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Benefits of Supta Vajrasana (Reclined Thunderbolt Pose) and How to Do it By Dr. Ankit Sankhe

By Dr. Ankit Sankhe +2 more


It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an expert. Yoga has something to offer to everyone from day one! People perform yoga for different reasons, for inner peace, healing, or fitness goals. There is a pose to suit every need. Yoga is so much more than a workout. It combines postures, deep relaxation, meditation, and breathing exercises.1   

The aim of the practice of yoga is self-realization. The word Yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word, which means ‘to join’ or ‘to unite’ The yogic scriptures say that yoga leads to the joining of individual consciousness to the universal consciousness.2  If you want to learn more about Supta Vajrasana, a variation of the traditional Vajrasana pose, keep reading!  

supta vajrasana

What is Supta Vajrasana?

The word asana is a Sanskrit word that means pose or posture. Vajrasana is mentioned in the texts of Gheranda Samhita. To achieve Vajrasana, one should place the heels on either side of the anal region and tighten the thighs like a Vajra. In Hathayoga Pradipika, Vajrasana is mentioned as the synonym of Siddhasana.3  Supta Vajrasana is a variation of the Vajrasana pose. This pose is suitable for women who struggle with menstrual pain. It is an excellent exercise to increase blood flow in the internal organs like the kidney, pancreas and liver.4 The Supta Vajrasana also strengthens the muscles of the back, neck and chest region.3  

How to Do It?

The Supta Vajrasana is a type of Vajrasana. So, to start with this pose; you need to sit in the Vajrasana pose. Begin by following these steps: 

  • Start with the Vajrasana posture.  
  • Bend your torso backward from the waist slowly.  
  • Using your arms to support your body weight, bend till you can place your head on the ground. 
  • You can bring your palms together if you wish to rest your head on them. 
  • Make sure that only the upper part of the spine touches the floor. 
  • Close your eyes and breathe evenly.  
  • If you are a beginner, maintain the posture for 30 seconds. 
  • With practice, you can increase your duration to three minutes.4  
  • You can repeat the process one to three times depending upon your fitness.5  

Do You Know?

Here are some fun facts about the Supta Vajrasana.  

  • The pose of Supta Vajrasana is also an excellent way to address emotions or sensations that you might have pushed away for too long. So, it’s a perfect pose to unwind emotionally.  
  • The tension trapped in your shoulders can also be released if you perform the Supta Vajrasana.6  

Benefits of Supta Vajrasana:

Yoga offers many benefits for the body and mind. However, ensure you perform the pose correctly, following all the necessary precautions. Beginners need to complete the pose under the supervision of any instructor or teacher. This will help you perform the pose better and get the maximum benefits.  

1. Benefits of Supta Vajrasana for Muscular Pain

With our rapid lifestyle, we often face many health issues. Muscle pain has become a common problem for many of us. This is why more and more people are taking up yoga to stay healthy and fit. Supta Vajrasana yoga pose is known to strengthen the back, neck and chest muscles.3 It might also help with back pain because it involves stretching of the back.7  So it might be a good pose for people whose job involves sitting in one place all day.  

2. Benefits of Supta Vajrasana for Blood Circulation

Good blood circulation is very essential for a healthy body. Performing Supta Vajrasana might be an excellent choice to enhance blood flow in internal organs like the kidneys, liver and pancreas.4   

3. Benefits of Supta Vajrasana for Menstrual Pain

Many women struggle with abdominal pain when they are menstruating. This is an issue that is often neglected, and women struggle a great deal because of it. Yoga might be a good choice for women who want to get rid of this pain in the comfort of their homes. Supta Vajrasana helps stretch the pelvis and abdomen, making the uterus healthy. Also, it might help with menstrual problems like back pain.7 However, if your pain does not improve with these home remedies, make sure to consult with your healthcare provider or a gynaecologist.   

Based on some published studies, premature ejaculation is one of the reasons for the unsatisfied and unfavourable sexual life amongst many couples. In such cases, practising sitting yoga asana is highly beneficial. Supta vajrasana is a type of sitting yoga asana. Therefore, supta vajrasana might be beneficial in managing premature ejaculation.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

4. Other Benefits of Supta Vajrasana

  • Supta Vajrasana might help with gastric problems like gas and belching.  
  • Supta Vajrasana might help strengthen the lung muscles, thereby helping those with asthma and bronchitis.  
  • Supta Vajrasana might help increase the flexibility of the spine and hip region and stretch the thigh muscles.5   

Yoga practice may help develop the mind and body; however, it is still not an alternative to modern medicine. Therefore, you must not rely on yoga alone to treat any condition. Instead, please consult a qualified doctor who will be able to assess your situation correctly and advise accordingly. Moreover, it is necessary to practice and learn yoga under the supervision of a trained yoga teacher to avoid any injuries.  

Risks of Supta Vajrasana:

During the initial stages, it is best to perform the exercise under the supervision of a yoga practitioner or an expert. You need to keep some things in mind before doing the Supta Vajrasana.  

  • If you have recently suffered an asthma attack and suffer from acute pain in the lumbar spine region, you need to avoid performing the Supta Vajrasana.  
  • Also, if you have had any knee or abdominal surgery, avoid doing the Supta Vajrasana.5  

With the guidance of a qualified and experienced yoga teacher/yoga expert, we can access and analyze the risk factors and continue to practice exercise with precautions.  

When you set a routine incorporating certain yoga asana which includes breathing exercises (pranayama), and stretching techniques (asanas like supta vajrasana and kapalbhati), it might help you with weight reduction and chronic anxiety.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS


Yoga is an excellent way to stay healthy and fit, as it can be performed in the comforts of your home. Supta Vajrasana is a variation of the sitting pose of Vajrasana. This Asana is good for increasing blood circulation in vital organs like the liver, kidney and pancreas. It might also help strengthen the neck, back and chest muscles. Women who struggle with menstrual pain can also do Supta Vajrasana to alleviate the pain. However, an important thing to note is that it should not be performed in case of an asthma attack or any significant knee or abdominal surgery. If you are a beginner, complete the pose under the guidance of a trained professional. It will help you do the pose correctly and get the best out of it.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many sets of Supta Vajrasana can be performed?  

The number of sets mainly depends on your ability to do the pose. As a beginner, you start by doing once. Then, as you practice the pose, you can easily repeat the pose one to three times. However, try not to overdo the pose, as it can badly affect your body. Also, if you are doing the pose for the first time, make sure to do it under the guidance of a trained professional.  

For how long can I hold the pose of Supta Vajrasana?  

People usually hold the pose for about 30 seconds to three minutes. Beginners can hold the pose for 30 seconds. You can hold the posture for up to three minutes with regular practice.4 However, try not to overdo the pose the first time you try it, or else you may injure yourself.   

What are the various Supta Vajrasana benefits?  

Supta Vajrasana might help you improve blood circulation to vital internal organs of the body. It might also help strengthen the back, neck and chest muscles. Women who deal with menstrual pain may also benefit from it. However, if you are suffering from health issues, talk to a healthcare provider first. Also, if you are performing the pose for the first time, make sure to do it under the supervision of a yoga trainer.  

Are there any risks associated with the Supta Vajrasana pose?  

Avoid doing the Supta Vajrasana if you have had any recent knee or abdominal surgery. Also, avoid doing the pose if you had an asthma attack and suffer from pain in the lumbar spine region.5 If you are a beginner, do the pose under the supervision of a trained individual.  


1. Introduction to Yoga – Harvard Health [Internet]. [cited 2022 Oct 12]. Available from:  

2. Yoga: Its Origin, History and Development [Internet]. [cited 2022 Oct 12]. Available from: 

3. Sharma DrD. Review and Importance of Vajrasana in Daily Life. Int J Res Appl Sci Eng Technol [Internet]. 2021 Feb 28 [cited 2022 Oct 12];9(2):230–3. Available from: 

4. Supta Vajrasana [Internet]. [cited 2022 Oct 12]. Available from: 

5. Benefits of the Supta Virasana Iyengar Yoga Asana [Internet]. [cited 2022 Oct 12]. Available from: 

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