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Does Masturbation Cause Weight Loss? Debunking Sexual Health Misconceptions

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Masturbation may have both physical and mental health benefits. 
  • It may burn calories, but not enough to replace traditional workouts. 
  • Alternative ways to burn calories include exercise and adopting a healthy diet. 
  • Potential health benefits of masturbation include stress reduction, improved sleep, and increased sexual confidence. 
  • Moderation is essential to practice healthy masturbation habits and reduce any potential negative impacts on mental health. 
  • Tips and techniques that may enhance your masturbation experience 


Masturbation has many myths around it. One such myth claims it can lead to weight loss. There may be some truth to the energy spent during the act. Whether it leads to weight loss is what will be discussed in this article. We will also debunk any misunderstandings, talk about other ways to burn calories, and understand the potential health benefits of masturbation, and the possible downsides. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.

does masturbation cause weight loss

Did you know?

Masturbation and Burning Calories 

To understand the impact of masturbation on weight loss, let’s look at the science of calorie burn during the act. Then, we’ll discuss about it’s influence on body weight. 

1. Does Masturbation Really Burn Calories? 

Yes, masturbation does use energy, especially during arousal and climax. However, it’s not exactly a major calorie burner. 

  • Energy expenditure during masturbation 

Research shows that around five to six calories might be burned during a masturbation session. The amount varies based on the intensity, duration, and orgasm. However, this is not sufficient to cause weight loss.  

  • Comparing masturbation to other physical activities 

A 40-minute partnered sexual intercourse session might burn up to 200 calories for a 175-pound person. High-intensity workouts or cardio exercises like running, swimming, jogging, yoga, etc. score much higher when compared to masturbation. 

2. The Theory Behind Masturbation and Weight Loss 

Here we will discuss the myths and the possible connections between masturbation, energy expenditure, and weight loss.  

  • The relation between sexual activity and energy expenditure 

Masturbation does increase heart rate and blood flow. However, its potential in calorie burning is limited. While climax does burn energy, it’s not enough to contribute to weight loss. 

  • Common misconceptions 

The idea that masturbation can lead to weight loss is quite popular. It’s important to note, though, that masturbation burns fewer calories than most physical activities. So, it’s not practical nor direct for weight loss. 

Alternative Ways to Burn Calories 

For visible weight loss, sustainable practices are necessary. These are discussed below.  

1. Exercise and Weight Loss 

Regular workouts are a must for weight loss. They increase stamina, improve muscle tone, and burn extra calories. Thus, they contribute to a leaner, healthier body. 

Types of exercises to burn more calories 

  • Cardio exercises (e.g., brisk walks, running, swimming) 
  • Strength training (weights, resistance workouts) 
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) 
  • Yoga and Pilates 

Besides calorie burning, these activities also improve heart health, build muscle, and increase flexibility. 

2. Diet and Weight Loss 

Along with exercise, a balanced diet is vital to manage your weight. Your food choices can drive your weight loss journey. 

Healthy food choices 

Below are some tips for choosing healthier food at each meal.  

  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. 
  • Prefer whole grains over refined ones. 
  • Choose lean protein like fish, poultry, beans, and legumes. 
  • Limit saturated and trans fat intake. 
  • Control portion sizes to avoid overeating. 

Importance of calorie deficit 

A calorie deficit is when you eat fewer calories than you burn in a day. It’s key for weight loss. It forces the body to use stored fat for energy. As a result, the body fat percentage lowers, leading to weight loss.

Researchers have found that masturbation may increase the release of prolactin and oxytocin, which may result in feelings of contentment and relaxation following an orgasm.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Potential Health Benefits of Masturbation 

Masturbation may impart various health benefits. Let’s delve into each one. 

1. Stress Reduction 

Masturbation may reduce stress. It releases endorphins that calm the mind. 

The endorphins released during self-pleasure ease stress and anxiety. Feeling calmer and more content may help mental wellness, especially in hard times. 

2. Mental health benefits 

Regular masturbation may lead to better self-esteem and mood, reduce stress, and possibly improve brain function with time. It may also foster a healthier body image and comfortable sexuality. 

3. Improved Sleep 

There’s a close link between masturbation and sleep. Self-pleasure may help induce a good night’s sleep. 

Oxytocin is released that may calm the mind and body, helping you sleep better. 

4. Increased Libido and Better Sexual Performance 

Masturbation is also linked to improved sexual life. It may help understand one’s sexual needs better. 

Frequent masturbation may result in a better understanding of desires and limitations. This may aid effective communication with partners about one’s sexual needs. This may lead to overall better sexual relaxation and compatibility in relationships. 

Knowing your body and what pleases you may make sexual intercourse much more enjoyable. It opens honest discussions with partners and deepens connections. 

5. Improved Body Confidence 

Self-perception may dramatically change due to regular masturbation, leading to better self-confidence and body image. 

As you get used to how your body feels during self-pleasure, you might start to appreciate your physical form and eroticism more. This may boost self-confidence and improve your body image. 

Studies observe that those who engage in more frequent masturbation have healthier sperm, higher levels of relationship and sexual pleasure, and higher levels of self-esteem. In my opinion, whatever happens to your weight, those are advantages that are well worth it!

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Potential Disadvantages of Masturbation 

Masturbation has many benefits, but there can be downsides too when not done right or overdone. 

Moderation and Balance 

Don’t overdo self-pleasure. Too much of it might lead to unwanted issues. 

  • Healthy masturbation habits 

Balance is key. Maintaining a balance between masturbation and other life areas is important. It allows for holistic sexual health. 

  • When masturbation becomes excessive 

Overdoing masturbation can cause physical discomfort and hinder daily routines. It’s important to masturbate in moderation. 

Impact on Mental Health 

Masturbation is not harmful to mental health. However, the guilt and social views around it can have negative effects. 

  • Guilt and Societal perceptions 

Society often stigmatizes masturbation, causing feelings of guilt and shame. This can hurt mental health and enjoyment of self-pleasure. 

  • How to combat negative thoughts related to masturbation 

Talking openly about masturbation and understanding its benefits can dispel myths and create a healthy view of self-pleasure. Being in a supportive circle and self-reflection can ease any bad thoughts linked with masturbation. 

Enhancing the Masturbation Experience 

To make your masturbation more fun, you may try these tips and techniques. 

Techniques and Tips 

Adding different methods into your routine may improve arousal and orgasm. 

  • The rub: Use fingers or a sex toy and move gently up and down your clitoris and its hood. 
  • Tap dance: Softly tap your fingers on the clitoris and hood. It can help build up to an orgasm. 
  • The pinch: Pinch gently your clitoral hood and tug in a rhythmic up-and-down motion. 


In conclusion, masturbation has many potential health benefits. It may help reduce stress, it may help you better understand your sexual desires, among others. While it burns some calories, it doesn’t affect weight loss as much as traditional workouts and a balanced diet does. A healthy sexual life, with moderation and balance, may have physical and mental rewards from self-pleasure. 

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Can frequent masturbation lead to weight loss? 

No. Even though masturbation burns calories, it can’t replace exercise and a healthy diet for weight loss. 

Is it unhealthy to masturbate every day? 

Balance is key in healthy masturbation. Other parts of life such as self-care, socializing, and overall well-being must also be prioritized. 

Can masturbation replace traditional workouts for weight loss purposes? 

No, masturbation does burn calories, but not as much as workouts. It shouldn’t be used as a method for weight loss. 

How many calories are burned during masturbation? 

The exact number can vary. Research suggests around five to six calories, based on intensity, duration, and climax. 

Can masturbation improve overall sexual health? 

Yes. Regular masturbation may boost a healthy sexual life. It improves self-awareness, and communication about sexual desires, and promotes better sexual relaxation and compatibility in relationships. 


  1. PubMed. Specificity of the neuroendocrine response to orgasm during sexual arousal in men [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12697037/#:~:text=Sexual%20activity%20induced%20transient%20increases,remained%20elevated%20throughout%20the%20experiment. 
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). How much physical activity do adults need? [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/adults/index.htm 

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