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Triphala Guggulu: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects & More!

By Dr Ashok Pal +2 more


Triphala Guggulu is a traditional polyherbal formulation as per the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is composed of resin of guggul (Commiphora wightii), long pepper (Piper longum), and Triphala (fruits of Phyllanthus emblica L., Terminalia chebula Retz, and Terminalia bellirica).1 Triphala is a well-recognized polyherbal medicine classified as the tridoshic rasayan.  

The Triphala formulation contains the fruits Amalaki or the Indian Gooseberry, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki of the three plants.2 Triphala Guggulu is one of the most widely used among the other Guggulu formulations.3 Phytochemical screening of Triphala Guggulu shows the presence of glycosides, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and steroids.4   

Triphala guggulu benefits

Did you know?

  • Triphala Guggulu has been found to be effective in reducing body weight and body mass index (BMI). source:
  • Triphala Guggulu has shown significant improvement in lipid profile parameters, such as total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol. source:
  • Triphala Guggulu has been found to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. source:
  • Triphala Guggulu has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. source:
  • Triphala Guggulu has shown the potential to reduce pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis. source:

Nutritional Valu

Apart from various phytochemicals, phytochemical screening showed the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, and amino acids in Triphala Guggulu.4 

Therapeutic Uses of Triphala Guggulu

The therapeutic uses of Triphala Guggulu are as follows: 

  • Triphala Guggulu is used in managing inflammatory conditions, hyperglycemia, oxidative stress, and hypolipidemia.5  
  • Triphala Guggulu is widely used in managing Vatarakta (gout), Bhagandar (fistula), Kushtha (leprosy), Vranaropana (wound healing), Pakvavidradhi (abscess), Gandamala (goitre), and Asthibhagna (fracture).4  

Did you know Triphala Guggulu might aid in dental problems as well? Due to its anti-bacterial nature, Triphala Guggulu may be used for dental diseases such as swollen gums, cavities, and bleeding gums.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Benefits of Triphala Guggulu

1. Benefits of Triphala Guggulu in Wound Healing

  • Oral administration of Triphala Guggulu helps to heal wounds fast.
  • It also leads to a reduction in pain associated with the wound.
  • It can be a potential drug for wound healing due to its safety and cost-effectiveness.6  

2. Benefits of Triphala Guggulu in Piles

  • Guggulu has anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • It helps in healing the inflammation of the fistula.
  • Triphala is beneficial in relieving constipation, a problem associated with hemorrhoids.
  • In addition, Piper longum aids in the digestion and assimilation of food nutrients.7
  • Though there are benefits associated with the use of Triphala Guggulu, it should not be used as an alternative to conventional therapy.  

3. Benefits of Triphala Guggulu in Managing Constipation

Triphala found in Triphala Guggulu helps in facilitating bowel movements and relieving constipation.7 

4. Benefits of Triphala Guggulu in Managing Diabetic Macular Oedema

  • Diabetic macular edema is a common cause of visual impairment in diabetic patients.
  • Oral administration of Triphala Guggulu could show improvement in the thickness of the retina and visual acuity.5 

5. Benefits of Triphala Guggulu in Managing Arthritis

  • Triphala Guggulu is a Guggulu-based formulation beneficial in acute arthritis.
  • The anti-arthritic activity of Triphala Guggulu is attributed to its anti-inflammatory activity.
  • A study found that it also acts by inhibiting the enzymes that get activated in arthritis, namely hyaluronidase and collagenase.8 

Triphala Guggulu might be used as an useful remedy of choice for cancer! This herbal medicine might offer a natural solution for cancer with its antioxidant nature.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

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How to Use Triphala Guggulu?

Triphala Guggulu can be taken with warm water.9 However, it should be used on the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor. The Ayurvedic doctor will prescribe you the dose and form based on the diagnosis.   

Also Read: Ashwagandha – Uses, Benefits, Side Effects & Precautions

Precaution to Take

You should keep the following points in mind: 

  • Triphala Guggulu should not be used during pregnancy.  
  • Triphala Guggulu is contraindicated in chronic and recurrent diarrhoea.9  
  • Triphala Guggulu should be avoided during the breastfeeding period as there is a lack of data to support its safety . Use it only after consulting with an Ayurvedic doctor.  

Other than its anti-inflammatory nature, Triphala Guggulu has anti-oxidant characteristics as well. This makes Triphala Guggulu a potential medicine of choice for diseases like Atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and diabetes.

Dr. Smita Barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

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Interaction With Other Drugs

There is a lack of sufficient data regarding the interaction of Triphala Guggulu with other drugs. Therefore, you must talk to a doctor about its usage if you are using any other medication or supplement.  

Unveiling the Potential of Triphala Guggulu in ear discharge treatment. It is believed that due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Triphala Guggulu may aid in the treatment of ear discharge (medically known as Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media).

Dr. Anuja Bodhare, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Also Read: Triphala Ghrita – Uses, Benefits & Precautions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Triphala Guggulu?

Triphala Guggulu is an Ayurvedic formulation composed of Triphala and Guggulu.1 

What are the herbs used in Triphala Guggulu?

Triphala Guggulu is composed of resin of guggulu (Commiphora wightii), long pepper (Piper longum) and Triphala (fruits of Phyllanthus emblica L., Terminalia chebula Retz, and Terminalia bellirica).1 

What are uses of Triphala Guggulu?

Triphala Guggulu has uses in managing inflammatory conditions, oxidative stress hyperglycemia, and hypolipidemia.5 Triphala Guggulu is widely used to manage Vatarakta (gout), Bhagandar (fistula), Gandamala (goitre), Vranaropana (wound healing), Kushtha (leprosy), Pakvavidradhi (abscess), and Asthibhagna (fractures).4 

Is Triphala Guggulu helpful in piles? 

Triphala Guggulu is beneficial in piles as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in healing the inflammation of the fistula. Triphala is beneficial in relieving constipation, a problem associated with haemorrhoids. Piper longum aids in the digestion and assimilation of food nutrients.7 Though there are benefits associated with the use of Triphala Guggulu, it should not be used as an alternative to conventional therapy.

Is Triphala Guggulu safe during pregnancy? 

Triphala Guggulu is not to be used during pregnancy.9 Consult your doctor if you feel the need to use Triphala Guggulu. They will suggest an alternative based on your condition. 

What are the precautions to be taken with Triphala Guggulu?

Triphala Guggulu is not to be used during pregnancy and in chronic and recurrent diarrhoea.9  There is a lack of sufficient data to support the use of Triphala Guggulu during the breastfeeding period, so it should be avoided. Use it after consulting an Ayurvedic physician. 

How can I use Triphala Guggulu? 

Triphala Guggulu can be used with warm water.9 However, it should be used on the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor. The Ayurvedic doctor will prescribe you the form and dose based on the diagnosis.

Is Triphala Guggulu beneficial in wound healing?

Yes, the consumption of Triphala Guggulu is beneficial in wound healing. It also helps by reducing the pain associated with the wound.6 It can be used as an aid in wound healing, not as a replacement for conventional treatment.  

Is Triphala Guggulu helpful in arthritis?

Triphala Guggulu is a Guggulu-based formulation beneficial in managing acute arthritis. The anti-arthritic benefit of Triphala Guggulu is attributed to its anti-inflammatory activity. It also acts by inhibiting the enzymes that get activated in arthritis, which are hyaluronidase and collagenase.8 Triphala Guggulu is not to be used as a means to replace the conventional treatment for arthritis. 

Is Triphala Guggulu helpful in diabetes?

Triphala Guggulu can be beneficial in managing hyperglycemia, but it should not be used to treat diabetes5. There are no studies proving its efficacy in managing diabetes. Consult your doctor before starting any new medicines, as self-medication might worsen the situation.


1. Babu Ks, Muguli G, Rao Vadaparthi P, Ramesh B, Gowda V, Paramesh R, et al. A novel high-performance liquid chromatography-electron spray ionization-mass spectrometry method for simultaneous determination of guggulsterones, piperine and gallic acid in Triphala guggulu. Pharmacognosy magazine [Internet]. 2015 [cited 2022 Feb 17];11(Suppl 1):66. Available from: 

2.. Peterson CT, Denniston K, Chopra D. Therapeutic Uses of Triphala in Ayurvedic Medicine. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, NY) [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2022 Feb 17];23(8):607–14. Available from: 

3. CLINICAL EFFECTS OF TRIPHALA GUGGULU ON DIABETIC MACULAR EDEMA | Semantic Scholar [Internet]. [cited 2022 Feb 21]. Available from: 

4. Bhushan D Mhaiskar BPCB. Management of non-healing infected wound by external application of and Hinsradya Taila Triphala Guggulu Case Report [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2022 Feb 21]. p. 132–4. Available from: 

5. Mehra R, Vyas N, Makhija R. A clinical study on the role of Ksara Vasti and Triphala Guggulu in Raktarsha (Bleeding piles). Ayu [Internet]. 2011 [cited 2022 Feb 21];32(2):192. Available from: 

6. Sumantran VN, Kulkarni AA, Harsulkar A, Wele A, Koppikar SJ, Chandwaskar R, et al. Hyaluronidase and collagenase inhibitory activities of the herbal formulation Triphala guggulu. Journal of Biosciences 2007 32:4 [Internet]. 2007 Jul 9 [cited 2022 Feb 21];32(4):755–61. Available from: 

7. Essential Drugs List(EDL)_Ayurveda. Department of Ayush Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Government of India. Available from: 

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