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Can A Non-Diabetic Also Report High Blood Sugar?

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more


We all love a good sugar rush but are your sweet tooth cravings the boon or bane of your existence? Many people who have not been diagnosed with diabetes think that they can consume all the glucose they want without it hurting their health. That might not be entirely true. Why should you watch what you eat despite not having diabetes? Let’s find out!

Can Non-diabetics Have High Blood Sugar?

We’ve all been told that those diagnosed with diabetes either Type 1 or 2 are vulnerable to a drastic alteration in the level of sugar in their blood. However, do you know that even non-diabetic people can be victims of this blood sugar fluctuation? Yes, you read it right! Your everyday routine plays a major role in contributing to the undulation of the sugar level in your blood and if not treated at an earlier stage can cause health problems beyond your imagination.  

How Much Glucose is Too Much Glucose?

Medically known as hyperglycemia a.k.a, refers to an increased level of glucose detected in the blood. What you do daily can have an everlasting impact on your body without you even realising it. Burdening yourself with stress and other chronic ailments is just a recipe for disaster. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes or not, it is crucial to keep track of your sugar quantity. Infection, organ failure, low recovery rates and heart diseases are just some by-products of having incessant high sugar levels. 

How to Detect if you Have Hyperglycemia?

Check your blood sugar level 1-2 hours after eating and the amount of glucose in your blood during the post-eating and fasting phase gives you an accurate idea of the risk you possess. Fasting sugar above 100-125 mg/dL, postprandial sugars over 180 mg/dL or random blood sugar (taken any time during the day)- above 200 mg/dL, then your body has an unhealthy amount of blood sugar and that is hyperglycemia. It’s best to start monitoring your habits and developing healthy practices to avoid facing such consequences.

What Causes Hyperglycemia in Non-diabetics?

Some factors can lead to a transient rise in blood sugars in a person who is not diagnosed with diabetes. Even though multiple conditions could be aiding the development of high blood sugar in non-diabetic persons, the most commonly known ones are – 

  • Medication – Yes, medication too can have various side effects that you may not be aware of. Dopamine, corticosteroids, tacrolimus, cyclosporine and norepinephrine are just some medications that have been known to trigger enzymes that further lead to a continual rise in the level of sugar in your blood. The intensity of the medications makes it difficult for our body to generate enough energy to fuel our daily chores and we may feel tired at all times due to the same reason.  
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome – If you’re a woman who has reached reproductive age then taking care of your hormonal imbalances is imperative! An imbalance in the hormones can produce high degrees of insulin, testosterone and cytokine which in turn leads to an excess of sugar in the blood since they are incapable of consuming all of the glucose too to keep producing energy.
  • Stress – Our hectic life induces a lot of stress in our life daily but unmanaged stress is only a catalyst leading to a steep rise in cortisol and adrenaline levels. These in turn increase the glucose quantity in your blood as an instrument to combat emotional agitation.  
  • Obesity – The more the number of fat cells in your body, the more your body is insulin resistant. The fat cells make it very difficult to get rid of the excess glucose from your blood to generate more energy.  

The above-listed causes are the well-known risk factors for diabetes type 2. Your doctor can diagnose and assess the reason and required treatment for high blood sugars for both persons with diabetes and without.

Chronic intake of steroids for various reasons like arthritis or autoimmune diseases also can cause reversible hyperglycemia, which improves after stopping steroids.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Symptoms of Hyperglycemia

  • Unquenchable thirst
  • Increase in urination
  • Dazed sight
  • Constant feeling of nausea 
  • Frequent abdominal ache
  • Feeling lethargic
  • Headache

These are some symptoms that both diabetic and non-diabetic patients with hyperglycemia face and you should be cautious of. If you’re observing any of these symptoms regularly then it is best to get yourself checked. Leaving it untreated can cause you more harm than you can imagine.

Unhealthy dietary habits, poorly managed lifestyle factors and a lack of physical activity are top contributors for a rise in blood sugar levels in non-diabetics, commonly called Nondiabetic hyperglycemia. Exercise caution to prevent the occurrence of a full-blown diabetes.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

How can you Manage the Glucose Level in Your Blood?

Here are some ways you can manage the amount of sugar in your blood to avoid health hazards to a greater extent –

  • Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet
  • Exercise/ yoga/ aerobics are some physical activities you can incorporate into your daily schedule for a healthier lifestyle
  • Don’t skip your meals
  • Develop a healthy sleeping schedule

PharmEasy Recommends: Everherb Diabetic Care Juice


Do not ignore even a transient rise in blood sugars due to any reason. PCOS, some medications and obesity can ultimately lead to diabetes. Your health is in your hands and maintaining it should be your number one priority. Like they say, ”Precaution is better than cure”. Be mindful of what you eat. Exercise regularly and live an active life to keep not just high blood sugar but many other diseases at bay.  

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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