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Apple Cider Vinegar: A New Weapon Against Acne?

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Almost every other individual is affected by acne, especially adolescents. It is said that approximately 85 -90% of teenagers suffer from acne and it may continue to exist into adult life in some cases.

We try different home remedies to get rid of this bothersome condition. One such home remedy is apple cider vinegar. In this article, we will be discussing how we can use apple cider vinegar (ACV) in the management of acne.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)?

Apple cider vinegar is prepared by fermenting the crushed apples with yeast. This converts the sugars in apple into alcohol and finally into acetic acid, the main active compound in ACV. Most of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar come from acetic acid content. ACV is beneficial in lowering blood sugar levels, weight loss, and management of acne.

How Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) can help you treat your acne?

Apple cider vinegar helps in acne treatment by two major actions namely antibacterial and keratolytic, peeling of outer cells of the skin. We will discuss them one by one.

One of the main factors in the development of acne is a type of bacterium known as Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes. It can cause inflammation and scarring of skin cells. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, succinic acid, and citric acid which can kill the bacteria P. acnes. Clinical studies have shown that lactic acid causes a significant reduction in acne when applied on the face. ACV can also remove dead skin cells. However, specific evidence with the use of apple cider vinegar in acne is lacking.

skin discoloration and scarring is the main concern after the healing of acne. Apple cider vinegar can remove the damaged cells of outer layers of skin, reduce inflammation, and promote the growth of normal cells. This helps to reduce scarring due to acne.

This process of applying organic acids to the skin is called “chemical peeling”

The succinic acid content of ACV is mainly responsible for this benefit.

Above mentioned benefits are backed by some clinical studies. However, more studies are needed to confirm these findings.

Can People with a Severe Form of Acne Benefit from Apple Cider Vinegar?

It may not be effective in the management of severe acne. Please consult your doctor if you have a severe form of acne.

Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

1. ACV helps in killing bacteria

Vinegar can help kill pathogens, including bacteria. People have traditionally used vinegar for cleaning and disinfecting. Vinegar is also a food preservative. Studies show that it inhibits bacteria from growing in and spoiling food.

2. ACV may help lower blood sugar levels and manage diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels caused by insulin resistance or the inability to produce insulin. One of the most convincing applications of vinegar is helping treat type 2 diabetes. Apple cider vinegar has shown great results in improving insulin sensitivity and helping lower blood sugar responses after meals.

3. May aid weight loss

Several studies show that vinegar could help people lose weight. Some studies have also shown that vinegar can increase feelings of fullness. This can lead to eating fewer calories and losing weight.

What Precautions Should be Taken While Applying ACV to the Skin?

Before applying apple cider vinegar directly on the face, try it on some other part of your skin. Look for any adverse reaction, if any. People with sensitive skin need to be more careful as it can damage the skin in some cases.

Apple cider vinegar helps in removing excessive sebum and it should be used only after dilution and after consultation with your dermatologist.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

What is the Best Method to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne?

As it contains organic acids, apple cider vinegar should be diluted with water before its use on the skin. Mix one part apple cider vinegar with three to four parts water. People with sensitive skin may need more dilution with water. Clean your face with water and allow it to dry. Gently apply apple cider vinegar to the acne site with the help of a cotton ball. Leave it on your face for five to fifteen minutes and then rinse it off. The process can be repeated one to two times a day.

Are There Any Safety Concerns With Apple Cider Vinegar?

As we have discussed earlier, apple cider vinegar is acidic. It can cause burns if left in contact with the skin for a longer duration. To prevent this damage to the skin, it should be applied along with water. If you feel a burning sensation after applying ACV, you should dilute it with more amount of water.

Apple cider vinegar apart from helping to manage acne and the associated scars can be helpful in reducing dark spots and can even out the skin tone, but using it in moderation with the consultation of a dermatologist is essential.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

What’s The Bottom Line?

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent home remedy for the treatment of acne. It may help in controlling the acne-causing bacteria and reducing scar formation due to acne. Severe cases of acne need medical advice from an expert.

Read more about: 7 Reasons Why Vitamin C Is Good For Your Skin

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