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Pancharishta: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects By Dr. Rajeev Singh

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more


Ayurveda has enlisted the importance of various Arishtas (herbal decoctions) and Asavas (herbal infusion) which are self-fermented polyherbal preparations. These may be well-known for the management of digestive and metabolic disorders. One such preparation is Pancharishta! Pancharishta is a traditional Ayurvedic polyherbal syrup (different herbs) popularly used for centuries in India. It is a combination of Asavas and Arishtas. This polyherbal Pancharishta is made by combining and fermenting thirty-five different Ayurvedic herbal plants. Pancharishta may be considered a unique medicinal wine. It is a self-formed alcoholic preparation that may contain approximately 12% of alcohol. Pancharishta syrup formulations may have been used widely from the ancient period without knowing any side effects.​1–3​ Let us discuss the health benefits of Pancharishta, its nutritional ingredients, potential uses and more.  

Benefits of Pancharishta

Nutritional Value of Pancharishta:

Below listed are the ingredients of Pancharishta (Value in %): 

  • Aralu: 0.2%
  • Bibhitaka: 0.2%
  • Haritaki: 0.2%
  • Amalaki: 0.2%
  • Manjistha: 0.2%
  • Patala: 0.2%
  • Lodhra: 0.2%
  • Salaparni: 0.4%
  • Goksura: 0.2%
  • Ashwagandha: 1.0%
  • Satavari: 1.0%
  • Giloy: 0.5%
  • Brihati: 0.4%
  • Bilva: 0.2%
  • Agnimantha: 0.2%
  • Gambhari: 0.2%
  • Bala: 0.5%
  • Yasti: 0.5%
  • Arjuna: 0.2%
  • Dhataki: 1.0%
  • Sugar: 19.0%
  • Sthulaila: 0.005%
  • Draksa: 2.5%
  • Sati: 0.005%
  • Ginger (Shunthi): 0.005%
  • Marica: 0.005%
  • Pippali: 0.005%
  • Tvak: 0.005%
  • Cinnamon (Tvakpatra): 0.005%
  • Kanyasara: 2.5%
  • Haridra: 0.005%
  • Sodium Benzoate: 0.025%
  • Propyl Paraben: 0.025%
  • Methyl Paraben: 0.075%

Pancharishta may also contain other ingredients such as ajwain, clove, sugar cane, cumin, coriander, aloe vera and Kunwa (Yeast). It may also contain bioactive phytochemicals like phenol, tannin, saponins, glycosides, carbohydrates, flavonoids, gingerol, piperine and alcohol.1-3 

Properties of Pancharishta:

Pancharishta syrup may include the following biological properties: 

  • It may act as an antioxidant. 
  • It may act as a mild laxative.  
  • It may benefit liver health. 
  • It may have anti-ulcer activity. 
  • It may enhance digestion. 
  • It may have an anti-inflammatory action. 
  • It may boost the immune system. 
  • It may reduce stomach acidity. 
  • It may have an anti-spasmodic effect (relieving stomach cramping). 
  • It may have carminative properties (release flatulence).​1–3​ 

As Pancharishta is a polyherbal solution prepared by fermentation, it might have detoxification effects on the body due to the presence of various flavonoid and phenolic compounds.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Potential Uses of Pancharishta:

The following may be the potential uses of Pancharishta syrup: 

1. Potential Uses of Pancharishta for Hyperacidity

Hyperacidity is caused due to rise in digestive juices creating an acidic environment in the stomach. It may cause heartburn, indigestion, gas, etc. An animal study by Adhikari et al., 2018 found that Pancharishta contains herbs that may reduce the secretion of stomach acid and increase the pH in the stomach. Thus, it may help in lowering stomach acids and relieving hyperacidity.3 However, human research is needed to conclude the use of Pancharishta for hyperacidity. If you experience frequent acidity, consult a specialist doctor. Avoid self-medication.  

2. Potential Uses of Pancharishta for Digestion

Pancharishta syrup is a fermented decoction. It comprises several ‘good bacteria’ which may enhance the digestion process. It may be used as a digestive tonic which may help release digestive enzymes allowing proper digestion of food. It also contains ingredients like Tvak, Lavanga, Tvakpatra and Dhanyaka; these are carminative herbs. These may contribute to carminative activity releasing flatulence, bloating, gas and indigestion. Adhikari et al., 2018 suggest Pancharishta may help with digestion in animals.1,3 Further human studies are expected to support the benefits of Pancharishta for digestion. If you have digestion problems take the doctor’s advice. Do not self-medicate. 

Pancharishta is a polyherbal medicine made by ancient Ayurvedic methods known as Arishta and Asava. It is commonly used as a digestive and cardioprotective tonic.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

3. Potential Uses of Pancharishta for Stomach Cramps/Pain

People might experience stomach pain and stomach cramping due to various digestion issues. An animal study by Adhikari et al., 2018 reported that Pancharishta may have anti-spasmodic activity. It may help contractions of stomach muscles. It may assist in relaxation and stop cramps in the stomach and intestine. This may help reduce stomach upsets and pain.3 Further studies are needed to completely understand the effects of Pancharishta on stomach cramps. Consult a qualified physician and take Pancharishta only if recommended.  

4. Potential Uses of Pancharishta for Gastric Ulcers

Gastric ulcers happen due to an imbalance in stomach acids and bacterial infection by Helicobacter pylori. A study by Adhikari et al., 2018 observed that gastric ulcers may be reduced with the polyherbal formulation of Pancharishta. It may have the action of safeguarding the stomach mucosal lining and maintaining its structure. Hence, Pancharishta may help preserve the cell lining of the stomach and defend against gastric ulcers.3 However, this is an animal study, more human studies are required to find the true Pancharishta uses for ulcers. Take medical help if you have gastric ulcers. Self-medication is not recommended. 

5. Potential Uses of Pancharishta for Stomach Emptying

Gastroparesis is a condition that may affect the regular movement of the muscles in the stomach. This might hamper the stomach emptying. An animal study by Adhikari et al., 2018 discovered that Pancharishta ingredients may help empty the stomach.3 This property has been confirmed in animals however, human studies are awaited to support the true use of Pancharishta for stomach emptying. Consult a doctor if you are experiencing stomach issues. 

6. Other Potential Uses of Pancharishta

  • Pancharishta contains ingredients like Draksa, Goksura, Arula, Harida, Marica and Shunthi may be helpful in stomach pain.3  
  • It may act as a mild laxative; helping in relieving constipation.3 
  • An animal study by Adhikari et al., 2018 suggested Pancharishta may be used to maintain body weight.3  
  • It may be used as a tonic (cardiotonic) which may assist in managing heart health.1 
  • Pancharishta may contain phytochemicals that may have antioxidant activity. This may help fight the free radicals in the body and help maintain liver health.1  
  • It may have certain phytochemicals such as phenol, flavonoids and tannins which might help boost the immunity of the body.1 
  • Pancharishta syrup may have anti-inflammatory properties. This activity may help reduce inflammation and swelling in the body.1 

Though studies show the potential uses of Pancharishta in various conditions, these are insufficient and there is a necessity for further studies to develop the scope of the benefits of Pancharishta on human health.  

How to Use Pancharishta?

  • Pancharishta syrup is available in liquid form.  
  • You may take 1-2 tablespoons of Pancharishta syrup with an equal amount of water.  

You should consult a qualified doctor before having Pancharishta in large quantities. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing modern medical treatment with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation of Pancharishta without consulting an ayurvedic physician. They will guide you with its form and dosage per your health condition. 

Side Effects of Pancharishta:

  • No major studies reported the Pancharishta side effects in humans.2 
  • The toxicity study by Pandey et al. in 2022 found that it may contain a very less amount of heavy metals (cadmium and lead). However, they concluded Pancharishta might be safe to use for prescribed reasons.1 
  • Pancharishta syrup is an Ayurvedic preparation and may contain naturally generated alcohol.1 Therefore, excess drinking of Pancharishta syrup causes alcohol-related symptoms like vomiting, dizziness, mental confusion, etc. 

However, more human research is needed to study the side effects of Pancharishta in humans. You must always consult your doctors and get the proper treatment if you come across side effects. 

Precautions to Take with Pancharishta:

Pancharishta in the prescribed dose might be safe. However, having it in larger amounts may produce harmful effects. Therefore, a few precautions are essential:  

  • One should not self-medicate with Pancharishta. It is significant to follow the doctor’s advice and have it only if prescribed. 
  • No study suggests the safe use of Pancharishta in pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, pregnant and lactating women should have consultations with doctors before having Pancharishta to avoid complications in their babies’ health. 
  • You need to be more cautious when giving Pancharishta to small children and the elderly, as it might produce reactions in their bodies. 
  • Pancharishta may contain naturally produced alcohol (<12%). Therefore, people should avoid overdosing.1  

Interactions with Other Drugs:

  • Pancharishta is an Ayurvedic preparation. Its ingredients might interact with other drugs.  
  • It may contain some amount of alcohol which might interact with other medicines. 

Furthermore, clinical studies are required to suggest the herb-drug interaction between Pancharishta and other medicines. We direct that you consult with a doctor before taking Pancharishta preparation and only take it in the given dosage.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Pancharishta syrup? 

Pancharishta is an Ayurvedic decoction formulation of thirty-five different Ayurvedic herbs. It is a combination of Asava and Arishta. Pancharishta syrup is an alcoholic preparation that may contain 12% of self-generated alcohol. It has been widely used for all stomach-related disorders.1-3 

What are the properties of Pancharishta? 

Pancharishta properties may include carminative, laxative, antioxidant, anti-ulcer, digestive, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic. It may help enhance immunity, reduce stomach acidity and help maintain liver health.1-3 If you have any such issues consult with your doctors and avoid self-medication. 

How many ingredients are there in Pancharishta? 

Pancharishta may contain thirty-five different plant ingredients. The major ingredient of Pancharishta may be a flower called Dhataki (Woodfordia fruticosa).1,2 

What are the effects of Pancharishta overdose?

Overdosing on Pancharishta should be avoided. It contains a moderate amount of alcohol.1 Therefore, excess consumption of Pancharishta might cause symptoms such as vomiting, mental confusion, dizziness, etc. It is best to avoid overdosing and if any complication appears immediately, seek medical help.  

Is Pancharishta safe during pregnancy? 

No studies have reported the safe use of Pancharishta during pregnancy. Pregnant women should always consult their doctors before using any Ayurvedic preparations such as Pancharishta. They will advise you on the best form and dosage. Do not self-medicate. 


  1. ​​Pandey D, Verma K, Dwivedi L. Phytochemical And in-Vitro Characterization of Pancharishta: A Classical Herbal Remedy. NeuroQuantology. 2022;20(17):740–3. Available from: 
  1. ​Khan W, Chester K, Anjum V, Ahmad W, Ahmad S, Narwaria A, et al. Chromatographic profiling of Pancharishta at different stages of its development using HPTLC, HPLC, GC–MS and UPLC–MS. Phytochem Lett. 2017; 20:391–400. Available from: 
  1. ​Adhikari A, Dey A, Kanjilal S, Biswas R, Gandhi D, Mondal K, et al. Gastroprotective and digestive potential of an Ayurvedic asava–arishta preparation. Ori Pharm and Exp Med. 2018;18(4):391–401. Available from: 

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