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Kutajarishta: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, and more!

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more


Kutajarishta is a self-generated alcoholic formulation. The fresh stem bark of kutaja is the main ingredient of kutajarishta. It may be used for dysentery, diarrhoea, and other stomach-related conditions.1 The ingredients of kutajarishta are kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica), guda (jaggery), Jala (water), draksha (Vitis vinifera), kashmarya (Gmelina Arborea), madhuka pushpa (Madhuka indica), dhatakipushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa).2 In Bangladesh, kutajarishta has been widely used for conditions like sciatica, lumbago, and arthritic pain.3

Benefits of Kutajarishta

Chemical Constituents of Kutajarishta:

Kutajarishta contains flavonoids, resins, steroidal alkaloids, tannins, ergosterol, saponin, coumarin, phenolic acids, and triterpenoids.4  

Properties of Kutajarishta:

Kutajarishta may have the following properties:

  • It may have  antidiarrheal activity
  • It may have an immunostimulatory effect (may stimulate  the immune system)
  • It may have  anti-parasitic activity
  • It may have an antimotility effect (may lower  the symptoms of diarrhoea)
  • It may have an antisecretory effect (may decrease  gastric secretion)1
  • It may have an analgesic effect (may act as a pain killer)
  • It may have  anti-inflammatory action3
  • It may have  antibacterial activity5
  • It may have a blood sugar-lowering effect
  • It may have antioxidant properties.6

From my experience, the best time to take Kutajarishta is after a meal. You should take Kutajarishta with water for maximum benefits.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Potential Uses of Kutajarishta:

Kutajarishta may have potential uses for various ailments; however, more studies are required to provide its true scope in humans.

1. Potential Uses of Kutajarishta for Diarrhoea

Kutajarishta may be used for the management of diarrhoea. The herb kutaja may have antidiarrhoeal properties. Diarrhoea occurs due to the excess motility of the gut and disturbed stomach emptying. The antidiarrhoeal property of kutaja may be due to its antiparasitic activity against the parasites G. lambia and E. hystolytica that cause diarrhoea.1

This information is insufficient and requires more human studies to support the potential uses of kutajarishta in diarrhoea. Therefore, people must consult their concerned doctors and only have it if prescribed.

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2. Potential Uses of Kutajarishtaa for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is a chronic colon disorder characterised by diarrhoea or constipation, the passage of mucus in the stool, and cramping abdominal pain.7 Kutajarishta may have anti-diarrhoeal, antisecretory, immunostimulatory, and antimotility effects; it may be widely used for managing irritable bowel syndrome.1

This data is insufficient and further studies are required to suggest the potential use of kutajarishta to manage IBS in humans.

3. Potential Uses of Kutajarishta for Dysentery

Dysentery is a disease characterised by severe diarrhoea with the passage of blood and mucus and is mostly caused by infection.8 Kutajarishta may be used to manage dysentery. Kutajarishta may have several beneficial activities like antidiarrhoeal, antimotility, immune-stimulatory, and antisecretory that might be helpful for dysentery.1

This information is preliminary; hence, more human trials of kutajarishta are needed to develop its scope on overcoming problems related to dysentery in humans.

4. Potential Uses of Kutajarishta for Inflammation and Pain

Kutujarishta has been widely used in Bangladesh to manage sciatica (a condition affecting the sciatic nerve that causes pain in the lower back and legs), arthritic pain, and lumbago (pain in the joints and muscles of the lower back). In a study by D’Costa et al., 2012, kutajarishta was tested for its anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties in animals. It may indicate the beneficial anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties of kutajarishta that might be helpful for arthritic pain, sciatica, and lumbago.3

These studies are animal studies and might show different results when tried on humans. Therefore, we require more clinically tested proof on humans. So, it is necessary to take a doctor’s advice before using kutajarishta to manage inflammation and pain.

Though studies show the benefits of kutajarishta in various conditions, these are insufficient, and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of kutajarishta on human health. In addition, every person may respond differently to this herb. Therefore, it is essential to consult a doctor before using kutajarishta for any medical condition.

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According to much research, Kutajarishta is a classical Ayurvedic medicine widely used in the management of irritable bowel syndrome, dysentery, and diarrhoea due to its effect on intestinal motility. It is also used to relieve sciatic pain.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

How to Use Kutajarishta?

You may take kutajarishta with water after a meal.9 You must always take kutajarishta after consulting your Ayurvedic doctor. In addition, we recommend you do not replace or discontinue your ongoing medications with any ayurvedic or herbal preparations without taking the medical advice of a doctor. They will tell you the best form and dosage in which this herb can be used according to your health condition.

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Side Effects of Kutajarishta:

There is no major study reporting the side effects of kutajarishta. Hence, more human trials are required to suggest the side effects of kutajarishta on humans. But if you notice any side effects after consuming kutajarishta, you must report it to your doctor. They will prescribe you a better treatment to overcome those harmful effects.

Precautions to Take With Kutajarishta:

Pregnancy: There is no sufficient data on the safe usage of kutajarishta during pregnancy. Stay on the safer side and avoid using kutajarishta during this time.

Breastfeeding: There is no sufficient data on the safe usage of kutajarishta while breastfeeding. Therefore, consult your doctor before using kutajarishta while breastfeeding.

Elderly people and children: There are no sufficient information on the safe usage of kutajarishta by elderly people and children. Therefore, consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before giving kutajarishta to elderly people and children.

While using any herbal product for its benefits one must follow general precautions and eat it in moderation. Moreover, if you want to use kutajarishta for its properties or against any disease conditions, talk to your doctor first. It will help you make well-informed choices and avoid unwanted health effects.

Interactions With Other Drugs:

There is no sufficient information on the interaction of kutajarishta with any medicine. However, it would help if you did not think that there is no interaction at all. Therefore, if you have any underlying conditions and are on any medication, you must consult your doctor before taking kutajarishta.

Also Read: Brahmi Grita: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Are there any side effects of kutajarishta?

There is not enough data available on the side effects of kutajarishta. However, you must notify your doctor if you notice any symptoms after taking kutajarishta. Therefore, it is important that you take kutajarishta after consulting your doctor.

Is kutajarishta good for dysentery?

Kutajarishta might be helpful for dysentery as it has certain beneficial activities like anti-diarrhoeal, antimotility, immune-stimulatory, and antisecretory that might benefit you in case of dysentery.1 However, consult your doctor if you want to take kutajarishta to deal with dysentery.

Can I take kutajarishta for diarrhoea?

Kutajarishta may be used for diarrhoea. It may be used and mostly shows its beneficial effect due to its anti-diarrhoeal and anti-parasitic activity.1 Therefore, it might be helpful to you; however, it is better to consult your doctor before taking kutajarishta.

Can I use kutajarishta while breastfeeding?

There is insufficient information on the safe usage of kutajarishta while breastfeeding. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your doctor if you want to use kutajarishta while breastfeeding.

Is kutajarishta useful in diabetes?

Kutajarishta might be useful in diabetes. The primary ingredient of kutajarishta is kutaja, known for its anti-diabetic property. Kutaja was tested for antidiabetic activity in animals and was found to lower blood glucose levels in animals, as suggested by Divya et al., 2021.6 Therefore, it might be helpful in diabetes. However, its study in humans is needed to confirm its antidiabetic activity. Therefore, a doctor’s consultation is necessary and only taken if prescribed.

What are the uses of kutajarishta?

Kutajarishta may be used for dysentery, diarrhoea, IBS, diabetes, inflammation, arthritic pain, sciatica and lumbago (pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back).1,3,6 However, it is recommended that you consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before taking kutajarishta and not use it to self-medicate on your own.

Can I take kutajarishta without consulting my doctor?

No. It would be best to take kutajarishta after your doctor’s advice.

Can kutajarishta be used during pregnancy?

There is not much information on the safe usage of kutajarishta during pregnancy. Therefore, stay on the safer side and avoid kutajarishta during pregnancy.

Does kutajarishta interact with any medicine?

There is no sufficient data on the interaction of kutajarishta with any medicine. Therefore, it is advisable to use kutajarishta on your doctors’ advice. If you have any underlying conditions and are on any medication, there are chances of a drug interaction.

Can I use kutajarishta for managing irritable bowel syndrome?

Kutajarishta might be used for dealing with irritable bowel syndrome. It may have anti-diarrhoeal, antisecretory, immunostimulatory, and antimotility activity that might be responsible for managing irritable bowel syndrome.1 However, it is better to consult your doctor before taking kutajarishta.

What are the ingredients in kutajarishta?

Kutajarishta contains kutaja, jaggery, water, draksha, kashmarya, madhuka pushpa, and dhatakipushpa.1

Is kutajarishta safe to use?

Kutajarishta is recommended by Ayurvedic practitioners/physicians for use, but it is essential to consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before taking kutajarishta.1


1. B S, B R. An experimental study of kutajarishta (an ayurvedic herbal formulation) for its action on intestinal motility. Int J Res Ayurveda Pharm [Internet]. 2015 Oct 20;6(5):616–20. Available from: 

2. Gokhale S, H Y. a Comparative Study on Sandhana Pradesha (Fermentative Area) With Special Reference To Kutajarishta. Int J Res Ayurveda Pharm. 2020;11(4):169–73. Available from: 

3. Costa NMD, Samad M Bin, Kabir A, Hannan PJMA. Investigation of the Central , Peripheral Analgesic and Anti- inflammatory Activity of Kutajarishta , an Indian Ayurvedic formulation . 2012;3(5):23–8. Available from: 

4. Gopinath G, Thirumal M, Kumar PR. Holarrhena antidysenterica linn. – a review. Res J Pharm Technol. 2020;13(4):2011–6. Available from: 

5. Kr PS, Sn Y. Antibacterial activity of Kutajarista – an Ayurvedic preparation. 2009;8(April):270–1. Available from: 8%282%29 270-271.pdf 

6. Definition of irritable bowel syndrome [Internet]. Merrian-Webster Dictionary. 2022. Available from: bowel syndrome 

7. dysentery [Internet]. Merrian-Webster Dictionary. 2022. Available from: 

8. Rahul S, Ayurved G, Sumra D, Chaudhary S, Bedarkar PB, Prajapati P. Clinical Efficacy of Fermentative Medicinal Formulations ( Asava- Arishta ) – a Review. Eur J Pharm Med Res [Internet]. 2015;2(December):131–8. Available from: All the Asava-Arishta,in which Mandagni is involved. 

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