Last updated on January 7, 2022

Content By: Dr. Nikita Toshi BDS, Assistant Manager (Medical Review), Dr. Ritu Budania MBBS, MD (Pharmacology) Head, Medical Affairs

Last updated on January 7, 2022


Your heart deserves a lot of care and attention. We may experience a sudden ache in any part of our body from time to time but the heart may also experience a sudden tension due to some poor health conditions that disrupt the heart’s regular beating. Let’s start by getting a better understanding of this.

Atrial fibrillation is an issue that affects the rhythm of your heartbeat. In this condition, your heart may quiver, skip beats or will beat irregularly, usually faster than normal. People with atrial fibrillation can experience palpitations (a pounding heartbeat) and breathlessness are often at an increased risk of other conditions such as heart failure and stroke. 

Whenever you notice any symptoms of this particular condition, you must turn to your doctor to receive a proper diagnosis and treatment if needed.

With a proper understanding of the symptoms, we can manage this condition if it has been diagnosed and treated early. Continue reading to gain a better understanding of the symptoms, causes, and treatment options in India to help you manage the condition better.


Your heart deserves a lot of care and attention. We may experience a sudden ache in any part of our body from time to time but the heart may also experience a sudden tension due to some poor health conditions that disrupt the heart’s regular beating. Let’s start by getting a better understanding of this.

Atrial fibrillation is an issue that affects the rhythm of your heartbeat. In this condition, your heart may quiver, skip beats or will beat irregularly, usually faster than normal. People with atrial fibrillation can experience palpitations (a pounding heartbeat) and breathlessness are often at an increased risk of other conditions such as heart failure and stroke. 

Whenever you notice any symptoms of this particular condition, you must turn to your doctor to receive a proper diagnosis and treatment if needed.

With a proper understanding of the symptoms, we can manage this condition if it has been diagnosed and treated early. Continue reading to gain a better understanding of the symptoms, causes, and treatment options in India to help you manage the condition better.

Written by

Dr. Nikita Toshi

BDS, Assistant Manager (Medical Review)

Reviewed by

Dr. Ritu Budania

MBBS, MD (Pharmacology) Head, Medical Affairs

Atrial Fibrillation is a common type of arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat, which can disrupt the normal blood flow in the heart. It affects your heart’s two upper chambers and disrupts the blood flow towards the lower chambers and the ventricles. 

Even though the condition is not always life-threatening, it does stand out as a serious health condition. Your doctor may require you to undergo irregular heartbeat treatment in order to prevent further complications such as stroke from taking place.

What is the difference between atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation?

Atrial flutter refers to a disturbance in heart rhythm that is less irregular compared to fibrillation. Whereas atrial fibrillation also refers to heart rhythm problems with similar symptoms but they are more rapid and irregular in the pattern. The treatment is quite similar to that of atrial flutter.

How common is it in India?

Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of arrhythmia, which can affect anyone. In 2017, India was one of the countries with a high rate of heart disease, with a rate of 47%. Despite the fact that the prevalence is low when compared to other countries, the results show that atrial fibrillation was not adequately controlled in 50% of patients.

How common is it in the world?

More than 1% – 1.5% of the population in the world is affected by this condition. Since age is one of the most prevalent factors for atrial fibrillation we see that the mortality rates are usually higher in adults who are above 60 years of age. There are 37,574 million cases around the world which are estimated to increase to 60% by 2050. At this rate, it is very important to keep a check on the symptoms for early diagnosis and cure.

In a Nutshell
    • Atrial Fibrillation is a common type of arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat.
    • Even though the condition is not fatal, it does stand out as a serious health condition.
    • The treatment for atrial fibrillation is quite similar to that of atrial flutter.
    • With the growing number in the amounts of people affected by this condition, it is essential to maintain track of your heart health.

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Before we look into the causes of atrial fibrillation, let’s understand what is a normal heartbeat range and what is abnormal. Healthy human beings have a heart rate that ranges from 60 – 100 beats per minute. Atrial fibrillation patients may have a heart rate that ranges from 100 – 175 beats per minute.

Atrial fibrillation is caused primarily due to issues in the structure of the heart. Some other causes include:

Coronary Heart Diseases

Damage or disease that affects the heart’s blood vessels is referred to as coronary heart disease. It narrows the coronary arteries, which affects the blood supply to the heart causing further irregularities in heart function.

Congenital Heart Defects

A congenital heart disease is a common form of birth defect. The heart’s structure (valves or wall) can be abnormally or incompletely formed leading to abnormal heart sounds or atrial fibrillation. Different types of congenital heart diseases are prevalent among people.

Trauma or Stress due to surgeries or underlying conditions

Some of the most common things that can affect a person’s mental health and emotions are trauma and stress. Patients may experience this for a longer period of time, which may affect the heart’s normal function.

Heart valve disorders

The term “heart valve disorders” refers to a condition in which the heart valves do not function properly, causing blood flow to be disturbed leading to atrial flutter or fibrillation.

High blood pressure

When the force of blood against your arteries is greater than normal, you have high blood pressure. When blood pressure is around 180/120, it is usually considered severe. The most common causes of high blood pressure include smoking, stress, lack of physical activity and being obese. 

History of heart surgeries

Having a history of surgeries can be one of the possible causes of other heart diseases and Atrial Fibrillation symptoms.

Lung problems

It usually causes swelling and inflammation in the lung area, making it difficult to carry air through the lungs, preventing oxygen from reaching the bloodstream.

Sleep apnea

The continuous flow of breathing is disrupted by sleep apnea. Initial symptoms include excessive snoring and a morning headache. When sleep is disrupted, people are more likely to experience irregular heart rhythms.

Thyroid disorders 

Thyroid hormones have an impact on blood pressure and heart rate. They raise the heart rate and can cause the heart’s normal rhythms to be disrupted.

Viral infections

Pericarditis and myocarditis are the two most common viral infections that can affect the heart. These can cause inflammation and disrupt the heart’s normal rhythm, leading to more serious heart problems.

Sometimes certain medications and excessive use of stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol or tobacco can cause issues with heart rhythm. In other cases, atrial fibrillation can also develop in people with absolutely no history of heart problems.

Who is at risk?

Here are a few factors that can increase your risk of developing atrial fibrillation:

Age As an individual starts getting older, the risk of AFib increases greatly. Routine health checkups can help in early diagnosis and screening of risks associated with heart ailments. Taking proper treatment as suggested by the doctor during the early stages can help reduce your risk. 

Family History – Just like the atrial flutter, the risk of developing AFib occurs when it runs in your family.

Heart Diseases People who are suffering from heart diseases like congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease, heart valve problems or a history of heart surgery have a high chance of developing this condition. A few of the early signs of heart disease include chest pain, chest discomfort, shortness of breath and pain in the jaw, back, neck, or upper abdomen. 

Chronic Health Condition – Chronic conditions like sleep apnea, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, lung disease, obesity or chronic kidney disease can increase your risk of this condition. 

High blood pressure – Having high blood pressure, especially when it’s not managed properly with medications and lifestyle changes, can increase AFib risks in individuals. 

Obesity People who are overweight are at a much higher risk of developing this heart condition. Even atrial flutter can also take place due to obesity.

Thyroid Diseases – In some people, thyroid diseases can also trigger various heart rhythm issues of arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation.

Consuming Alcohol – For several individuals, drinking alcohol can trigger AFib and drinking too much alcohol can also increase the risk of this condition.

In a Nutshell
    • Atrial fibrillation is a type of heart condition that causes problems with normal blood flow.
    • It can make your heart beat irregularly or quiver.
    • Even though the condition is common in adults, it is pretty rare in children and you opt for medication for palpitations from the health provider for your child.
    • Pressure in the chest, shortness of breath and fatigue are some of the symptoms children will experience.

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Symptoms can be easily managed with an effective arrhythmia treatment or a few arrhythmia treatment guidelines. When you experience any of the symptoms listed below it is a clear indication that you must seek medical advice to avoid further complications.

Fatigue – Individuals who suffer from AFib can experience fatigue. You may feel tired or sleepy after doing some light exercise or other physical activities.

Chest Pain – Chest pain in any form should not be neglected. If you’re experiencing chest pain, do speak to your doctor at the earliest. 

Palpitations and irregular heartbeat Irregular heartbeat and palpitation is something that you will experience when you have AFib. You will feel as if your heart is skipping a beat or is beating very quickly.

Dizziness – People with atrial fibrillation can experience dizziness. You might feel unbalanced or woozy. Speak to your doctor if you’re experiencing dizziness in combination with a few other symptoms above.

Shortness of breath – On certain occasions, you may face difficulty in breathing. You may feel as if you are unable to take a complete breath.

The symptoms of atrial fibrillation can differ for each individual. Some people may not even experience any symptoms.

Atrial fibrillation may be:

Occasional This is known as paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. In this type, AFib symptoms can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. They can last a week in some cases and occur on a regular basis in others. Atrial fibrillation treatment is sometimes required to manage this condition but it can also resolve on its own depending on the severity and immune system of the individual.

Constant – When a person shows AFib symptoms, the heart rhythm does not go away on its own in this condition unless medication and treatment are used to restore the normal heart rhythm.

Persistent (Long-standing) This type of atrial fibrillation can last more than a year and is also continuous in nature. Medications throughout this time period may be required to manage atrial fibrillation.

Permanent – Unfortunately, medications and life-long treatment are the only way to control the heart rate and prevent blood clots in this condition.

What to do when you experience symptoms?

If you do happen to experience one or more of the above symptoms, it’s best to seek help from a medical professional at the earliest. Symptoms such as chest pain, coupled with fatigue and breathlessness should not be ignored and sometimes it can also be a symptom of a heart attack.

Seeking the appropriate atrial fibrillation treatment during the early stages of the symptom can help in preventing it from progressing further. Your doctor will first evaluate your symptoms and rule out the diagnosis after which, they will provide you with the best arrhythmia treatment suited to the severity of your condition.

How to care for someone diagnosed with atrial fibrillation?

Caring for someone with a heart condition like atrial fibrillation can be tricky, especially when they are on their journey to recovery. Lending your support and care can go a long way in motivating them to get better both physically and mentally. Here are some ways you can help:

Have an excellent understanding of all the symptoms of AFib and ventricular arrhythmia treatmentHaving a thorough understanding of the condition can generally help you spot any symptoms when they arise and also be prepared for any potential emergencies.

Encourage them to eat a healthy and balanced diet – Try substituting their favourite unhealthy snacks with healthy ones, maybe even offer to try new recipes and cook and eat together.

Monitor their food and medication timings – As part of the recovery process, it’s essential that the patient takes their food and medication on time. You can take the help of technology, such as text messages and calendar alerts for AFIB medication reminders and ensure they are taking their medications regularly. Provide the AFIB medication to the patient on time.

Find ways to lift up their spirits – Recovering from a heart condition can be tedious. A sudden change in lifestyle coupled with AFib medication side effects can cause their mental health to take a hit. Therefore, try and find ways to lift up their spirits. You can maybe take interest in their hobbies, share stories and engage in activities that can help take their mind off their worries.

Keep some time for yourself – Being a caregiver itself is not an easy task. It’s okay to pay attention to your physical and mental health to ensure that you are healthy enough to take care of another individual. Seek help from a mental health therapist if you feel like it can help you deal with your thoughts and stressors better.

In a Nutshell
    • Signs and symptoms of atrial fibrillation include palpitation, fatigue, dizziness, chest pain and irregular heartbeat.
    • Shortness of breath is another symptom of this particular condition.
    • Individuals must immediately consult with a doctor when they feel or experience the symptoms of AFib.
    • Caregivers who are taking care of people with AFib must eat heart-healthy food, adjust the diet of the AFib patient and also have good knowledge about the AFib symptoms. They must also have good knowledge of the treatments and arrhythmia medication.

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Atrial fibrillation as briefly mentioned earlier, is a condition that affects the heart’s beating rhythm. People with atrial fibrillation may experience symptoms such as fatigue, chest pain, palpitations, breathlessness or some may not experience any symptoms at all. An atrial fibrillation diagnosis usually involves the doctor excluding any underlying condition that may be causing the heart to beat the way it is. So how is atrial fibrillation diagnosed? Here are a few tests your doctor may use:

Auscultation – The doctor will listen to your heart sounds as it beats with the help of a stethoscope. Measurement of vitals like pulse, heart rate and blood pressure are important.

ECG Electrocardiogram or ECG is an effective atrial fibrillation diagnosis technique, which is painless and quick. This particular test measures the electrical activity inside your heart. Sticky patches or leads are placed on your chest, legs and even arms and are connected to the computer which displays heart rhythm data. 

Stress Test – Stress test is also known as exercise testing. Your doctor will evaluate your heartbeat rhythm while you exercise on a stationary bike or walk on a treadmill.

Echocardiogram One of the best ways to know how arrhythmia is diagnosed is through an echocardiogram. This is a non-invasive test that utilizes sound waves to make images of the heart’s motion, structure and size. 

Ambulatory Monitors – The device records the heart’s electrical activity. The device is used for detecting heart rhythm issues and you are free to take them home with you if recommended by the doctor.

EPS [Electrophysiology] – EPS of Electrophysiology is a test that assesses the electrical activity or system of your heart. It’s utilized to diagnose arrhythmia or abnormal heartbeat. So how is an arrhythmia diagnosed through EPS? Catheters and wired electrodes get inserted to measure the electrical activity through the heart’s blood vessels.

Your doctor may also ask you to take blood tests to rule out other conditions like thyroid disorders that can cause atrial fibrillation. After a diagnosis, your doctor can evaluate the best atrial fibrillation treatment options for you.

In a Nutshell
    • The atrial fibrillation diagnosis is conducted through various tests, such as ECG, stress test and ambulatory monitors.
    • The heal tilt test is another diagnosis technique, which is conducted to check how exactly the blood pressure and heart rate of an individual responds.
    • The atrial fibrillation diagnosis EPS is another technique, which is used for the diagnosis of abnormal heartbeat.
    • An Echocardiogram is a technique that takes pictures of the size, structure and motion of the heart through sound waves.

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After an atrial fibrillation diagnosis, your doctor may recommend a few treatment options depending on the severity of your condition. They include:

Administering blood thinners Blood thinners are essentially used for the treatment of arrhythmia because it reduces the chances of strokes or damages to the organs caused by the blood clots. 

Rhythmic Heart Channels AFib is an electrical issue and your heart’s rhythm is controlled through the electrical currents that follow through the heart. Two types of drugs, which are potassium blockers and sodium blockers may be administered by your doctor. These usually help in controlling the heart rhythm. It is advised to speak to your doctor and never think of self-medicating in any form. 

Maze Procedures The maze procedure is another treatment for arrhythmia where the doctor will apply a cold or scalpel to make a pattern of scar tissue in the heart’s upper chamber. The scar tissue doesn’t send electrical signals to the maze interferes with the stray signals of the heart that causes AFIB. But when a scalpel is used, open heart surgery becomes compulsory. 

Cardiac Ablation Ablation is a type of arrhythmia treatment, where it utilizes freezes or burns to create scars in the insides of your heart. Doing so will help in breaking up electrical signals that cause irregular heartbeats. This will help your heart to maintain a normal rhythm in the heart.

Permanent Pacemaker A pacemaker is a device that stands out as an excellent option for atrial fibrillation treatment. The device sends small electrical pulses to the heart muscle to maintain a proper heart rate. The pacemaker gets implanted into individuals with slow heart rates. The pacemaker carries a pulse generator, which contains a small computer and battery along with leads that transport impulses through the heart muscle. It also senses the electrical activity of the heart. 

ICD [Implantable Cardioverter Fibrillator] The implantable Cardioverter Fibrillator or ICD is a type of device, which gets implanted inside your heart. Apart from all treatments and arrhythmia medication, ICD stands out as the most-effective procedure. Once the device gets implanted, it will perform pacing of the heart, cardioversion and defibrillation. The device has the power to correct life-threatening arrhythmias. 

Electrical Cardioversion Electrical Cardioversion is a procedure that “RESETS” the heart. The arrhythmia medication is not always effective to correct atrial fibrillation and in certain instances, electrical cardioversion is utilized for restoring the normal heart rhythm. Doing so will enable the antiarrhythmic medication to maintain the heart rhythm successfully.

Home and lifestyle remedies to manage atrial fibrillation in Indian Patients

Can atrial fibrillation be managed by home remedies? You can supplement your atrial fibrillation treatment by following and maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle. Some initiatives that you can take to keep your heart generally healthy are:

Eat a balanced diet – You must consume healthy food products or follow a healthy diet that contains heart-healthy foods. The products you eat should be low in solid fats and salts but rich in whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Speak to a qualified dietitian or nutritionist to find out the right heart-healthy diet suited to your condition or follow the diet chart for heart patients. 

Practice yoga and other exercises to keep stress levels in check – Practicing yoga and doing exercise for heart patients regularly will allow you to stay active and keep your heart healthy. However, do check with your doctor before performing any exercise if you have a heart condition.

Monitoring checkups with a doctor regularly You must visit your doctor regularly. Doing so will allow you to monitor your heart’s health so that you don’t develop any type of issue that can give birth to AFib.

Stick to medication prescribed – You must always stick to the right AFib medications, which are prescribed by your doctor. Make sure to follow-up appointments with the doctor. 

Keep a check on cholesterol levels Make some lifestyle changes and take all your prescribed medicine for palpitations along with antiarrhythmic medication to maintain high cholesterol or high blood pressure.

Supporting a loved one diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat: Do’s and Don'ts

If you are a caregiver and wish to take care, provide arrhythmia treatment natural and support a loved one who was diagnosed with irregular heartbeat, there are several do’s and don’ts that you should take a look at.

Do’s Dont’s
Follow a healthy balanced diet Consume foods rich in Vitamin K as it makes medication less effective.
Consume medicine for heart palpitations on time. Consume saturated fats
Start off with exercises or perform yoga Drink or smoke or consume caffeinated beverages
Understand atrial fibrillation treatment and other medical procedures. Consume supplements that can cause heart palpitations
Make a list of questions you want to ask your doctor.
Stay mindful of Doctor appointments and tests
Where to go and what to do in case of emergency?

AFib will rarely cause any issues but if it does, you must notify your doctor without any delay. Especially if you already have an underlying heart condition, diagnosing AFib and treating it early can greatly help toward a quick recovery. A cardiologist can you in diagnosis and treatment for this condition.

In a Nutshell
    • For atrial fibrillation treatment, you will come across options like Electrical Cardioverter, Permanent Pacemaker, Cardiac Ablation and ICD or Implantable Cardioverter Fibrillation.
    • Maze Procedures, Blood Thinners and Rhythmic Heart Channels are some of the treatment procedures of AFib.
    • For home remedies, you must opt for a balanced diet, avoid drinking alcohol, monitor cholesterol levels and take medication for heart palpitations on time.
    • When providing care for a loved one with an irregular heartbeat, make sure to not provide supplements that can cause heart palpitations.
    • Opt for food items that are low in salt and solid fats and in case of an emergency contact your doctor or quickly take them to healthcare nearby.

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What causes arrhythmia mainly?

High blood pressure, the wrong balance of electrolytes in the blood, stiff heart tissues, reduced blood flow and heart injuries are some of the main causes of arrhythmia.

Can arrhythmia be cured?

With the help of proper arrhythmia treatment and natural remedies, which are used to manage abnormal heart rhythms and ablation techniques, some types of arrhythmia can be effectively managed. Speak to your doctor to find out the right treatment option suited to your condition.

Is arrhythmia a serious problem?

The majority of arrhythmia are pretty harmless but there are some that can be severe and even life-threatening.

What food to avoid if you are having arrhythmia?

Food products that are rich in solid fats, sugars and sodium should be avoided at all costs when you are having an arrhythmia. Speak to a qualified dietitian or nutritionist to understand what foods to avoid if you have heart rhythm problems.

Should I be concerned about irregular heartbeats?

An occasional abnormal heartbeat might be of serious concern but if the symptom lasts for a long time, you must opt for proper medical help.

What are the first symptoms of Atrial Fibrillation?

The first symptoms of atrial fibrillation include fluttering or quivering heartbeat, fatigue, dizziness and irregular or rapid heartbeat.

Can atrial fibrillation be cured?

The cure of atrial fibrillation depends on the underlying cause. Your doctor can suggest you the right treatment depending upon the severity and cause. Some medications and surgeries may help in curing atrial fibrillation but it largely depends on the type.

How long does the treatment for atrial fibrillation last?

Time taken for the treatment for AFib or atrial fibrillation will depend on the type of medication or treatment you have opted for. You must speak with your doctor regarding such matters.

What is the most suggested treatment for atrial fibrillation?

Medicines for heart rhythm, blood thinners and some surgical procedures may be recommended for atrial fibrillation. Speak to your doctor to understand the right treatment option for you.

Doctor's Section

Dr. Nikita Toshi
Dr. Nikita works with PharmEasy as a medical content writer. She completed her B.D.S. from Rama Dental College, Hospital and Research Center, Kanpur in 2013 with an excellent academic record. Holding a clinical experience of 7 years in dental practice, she has worked at Rameti Oral and Maxillofacial Centre, Allahabad as Associate Dental Surgeon and Raipur Institute of Medical Sciences as Junior Resident. Her clinical skills include bleaching, restorations, R.C.T, Re R.C.T., single visit R.C.T. and F.P.Ds, dental extractions, minor OT procedures, oral prophylaxis, curettage, root planing, and perio-splint. Dr. Nikita frequently speaks on dental health talks organized at schools and other institutes to help in raising awareness on dental health in society. She has also written a research paper published in a reputed journal.

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Dr. Ritu Budania
Dr. Ritu Budania heads PharmEasy’s medical content and catalogue management teams. She did her MBBS from Topiwala National Medical College, Mumbai; followed by post-graduation in MD Pharmacology from Government Medical College, Nagpur. She was awarded a bronze medal for topping the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences in her MD. She has six publications in international and national medical journals. She is also an esteemed industry speaker in the field of pharmacology and has been invited as chief guest/speaker in several medical / pharmacy colleges. She has also helped author the World Health Organisation’s document on ‘Desk View and Situation analysis of Clinical Trials in India’ and helped in signal detection activities for the Pharmacovigilance Programme of India. She holds expertise in medical writing, ethics, and GCP in biomedical research, advanced pharmacovigilance, and biostatistics.

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