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Talisadi Churna: Uses, Benefits and Side effects By Dr. Rajeev Singh

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more


Many people prefer herbal drugs over allopathic drugs. Since ancient times crude plant drugs have been used to overcome many diseases. Churna is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation. Talisadi churna is a well-known polyherbal formulation included in the classical text Sarangdharsamhita. The ayurvedic formulary may define churna as a fine powder of one or more ingredients in dried form. Talisadi churna composition has eight ingredients: Abies webbiana, Piper nigrum, Zingiber officinale, Piper longum, Bombusa bombos, Elettaria cardamomum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum and sugar. The main ingredient of Talisadi churna is ginger. Talisadi churna may work against stomach disorders like flatulence, indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation and various respiratory diseases like cough and asthma.​1,​​2​ Let us discuss the health benefits of Talisadi churna, its nutritional composition, properties, uses and more.  

Did you know?

Benefits of Talisadi Churna
  • Talisadi Churna may contain heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic. source: ncbi
  • Talisadi Churna is traditionally used in Ayurveda to improve digestion and treat gastrointestinal disorders. source: ncbi
  • Talisadi Churna is an Ayurvedic herbal powder used for respiratory disorders. source: ncbi

Talisadi Churna Composition

The following are the ingredients of Talisadi churna: 

  • Abies webbiana: 1 g
  • Piper longum: 4 g
  • Piper nigrum: 2 g
  • Zingiber officinale: 3 g
  • Cinnamomum zeylanicum: ½ g
  • Elettaria cardamomum: ½ g
  • Bambosa arundinaceae: 5 g
  • Sugar: 32 g

Ingredients of Talisadi churna composition in grams.2 

Furthermore, other biologically active compounds like fats, glycoside, flavonoids, tannins alkaloids, steroids, saponins, carbohydrates and phenolic compounds may also be present in Talisadi churna.1,2 

I came across a study that tested the effectiveness of Talisadi Churna for the management of anaemia. Guess what? After 30 days, it was found that Talisadi Churna played a positive role in reducing the symptoms related to metabolic defects.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Properties of Talisadi Churna

Talisadi Patra churna may include the following properties: 

  • It may have antihistaminic actions (reduce allergies) 
  • It may have anti-inflammatory effects 
  • It may relieve stomach pain 
  • It may use as an appetizer 
  • It may increase digestion 
  • It may reduce flatulence 
  • It may act as an expectorant (remover cough) 
  • It may have antibacterial activity.​2–5​ 

Let me share an interesting piece of information. Did you know that ginger, which is the main ingredient in Talisadi Churna, might help with wear and tear in your cells? That’s because ginger contains antioxidants, that protects your cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Potential Uses of Talisadi Churna

The following may be the potential uses of Talisadi churna: 

1. Potential uses of Talisadi churna for bronchial asthma 

Bronchial asthma is identified by an excessive cough, wheezing and chest tightness which may be caused due to inflammation of the airway and increased bronchial responsiveness. Talisadi churna may have anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic effects, which might help against bronchial asthma. In addition, it may be used to manage Kaas (cough) and Shwas (Asthma). Hence, Talisadi churna may be considered a valuable alternative for various respiratory diseases, including Tamakshwaas (inflammation of the bronchi).3 More human studies are needed to support the use of Talisadi churna for bronchial asthma. Bronchial asthma is a serious disease; therefore, it requires proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Consult a qualified physician, and do not self-medicate. 

2. Potential uses of Talisadi churna for digestion  

Talisadi churna is an Ayurvedic herbal preparation containing ginger, pepper, cardamom, Cinnamomum and sugar. It may act as a stimulant to resolve digestive problems (Pachan). It may enhance the functions of the digestive system and increase the digestion process. It may help break down the food in the stomach and help all the nutrients get absorbed. It may also help reduce indigestion and flatulence with a gurgling sound.1,3 However, more information is needed and more human studies are required to support the uses of Talisadi churan for digestion. If you suffer from long-term digestive issues, consult a qualified doctor. Do not self-medicate. 

3. Potential uses of Talisadi churna for cough  

Talisadi churna may act as a cough medicine which might help loosen up the mucous and help expel cough. The ingredients of Talisadi churna might be effective in both types of coughs. Talisadi churna contains a high amount of misri (sugar), which may help during cough.5 However, this information is insufficient; more human studies are required to suggest the potential uses of Talisadi churan for cough. If you have a bad cough, take appropriate medicine and do not self-medicate. 

4. Potential uses of Talisadi churna for appetite (hunger) 

Talisadi churna may be beneficial for people experiencing loss of appetite and having eating disorders such as anorexia (inability to eat/fear of eating). Talisadi churna may have stomachic properties; it may help increase hunger. The daily intake of Talisadi churna may enhance the appetite and help a person eat better and maintain weight. Talisadi churna is composed of a variety of ingredients that may have a good amount of nutrients that may also help to overcome malabsorption syndrome (a condition in which the body lacks nutrient uptake).1,3 Furthermore, clinical information is required to study the true extent of Talisadi churna in increasing one’s appetite. However, it is advisable to visit your doctor if you experience a loss of appetite. Do not self-medicate. 

5. Potential uses of Talisadi churna for stomach infection 

Certain pathogenic bacteria present in the stomach may be associated with causing infections like typhoid fever and enteric fever. Talisadi churna may have antibacterial activity against such pathogenic bacteria. A review by Tambekar et al., 2010 suggests that Talisadi churna may have the potential to overcome such stomach infections.4 More information is needed to find more positive effects of Talisadi churna on stomach infections. If you have any infection or problem in your stomach, consult your doctor and do not self-medicate. 

Other Potential Uses of Talisadi Churna 

  • The main ingredient of Talisadi churna is ginger; it might help overcome diarrhoea and vomiting.1 
  • Talisadi churna may have anti-inflammatory properties it might help lower body temperature during high fever as observed during the common cold and flu.1 
  • Talisadi churna may contain enough amount iron that might overcome anaemia.1 

Though studies show the potential uses of Talisadi churna in various conditions, still more are needed. There is a necessity for further studies to develop the scope of the benefits of Talisadi churna on human health.  

How to Use Talisadi Churna?

You may use Talisadi churna: 

  • It may be taken as is in the form of powder 
  • It may be taken with some water. 

You should consult a qualified doctor before having Talisadi churna in large quantities. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing modern medical treatment with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation of Talisadi churna without consulting an ayurvedic physician. They will guide you with its form and dosage per your health condition. 

Side Effects of Talisadi Churna

There may be numerous health benefits of all the herbal ingredients of Talisadi churna. But it may be safe and beneficial when taken in the recommended dosage. However, excess consumption of Talisadi churna or taking it without doctors’ consultation might lead to harmful reactions. 

No significant study indications are reported related to the side effects of Talisadi churna in humans. Therefore, more studies on humans are needed to suggest the side effects of Talisadi churna. Therefore, you must consult your doctors to get the proper treatment if you encounter any side effects. 

Precautions to Take with Talisadi Churna

Taking Talisadi churna in small quantities might be safe. However, the following precautions are necessary:  

  • People should not use Talisadi churna to self-medicate on their own. Instead, it is essential to take a doctor’s advice and use it if recommended. 
  • Pregnant and lactating women must consult doctors before having Talisadi churna. 
  • One must take precautions while giving it to small children and the elderly as it might produce harmful effects. 

Interactions with Other Drugs

No study reports are available on the interaction of Talisadi churna with other drugs. Therefore, more human studies are needed to study the safe use of Talisadi churna in humans. Consult an Ayurvedic doctor; they will guide you to a safe way to use it. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Talisadi churna? 

Talisadi churna is a well-known polyherbal Ayurvedic formulation listed in the classical text Sarangdharsamhita. Talisadi churna may be used as an appetizer and may be helpful in digestion. It may also be used in respiratory and stomach disorders.1,2  

Is Talisadi churna safe for pregnant women? 

Taking Talisadi churna in small quantities might be safe. More study is needed to suggest the safe use of Talisadi churna during pregnancy. However, one must consult with doctors before having Talisadi churna. 

What are the side effects of having Talisadi churna? 

There are no major study reports related to the side effects of Talisadi churna. However, more studies are needed to suggest any side effects in humans.  

What are the ingredients of Talisadi churna? 

Talisadi churna is composed of eight ingredients: Abies webbiana, Piper nigrum, Zingiber officinale, Piper longum, Bombusa bombos, Elettaria cardamomum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum and sugar. The main ingredient of Talisadi churna is ginger.1 

What are the properties of Talisadi churna? 

Talisadi churna may have properties such as anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic, stomachic, digestive, expectorant and antibacterial activity. If you have any above-mentioned problems consult the doctor and do not self-medicate. 


​1. Kichadi PC, Hiremath RS, Hullatti K, Professor A, Kuteera P. Comparative Physico-Chemical and Phyto-Chemical Analysis of Talisadi Churna to Different Market Samples. Interna J of Ayur and Pharma Res. 2019;7(6):17–21. Available from: 

​2. Madan P, Rathi B, Nagpure S, Kotecha R. Experimental Evaluation of Talisadi Suspension for Anti-Histaminic and Anti-Inflammatory Activities in Animal Models. Indian J of Foren Med & Toxico. 2020;14(4):6514–8. Available from: 

​3. Tambekar D, Dahikar S. Exploring antibacterial potential of some ayurvedic preparations to control bacterial enteric infections. J Chem Pharm Res. 2010;2(5):494–501. Available from: 

​4. Shrestha S, Gautam S, Thasineku S, Shrestha J, Bharkher DL, Singh B. The Effectiveness of Taalishadi Churna Compared with Sitopaladi Churna in the Management of Kasa. Interna J of Res in AYUSH and Pharm Sci. 2021;4(12):470–7. Available from: 

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