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Ashta Choornam: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects By Dr. Rajeev Singh

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 80% of the people in developing countries like India use traditional medicines for their healthcare needs. These traditional medicines are primarily plant medicines. Due to the growing awareness of natural products, their demand has recently increased in both developing and developed countries. This is because of the availability of affordable plant-based medicine, along with the fact that they have very few side effects and are often non-narcotic.  

ashta choornam

Among various plant-based medicines, choorna has gained a lot of popularity in recent times. Choornas are a mixture of powdered plants that have several properties. Ashta choornam or choorna is one of the types of choorna. It is a polyherbal formulation made out of eight ingredients. Formulations that include several medicinal herbs to increase their therapeutic effect are called polyherbal formulations.1 

Let us see the eight ingredients that make ashta choornam and what their amazing benefits are! 

Nutritional Value of Ashta Choornam:

  • Carum coptycum: 125 g
  • Cuminum cymium: 125 g
  • Ferula asafetida: 125 g
  • Nigella sativa: 125 g
  • Piper longum: 125 g
  • Piper nigrum: 125 g
  • Zingiber officinalis: 125 g
  • Rock salt: 125 g

Nutritional components of ashta choornam 

To prepare ashta choornam, all the materials are dried, powdered and filtered. These powdered ingredients are then equally weighed (125g each) and mixed properly. This preparation is often consumed with ghee, honey, hot water or buttermilk.1 

Ashta choornam contains bioactive compounds like Piper longum, Cuminum cyminum, Ferula asafetida, Nigella sativa, Piper nigrum, Carum coptycum and Zingiber officinale which possess various medicinal properties and health benefits.1 

Based on my experience, I have observed that the Ayurvedic formulation known as Ashta churna may have potential benefits for those troubled with peptic ulcer disease. Ashta churna is commonly used by Ayurvedic physicians and it is believed to have positive results in managing this condition.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Properties of Ashta Choornam:

The properties of ashta choornam are discussed below: 

  • It may have anthelminthic properties. 
  • It may have the property to act as a digestive stimulant. 
  • It may be useful in digestive disorders like relieving flatulence. 
  • It may be useful in preventing nerve cell degeneration. 
  • It may have antacid properties. 
  • It may have the property to manage infertility issues. 
  • It may act as an astringent.1,2 

Potential Uses of Ashta Choornam for Overall Health:

Ashta choorna has many health benefits. The potential uses of ashta choornam are described as follows: 

Potential Use of Ashta Choornam for Digestive Disorders 

Digestive disorders like indigestion, gastritis and acidity have become prevalent today. A study was done by Simon et al. in 2019 on the chemical and physical properties of ashta choornam. The study showed that ashta choornam might relieve flatulence and may have digestive and antacid properties. However, additional research is required to comprehend the pharmacological profile of ashta choornam completely. One must consult an ayurvedic doctor before self-medicating or replacing any medication.1 

Potential Use of Ashta Choornam for Parasitic Worms 

Anthelmintic property is the property of a medicament to destroy parasitic worms. A study done by Simon et al. in 2019 showed that ashta choornam might be used as an anthelminthic in children. However, further research and studies are required to prove the efficacy of ashta choornam as an anthelminthic agent. It is advised to consult an ayurvedic doctor before taking ashta choornam.1 

Potential Use of Ashta Choornam for Greying Hair 

A recent study was done by Deepthi et al. in 2021, where the patient was administered ashta choornam along with other ayurvedic medicines for the management of grey hair. The study results concluded possible re-pigmentation of greying hair. Ashta choornam, along with other ayurvedic medicine, may be used for the natural re-pigmentation of grey hair. However, these studies are done in a small population, and further information is required to check the efficacy of ashta choornam. It is essential to consult a doctor before replacing ashta choornam with any type of medicine.3 

Potential Use of Ashta Choornam in Brain Cell Degeneration  

Cerebellar atrophy is a condition in which the nerve cells in the cerebellum are damaged or degenerate. Cerebellum is responsible for the coordination of movements in our body along with daily activities like walking, speech and muscle movements. Rajalekshmi et al. in 2023, conducted a study on the ayurvedic management of cerebellar atrophy. The results showed that ashta choornam, along with other ayurvedic medicines, could be used to minimize the symptoms of cerebellar atrophy. However, this study was conducted in a small sample size, and further evidence is required to prove its efficacy in managing the symptoms of cerebellar atrophy. Therefore, please see your doctor for better health outcomes. 4 

Potential Use of Ashta Choornam in PCOS 

PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a disorder in women that is often related to secondary infertility. A study done by Rineesha et al. in 2021 showed that the administration of ashta choornam with other medicines may have helped women give birth to healthy children. However, it is vital to carry out more studies to demonstrate the impact of ashta choornam on PCOS and infertility. Consider talking to a professional or a doctor before substituting ashta choornam for any medications.5 

Potential Use of Ashta Choornam in Shoulder Dislocation 

Tripathy et al. in 2016, carried out a study on the non-invasive management of recurrent shoulder dislocation. The study showed that the administration of ashta choornam, along with various ayurvedic medicines, improved joint stability and range of movement in the patients. Although ashta choornam may be used for potentially enhancing joint stability and movement, further research is needed to prove its activity. It is recommended to consult an ayurvedic doctor before self-medicating or replacing any medication.6 

Potential Use of Ashta Choornam for Anorexia 

Anorexia is an eating disorder. It is often characterized by restriction in food leading to low body weight and a fear of weight gain. A study done by Simon et al. in 2019 showed that ashta choornam could be potentially used in the management of anorexia. Although ashta choornam may have potential use in the management of anorexia but further studies have to be done for its safe consumption. It is advised to talk to a doctor before taking any ayurvedic or herbal medication.1 

Even though many studies show the benefits of Ashta Choornam for different conditions, these studies are insufficient, and there is a need for further research to establish the true extent of the benefits of Ashta Choornam on our health. 

How to Use Ashta Choornam?

Ashta choornam is an oral dosage form available as ashta choornam powder or ashta choornam syrup. It is to be consumed in the amount of 1-5 g as directed by your doctor.1 

You should consult a qualified doctor before taking any ayurvedic supplements. It is advised not to discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor. 

Based on my experience, I have observed that Ashta churna, an Ayurvedic formulation, may have potential benefits for geriatric disorders and enhancing the overall quality of life. It is believed to work by promoting balance and harmony in the body, supporting healthy ageing, and addressing specific age-related concerns. Incorporating Ashta churna into your healthcare regimen may help improve your well-being and enhance your daily functioning as you age.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Side Effects of Ashta Choornam:

Some side effects of ashta choornam are: 

  • Piper longum is a bioactive compound present in ashta churnam. Long-term use may be detrimental to the heart and might induce headaches. 
  • Use of Piper longum may result in a burning sensation in the hands, eyes or feet for some people.9 

Ashta choornam is quite safe to consume in small doses. Consuming in any drug in excess quantity is not recommended. Consult your ayurvedic doctor or healthcare provider before taking ashta choornam. If any reaction is observed while taking ashta choornam alone or in combination with other drugs, discontinue immediately and seek medical help.  

Precautions to Take with Ashta Choornam:

Taking ashta choornam in small doses may be safe. However, the following precautions should be taken: 

  • Ashta choornam contains Piper longum, which should be consumed on a short-term basis. 
  • It should not be taken along with beta-blockers. 
  • One should not self-medicate with ashta choornam. 9 
  • Lactating and pregnant women should take special care and should consult a doctor before taking ashta choornam. 
  • Children and the elderly should be given ashta choornam with extra precaution and only when it is prescribed. 

Interactions with Other Drugs:

Following are the drug interactions associated with ashta choornam: 

  • Ashta choornam contains pepper that is known to interact with barbiturates and NSAIDs. 
  • Piper longum is also said to react with phenytoin (Dilantin) and propranolol (Inderal) and theophylline. 
  • It also contains Zingiber officinalis, which is known to react with anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen.  
  • It may also interact with heparin and warfarin. It may also react with anticoagulants. 7,8,9 

Further studies on how ashta choornam acts, along with other drugs, need to be carried out. Always consult your doctor before taking ashta choornam along with other prescription or non-prescription drugs. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Can we use ashta choornam for worms in the stomach?

Yes, ashta choornam can be consumed in case of parasitic worms or stomach worms. However, consult a doctor instead of self-medicating.

What is the dosage of ashta choornam?

It is recommended to consume ashta choornam about 1-5 g or as directed by our clinician. 

Can we take ashta choornam for constipation?

Ashta choornam may be potentially used for digestive issues like constipation. However, there are no proven studies that suggest the use of ashta choornam for constipation. 

What are ashta choornam uses?

Ashta choornam has a variety of health benefits. It can be potentially used for managing digestive disorders, graying hair and worms. It may also be used in managing PCOS and cerebellar atrophy. 

Can we take ashta choornam with honey?

Yes, ashta choornam can be administered along with honey.


  1. Simon TK, Krishnan S. Pharmacognostic Studies in ‘Ashtachoornam’: An Ayurvedic Formulation. Int. J. Adv. Sci. Res. Manag. 2019;4(4):319-24.  
  1. Rajendra HM. Qualitative evaluation of Nava and Purana Pippali and assessment of antiasthmatic activity Invivo (Doctoral dissertation, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth).  
  1. Deepthi GS, Kumar CR, Kumar VK, Surendran ES, Sudhakar D, Raj RB. Ayurvedic management of Alopecia areata (Indralupta) with surgical procedure Kuttanam and internal medications: A case report. Journal of Ayurveda Case Reports. 2021 Jul 1;4(3):105.  
  1. Rajalekshmi S, Desai AS, S S. Ayurvedic management of Cerebellar Atrophy: A case study [Internet]. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation. 2023.  
  1. Rineesha KP, ST A. Ayurvedic Management of Secondary Infertility due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Tubal Block: A Case Study. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2021 Mar 29:72-5.  
  1. Dhanya R, Shukla AK. Drug interactions between ayurvedic and allopathic medicines–A review. World J Pharm Res. 2017 Jan 13;6:478-86.  
  1. Khot DS, Pawar AR, Satpute SS. Integrations and Interactions of Ayurveda Drugs: Review WSR to Merits and Demerits. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research. 2020;9(3):87-9. m/Vol9_Issue3_02.pdf  
  1. Gani HM, Hoq MO, Tamanna T. Ethnomedicinal, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Piper longum (Linn). Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 2019 Apr 22;5(1):1-7.  

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