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The tips and uses given above are very useful to get a glowing skin…

Liked the page very much…

Thanks a lot for the beautiful explanation given…

Ashir Sahal

You are most welcome. Hope you found it useful.


i loved this tips thankyou somuch

Ashir Sahal

You are most welcome. Hope you found it useful.

Rubina yesmin

Nice tips.

Gayetri Solanki

Thank you, glad you liked it.

Shreya Gupta

Thank you. Stay connected for more such amazing remedies.


Thank you for such a grate remedies.


Thanks….was very helpful

Ashir Sahal

You are most welcome. Glad you found it useful.


Can we also appy ghee on face?

Ashwini Wani

Thanks for the useful Information. Keep it up.

Ashir Sahal

You are most welcome. We appreciate your support.


really these tips are very nice, the usage of ingredients u given also very well.

Ashir Sahal

Thank you, glad you liked it.

Ambika Rani



Really it’s beautiful steps to keep our skin glowing

Ashir Sahal

Thank you, glad you liked it.


Do we have to use all the remedies or just one remedy?

Ashir Sahal

Thank you, glad you liked it.


Nice tips.very very thank you so much
And I need hair tips also

Ashir Sahal

Glad you found it useful, you will find more such articles here every day, stay tuned.

Shruti M Mehta

Nice tips.very very thank you so much

Olatayo Omolara

I love this

Regina Timothy

Can I apply this to my face,most especially,the alo vera juice,I have dark spots, and some rashes on my face

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16 Simple Home Remedies for Glowing Skin!

By Dr. Kathak Kushal Shah +2 more


Your skin is not just about how you look; it also shows how healthy you are inside. A glowing and clear complexion means your body is well-nourished, your hormones are balanced, and you are properly hydrated. More than just appearance, healthy skin protects you from pollution, UV rays, and harmful germs.

Stress, pollution, and poor lifestyle choices take a toll on our overall well-being, and our skin often reflects these effects. Maintaining glowing skin is not just about appearance, it’s a key indicator of both physical and emotional health. By understanding the deep connection between skin health and overall wellness, you can take steps to nourish your body and mind.

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

While there are various skin and beauty care products available in the market, nothing beats the goodness of natural products and healthy habits. Let’s talk about some easy home remedies that can help you get glowing skin!

Friendly Reminder: The information shared here is for educational purposes only, and the reader should consult a registered medical practitioner before implementing any changes to their health routine.

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

1. Turmeric (Skin Type – All )

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Turmeric has natural antibacterial properties[3] and is a powerful antioxidant, making it a go-to spice for maintaining clear and glowing skin. It has curcumin, an anti-inflammatory agent that helps to get rid of hyperpigmented marks. It gives your skin a glow and rejuvenates it[1]

Turmeric eliminates free radicals that damage the skin and enhances collagen production, which helps keep the skin supple and fresh.

How To Use Turmeric for Your Skin

  • Mix about half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a cup of gram flour (chickpea flour). 
  • Add enough milk/water/yoghurt and mix well to form a smooth paste. 
  • Now, add a few drops of rose water and remix it. Apply this paste on your face and neck and leave it on till it dries. 
  • Then, rinse with cool water.  Note: Do not rub off dry packs from the skin; it can irritate the skin. 

2. Honey (Skin Type – Oily, Acne-Prone & Combination)

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Honey is an excellent moisturizer and helps keep the skin well-hydrated. Honey’s anti-bacterial properties help ward off infections and reduce blemishes and acne at home. Honey ensures spotless skin. It is rich in antioxidant properties and helps fade pigmentation and scars[7].

How To Use Honey for Your Skin

  • You can directly apply honey on your face and neck area, but ensure your skin is clean and damp. 
  • Massage for a few minutes, allowing it to get absorbed by the skin. 
  • Now, wash off with lukewarm water.

3. Olive Oil (Skin Type – Dry)

Olive oil in a bowl

Olive oil acts as an excellent moisturizer for dry skin. It helps prevent the skin from aging early. It’s great for the skin and gives it a nice, healthy glow, suitable for people of all age groups. Olive oil is one of the best oils for massaging dry skin[4].

How To Use Olive Oil for Your Skin

  • Every night before hitting the bed, take a few drops of olive oil and apply them all over your body. 
  • Another way is to put a few drops of olive oil in lukewarm water and use it for a bath.

4. Orange Juice (Skin Type – Oily)

orange juice benefits

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and help with detoxification. A glassful of orange juice daily helps clean the complexion and rejuvenate the skin. 

How To Use Orange Juice for Your Skin

  • Squeeze fresh oranges and extract the juice. 
  • Add a pinch of salt and black pepper, then drink it with your breakfast for healthy, glowing skin. 
  • Alternatively, you can also grind a few pieces of orange peel with a few drops of rose water to make a smooth paste. 
  • Apply this paste to your face and rinse after 15 minutes with cool water. This may not be suitable for all skin types; hence, it is advisable to do a patch test first.

5. Milk (Skin Type – Sensitive and Dry)

Tyrosine, the melanin-controlling hormone, leads to the darkening of the skin. Milk counters the effects of Tyrosine in the skin and promotes a skin full of glow. Raw milk is one of the most accessible ingredients for getting good-looking skin.

How To Use Milk for Your Skin

  • You can apply raw milk to your skin or mix it with turmeric or honey and form a paste.
  • Massage gently for a few seconds and rinse it off with lukewarm water. Not only does it help with cleansing the skin, but it also maintains the skin’s moisture.

6. Besan (Skin Types – All)

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Besan has always been a trusted remedy for healthy and glowing skin. Besan or gram flour acts as a natural exfoliator and helps remove dead skin cells. 

How To Use Besan for Your Skin

  • You can mix besan with water, milk or any other ingredients. 
  • It is applied like a pack on the skin. 
  • Make sure to dampen the pack while washing it off. Rubbing the dry mask might lead to irritated skin at times and can lead to breakouts, too.

7. Cucumber (Skin Type – Acne Prone, Dry & Sensitive)


Dry skin, chapped skin, dark circles? Include cucumbers not only in your diet but also in your beauty regimen. Cucumber has the same pH level as that of our skin. It helps replenish the skin’s protective layer and keeps the skin hydrated, thus promoting glowing skin[9].

How To Use Cucumber for Your Skin

  • You can put cucumber slices on your eyes as they appear in magazines and television.
  • You can also place cucumber in a mixer grinder and apply the juice. 
  • Making cucumber juice ice cubes and using it after a tiring day out in the sun gives a super relaxed experience to the skin.

8. Papaya (Skin Type – Dry)

papaya benefits

This one comes with a secret beauty ingredient – papain. Not only is papain good for your liver, but it works wonders for your skin. This enzyme has skin-lightening properties and can lighten blemishes and scars if applied[8]. Papaya also acts as a gentle exfoliator and helps remove inactive protein cells and dead skin cells. It gives excellent results and keeps the skin looking young and healthy with a beautiful glow.

How To Use Papaya for Your Skin

  • Papaya can be put in a mixer grinder, and the paste can be applied to the skin. 
  • Mix it with honey to get glowing skin.

9. Aloe Vera (Skin Type – All)

Aloe vera leaves & a Spoon of aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is rich in vitamins and antioxidants for our skin. It keeps skin glowing and soft and also helps prevent acne. Aloe Vera application on sunburns helps in faster healing[6]. Aloe vera application on the skin helps to keep skin hydrated, improves elasticity and prevents the development of wrinkles. You can make aloe vera juice at home or add aloe vera gel to smoothies and other drinks. It can also be applied directly to the skin. 

How To Use Aloe Vera for Your Skin

  • Gently scrape aloe gel from the leaves and use it on your skin. 
  • Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. 
  • Then rinse your skin with cool water and pat dry.

10. Lemon (Skin Type – Oily & Acne Prone Skin)

lemon benefits

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It boosts collagen production, maintaining the elasticity of the skin. It also helps to lighten our skin tone and moisturise our skin. It works amazingly on darkened knees and elbows.

How To Use Lemon for Your Skin

If you wish to apply lemon on your skin, please perform a patch test initially. 

  • Make a solution of lemon juice and water in a ratio of 2:3 and gently apply it to your skin using cotton. 
  • Leave for 10 minutes and wash with cool water. 
  • Then pat dry.
  • Add a few drops of lemon juice to other homemade face masks. Lemon juice is a strong irritant; using it with advice and under the supervision of a dermatologist works safer. 

The best way to use lemons for skin is to consume them as lemonade or squeeze them on your salads and dals.

11. Yoghurt (Skin Type – All)

Yoghurt, rich in lactic acid, nourishes and moisturizes the skin while helping to reduce tan and dark circles. It also soothes sunburns, making it a great natural remedy for healthy, radiant skin. 

How To Use Yoghurt for Your Skin

  • You can apply it directly on the skin using cotton, leave for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash with cold water.
  • Yoghurt can also be used on our skin by making a variety of face packs. Ingredients like turmeric, oats, honey, etc., can be used to make face packs with yoghurt. If using yoghurt alone, make sure it is low-fat. If using full-fat yoghurt, ensure the skin doesn’t get oily & doesn’t break out.

12. Oats (Skin Type – All)

Oats are an efficient anti-tanning agent and may help lighten the skin tone while also acting as an excellent exfoliator. They are also rich in zinc, which is essential for fighting off pimples. They help absorb the excess oil on the skin and are essential to acne treatments. They also help treat dry and itchy skin[5], as beta-glucans help moisturise it. Oatmeal baths or oatmeal moisturizers are beneficial for sensitive skin. 

How To Use Oats for Your Skin

  • Mix around two tablespoons of oats with three tablespoons of yoghurt or cold milk.
  • Apply this paste to your skin and leave for 10 to 15 minutes. 
  • Later, wash with lukewarm water and pat dry.

13. Almonds (Skin Type – All)

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Almonds are rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants. Regular massage with almond oil keeps our skin glowing and healthy. It also prevents fine lines and wrinkles.

How To Use Almonds for Your Skin

  • You can crush soaked almonds in milk and blend well to form a paste. 
  • Apply on the skin and leave for 10 to 15 minutes. 
  • Then wash with cold water and pat dry.

 You can also massage your skin with almond oil for 5 to 10 minutes daily for younger-looking skin.

14. Coconut Oil (Skin Type – Normal to Dry)

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Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids[2]. It reduces inflammation, is a lightweight oil and does wonders for almost all skin types.

How To Use Coconut Oil for Your Skin

  • Regular massage with lukewarm coconut oil keeps our skin glowing and healthy.

15. Banana (Skin Type – Dry)

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Bananas are great for our skin. They are rich in potassium, vitamins A and B. They hydrate and moisturise our skin. They also have powerful anti-ageing effects.

How To Use Bananas for Your Skin

  • Mash a banana, apply it to your skin, and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. 
  • Then wash with lukewarm water. 
  • You can also make a facemask using one ripe banana, 1 tsp honey, and dried rose petal powder. 
  • Banana peels also help in lightening our skin tone and dark circles. Gently rub banana peels on your skin.
  • Leave for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash with water.
  • Pat dry.

16. Saffron (Skin Type – Sensitive & Oily)

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Saffron is excellent for our skin. It helps in lightening the skin tone and makes it glowy. It is effective in treating acne, blemishes and blackheads. Saffron makes our skin smooth and lightens dark circles[1].

How To Use Saffron for Your Skin

  • Add a few strands of saffron to water and leave for 5 to 10 minutes. 
  • Then, add this water to milk, honey or turmeric to make different types of face masks.
  • Apply on the skin for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash with cold water.
  • Pat dry.

Commonly Practiced Home Remedies for Glowing Skin That Don’t Work

1. Body Lotion

Many people are in the habit of reaching for their bottle of body lotion when they run out of their face cream or, in general, keep one product on their shelf and use it all over, thinking that all skin care products have the same application and make. But this is not the case. 

Body lotions are thicker and not meant for the face. They are formulated for your body, while face creams are lighter and made up specially to avoid any breakouts on the face. Using body lotion as face cream can lead to breakouts or allergic reactions and make the skin look oily. Always use a face cream that is more gentle and fragrance-free. 

2. Sugar

Sugar is often used as a home remedy for glowing skin in various kinds of scrubs, such as your lips and the rest of your body. But this is best avoided as sugar particles tend to be larger and more abrasive, causing micro-tears. 

3. Hot Water

Hot water is not advised for washing your hair as it can increase hair fall and dry the scalp. Similarly, hot water is not suitable for your skin as it can reduce natural moisture and might even cause scalding. For patients of eczema & psoriasis, hot water is a big no! It worsens the itching and discomfort. 

4. Toothpaste

Some people use toothpaste to cover up zits or remove blackheads as skin hacks, but this is highly counter-productive as toothpaste can irritate the skin and leave marks. 

5. Soap

At some point, we’ve all used soap to wash our face. However, just like body lotion differs from face moisturizer, not all skincare products serve the same purpose. Face washes are designed to be gentle and remove only excess oil, while soap can be harsh and strip away natural moisture. While soap works well for the body, it’s best to use a mild cleanser for your face.

6. Baking Soda

Another skin hack to get rid of blackheads is applying baking soda. But beware, baking soda can strip your skin of its pH balance, which is crucial to safeguard your skin from bacteria and germs. Baking soda is alkaline, and skincare experts do not recommend using it on the face. 

Daily Home Skincare Tips for a Radiant Glow

Some simple activities at home can also boost your skin quality with surprising results. 

1. Sleep Routine

Getting regular and restful sleep is the primary activity to help you achieve that flawless look. Restless sleep, and that too for a few hours, only affects your skin negatively. When you sleep, your cells can flush out the toxins produced during the day. This ensures that you wake up with refreshed and plush skin. Sleep experts recommend 7 – 8 hours of sleep every day for optimal brain function and improved health[10].

2. Stay Hydrated

Another vital activity to keep your skin looking healthy is to stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day. Try to drink at least 2 litres of water daily, apart from other fluids, since proper hydration is essential for healthy and glowing skin[11]

3. Exercise Regularly

Daily exercise goes a long way towards improving your skin. It helps you stay fit, stimulates your heart and blood circulation, and is vital for maintaining a healthy body overall. Your skin is the largest and most nutrient-hungry organ in your body, and these activities can help you properly take care of it! 

4. Balanced Diet 

Consume a healthy, balanced and nutritious exercise. Cut down on excess salts, sugars and trans fats. The unhealthy effects of fried and packaged foods can appear on your skin. Eat healthy to see that reflection as a youthful glow on your skin.


Achieving glowing skin doesn’t have to be complex or expensive. With these 16 simple & effective home remedies, you can naturally nourish your skin using ingredients readily available in your kitchen. It is important to remember that consistency is key. Make these remedies a part of your everyday skincare routine, and you’ll notice the difference quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can the application of turmeric cause side effects on my skin?

Yes, in some people it can. Around the world, for many centuries, people have been using turmeric for various skin problems due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Raw turmeric pasted or grounded has been used profusely across Indian households to treat common conditions such as boils, burns, bruises, blisters, eczema, herpes, insect bites, wounds, etc. However, those rare few with very sensitive skin may be allergic to turmeric and can experience reactions such as inflammation, scaly skin, burning, soreness or itching combined with redness. To avoid this, you must conduct a small patch test on the back of your palm.

What to apply to the skin in case of sunburn?

Aloe vera is the most effective for managing mild sunburn. Aloe vera comprises 19 of 20 essential amino acids that help soften hardened skin cells. Furthermore, it boosts collagen production to maintain elasticity and dryness and prevents skin flakiness and peeling following sunburn. Aloe vera helps to soothe irritated skin after sunburn while simultaneously moisturising it. To treat sunburn at home, you can use aloe vera gel procured from the plant leaf or purchase 100% aloe vera gel from the pharmacy. In case of severe sunburn, consult a dermatologist.

What diet should I follow for glowing skin?

Consume a healthy and balanced diet.
Eat enough vitamin C-enriched foods such as papayas, oranges, kiwi, strawberries, broccoli, guava, sweet potatoes and blueberries to get your share of antioxidants.
Avoid crash diets that lead to unhealthy skin marked by wrinkles, stretch marks, pigmentation & dullness.
Consume omega three and omega-six fatty acid-enriched foods such as fish, chia seeds and walnuts.
Eat more phytoestrogens, which can be found in tofu and soya

How can I use lemon to lighten and glow my skin?

Lemon is a strong irritant for the skin. It makes skin sensitive and often leaves the skin burnt.
Applying lemon juice undiluted on the skin eventually leads to more damage.
If you ever want to add lemon to skin care, lemon zest can be added to face packs. Or dilute 3-4 drops of lemon juice in pure aloe vera gel & honey. 


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  3. Vaughn AR, Branum A, Sivamani RK. Effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa) on skin health: A systematic review of the clinical evidence. Phytotherapy Research. 2016 [cited 2025 Feb 24]. Available from:
  4. Novel antibacterial and emollient effects of coconut and virgin olive oils in adult atopic dermatitis. PubMed. 2008 [cited 2025 Feb 24]. Available from:
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  6. Rahmani A, Aldebasi Y, Srikar S, Khan A, Aly S. Aloe vera: Potential candidate in health management via modulation of biological activities. Pharmacognosy Reviews. 2015 [cited 2025 Feb 24]. Available from:
  7. Tashkandi H. Honey in wound healing: An updated review. Open Life Sciences. 2021 [cited 2025 Feb 24]. Available from:
  8. Chen YY, Lu YH, Ma CH, Tao WW, Zhu JJ, Zhang X. A novel elastic liposome for skin delivery of papain and its application on hypertrophic scar. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2016 [cited 2025 Feb 24]. Available from:
  9. Hooda R. Antiwrinkle herbal drugs – An update. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2015 [cited 2025 Feb 24]. Available from:
  10. Experts recommend 7-8 hours of sleep for better brain health 
  11. Effect of Amount of Daily Water Intake and Use of Moisturizer on Skin Barrier Function in Healthy Female Participants

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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