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Parinitha Bhargav

This was very informative. Every day we eat food but without the knowledge of vitamins in it. Thank you for sharing.

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12 High Energy Giving Foods To Solve Your Energy Woes

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

In peak summer, the sun beats down on you and zaps you of energy. You lose a lot of fluids through profuse sweating. And, that is why you end up feeling lethargic. You have to drag yourself through your daily routine. But, there is a way you can actually shrug off the lethargy- with energy giving foods! Certain high energy foods can speed up your metabolism and also give you an energy boost:

9 energy giving foods

  • Bananas
  • Yoghurt
  • Coco

1: Bananas

Bananas are sweet fruits that can act as the perfect energy food. Bananas are rich in potassium and fibre. They are stuffed with natural sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose and as soon as they enter your body, they give you an energy boost. The energy released will sustain for hours. Moreover, bananas contain plenty of fibres, which improve gut health and accelerate metabolism. The faster your metabolism, the more energetic you feel.

  • Nutrition in Bananas

126 grams or one serving of banana contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram of protein. They naturally have no cholesterol, fat or sodium. Having around 450 grams of potassium should be a major part of the diet, especially in adults. 

Bananas can be consumed in every form. Green bananas are a great source of fibre as it contains resistant starch. Resistant starch helps with digestion, maintains blood sugar levels and makes you feel full. On the other hand, ripe bananas are sweet and nutritious. They are a great source of vitamins and minerals like potassium, vitamin B6, etc. They also provide instant energy for physical activity.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

 2: Yoghurt

Dieticians and doctors emphasize the importance of consuming curd or yoghurt. It has a cooling effect on the body. Yoghurt is packed with magnesium, a mineral that instantly releases energy in the body, thus making it the ideal energy giving food.

If you work out in the summers, as you should remember to consume curd as part of your post-workout diet. Not only will this energy giving food raise your energy levels but it will also help mend torn muscles.

Apart from the insane amount of energy, yoghurt is a great immunity and digestion booster. It fights with indigestion and bloating. Yoghurt also helps to keep you cool in summers and is a great substitute for milk.

  • Nutrition in  Yoghurt

1 cup or 235 grams of plain yoghurt has about 149 grams of calories. It is also an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin.

3: Coconut Water

Coconut water is a cooling drink that can supplement your daily water intake. It hydrates you, infuses you with energy and flushes out all the harmful waste from your body. It contains minerals that maintain the water balance in your body and help regulate body temperature. 

Since coconut water is formed naturally inside the fruit, it has 94% water and very little fat. Whatever little fat it has is coconut fat. It is also very good for diabetics and helps reduce blood pressure. It is also the best thing to have after prolonged exercise especially during summers.

  • Nutrition in Coconut Water

100 ml of coconut water contains 19 calories. It has 61 mg of potassium and 5.45 mg of sodium

 4: Dry Fruits

Dry fruits comprise dehydrated fruits like dates, watermelons, raisins, cherries and apricots.  It does not contain any unhealthy refined sugar. So even diabetics can consume it without any fear. Dry fruits are filled with natural sugars. So even diabetics can consume it without any fear.  Raisins have about 59%, dates have 65%, apricots have around 53%. Densely packed with potassium and a wide range of vitamins, dry fruits ensure that your body remains at its peak all day long.

Figs make for great guilt-free snacking. They also help in preventing heart diseases. Prunes and raisins help to regulate acidity. Apricots impart give a glowing complexion and their juice can be used to treat sunburns

The best time to consume this high energy food is between breakfast and lunch. This will infuse energy and curb hunger pangs.

  • Nutrition in Dry Fruits

1 ounce of dry fruits contains about 84 calories.

5: Nuts

The delightful trait of nuts is that they will not give you an instant energy surge. On the other hand, nut consumption will ensure a consistent release of small doses of energy throughout the day.

Munch on some peanuts, almonds or cashews every few hours to ensure that your energy levels do not dwindle. 

Pistachios and almonds are known as neutral foods, neither hot nor cold and make for good energy giving food during summers

  • Nutrition in Nuts

A serving ( 28 grams) of most nuts contain about 160 to 200 calories. Almonds contain about 161 calories, 14 grams of fat and 6 grams of protein and carbohydrates. Pecans have 193 calories, 20 grams of fat and 3 grams of protein and carbohydrates

 6: Chocolate

Chocolate contains sugar and caffeine, both of which lead to a hike in cortisol and adrenaline levels and lead to a surge of energy. Nibble into small pieces of chocolate twice or thrice a day to keep yourself going.

Chocolate has various antioxidant properties and can help lower risks of high blood pressure, cholesterol and inflammation.

Summers can take a toll on your body as well as your mind. The above-mentioned list of energy giving foods not only perk you up but also delight your palate and keep you energetic.

Also Read: Foods that Boost Metabolism: A Research-Based Guide to Supercharging Your Body

  • Nutrition in Chocolates

100 grams of dark chocolate pack 604 calories, 43 grams of fat and 46 grams of carbohydrate

 7: Brown Rice

Apart from being very nutritious, brown rice helps in providing a good amount of energy. Manganese helps enzymes in breaking down carbohydrates and proteins to generate energy. Brown rice is less processed than white rice and thus retains a lot of nutritional value.

  • Nutrition in Brown Rice

195 grams of brown rice contains about 3.5 grams of fibre and provides about 88% RDI for manganese. 100 grams of brown rice has 111 calories.

 8: Eggs

Packed with proteins, eggs are both delicious and a great source of energy.  Eggs contain leucine, an amino acid that helps in stimulating energy production in the body. Rich in Vitamin B, eggs help in the processes that involve breaking down food for energy.

  • Nutrition in Eggs

100 grams of boiled eggs have about 155 calories.

 9: Sweet Potato

Due to the complex carbohydrates and fibre content in sweet potatoes, our bodies digest them at a slower pace. As a result, we have a steady source of energy when we have sweet potatoes. Manganese in sweet potatoes also helps in breaking down nutrients in the body to produce energy.

  • Nutrition in Sweet Potatoes

One medium-sized sweet potato has about 23 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of fibre.

The best part about these superfoods is that you can have them individually or throw some of them together and create delicious fruit and nut bowls. You can also combine them and make energy bars.

These not only make for very healthy but also extremely delicious meals. They keep your hunger pangs at bay, give you all the nutrition you need, keep you hydrated and cool on a hot and sultry day.

 10: Fatty Fish

Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna are great sources of protein, fatty acids and B vitamins. These must be included in your daily diet for the requirement of omega-3 fatty acids which reduces inflammation, a common cause of fatigue. It is especially important for cancer patients and those recovering from cancer. Vitamin B12 works with folate to produce red blood cells and ensures iron works better in your body for increased energy.

  • Nutrition in Fatty Fish

‘3 ounces of Salmon contains 175 calories, 10 grams fat and 1.7 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna (yellowfin, fresh, raw) – 109 calories, less than one gram fat, 0 grams carbohydrate and 24 grams protein.’3 ounces of Salmon contains 175 calories, 10 grams fat and 1.7 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna (yellowfin, fresh, raw) – 109 calories, less than one gram fat, 0 grams carbohydrate and 24 grams protein.

Also Read: Cassava Benefits: Exploring Research-Based Health Perks

 11: Coffee

Coffee gives you an instant energy boost; it is rich in caffeine and can quickly pass from your bloodstream to your brain. The production of epinephrine, a hormone that stimulates the body and brain increases due to its consumption.

  • Nutrition in Coffee

Coffee provides only two calories per cup which is enough to have stimulatory effects that can make you feel alert and focused. However, It’s not recommended to consume over 400 mg of caffeine or about 4 cups of coffee, per day.

 12: Avocados

Based on my observations, eating avocados daily might have positive effects on weight loss. It might aid in stimulating weight loss by improving body composition and metabolic parameters.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Avocado is considered to be a superfood owing to its several health benefits. They are rich in healthy fats, which promote optimal blood fat levels and enhance the absorption of nutrients. These are stored and used as energy sources. It also contains B vitamins and fibre which help in maintaining steady energy levels.

  • Nutrition in Avocados

About 84% of the healthy fats in avocados come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Additionally, the fibre in avocados accounts for 80% of their carb content.

Also Read: Is Granola Good For You: Unraveling the Truth Based on Nutrition Science

Foods to Avoid

Like with any other diet plan, there are a few things you should avoid consuming that may slow down your metabolism and are not high-energy foods.

  1. Refined grains can hamper your metabolism. It is commonly found in packaged foods like bread and pasta. This can lead to weight gain besides affecting your metabolism.
  2. Sweetened drinks have also been found to slow down one’s metabolism. When coupled with a meal, it can affect the energy balance in the body. By reducing fat metabolism it also causes the body to store more fat. Even fruit juice, which is generally considered to be energy-giving, is detrimental to your high-metabolism diet plan due to its high calories and lack of fiber content.
  3. Granola may seem like a great instant energy-giving food but it is high in calories and fat content and its extremely high sugar content will lead to an increase in blood sugar levels resulting in you feeling hungrier.

Also Read: Brown Egg Vs White Eggs: Decoding Nutritional Facts and Myths

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