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10 Incredible Health Benefits Of Soy Proteins!

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Soy has received increased limelight over some years. They are high in proteins, which is higher than all other beans grown for human consumption. If you are on a plant-based diet, can’t deal with dairy or want to try something fancy, then it’s time to get clued up on soy protein.

A rich source of protein is animal-based diet, but if you prefer a plant-based diet, then there are many chances you may lack protein content in your body. Here soybeans come into the picture. Soybeans are known to be a source of complete proteins.

A glass of soy milk

What is soy proteins?

Soy proteins are a legume that contains plant-based proteins. It is the best substitute for meat proteins that have low saturated fat with no cholesterol.

Types of soy proteins

 Soy proteins fall under three categories and are as follows-

  • Soy protein isolate-This is the highest quality soy protein available. It’s more refined and processed. 
  • Soy protein concentrate-This is made by removing carbohydrates from dehulled soybeans.
  • Textured soy proteins-This is made from soy protein concentrate, usually found in animal-based sources.

How much soy proteins does our body need?

Individuals need to consume about 25 grams of soy protein or more each day to obtain results. Twenty-five grams of soy protein equals 1 ¼ cups of tofu, 1–2 cups of soymilk or an ounce of soy flour.

What are the health benefits of soy proteins?

Soy protein is an alternative for animal-based proteins. But it is not just for the vegans or vegetarians! A non-vegetarian can also consume soy proteins because of their health benefits without compromising on taste. Here are ten incredible benefits of soy proteins –

A great alternative for meat protein 

If you are looking for the best plant-based proteins, then soy protein will be at the top. It acts as a good substitute for proteins found in meat. Soy protein products also replace animal-based foods that contain saturated fatty acids.

Lowers cholesterol level 

Soy proteins are highly beneficial to reduce the bad cholesterol known as LDL cholesterol. It helps to balance the LDL cholesterol level without impacting the level of good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol.

Boosts muscle growth 

Daily consuming soy proteins can reduce the breakdown of lean muscles and also promote healthy muscle growth. A study suggests that soy stimulates muscle protein synthesis to boost your muscle strength and mass.

I may have some exciting news for you. In addition to being a great source of protein, soy protein might also boost your brain power. It has been found to potentially improve cognitive function, which means it may help your brain work better. Plus, it might enhance your visual memory, which is like having a superpower to remember things you see.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Controls Obesity & Diabetes

Soy proteins help to control blood sugar and reduce body weight. They induce insulin production in your body to control high sugar in the blood. Hence, soybeans are the best source to include in a diabetic diet.

Let me introduce you to some other soy protein products besides tofu. Edamame, miso, soynuts and tempeh! These alternatives might offer different flavours and textures, allowing you to explore and enjoy the benefits of soy protein in various forms.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Also Read 5 Effective Ways To Control Diabetes Naturally

Prevents Heart Diseases 

Consumption of soy protein reduces the total cholesterol and triglycerides, which lower the chances of heart diseases. For a healthy heart, you should include soy proteins in your diet regularly. Doing so will not only help to reduce cholesterol but will also add to healthy veins and improve blood flow to the heart.

Energy Booster 

Soy proteins are rich in essential amino acids that can easily be found in soy milk or tofu. These amino acids are utilized by our body and convert into energy.

Also Read 9 Energy Giving Foods to Add to Your Diet

Prevents Cancer 

Genistein, which is a phytochemical found in soy can reduce the risk of cancer. Genistein blocks cancer development by preventing tumours from creating blood vessels that would provide nourishment for growth.

Pregnancy Tonic 

Including soy products in your diet during pregnancy can be encouraged to receive various health benefits. Fortified milk and fortified soymilk are the only reliable dietary sources of vitamin D. This helps to make the mother and baby stronger. If mothers are lactose intolerant, then soy milk is the best alternative.

Reduces Menopausal Symptoms 

Soy contains plant estrogens called- ‘soy isoflavones’ are similar to human estrogen hormone but less potent. These plant-based oestrogens are often used in women to blunt the effects of menopause. They protect women from severe bone calcium loss and help in maintaining a healthy heart. Phytoestrogens present in soy proteins help to balance calcium levels in the body and maintain stronger bones.

For Better Skin 

Soy proteins are beneficial in various cosmetics and lotions that help to moisturize your skin. They are also useful to even the skin tone by reducing the pigmentation caused by sun exposure and hormonal changes. Soy proteins give flawless and shiny skin.

Also Read 20 Foods That Are Good For Healthy Skin

Gives a Kick to Your Digestive System 

One of the main reasons why people suffer from constipation or loose motion is because of a lack of fibre in their system which is an essential component for the development of a healthy body. Fibre adds volume to your stool making your digestive system function smoothly and your bowel movements run easily in the morning. Fibre also boosts peristaltic motion (contraction of smooths muscles responsible for pushing food through the system). Soy contains a high quantity of fibre which makes it great to add to your daily/weekly diet. 

Enhances Circulation 

Soy is a great source of iron and copper, two minerals crucial for red blood cell development. When there is a sufficient quantity of red blood cells present in the body it improves blood and oxygen supply to the organs helping them to function in an efficient manner. This improves metabolic activity and energy levels, keeping you safe from anaemia. 

Improves Sleep

If you suffer from sleeping disorders such as insomnia then eating one meal of your day comprising soy protein can help you to get a good night’s rest. However, be careful not to consume soy too much as it is also high in magnesium, a mineral that can interfere with sleep and lead to restlessness during bedtime. 

Also Read: What is Edamame: A Comprehensive Research-Based Guide on Its Benefits

Side Effects of Soy 

While you are better informed about the good points of soy you should also be cautious about over-consumption because soy protein too can lead to certain side effects:

  • It doesn’t improve urination or symptoms of enlarged prostate
  • It isn’t helpful for tackling muscle soreness
  • It can cause gastrointestinal side effects such as bloating, nausea and constipation. 
  • It can lead to itchiness, rash, and breathing problems in people who are allergic to soy 
  • It can increase estrogen levels in the body

Also Read: Is Soybean Oil Bad For You? Unraveling The Truth Backed By Science

How You Can Add Soy Protein to Your Diet Daily:

The best way to ensure that you are getting your nutrition from soy daily is by including a soy-based dish or meal either for breakfast, lunch or dinner.


  1. Soy Poha
  2. Soy Upma
  3. Soy Cutlets
  4. Soy Stuffed Sandwich with Multigrain Bread
  5. Soy Milk Protein Shakes 
  6. Soy and oats pancakes 


  1. Soy Keema Pulao/Biryani
  2. Soy Curry 
  3. Soy stuffed Wraps 
  4. Zucchini stuffed with soy and baked
  5. Soy keema spaghetti 
  6. Thai Soybean in cabbage cups
  7. Soy kebabs
  8. Soya florentine 
  9. Chili Soya stir fry 


  1. Soy Pakoras
  2. Soya keema stuffed omelettes 
  3. Soy sticks/wafers 


Soy is a very healthy source of protein, which is in many people’s opinion even more nutritious than chicken. To ensure that you do not end up eating in excess, make sure to eat in moderation throughout the week by exercising portion control for your meals. 

Also Read: Does Protein Powder Make You Gain Weight? Debunking Fitness Myths

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