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Jungle Jalebi Fruit: Uses, Benefits And Side Effects By Dr. Smita Barode

By Dr Smita Barode +2 more


We have almost forgotten the rich history and ancient wisdom that our grandparents and great-grandparents have passed down to us regarding the Indian traditional system of medicine called Ayurveda. Ancient pieces of literature like ‘vedas’ tell us about the use of medicinal plants or the healing properties of herbs. One such plant of high nutritive and medicinal value is Pithecellobium dulce which belongs to the Fabaceae family; the fruit obtained from this plant is called ‘jungle jalebi’. These fruits are widely distributed in India, Australia, South Africa and other parts of Asia. They are found during summers on thorny tall trees. The fruit has red and white flesh and black seeds inside. It is commonly known as hill tamarind. In Hindi, it is known as ‘dakhani babool’, it is called as ‘vilayatichinch’ in Marathi, ‘vilayati ambli’ in Gujarathi. In this article, we will learn all that you need to know about jungle Jalebi fruit, including its health benefits, side effects, precautions and considerations that need to be taken if you plan to take this fruit.1,2 

Nutritional Value of Jungle Jalebi Fruit

Jungle jalebi fruit is rich in a variety of compounds, like carbohydrates, fats, proteins and dietary fibres and minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. Phytochemicals like saponins, flavonoids and phenols are also present in this fruit. The nutritional composition of this fruit is given below: 

Benefits of Jungle Jalebi Fruit
  • Carbohydrates: 76.87 g (per 100 g)
  • Protein: 12.4 g (per 100 g)
  • Dietary Fibre: 1.3 g (per 100 g)
  • Fats: 0.24 g (per 100 g)
  • Potassium: 0.2 g (per 100 g)
  • Phosphorus: 0.04 g (per 100 g)
  • Calcium: 0.01 g (per 100 g)
  • Iron: 0.005 g (per 100 g)

Nutritional value of jungle jalebi fruit3,4 

Did you know?

Properties of Jungle Jalebi Fruit

Jungle jalebi fruit shows numerous scientifically proven properties, some of which are mentioned below: 

  • It may have properties to reduce blood glucose levels.4 
  • It has properties to reduce elevated lipid levels.4 
  • It may have antioxidant properties.4 
  • It may have properties to manage ulcers.4 
  • It may have a protective effect on the kidney.4 
  • It may have properties to reduce inflammation.2 
  • It may have the property to halt the growth of bacteria and fungi.4 
  • It may have the potential to manage diarrhoea.4 

Add Jungle Jalebi to your diet! These tropical fruit pods are low in calories, with only about 20-30 calories per pod and high in fibre, which can help you feel fuller for longer. They’re also packed with nutrients like vitamin C, which can support your metabolism and overall health.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Potential Uses of Jungle Jalebi Fruit for Overall Health

Let us now learn more about the health benefits of jungle jalebi fruit. 

1. Potential uses of jungle jalebi fruit in blood glucose level 

Literature studies support the fact that the consumption of fruits may help manage blood glucose. Kumar et al. conducted a study in 2017. The findings of this study showed that the consumption of jungle jalebi fruits in diabetic rats helped in reducing blood glucose. This effect is attributed due to the presence of saponin in this fruit which helps in blocking the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of starch into glucose. This indicates that this fruit has the potential to reduce blood glucose and thus may help manage diabetes. However, to claim these results in humans, we need more studies. It is further advised not to self-medicate and consult your physician for proper management of abnormal blood glucose.2 

If you’re concerned about your blood circulation, you may want to consider incorporating Jungle jalebi into your routine. These fruit pods are a good source of fibre and nutrients that can help improve circulation and prevent blood clots. They also contain antioxidants that can protect against inflammation, which is a common cause of blood flow problems.

Dr. Ashok Pal, B.A.M.S.

2. Potential uses of jungle jalebi fruit on lipid panel 

A lipid panel is a complete cholesterol test that measures total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). The literature states that exercising regularly and following a healthy diet consisting of fruits and vegetables may have a positive impact on the lipid panel. A study conducted by Murugesan et al. in 2019 stated that jungle jalebi fruit might help in reducing total cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein and may increase high-density lipoprotein. This indicates that jungle jalebi fruit may positively impact the lipid panel, but it is advised not to rely on this fruit as a remedy and kindly consult your physician for the proper management of an abnormal lipid panel.4 

3. Potential uses of jungle jalebi fruit in peptic ulcers 

Unhealthy diets, including junk food, fried and spicy food and prolonged use of painkillers increase the chances of peptic or gastric ulcers. Literature studies show that jungle jalebi fruit may help those with chronic ulcers. Murugesan et al., in 2019, conducted a study that states that jungle jalebi fruit may help in managing peptic ulcers. It may be hypothesized that this fruit may help reduce acute inflammation of the stomach lining, which reduces the risk of ulceration. However, we need more studies to claim these results with greater reliability. Also, it is advised not to consider this fruit as an alternative to modern medicine; you should always consult your doctor for the proper management of ulcers.4 

4. Potential uses of jungle jalebi fruit in bacterial infections 

Ayurveda, or the Indian system of medicine, supports the use of fruits like jungle jalebi for managing bacterial infections. A study conducted by Murugesan et al. in 2019 stated that jungle jalebi fruit might help inhibit the growth of bacteria like Klebsiella pneumonia and Bacillus subtilis which causes pneumonia, meningitis and wound infections. This effect is due to the presence of saponins and flavonoids in this fruit. This indicates that this fruit may have the potential to manage infections. However, you should not consider this fruit as an alternative to modern medicine; it is always advised to consult a physician for the proper management of any bacterial infection.4 

5. Potential uses of jungle jalebi fruit in fungal infections 

Literature studies support the use of jungle jalebi fruit in managing fungal infections. Murugesan et al. conducted a study in 2019 that said that this fruit might help in inhibiting the growth of fungi like Penicillium digitatum, which causes fungal infections like mycosis. This indicates the potential of this fruit for managing fungal infections; however, you should not consider this fruit as an alternative to modern medicine. You should consult your doctor for the proper management of any fungal infection.4  

6. Potential uses of jungle jalebi fruit in dengue and malaria 

In the post-monsoon period, the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and malaria also increases. Due to its medicinal properties, studies support the use of fruits like jungle jalebi for managing dengue and malaria. A study conducted by Murugesan et al. in 2019 stated that this fruit might have the potential to manage dengue and malaria. Additionally, this fruit may help manage the poisoning caused due to insect bites. Despite these benefits, you should not consider jungle jalebi as a substitute for modern medicine. For the proper management of dengue and malaria, you should take a proper consultation with a qualified physician.4 

Heart health is no joke, but Jungle Jalebi can make it sweet! Packed with antioxidants and nutrients, these fruit pods can help reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol levels, and improve blood flow – all essential for a healthy heart.

Dr. Smita Barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

Other potential uses of jungle jalebi fruit

  • Jungle jalebi fruit may help manage ulcers.2 
  • Jungle jalebi may provide relief from toothache.2 
  • It may help manage pain in the ear.2 
  • Due to its high nutritional value, jungle jalebi fruit may be used as a dietary supplement.2 
  • It may help manage diarrhoea.4 

Though there are studies that show the benefits of jungle jalebi fruit in various conditions, these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of jungle jalebi fruit on human health.  

How to Use Jungle Jalebi Fruit?

  • Jungle jalebi fruit is edible in its raw state and is consumed after removing the pod covering the white fleshy fruit. 
  • The white flesh of the fruit is used to prepare a sweet-tangy juice.3 

You must consult a qualified doctor before consuming any herbal supplements. You should not discontinue or replace your ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting your doctor.  

Jungle Jalebi may be a natural way to combat stress and ageing. These fruit pods are packed with antioxidants that combat ageing and are high in vitamin C, which can help reduce stress.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Side Effects of Jungle Jalebi Fruit

Takhtajan et al. conducted a review in 1997 which found that commonly reported side effects of plants belonging to the Fabaceae family include: 5 

  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Dizziness 
  • Abdominal pain 
  • Tremors and slow, ineffective breathing 

However, if you experience any adverse reactions to jungle jalebi fruit, it is advised to discontinue its intake and immediately contact a doctor or your Ayurvedic physician who has prescribed it, as they will guide you properly for your symptoms. 

Precautions to Take With Jungle Jalebi Fruit

Consuming jungle jalebi fruit is okay if taken in moderate amounts. However, the following considerations must be taken: 

  • The safety of jungle jalebi fruit consumption by special groups like pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly are not studied in detail. Therefore, it is advised to consult a doctor if you belong to these special groups and are planning to consume this fruit. 
  • Like other fruits and vegetables, jungle jalebi fruit pods should also be washed thoroughly under tap water before consumption. 
  • Jungle jalebi fruit which is a wild fruit, may harbour a series of allergens which may trigger an allergic reaction in sensitive individuals. The symptoms may range from mild skin reactions to a life-threatening anaphylactic reactions.6 

Interactions With Other Drugs

  • There may be an interaction between jungle jalebi fruit and blood glucose-lowering medicines like metformin, causing blood glucose levels to fall too low. It is advised to avoid this combination.2 
  • There may be an interaction between jungle jalebi fruit and your lipid-lowering medicines like atorvastatin, causing lipid levels to fall too low. It is advised to avoid this combination.4 
  • Jungle jalebi fruit is rich in flavonoids which may interact with warfarin and heparin and increase the risk of bleeding.7 

However, you must always seek the advice of your Ayurvedic physician about the possible interaction of jungle jalebi fruit with other drugs. 

Jungle jalebi may be a solution to your skin woes. It’s a natural way to treat dark spots and other skin problems without harsh chemicals. These fruit pods are rich in vitamin C, which can help brighten skin and reduce the appearance of dark spots. They also contain antioxidants that can protect against damage from the sun and other environmental factors.

Dr. Anuja Bodhare, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is jungle jalebi? 

Jungle jalebi refers to the fruit obtained from the wild thorny trees of Pithecellobium dulce.1,2 

What is jungle jalebi fruit called in Hindi? 

In Hindi, jungle jalebi fruit is called as ‘dakhani babool’.1,2 

Can jungle jalebi fruit be taken during breastfeeding?  

The safety of jungle jalebi fruit consumption during breastfeeding is not well-established; it is therefore advised to avoid its use and consult your doctor for the same. 

Are there any jungle jalebi fruit benefits for hair loss? 

No, there are no proven results on the effects of jungle jalebi fruits on hair loss. 

What are the side effects of jungle jalebi fruit? 

Jungle jalebi fruit belongs to Fabaceae family; the side effects of fruits belonging to this family include nausea, vomiting, dizziness and abdominal pain. Consuming this fruit in excess can result in toxicity which is manifested by respiratory depression and tremors.


  1. Jaiswal YS, Williams LL. A glimpse of Ayurveda–The forgotten history and principles of Indian traditional medicine. Journal of traditional and complementary medicine. 2017 Jan 1; 7(1):50-3. Available at: 
  1. Kumar M, Govindrajan J, Nyola NK. Antihyperglycemic potential of saponin-enriched fraction from Pithecellobium dulce Benth. seed extract. Pharmacognosy Research. 2017 Dec; 9(Suppl 1):S23. Available at: 
  1. Joshi K, Joshi I. JANGAL JALEBI (Pithecellobium dulce): A neglected and lesser known fruit. International Journal of Sciences & Applied Research. 2015. Available at: 
  1. Murugesan S, Lakshmanan DK, Arumugam V, Alexander RA. Nutritional and therapeutic benefits of medicinal plant Pithecellobium dulce (Fabaceae): A review. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2019 Jul 1; 9(7):130-9. Available at: 
  1. Takhtadzhi︠a︡n AL, Takhtajan A. Diversity and classification of flowering plants. Columbia University Press; 1997. Available at: 
  1. Maghuly F, Marzban G, Laimer M. Functional genomics of allergen gene families in fruits. Nutrients. 2009 Oct 28; 1(2):119-32. Available at: 
  1. Flavonoids (2023) Linus Pauling Institute. Available at:  

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