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Home Remedies For Viral Fever By Dr. Siddharth Gupta

By Dr Siddharth Gupta +2 more


We all have had a fever at least once and know how it feels. A fever is a rise in body temperature. This simply indicates that there is an occurrence of abnormal activity in our body.1 You can get a fever due to numerous factors like a viral or bacterial infection, exhaustion from heat, a cancerous tumour, medications like antibiotics and medicines used to treat seizures or high blood pressure, vaccines (like COVID vaccine, diphtheria, tetanus, etc.) and inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.2  A fever merely indicates that something is not right in the body, but it doesn’t give much idea as to what exactly is going on. It does not even indicate the presence of a disease. Viral fever, as one of the major types of fever, is elaborated in detail in this article.1 

Did You Know?

home remedies for viral fever

What Causes Viral Fever?

Fever is the increase in the body temperature from the normal range of 36.4 C – 37.4 C (97.5 F to 98.9 F) to 38 C (100.4 F) or even higher. There can be multiple reasons that can cause a rise in body temperature. When the fever occurs due to a viral infection, it is called a viral fever.1  

Most fevers with viral illnesses range between 101° and 104° F (38.4° and 40° C). They may last for 2 or 3 days. The best treatment for children suffering from viral fever is to rest at home to allow the child’s immune system to fight the virus, as antibiotics are now used in such conditions.

Dr Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S, M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Symptoms of Viral Fever:

Viral fever is usually accompanied by symptoms and a rise in body temperature above 38 C (100.4 F). You might also experience the following symptoms: 

  • Nausea 
  • Body ache 
  • Flushing of face 
  • Dry and hot skin 
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Headache 
  • Vomiting 
  • Constipation or diarrhoea 
  • Dark coloured urine  
  • Decrease in urine1 

Also Read: Home Remedies For Headache By Dr. Siddharth Gupta

Viral fever is one of the common causes of fever, which is a self-limiting infection. Many patients start using antibiotics right from the first day of mild fever, even without visiting their physician. This self-medication habit has led to a surge in antibiotic resistance. One should always visit their physician for a check-up and proper management of underlying diseases.

Dr. Nikhil Yadav, MBBS MD,CCEBDM

Home Remedies for Viral Fever:

As fever can be due to a wide variety of reasons, it can be quite difficult to pinpoint the actual cause. Moreover, a wide range of viruses can cause viral fever.1 Consulting a doctor and seeking their expert advice and treatment will be the best choice. However, a few simple home remedies for viral fever might be helpful. A few possible home remedies are as follows. 

1. Coriander Seed Powder

Coriander seeds are commonly known as dhaniya. It belongs to the family Apiaceae, and its scientific name is Coriandrum sativum. Coriander seeds have potential use for multiple conditions in Ayurveda. They might have a use for fever as well. Your Ayurvedic physician may suggest that you mix a little bit of coriander seed powder in warm water to bring down your fever. Sugar can be added for an improvement in taste. This remedy might be helpful for fever.3 

2. Guduchi

It is also known as Giloe and Gurcha in Hindi, Gilo in Punjabi, etc.  Your doctor might recommend consuming a decoction prepared using Guduchi. It might have potential use in reducing fever. To prepare the decoction, stems of Guduchi can be boiled in water, and other ingredients like dry ginger, Patraka, etc. might also be added.3  

Also Read: Guduchi: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, and More!

3. Isvari

A plant by the name Aristolochia indica belongs to the family Aristolochiaceae. It is commonly called as Ishwari, Indian Birthwort and Serpent Root. Consumption of this plant might help reduce fever. The juice of the whole plant may have antipyretic properties. A few drops of this plant might be given to you as medicine by an Ayurvedic physician for fever and diarrhoea.3 

4. Ivy Gourd

Bimbi, also known as Ivy gourd in English, Kundaruki Bel in Hindi and Tondale in Marathi, might positively affect fever. External application of leaf of this plant might help induce perspiration which might help reduce fever. Kindly consult a doctor and do not use it to self-medicate.3 

5. Changeri

Ambolee (Gujarati), Amrul (Bengali), Indian Sorrel (English), Pulichinta (Telugu), etc., are the different names of Changeri. In the scientific community, it is also known as Oxalis comiculata belonging to the family Oxalidaceae. The paste of the whole plant of Changeri is boiled in some water and the water is then reduced. Drinking this decoction might be help reduce fever.3 

6. Jeera

Jeera might have the potential to be helpful in various conditions like memory enhancement, piles, flatulence, etc. It might also have the potential to reduce the body temperature in fever. In English, Jeera is known as cumin seeds or simply cumin. It belongs to the family Apiaceae with the scientific name Cuminum cyminum. For intermittent fever, taking jeera with a bit of black pepper and jaggery might be helpful.3  

7. Fluids

Drinking fluids in the form of water, juices and soups might help reduce fever. Your doctor might also recommend oral rehydration solution (ORS). It is commonly available at any medical store. It may be advised especially for children under one year, as it contains water and salts that replenish lost fluids and salts (electrolytes). This remedy might be useful as a fever might cause loss of fluids and dehydration.4  

8. Rest

Activity can cause an increase in body temperature. Therefore, it is important that you rest well to recover from a fever. It may also be said that staying in a cool environment and dressing in light clothing might be helpful.4 

Though studies show the benefits of the given herb and home remedies in the condition, these are insufficient. There is a need for large scale human studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of these home remedies on human health. Thus, these should only be taken with caution and never as a substitute for medical treatment.  

Cold water sponging, although producing a rapid reduction in temperature compared with paracetamol, has effects that last only for a short time. Paracetamol, on the other hand, produces a gradual but sustained effect. The discomforts experienced should not be a limiting factor to the use of cold water sponging in reducing the body temperature of febrile children.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

When to Seek Medical Help:

If a baby younger than three months has a fever, they should be immediately taken to a doctor.1 

In other conditions, you should seek immediate medical attention under the following circumstances: 

  • If you feel a pain or burning sensation while passing urine 
  • If you feel the urge to urinate too often (frequent urination) 
  • If you have vomiting 
  • If your breathing is irregular 
  • If you feel a stiffness of neck 
  • If you are feeling dull or sleepy 
  • If you are experiencing seizures 
  • If you are in a confused state of mind 
  • If you notice a purple spotted rash 
  • If you have a persistent sore throat 
  • If the fever is associated with ear pain. In children, you might notice the child tugging their ear, which can indicate ear pain. 
  • If you have diarrhoea.1 

You must not rely on home remedies alone for the treatment of the condition and should consult a qualified doctor for any advice for the condition if the symptoms do not improve with home remedies.  


An increase in the body temperature of above 100.4 F or 38 C is regarded as a fever. It might indicate that something is not quite right in our body. It does not necessarily mean the presence of a disease. When you get a fever due to a viral infection, it is called a viral fever. A flushed face, diarrhoea, vomiting, headache, etc., might also be present along with a fever. A few herbs such as Changeri, coriander seed powder, etc. might help reduce fever. However, make sure that you consult a doctor for proper treatment, as in some cases, a viral fever may worsen.   

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What causes viral fever? 

Viral fever is an increase in body temperature to 100.4 F or higher caused due to a viral infection. A fever can be caused due to bacterial infections and other conditions also.1 

What are the home remedies for viral fever? 

Few potential home remedies for viral fever are Guduchi, Changeri, coriander seed powder, Jeera, Isvari, drinking a lot of fluids and resting. Ensure that you visit a doctor before using these home remedies.1-3 

Can we use coriander seeds for viral fever treatment at home? 

The powder of coriander seeds mixed with water and some sugar might potentially reduce fever. However, more research is required to prove these claims. Therefore, please consult a doctor before use.3

Is Jeera one of the natural home remedies for viral treatment? 

Yes, Jeera might have potential use as a home remedy for viral treatment. An Ayurvedic physician might suggest taking Jeera along with jaggery and black pepper. Please do not use it for self-medication.3 

Can I take Changeri as an ayurvedic treatment for viral fever?

You should always consult a doctor before the use of any herb. Please consult a doctor before using Changeri for Ayurvedic treatment of viral fever. However, it might have potential use for viral fever.3 

Is Guduchi good for the treatment of viral fever at home? 

Guduchi, especially a decoction made using the stems of Guduchi, might have the potential to reduce a viral fever. However, more research is required to prove such possible effects. Kindly consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate.3 

How long does viral fever last?

The duration of viral fever varies depending on the specific virus causing the infection and individual factors. In most cases, viral fever lasts for a few days to a week. However, some viral infections may have longer durations.

Is viral fever contagious?

Yes, viral fever can be contagious, especially if it is caused by a virus that spreads from person to person, like the flu or common cold. It is important to practice good hygiene and avoid close contact with others if you have a viral fever to prevent its spread.

Can warm soups and broths help during viral fever?

Yes, warm soups and broths are beneficial during viral fever. They provide hydration, essential nutrients and comfort. Chicken soup, vegetable broth and clear soups can help soothe a sore throat and ease congestion.

Can essential oils be used for relieving viral fever symptoms?

Yes, some essential oils, such as eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender, can be used for relieving viral fever symptoms. Inhalation or diluted application on the skin may help alleviate congestion and provide a calming effect.

Are there any specific foods to avoid during viral fever?

During viral fever, it’s best to avoid foods that may worsen symptoms or irritate the throat, such as spicy or acidic foods, fried and greasy items and sugary beverages. Stick to light, easily digestible foods.


1. Fever [Internet]. John Hopkins Medicine. [cited 2022 Jul 21]. Available from: 

2. Mayo Clinic. Fever [Internet]. [cited 2022 Jul 29]. Available from: 

3. Home Remedies: Fighting a fever [Internet]. Mayo Clinic. 2022 [cited 21 July 2022]. Available from: 

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