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6 Safe And Simple Exercises For Hydrocele

By Dr. Nilesh Kumar Dehariya +2 more

A hydrocele is a condition in which fluid gets filled up in a male’s scrotum, causing it to swell. Even though hydrocele is not considered a major health issue, it does not necessarily cause any pain either, but it can be highly uncomfortable and make it difficult for you to lead a normal life. These are more common in male infants than adults and proper medical treatments are required. The cause of hydroceles can be an injury or inflammation within the scrotum, it may also develop before birth and usually gets absorbed within the first year of life.  

The Symptoms of Hydrocele Include:

  • Usually, the only sign of hydrocele is an isolated testicular swelling. 
  • You might notice symptoms such as redness, itching, soreness, etc. 
  • Hydroceles cause discomfort. 
  • It may cause pain due to increased inflammation size. 
  • The swelling might get larger in the afternoon.

These symptoms may help you identify hydroceles and you must consult the doctor immediately, instead of self-diagnosing. The condition can worsen if left untreated, timely diagnosis, treatment and possibly surgery are required. However, your doctor may allow certain exercises to help you temporarily cope with the condition. 

The surgery for hydrocele is usually a minor surgery with a quick recovery time of 2-3 weeks and a low risk of postoperative bleeding or infections.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Is Exercise Good for Hydrocele?

If you are suffering from hydrocele, regular exercise may help manage your symptoms temporarily. Your doctor may suggest a few easy exercises to do at home, depending on your condition. Let us find out some of the right exercises for a person with hydrocele. 

6 Exercises and Yoga for People with Hydrocele

1. Vajrasana

Also known as the thunderbolt pose, this simple exercise must be done by sitting back erect on your legs. You must keep your ankles together, thighs on your calves, and keep your buttocks on your heels. Place your hands on your knees, keep your arms relaxed, head straight, and chin parallel to the ground. Try to focus on your breathing as you slowly inhale and exhale air, in and out of your lungs. Hold this position for a few minutes and try to increase this time every day. This exercise has several health benefits, it improves blood circulation and may help bring down the swelling due to hydrocele.

2. Garudasana

You should perform Garudasana or the Eagle Pose on an empty stomach. It is a somewhat complex pose but with regular practice, you can do it well. Standing straight on both your feet, slowly raise your right leg and wrap it around the left leg. The right thigh should be over the left thigh and the right foot should touch the calf muscles from behind. You will now have to wrap the right hand around the left hand and place the palms together. Concentrate on balancing your body and continue breathing properly. This exercise will majorly improve blood circulation to the reproductive system and is advised for people with hydrocele.


Kapalbhati is a popular Pranayam and has various health benefits. It must be practiced regularly to get positive results for hydrocele. Sit comfortably on a yoga mat with your spine erect. Now place your hands on your knees with both the palms facing upwards. Inhale and then exhale while pulling your navel in as much as you can. When you relax, you will feel the breath flow into your lungs automatically. Do one round of the exercise, take 20 breaths, and continue with 3 such rounds every day. Kapalbhati greatly improves the blood supply to all the body organs, it is a breathing exercise that helps improve the functioning of the reproductive system and reduces discomfort and heaviness caused due to hydrocele. 

4. Gomukhasana

Gomukhasana or the cow pose is a beneficial exercise which is suggested for providing temporary relief to the symptoms of hydrocele. It is good for a range of sexual disorders as it effectively increases the blood flow to the reproductive system. Sit with your back straight and your legs forward. Now bend your left leg and place the foot under your right hip. Gently bend your right leg and cross it over the left leg. Keep your right knee on the left one. Fold your left arm behind the back and bring the palm up. Raise the right hand, bend down to reach the left palm, and clasp it. Hold this position and breathe slowly. 

5. Mandukasana

The Frog Pose exercise must be started by getting in the Vajrasana pose. You must make firm fists with both hands, inhale, and exhale while you bend your body forward while pressing your fists against the navel. Your chin must touch your knees while doing this. Stay in this position for one minute and release. This yoga is very helpful for people with hydrocele, it regulates digestion, optimises the function of excretory and reproductive systems. 

6. Shashankasana

Shashankasana or the hare pose is a very relaxing exercise and shows positive results for hydrocele when done regularly. Sit in the Vajrasana pose and practice relaxed breathing. First, raise your hands above your head, then exhale and try to bend forward and touch the ground. Maintain this position for a while and then relax.

These yoga asanas may be done by a person with hydrocele. You must, however, consult a doctor and inform him/her if you have any prior health condition, because these exercises may not be advised to patients with orthopaedic problems and more. 

Hydrocele should always be evaluated by a surgeon first before using all home remedies as long standing hydrocele can cause irreversible infertility.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Exercises to Avoid Hydrocele

While exercises are good for you, it is important to understand that not all exercises are good for your condition and if you don’t perform the exercises correctly, it may even worsen your condition. Avoid strenuous exercises which may aggravate your symptoms. 


While hydrocele may not seem life-threatening, you must not ignore the symptoms. It is always best to consult the doctor, seek medical advice, and indulge in regular physical exercise. You must consult a doctor at the earliest as you notice any hydrocele symptoms because the right diagnosis and treatment are necessary. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How is a hydrocele diagnosed?

Ans. Your doctor will physically examine the area to see if any bulges change in the groin area under pressure or when you cough. You may have to undergo imaging tests like an ultrasound for further understanding of your condition and to proceed with the appropriate treatment.

Will it be safe to practice yoga if I suffer from hydrocele?

Ans. It is safe to do some types of yoga if you have hydrocele, but it is best to consult a certified yoga instructor or physician before you begin. This helps you to avoid making mistakes in your yoga postures. You can practice the exercises based on your health status. There are several yoga postures and exercises that may be good for a person with hydrocele but contraindicated for a person with back pain, joint pain, hip injury, spine-related problems, etc.

Will a hydrocele affect fertility?

Ans. A hydrocele may not directly affect your fertility, but it can cause some amount of pain and discomfort, hence medical attention is necessary.

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