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Do You Have Slowing Metabolism? 15 Signs That Can Prove It!

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Metabolism is a set of biological processes that sustain life and convert food into energy. All that you eat or drink has a profound effect on your body’s metabolic state. Certain foods and drinks rev it up while some foods make your metabolism sluggish. Good metabolism can accelerate weight loss while slowing it down would make you gain pounds. Think you suffer from slowing metabolism? Let’s look at some of the causes of slowing metabolism:

1. Genes

Our genetic makeup plays a huge role in deciding how our metabolism will behave. Some people take forever to burn their calories and thus are susceptible to put on weight. While you can’t do much about your genes, you can change your habits to boost your metabolism.

slowing metabolism

2. Crash Diets

Dieting frequently or changing meal times often can lead to a severe dip in the metabolic rate. Stick to healthy meals and eat at the same time every day.

Cutting calories too much and for too long lowers your metabolic rate, which can make weight loss and weight maintenance more difficult.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

3. Age

As we get older, our metabolism slows down. This is why the same spoon of butter daily makes no difference to a child but is fatal for an old person.

4. Gender

Men tend to burn more fat in the same amount of time as women. So your gender could be slowing down your metabolism.

5. Hormones

Fluctuations in the hormonal balance can lead to a low metabolic rate. Hormonal diseases like diabetes or thyroid disorders can affect your metabolism.

Drinking sips of enough water throughout the day can help keep up your metabolism. You also can eat more foods that are naturally rich in water, such as watermelon or cucumbers.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj , M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

6. Stress

Stress causes an imbalance in the body’s hormones. Apart from making you susceptible to various diseases, it slows down metabolism. Read more about the harmful effects of stress on the body.

7. Sleep Patterns

Your sleeping pattern affects your metabolism. Sleeping at a different time every day and sleeping less than six hours are detrimental to efficient metabolism.

8. Medications

Antidepressants and antipsychotics drugs apart from many others can make your metabolism sluggish. Talk to your doctor if you suspect your medications are making you fat.

9. Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases like diabetes and thyroid disorders can really slow down your metabolism. This is because when the body is fighting chronic diseases, it invests all its energy in helping the body survive.

10. Physical Inactivity

Nothing makes metabolism dip like physical inactivity. The more sedentary the lifestyle slower will be the body’s metabolism. Read more about the health benefits of exercise.

11. Dehydration

A tall glass of cool water can boost your metabolism like nothing else. Dehydration can disrupt your metabolic processes.

12. Salt In Diet

Sea salt, the in-thing in the food industry, lacks iodine which is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland which is an integral part of the metabolic process. This too adds to slowing metabolism.

13. Decaffeinated Coffee

A decaf would help you sleep better, but it does nothing for your slowing metabolism. Instead, have a cup of green tea before going to bed to ensure your metabolism stays up and working while you sleep.

14. Low Calcium

Calcium is needed not only for bone health, but is an important constituent in keeping metabolism steady. Low calcium levels could be leading to the slowing down of your metabolism.

15. A Low Carb Diet

The body burns fat only when it gets proper amounts of protein and carbohydrates. A low carb diet could be hurting and slowing metabolism.

Things To Note:

There are several factors that affect metabolism. While slow metabolism burns fewer calories, which means more fat stored in the body and difficulty in losing weight just by cutting calories, fast metabolism on the other hand burns calories at a quicker rate and some people can eat a lot but not gain extra pounds.

1. Rev up your engine

You can speed up a naturally slow metabolism or rev up one that has become slow by making small changes that may help you burn more calories. Adopt a healthier diet and get enough exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

2. Pick up the pace

Add some high-intensity training to your regular routine. For example, when you’re walking or jogging, speed up for 30 to 60 seconds and then slow down to your usual pace; repeat the process.

3. Eat protein and do weight training

Your metabolism increases whenever you eat, digest and store food. Protein as compared with fats and carbohydrates can be beneficial as it takes longer for your body to burn protein and absorb it.

4. Drink green tea

Green tea contains a compound called epigallocatechin gallate, which may increase the calories and fat you burn.

Read More: 6 Ways to Burn Calories & Reduce Fat

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