cardamom (Elettaria Cardamomum)

Cardamom is a popular spice, especially for its flavour. This sweet spice contains antioxidants that help to reduce high blood pressure by acting as a natural calcium channel blocker. It also acts as a diuretic (increase the urine flow) that helps to reduce heat load.

10. Parsley (Petroselinum Crispum)

Parsley is a famous herb in American, European and Middle Eastern cuisine. It contains various compounds such as vitamin C and carotenoids that help to reduce your high blood pressure.

11. Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri/Water Hyssop)

Although several studies have shown promising results on Brahmi’s effectiveness for mental health, there hasn’t been clear data yet for its ability to reduce blood pressure. Still, it has been used in the practice of Ayurveda for blood pressure treatment for quite some time.  

High blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the common medical conditions that affect at least one individual in every house. Lifestyle changes, exercise, and stress management may contribute significantly to lowering blood pressure, including the correct medicine. Not only medicines but also herbs and spices which are useful in treating high blood pressure such as garlic, ginger and ajwain. So, always eat healthily, stay healthy.

Bhumi amla plant is used as a diuretic and to lower BP in traditional medicine practice. The extract produced greater depressant effect on the diastolic BP than the systolic BP.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

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