Tulsi (Holy Basil): Health Benefits, Uses and Nutritional Value
By Dr Prachi Garg +2 more
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By Dr Prachi Garg +2 more
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Tulsi or Holy basil is a widely known herb in the family Lamiaceae. It is native to India and vastly cultivated throughout Southeast Asia.
Tulsi has a special place in Ayurveda as well as the home of Hindus in India. It is considered sacred by Hindus and worshipped by them. Three main types of Tulsi are seen growing in India:
Tulsi has proved to be highly effective in protecting our body from various infections and diseases of the liver, skin, kidney, etc. It contains powerful oxidants that can help in keeping your blood pressure levels and cholesterol levels under control, making it one of the best heart-healthy foods. It is also good for diabetes as it possesses hypoglycaemic properties which are known to help lower blood sugar levels. It is recommended to include tulsi in your diabetic diet plan. Owing to its numerous health benefits, tulsi is rightly called the ‘Queen of Herbs’.
Tulsi leaves are rich in vitamins A, C andK and minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and potassium. It also has a good amount of protein and fibre. Here’s an in-depth nutritional chart for Tulsi (also known as Basil) for a 100g serving. Note that when used as a herb you will consume much fewer quantities of Tulsi. Amount per 100g serving-gm, Percentage of Daily Required Intake- %
Keep in mind that fresh Tulsi leaves and dried (or powdered leaves) may contain slightly higher proportions of the above nutrients.
Did you know, the phytochemicals found in Tulsi can help in wound healing? This may be because of the antimicrobial activity that helps keep the wound from being infected.
Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)
Tulsi is rich in Vitamin C and zinc. It thus acts as a natural immunity booster and keeps infections at bay. It has immense anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties which protect us from a variety of infections. Tulsi leaves extract increases the T helper cells and natural killer cells activity, boosting the immune system.
Tulsi has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties which help to fight infections, thus reducing fever. The fresh juice of Tulsi taken with black pepper powder cures periodic fevers. Tulsi leaves boiled with powdered cardamom (elaichi) in half a litre of water and mixed with sugar and milk, are also effective in reducing temperature.
Eugenol, a terpene with pain-relieving properties found in Tulsi reduces aches in the body.
Camphene, cineole and eugenol present in Tulsi help reduce cold and congestion in the chest. Juice of Tulsi leaves mixed with honey and ginger is effective in bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cough and cold.
Tulsi contains compounds Ocimumosides A and B. These compounds reduce stress and balance the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the brain. The anti-inflammatory properties of Tulsi reduce inflammation and blood pressure.
Phytochemicals present in Tulsi have strong antioxidant properties. Thus, they help in protecting us from skin, liver, oral and lung cancers.
Tulsi has a profound effect on the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases by lowering blood lipid content, suppressing ischemia and stroke, reducing hypertension and also due to its higher antioxidant properties.
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Extract of Tulsi leaves has shown to lower blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 Diabetes.
Tulsi detoxifies the body and has diuretic properties. It decreases the level of uric acid in the body, which is the main reason why kidney stones are formed. Reduction in uric acid levels also provides relief to patients suffering from Gout.
Tulsi leaves help to cure indigestion and loss of appetite. They are also used for the treatment of flatulence and bloating.
Tulsi helps clear out the skin of blemishes and acne. It is rich in antioxidants and that helps it to prevent premature ageing. Tulsi also strengthens our hair roots, thus preventing hair loss.
The antifungal properties of Tulsi prevent the development of fungus and dandruff.
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For centuries, the dried Tulsi leaves have been mixed with stored grains to repel insects.
Apart from simply repelling insects, the extracts of Tulsi leaves can also be appliedto insect bites and stings to ease the pain. They also reduce swelling or resultant irritation to a great extent. Moreover, daily consumption of Tulsi also helps to purify the blood.
Tulsi has often been used in herbal toothpaste and that is simply because of its amazing teeth and gum strengthening properties. Moreover, it can act on mouth ulcers and therefore provide comprehensive oral health care.
Tulsi is also available commercially in the form of ingestible pills and topical ointments. These can be used for the treatment of skin conditions like eczema. They also provide long-lasting relief from itching and irritation.
Research has also shown that Tulsi has several physical and mental health benefits. For instance, consuming a tulsi drink after a tiring day at work can be revitalising and help to relieve stress and fatigue. Similarly, a tulsi drink during prolonged hours of study can also help to enhance concentration for students.
In my opinion, daily consumption of Tulsi may help against a host of new-age diseases, promote overall health, wellbeing and longevity and also assist in dealing with the stresses of daily life.
Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS
Tulsi is known to have antimicrobial activity against different microorganisms like Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. This property is attributed to its phytoconstituents present in various parts. The oil obtained from the Tulsi plant possesses antibacterial activity against organisms like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. aureus, and Bacillus pumius.
The leaves of Tulsi are used to manage fevers. Tulsi leaves boiled with tea can be used to prevent malaria and dengue. A decoction of Tulsi leaves can be boiled with powdered cardamom in water and mixed with sugar and milk to manage acute fevers. The juice obtained from Tulsi leaves helps bring down the fever. It is also effective in reducing fever in children.
Tulsi is helpful in the management of disorders related to the respiratory system. A decoction obtained from the leaves of Tulsi is used with ginger and honey for dealing with asthma, cough, influenza, cold, and bronchitis. A decoction of the leaves, common salt, and cloves also provides quick relief in cases of influenza. The leaves of Tulsi have expectorant properties and help in expelling mucous from the bronchial tube.
Studies carried out on animals revealed that Tulsi leaves contain a hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering) effect. Tulsi leaves can be used as an adjunct to dietary therapy and drug treatment in mild to moderate noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Another animal study suggested that Tulsi leaf extracts have a stimulatory effect on insulin production. Tulsi and neem extracts taken together are known to lower blood sugar levels in humans.
Tulsi is known to strengthen the kidney. The juice of Tulsi leaves, when taken with honey, helps in expelling kidney stones through urine.
Tulsi is known to be effective in the management and prevention of heart diseases by lowering blood cholesterol levels and also preventing ischemia and stroke. Apart from this, Tulsi also plays an essential role in platelet aggregation and preventing the risk of pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure that affects arteries in the lungs and the right side of the heart).
Tulsi is proven to be the safest skin cream that can be used and the benefits are massive. Tulsi reflects on your skin when you consume it as well as applied. This wonder herb is used to treat acne, skin infections, lighten dark spots and improve skin texture. Here is a list of benefits that tulsi does to your skin.
Holy Basil can be applied to your hair for multiple reasons and all that it does is it makes your hair look better in all ways. Here are some of the ways in which tulsi can benefit your hair.
Tulsi is a natural ingredient that aids weight loss. If you’re wondering how to burn fat in a quick way without any side effects, then you need to opt for drinking tulsi tea. Two cups a day will make a difference. Also, you need to keep in mind that drinking tulsi tea will act more efficiently only if you work out. Of course without exercising tulsi tea can slim you down, but exercising will make the process faster. Here are some ways in which tulsi can help you lose weight.
Your eyes are prone to a lot of dust and pollution every day. Thus most people develop eye-related problems and Tulsi acts as an immediate cure for eye-related problems such as:
Most importantly, it reduces the strain on your eyes and makes them feel relaxed. Tulsi eyewash can also help you prevent many other eye-related problems such as conjunctivitis and boils.
Vitamin C & A and phytonutrients are essential oils that are found in Tulsi, which are used as excellent antioxidants that protect the body from premature ageing. If herbal tea is said to make you feel and look young, imagine what Tulsi can do. Consuming 2 cups of Tulsi tea can help you look younger and prevent premature ageing.
Tulsi leaves help fight cancer and prevents it from attacking you. The best aid to stop smoking is by munching tulsi leaves and this help get the nicotine content off your body. It helps in the purification of blood. Here are some ways in which tulsi can help you stop smoking.
Tulsi can definitely help you stop smoking, provided you learn ways to deviate and curtail yourself from going against the urge. It’s all in your mind and the power of becoming a deviant from the habit is the 1st step to change the habit.
Tulsi is called the wonder herb or sometimes the holy herb because of its medicinal properties. There are many diseases that can affect people again after it has left the person. But with the consumption of Tulsi, you can be sure that these diseases cannot affect you. Here are some of the ways in which Tulsi can sort out various medical problems.
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Tulsi is known to have many properties like:
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Tulsi might have antimicrobial activity against different microorganisms like Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. This property might be attributed to its phytoconstituents present in various parts. The oil obtained from the tulsi plant might possess antibacterial activity against organisms like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S.aureus, and Bacillus pumius.2
The leaves of tulsi might help with fevers. Tulsi leaves boiled with tea might be helpful for malaria and dengue. A decoction of tulsi leaves boiled with powdered cardamom in water and mixed with sugar and milk to help with acute fevers. The juice obtained from tulsi leaves might help bring down the fever. It might also be effective in reducing fever in children.3
Tulsi might be helpful for disorders related to the respiratory system. A decoction obtained from the leaves of tulsi mixed with ginger and honey might help with asthma, cough, influenza, cold, and bronchitis. A decoction of the leaves, common salt, and cloves might also provide relief in cases of influenza. The leaves of tulsi might have expectorant properties and may help in expelling mucous from the bronchial tube.3
Studies carried out on animals revealed that Tulsi leaves might contain a hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering) effect. Tulsi leaves may be used as an adjunct to dietary therapy and drug treatment in mild to moderate noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.1 Another animal study suggested that Tulsi leaf extracts might have a stimulatory effect on insulin production. Tulsi and neem extracts taken together might help to lower blood sugar levels in humans.2 However, serious conditions like diabetes must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor. So, kindly ensure that you consult a doctor.
Tulsi might have the potential to strengthen the kidney. The juice of Tulsi leaves, when taken with honey, might help in expelling kidney stones through urine.3 However, such claims need to be proved by further research. Kindly consult a doctor and do not rely on home remedies. Do not self-medicate.
Tulsi might be helpful for heart diseases by potentially lowering blood cholesterol levels and also possibly inhibiting ischemia and stroke. Apart from this, tulsi might also play an essential role in platelet aggregation and may reduce the risk of pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure that affects arteries in the lungs and the right side of the heart).2 However, please consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.
Though there are studies that show the potential uses of tulsi in various conditions, but these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of tulsi on human health.
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The Tulsi plant is available in different formulations like:
The leaves of Tulsi are available in different formulations like:
Tulsi can be used as:
Your Ayurvedic physician will prescribe you the form and dose as per your needs. Kindly do not self-medicate.
You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor.
One clinical trial reported transient mild nausea as a side effect of consuming tulsi. As the trial was only 13 weeks long, the failure to detect any negative effects does not rule out the possibility of long-term side effects. However, the traditional history of tulsi usage implies that any major long-term effects are rare and that daily consumption might be safe which needs to be ascertained by further research.
Kindly consult a doctor before consuming Tulsi. Specially, pregnant women, lactating mothers, children, and elderly individuals need to exercise caution.
Tulsi may lead to herb-drug interactions in patients treated with medications metabolized by CYP2B6 (artemisinin, cyclophosphamide, ketamine, efavirenz, methadone, and bupropion) or with rifampicin. Hence, caution must be taken when taking these medications with Tulsi.2
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Drinking Tulsi water in the morning on an empty stomach is a great way to begin your day. This helps flush out the toxins and cleanses the stomach by easing digestion. Tulsi leaves are loaded with antioxidants that improve the functioning of the digestive organs.
Depression is a state of mind that occurs due to an imbalance of Vata Dosha. Consuming Tulsi regularly helps relieve the symptoms of depression to some extent as it has Vata balancing properties and promotes good sleep.
Tulsi should be avoided during pregnancy as it may stimulate uterine contractions thereby increasing the risk of miscarriage.
Yes, tulsi leaves can rev up the body’s metabolism. The faster your metabolism, the easier it is to burn calories. Tulsi also boosts digestion naturally and aids in weight loss.
The common names of Tulsi include holy basil, Krishna tulsi, and many others.
Yes, tulsi is known to contain antiallergic properties. Hence, tulsi might be helpful for immunological conditions like allergies and asthma.
Tulsi leaves might be added to bathing water just before having a bath. This might have the potential to lead to smooth skin and might help against disorders. It might also help with many skin disorders like rashes, eczema, and ringworms. However, more research is required. Therefore, kindly consult a doctor.
The juice of Tulsi might be used as an appetiser. Apart from improving digestion and helping against flatulence (gas accumulation), it might be helpful for constipation and other abdominal disorders.3 However, more research is required. Kindly consult a doctor.
Tulsi has ingredients that might help fight against bacteria responsible for plaque and cavities. It may also be helpful against mouth ulcers. However, it must not be kept in the mouth for too long.3 Kindly consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.
Tulsi might have the potential to act as a great rejuvenator and might help reduce stress, relax the mind, and might help improve memory. However, more research is required. Kindly consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate
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A good article for those interested in natural remedy.
Excellent. We need more doctors like you in the world. Thank you.
Really superb explanation,
Nice content about Tulsi leaves benefits.
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you found it useful.
Good evening! It is a good article. I learned a lot from it. Thanks a lot.
Your most welcome, stay tuned for more such articles.
Thank you, glad you liked it.
Thulasi honey is available now is it also give same benifit??
It is a good article. I learned a lot from it. Thanks a lot.
You are most welcome. Hope you found it useful.
Very helpful and traditionally ancient herbs since time immemorial.Multiple benifits for all age groups