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Bharat Bhushan Das

high bp person can take noni juice or not


Good night sir could I know noni fruit juice useful for treating uterine fibriod.

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Noni Fruit Juice: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects By Dr. Rajeev Singh

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more


Noni fruit juice is a tropical beverage derived from a fruit called Morinda citrifolia. Noni fruit tree grows in Southeast Asian countries, especially in French Polynesia. Noni fruit is a small-sized edible fruit with a bitter flavour, smells like bad cheese, and appears like a grenade. Although noni fruit juice originated in tropical regions, it has become popular globally. The Burmese used noni fruit to prepare curries; the Australians ate it during the cool-dry seasons. Noni fruit juice was the first whole food approved under the novel food regulations of the European Union in 1997. Noni juice can be prepared both by homemade and commercial methods. The homemade method provides 100% pure noni juice. Today, noni fruit juice is considered a safe, functional food that may enhance the body’s immunity. In addition, Noni fruit juice may be a perfect blend packed with potent antioxidants that may help provide several health benefits.​1,2​ Let us discuss the noni fruit juice benefits, its nutritional value, potential uses, and much more. 

noni juice benefits

Did you know?

  • Noni fruit juice consumption in the United States has increased by 200% in the past decade. [source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
  • Noni fruit juice is rich in antioxidants, with an ORAC value of 1,506. [source: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
  • Noni fruit juice has been found to have potential anti-inflammatory properties. [source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
  • Noni fruit juice consumption has been associated with improved immune function. [source: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
  • Noni fruit juice has been shown to have anti-cancer properties in preclinical studies. [source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]

Nutritional Value of Noni Fruit Juice: 

I would suggest noni juice if you’re looking for a natural way to support your bones and potentially protect your hearing. Noni juice might have some unexpected perks! In a study done among post-menopausal women, those who drank noni juice showed a possible increase in bone resorption (which can help with osteoporosis) and also experienced less hearing loss. Plus, their mental health and overall quality of life improved.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

A 15 ml pure noni fruit juice serving may provide 3.5 kcal energy.​3​ The nutrients of noni fruit juice include: 

Nutrients Value 
Sugar 0.9 g 
Carbohydrate 0.9 g 
Potassium 10 mg 
Calcium 2 mg 
Sodium 1 mg 
Magnesium 800 µg 
Iron 35 µg 
Zinc 300 µg 
Vitamin B3 170 µg 
Vitamin C 1.5 mg 
Vitamin B9 12 µg 

Table 1: Nutritional value of Noni Fruit Juice per 15 ml.3 

In addition, other bioactive compounds like quercetin, gallic acid, ursolic acid, limonene, xeronine, alizarin, beta-carotene, citifolinoside, scopoletin, damnacanthal, and monoterpene may be present in noni fruit juice. 

Properties of Noni Fruit Juice: 

I recently came across a fascinating study involving heavy smokers and noni juice. After 30 days of consumption, participants who drank noni juice experienced a significant decrease in levels of superoxide anion radicals and lipid hydroperoxide, which are indicators of oxidative stress. This suggests that noni juice may have antioxidant benefits that are good for individuals exposed to tobacco smoke.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Noni Fruit Juice may have the following health-benefitting properties: 

  • It may act as an antioxidant 
  • It may act as an immunity booster 
  • It may aid in weight management 
  • It may maintain bone health 
  • It may reduce high blood pressure 
  • It may have anti-cancer activity 
  • It may help maintain oral hygiene 
  • It may have anti-inflammatory properties.​1,2​ 

Potential Uses of Noni Fruit Juice: 

In my opinion, sipping on some noni juice might help you go that extra mile or power through your workout with more energy. Human intervention studies have shown that noni juice may have a surprising benefit—it could boost physical endurance!

Dr. Smita Barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

The following are the potential health benefits of noni fruit juice: 

1. Potential uses of noni fruit juice for cancer 

Noni fruit juice may have anti-cancer activity. Gastric cancer patients regularly took homemade noni fruit juice, and their condition improved. The effect of cancer reduced down may be due to the Noni fruit juice2. However, despite several claims about noni juice being cancer effective, no human trials exist to back this claim. Therefore, it is essential to consult doctors for cancer treatment and not use it for self-medication.  

2. Potential uses of noni fruit juice for arthritis 

Noni fruit juice may have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it may help improve joint pain and aid in flexibility and mobility of the joints. One of the traditional names of noni in the Caribbean was “pain killer.” However, in a clinical trial, participants were given noni fruit juice. At the end of the trials, the patient’s pain intensity was significantly decreased with complete relief of neck pain. Hence, noni juice for arthritis may show certain benefits against arthritis. However, if you experience severe joint pain, consult your doctor, and take appropriate treatments. 

3. Potential uses of noni fruit juice for weight loss 

In multiple animal studies, noni fruit juice has shown significant weight loss with a decrease in body fat. In a clinical study by Palu et al., 2011, it was found that when obese adults were given noni fruit juice, every participant experienced weight loss. This may help in managing body fat. However, the study could not determine how much noni juice contributed to weight loss.1 Hence, more clinical studies are needed to propose a firm conclusion about the uses of noni juice for weight loss. 

4. Potential uses of noni fruit juice for diabetes 

The benefits of noni juice may be related to lowering blood sugar levels. In an animal study by Umezawa et al., 1992 was found that fermented noni fruit juice may significantly decrease fasting glucose levels. They suggested that noni fruit juice may act as insulin directly or increase peripheral tissue sensitivity to the storage of more insulin. However, this is an animal study; therefore, more human research is needed to suggest the potential uses of noni fruit juice for managing diabetes.​4​ 

5. Potential uses of noni fruit juice for skin health 

Noni juice benefits the skin and may be associated with enhancing skin health. In a clinical trial, West et al., 2012 found that a noni juice-based skin care regimen in women effectively reduced fine lines, facial wrinkles, and firmness when applied on the face. In addition, there was no report of any skin irritation during or after the trial. Hence, the benefits of drinking noni fruit juice may help to increase skin health. However, if you have any skin-related issues consult your doctor and do not self-medicate. 

6. Other Potential Uses of Noni Fruit Juice 

  • A clinical trial with 10 people suggested that noni fruit juice may decrease high blood pressure (systolic high blood pressure).4 
  • A study found that heavy smokers with high cholesterol levels, when regularly taking noni fruit juice, may help decrease total cholesterol and triglycerides levels. Hence, drinking noni fruit juice might increase good cholesterol and reduce heart disease risk.4 
  • Noni juice may have anti-depressant activity which may help against depression and anxiety.4 
  • Animal studies state that noni fruit juice may positively impact the nervous system’s functioning.4 
  • Noni fruit juice benefits may be associated with oral hygiene. It may be used as a promising tool for managing gingivitis, toothaches, mouth sores, and periodontitis.2,4 

Though studies show the potential uses of noni-fruit juice in several conditions, these studies are insufficient, and there is a need for further research to develop the true scope of the benefits of noni-fruit juice on human health. Additionally, it is essential to consult a doctor before using noni fruit juice for any medical condition. 

How to Use Noni Fruit Juice?  

Different types of Noni fruit juice are commercially available based on extraction techniques like traditional and non-traditional.4 These include 

  • Noni beverage 
  • Noni squash 
  • Noni syrup.4 
  • It can be used to make freeze-dried pills 
  • Concentrated extracts 
  • Powder.1 

You should consult a qualified doctor before using noni fruit juice in large quantities. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing modern medical treatment with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation of noni fruit juice without consulting an ayurvedic physician. They will guide you with its form and dosage per your health condition. 

Side Effects of Noni Fruit Juice: 

Noni juice side effects may include: 

  • Nausea 
  • Irregular heartbeats 
  • Muscle weakness 
  • Hyperkalaemia (high levels of potassium in the blood).​4​ 

Therefore, it is advised to limit the consumption of noni-fruit juice to avoid such side effects. If such side effects appear, consult your doctors, and get proper treatment. 

Precautions to Take with Noni Fruit Juice: 

Despite various advantages of noni juice for good health, it is essential to follow certain precautions:  

  • Noni fruit juice contains a high amount of potassium which may cause hyperkalemia. Hence, patients with liver and kidney dysfunctions are not recommended to have noni juice.​4​  
  • One must be cautious while giving it to small children and the elderly as it may cause nausea, weakness, and irregular heartbeats.​5​ 
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women must avoid having noni fruit juice as it might delay or alter the growth of the foetus and babies.​4​ 
  • People should not use noni fruit juice to self-medicate. It is significant to consult a doctor and have it if recommended. 

Interactions with Other Drugs:  

More human research and scientific evidence must state the possible interaction between noni fruit juice and other drugs. Therefore, people should not assume that are no interactions at all. Therefore, medical consultations with Ayurvedic doctors are recommended before including noni juice in a diet.  

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Is noni fruit juice suitable for pregnant women? 

No. Noni fruit juice is not suitable for pregnant women. It may interfere with foetal development and may create further complications.2 Therefore, pregnant women should take precautions and avoid having noni juice

What are the side effects of noni fruit juice? 

The noni juice side effects may include nausea, irregular heartbeats, muscle weakness, and hyperkalemia (high amount of potassium in the blood).4 Therefore, if you observe such side effects, take proper treatment from your doctor. 

What are the vitamins of noni fruit juice? 

Noni fruit juice contains vitamin C, vitamin B3, and vitamin B9.4 

What are the benefits of noni juice for blood pressure? 

The advantage of noni fruit juice for blood pressure is that it may help to lower systolic high blood pressure.4 However, consult your doctors if you have a high blood pressure problem, and do not self-medicate. 

Does noni fruit juice interact with other drugs? 

No major report has recorded the interaction of noni juice with other drugs. However, take medical consultations from your doctors and do not use noni juice to self-medicate unless advised.


​​1. West B, Deng S, Isami F, Uwaya A, Jensen C. The Potential Health Benefits of Noni Juice: A Review of Human Intervention Studies. MDPI | Foods. 2018;7(58):1–22. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5920423/pdf/foods-07-00058.pdf 

​2. Brown A. Anticancer activity of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) fruit: a review. Phytotherapy research. 2012;26(10):1427–40. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22344842/ 

​3. Chemical Constituents of Pure Noni Juice [Internet]. [cited 2022 Nov 27]. Available from: https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/noni/nutritional_analysis_juice.asp 

​​4. Ali M, Kenganora M, Santhepete M. Health Benefits of Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A Review. Pharmacognosy Journal. 2016;8(4):321–34. Available from: https://www.phcogj.com/sites/default/files/10.5530pj.2016.4.4.pdf 

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