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Cough Syrups In India

By Manav Sodhi +2 more

Key Highlights:

  • There are different types of cough syrup for different types of cough, ranging from dry to productive cough.
  • Some cough syrups are made of natural ingredients like tulsi, honey, banapsha, ginger, etc. and are safe for use.
  • Cough syrups that are made with herbal ingredients do not induce sleep but effectively alleviate the symptoms of cough.
  • Some cough syrups work by loosening mucus in the airways; it soothes muscles and supports breathing.
  • Ayurvedic/herbal Cough syrups may also have immunity-boosting properties.
  • Most cough syrups contain Dextromethorphan, which may suppress the urge to cough.
  • You may purchase over-the-counter cough syrup medications in India.
  • You must never overdose on cough syrups as they may cause nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure and more.


All of you must have been afflicted with coughs several times. An illness affecting your respiratory system may present with symptoms like a cough and sore throat. Cough can be dry or productive. When you cough out phlegm (mucus), your lungs and airways get cleared. With the build-up of phlegm in the lungs, you are likely to land up with respiratory problems like congestion, apart from being short of breath.  cough may make you exhausted, leaving behind a sore throat due to frequent coughing. A prolonged period of coughing often leads to strain on lung and chest muscles. In a worse scenario, you may develop chest pain, too and sometimes heaviness in the chest. Chronic cough can be associated with infections of the lungs and throat, heart problems, allergies, and even kidney malfunction when body water starts accumulating in the lungs. Constant coughing may be a sign of underlying health issues that need to be addressed by your physician Never ignore or self-treat symptoms like coughing on your own. Consult a doctor for the correct diagnosis and treatment of the underlying condition that is causing you to cough. The prescription of cough syrup also varies for different types of cough and is best to take after evaluation by a doctor or chest physician. There are several cough syrups available in India that help you get symptomatic relief. Choose one that best suits your condition and is advised by your doctor. Here is the list of some of the best cough syrups available in the market-

Cofsils Naturals Cough Syrup Bottle 100MLBUY NOW
Zecuf Cough Syrup 100MLBUY NOW
Smw’S Cough Syrup Dry/Wet/Allergic Coughrelieve (Alcohol-Free) 300 MLBUY NOW
Koflet Ex Sugar-Free Bottle Of 100ml LinctusBUY NOW

Best Cough Syrups for Dry Cough

1. Cofsils Naturals Cough Syrup Bottle 100 Ml

Made of natural, herbal constituents, this cough syrup soothes the soreness in the throat. It is beneficial for people suffering from chest congestion. It is made with herbal ingredients like tulsi, banapsha, haldi and others to provide quick relief without causing any side effects.

best cough syrup

  • The presence of tulsi in the cough syrup is good for your immunity. It acts as a natural protector from cough and cold. 
  • Haldi or curcumin is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties and bioactive compounds with medicinal properties.
  • Banapsha herb is good for various respiratory tract disorders such as dry cough,  sore throat, hoarseness and bronchitis. 

2. Zecuf Cough Syrup 100ml

Zecuf cough syrup does not contain added sugar, it is an ayurvedic medicine, which is useful for all types of cough. It is also free from alcohol, sedatives and addictive drugs, and made with a pure herbal formulation to soothe your throat. Not only for seasonal cough and cold, but it is also beneficial for whooping cough, and smoker’s cough and is an effective remedy for tonsillitis, allergic bronchitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis.

  • The cough syrup is anti-inflammatory which ensures that throat swelling is not aggravated.
  • It contains menthol which provides a cooling feeling and temporarily helps relieve symptoms such as sore throat, throat irritation, or cough.
  • Aloe Barbadensis has antiviral and anti-bacterial properties. It helps soothe coughs and bronchial asthma. It can also shield you against infections.

3. Smw’S Cough Syrup Dry/Wet/Allergic Cough relieve (Alcohol-Free) 300 Ml

This medication works best for chest congestion, it keeps your air passages clean to let the mucous pass. This is an ayurvedic formula and eases throat irritation quickly. It may cause some drowsiness but the goodness of natural ingredients gives quick action.

  • Tulsi is known for its incredible health benefits, its antihistamine properties and helps protect and treat bronchospasms. It also builds up the immune system of the body to eliminate cough.
  • Ginger is widely used to get some relief from coughing. It has anti-inflammatory effects which are beneficial if you have a sore throat or bronchitis. 
  • Pippali helps in managing cough and cold, it releases mucus from the air passages thus allowing the patient to breathe easily.

4. Koflet Ex Sugar-Free Bottle Of 100ml Linctus

Koflet cough syrup is an expectorant formulated with natural herbal actives and is ideal for relieving wet cough. The ingredients of the syrup help alleviate other symptoms like runny nose and provide you effective relief. 

  • Yashti has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties to help release mucous and keep coughing fits in check.
  • Biranjasipha may relax the muscles of the airway and improve airflow to and from the lungs for better breathing.
  • Vasaka is an anti-inflammatory plant, it works well for sore throat during cough and is rich in antioxidants to boost your body’s immunity.
  • Sunthi is a beneficial herb and can help relax your airway. It soothes muscles and supports breathing.

Benefits of Cough Syrup

1. Lesser Side Effects:

All cough syrups covered here are made with natural ingredients. Ancient Indian Ayurveda forms the basis of almost all the formulations, with Tulsi, Ginger powder (Sonth), Honey, Munkka, Yastimadhu, Banapsha, and Vasa, Talishpatra, Shati, Haldi, Pippali etc. being the ingredients in the formulations. The use of natural ingredients means minimal side effects.

2. No Drowsiness:

The use of natural ingredients also translates to the absence of drowsiness. You are free to function normally while using these cough syrups without any fear of dozing off or being in two minds for driving.

3. Multi-Purpose Products:

Each of the natural ingredients in these ayurvedic formulations of India have multifarious functionality. An ingredient soothing the throat is also helping in digestion. Another, while diluting the phlegm, may also be acting to improve liver function.

4. Immunity Booster:

By virtue of the natural ingredients known to Ayurveda for ages, many of these syrups have the inherent immunity-boosting capability. With every teaspoon of these cough syrups, you are not only fighting out your cough but also building immunity to fight against attacks from allergens, infections etc.

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Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying Dry Cough Syrup

  1. You are truly spoilt for choice in the matter of buying cough syrup for your coughing. Opting for an established and time-tested one from a reliable manufacturer of ayurvedic medicines may be wise.
  2. Before buying, some studies on the composition of cough syrup may help. Check out the function and effect of each of the major ingredients vis-a-vis your symptoms. Opt for one that best suits your symptoms. For coughing, a syrup with expectorant and heating action is best as such a syrup easily liquefies mucus and relieves chest congestion and respiratory distress.
  3. Cough syrups are generally not administered to children below the age of 6 years. Even thereafter, it is best to consult your doctor before administering any cough syrup to them. Precautionary notes, if any, on the medicine are best understood before buying.
  4. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not consume any syrup without consulting their doctor.
  5. These cough syrups are meant to offer a soothing effect on symptoms like a cough. They may or may not completely reduce discomfort due to cough and sore throat. Consult a doctor for evaluation of the underlying cause of the cough and follow the prescribed treatment.

How to Use Cough Syrup

  • Follow the dose, both in terms of measure and frequency, as recommended by the doctor. 
  • Keep your syrup away from exposure to sunlight and heat, as this may cause the formulation to change.
  • Cough syrups have syrups as their base. If diabetic, opt for one that is sugar-free.

Other Home Solutions to Manage Cough

1. Stay Hydrated:

Drink plenty of fluids like water, herbal teas, and warm broths. Staying hydrated helps keep the throat moist and soothes irritation. It also helps thin mucus, reducing coughing.

2. Honey and Lemon:

Mix one to two teaspoons of honey with freshly squeezed lemon juice in warm water. Sip this mixture to soothe the throat and reduce coughing. Note: Do not give honey to children under one year old.

3. Steam Inhalation:

Boil water in a pot, and carefully inhale the steam with a towel over your head. This provides immediate relief from coughing and congestion. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil can enhance the soothing effect.

4. Gargle with Saltwater:

Mix half a teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle. Saltwater gargles soothe the throat, reduce inflammation, and alleviate coughing. Repeat several times a day for best results.

5. Humidify the Air:

Use a humidifier or place a bowl of water near a heat source to add moisture to the air. This helps soothe the irritated throat and relieve coughing, especially in dry environments.

6. Herbal Teas and Natural Remedies:

Enjoy herbal teas like ginger or chamomile tea, as they have soothing properties. Other natural remedies such as turmeric milk or licorice root can help reduce inflammation and provide relief from coughing.

7. Rest and Elevate:

Take sufficient rest to support your body’s healing process. Elevate your head with an extra pillow while sleeping to ease coughing, especially at night.

8. Avoid Irritants:

Identify and avoid irritants that trigger or worsen your cough, such as smoke, strong fragrances, chemical fumes, or allergens. Minimizing exposure to these irritants can help alleviate cough symptoms.

9. Warm Saltwater Gargle:

Gargle with a mixture of half a teaspoon of salt in warm water. This simple remedy soothes the throat, reduces inflammation, and alleviates coughing. Repeat several times a day for best results.

Also Read: What Does It Mean When You Cough Up Blood: Decoding the Alarming Signs


Are cough syrups helpful in clearing phlegm? 

Cough syrups contain ingredients that may help clear out phlegm from the throat to clear out the airway. They may also help decongest phlegm from the lungs. In case of an underlying infection or other condition, you may require additional treatment. Do not rely on self-medication with these formulations, and consult a doctor first.

Is honey good for cough? 

Yes, honey is great for coughs as it soothes the soreness of the throat caused by it. Honey is a key ingredient in many cough syrups for cough. 

What is an expectorant in cough syrup?

Expectorants are components in cough syrup that specifically help in the removal of phlegm. They help thin the mucous secretions and clear your airways.

Are cough syrups suitable for children?

Yes, generally, cough syrups are suitable for children. Cough syrups made from natural ingredients are the best for children as they do not have side effects. Before giving any cough syrup to children, it is important to consult a physician first.  

How long does a cough syrup take to show results?

Recovery varies from person to person, you must consult a doctor who will be able to detect and treat the exact cause of your cough, and it may take longer in some cases to get rid of the cough.

What is the ideal dosage of cough syrup?

The dosage of cough syrup depends on the age of the patient. This may also vary based on the type and cause of the cough. 

Why is Haldi used in cough syrups?

Haldi or turmeric has immense medicinal value and is loaded with antioxidants and antiseptic properties. Haldi is added to cough syrups as it can reduce mucous production and soothe a sore throat.

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