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Benefits of Gyan Mudra and How to Do it By Dr. Ankit Sankhe

By Dr. Ankit Sankhe +2 more


When one thinks about Yoga, what comes to mind immediately is meditation (dhyan) and exercises (asanas). While yoga surely includes that, what is also present in Yoga is mudras. Mudras are hand postures which means using the fingers to make specific postures of the hand. 

The science of Ayurveda believes that the human body is comprised of five natural elements (air, fire, space, earth and water) and these five elements are represented by our five fingers. It is said that if all five elements are balanced, then the body is in a state of well-being. Any imbalance in any one of these elements may lead to illness. 

gyan mudra

Our fingers are believed to be like live wires that conduct electric current through them. When we do a mudra, one or more fingers touch the thumb and an electric circuit is completed. Through this completed electric circuit, the life energy flows and helps bring about balance in the elements.1,2 

Mudras are said to have many potential benefits for the holistic development of a person. One such mudra is the Gyan mudra. 

What is Gyan Mudra?

The word mudra is formed by joining two Sanskrit words ‘mud’ meaning joy or happiness and ‘ra’ which means to generate or produce. It signifies that the practice of mudra produces happiness or joy. The various hand and finger movements done while practicing any mudra are believed to build essential links in the nervous system and invigorate certain energy pathways in the body. 

Gyan mudra (also spelled Jnana mudra) is a powerful mudra of learning and wisdom. It has been practiced by yoga gurus striving for peace and spiritual development since ancient times. The word Jnana or Gyan means knowledge or wisdom. Gyan mudra is hence the mudra for intuitive knowledge. It is also known as the psychic gesture of consciousness.1-5 

How to Do It?

The mudras should be practiced with proper technique to obtain maximum health benefits. The steps to do Gyan mudra are as follows: 

  • Sit in a comfortable position on the ground. The best pose to practice Gyan mudra is Padmasana (a simple cross-legged posture where each foot is placed on the opposite thigh) or Vajrasana (a sitting pose where you first kneel and then sit back on your legs so that your heels touch your buttocks). 
  • Place your hands on your knees with the palms facing upwards. In each hand, join the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb. Apply light pressure between the tips of the thumb and forefinger. 
  • Keep the other three fingers outstretched. 
  • Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. 
  • This is how Gyan mudra should be practiced. 
  • You may continue practicing Gyan mudra for five minutes. The normal time for performing any mudra may range from 15-30 minutes. For effective results, it is recommended that you practice this mudra for 24 minutes.2,4 

Do You Know?

Here are some interesting facts about Gyan Mudra that make for an interesting read: 

  • The Dakshinamurthy form of Lord Shiva, painted in certain Kerala temples dating back to the 16th CE onwards, shows the Gyan mudra posture. This form of Lord Shiva has four hands with the lower right hand assuming the Gyan mudra. Here, the thumb represents God and the forefinger represents man. The three outstretched fingers represent the three innate human impurities like egotism, delusion, and misdeeds of the previous births. The Gyan mudra thus metaphorically implies that man can reach God if he remains away from the aforementioned impurities.6 
  • The Gyan mudra is also practised by Buddhists who know it by the name of Vitarka mudra. They perform the Vitarka mudra using the right hand. It is performed the same way as Gyan mudra except that the right hand is not kept on the thigh but raised and kept close to the heart with the thumb and forefinger facing the person.3 

In light of what I’ve perceived apart from enhancing focus, Gyan Mudra is believed to boost mental power. It is thought to possibly strengthen the mind and enhance cognitive abilities, making it a beneficial practice for improving overall mental prowess.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Benefits of Gyan Mudra:

Gyan mudra is said to be a Yoga mudra with various benefits that may be helpful in maintaining good health and enhancing your spiritual level. Some of the potential benefits of Gyan mudra are: 

1. Benefits of Gyan Mudra for the Brain Function:

Everyone desires a sharp mind and a great memory. Gyan mudra may improve the blood flow to the brain by bringing about metabolic changes in the body, thus increasing the nutrient flow to the brain. This may help in increasing memory and concentration.  Improvement in brain activity especially memory may be seen if this mudra is practiced consistently. It may also help in maintaining the overall mental well-being of an individual.2,4,6 

2. Benefits of Gyan Mudra for Mental Stability:

Gyan mudra may be beneficial to stabilize the restlessness of the mind. It may help improve the focus of a fidgety mind and help one to attain the Gyan or Jnana state, that is the state of selective wisdom. This mudra may be used in situations where one needs to focus such as for studying or contemplation.8 It may be used for meditation as it helps calm a restless mind.7 

3. Benefits of Gyan Mudra for Anxiety:

Undue anxiety can cause problems in our daily life. It may also affect the way we respond to situations. People having anxiety issues may benefit from performing Gyan mudra. A study has shown that regularly practicing Gyan mudra may help reduce anxiety levels and help the person to achieve a steady mind with rational thinking. It may also help the person provide appropriate reactions to dangerous or threatening situations which are generally considered to be anxiety-inducing.5 It may help heal the internal organs by alleviating symptoms of stress, tension, depression, and sleeplessness.2,4 

4. Benefits of Gyan Mudra for Gland Function and Hormones:

Gyan mudra may be beneficial in stimulating certain endocrine glands. It is believed that the tip of the thumb has centers corresponding to the pituitary and other glands. The pituitary gland is an important endocrine gland that secretes vital hormones. It may improve blood circulation to the pituitary gland.4 When one does the Gyan mudra, the thumb tip is pressed lightly by the tip of the forefinger. This stimulates the pituitary and endocrine glands to work actively.8 

5. Other Benefits of Gyan Mudra:

  • The practice of this mudra may be beneficial in enhancing spiritual development in an individual.2 
  • It may help stimulate the pineal gland which is also known as the third eye. The pineal gland plays a very important role in the human body. It checks the activity of the pituitary gland and plays an important role in controlling our sleep-wake cycle (circadian cycle), and water and carbohydrate metabolism in the body (which is an important part of controlling blood sugar levels).2 
  • It may play an important role in the practice of pranayama.4 
  • It may improve the blood flow to the entire nervous system.4 
  • Practicing this mudra daily may help those suffering from anger issues and mania.8 

While Yoga mudras may be beneficial to a person in many ways, it must not be used as an alternative to conventional modern medicine. One must not rely on it to alone to treat any health condition. If you are facing any health issues, always consult a qualified medical doctor who can examine you and advise appropriate treatment. Besides, to avoid injuries, it is necessary to learn and practice Yoga under the guidance of a trained and qualified yoga teacher. 

Based on what I have noticed, Gyan Mudra might have several benefits. It may help improve breathing problems and enhance blood circulation, allowing the lungs to receive more oxygen.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Risks of Exercise

One must stop doing this mudra if any pain or stress is felt while doing it.2 Apart from this particular risk, there are no scientific studies available to show any other risks associated with practicing Gyan mudra. Yet, it is advised to practice this mudra under the guidance of a trained and qualified Yoga expert. 


Gyan mudra or Jnana mudra is a Yoga mudra that has been practised since ancient times. It is a hand posture formed by joining the tips of the index finger and thumb. It is mudra of intuitive wisdom and knowledge. It has many benefits for the nervous system and endocrine systems. It may also help in spiritual development. One must learn this mudra from a Yoga expert and practice it consistently using the correct techniques, so as to avoid injuries and gain optimum benefits. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Gyan mudra (Jnana mudra)? 

The name Gyan mudra is derived from the Sanskrit word Jnana or Gyan meaning knowledge or wisdom. Gyan mudra is hence also known as the mudra for intuitive knowledge. Also known as the psychic gesture of consciousness, it has several health benefits for the nervous and endocrine system.2,4,5,8 

What are the steps of Gyan mudra? 

Gyan mudra steps are: Sit in a comfortable position on the mat/ground. You may sit in Padmasana or Vajrasana. Keep your hands on your knees with the palms facing upwards. In each of your hands, join the tips of the index finger to the thumb and apply light pressure. Keeping the other three fingers outstretched, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. You may perform Gyan mudra for any duration between 15-30 minutes. For maximum benefit, it is advisable to practice this mudra for 24 minutes.2,4 

Can Gyan Mudra be done by children? 

While Gyan mudra can be done by people of all age groups2, it is advisable to practice this mudra under the guidance of a trained and experienced yoga teacher who can help you perform it without any side effects. 

Should Gyan mudra be done only in sitting position? 

It is not necessary that Gyan mudra be done in sitting position only. It can also be done while walking, standing, studying, reading, praying or while watching television.2 

Can Gyan mudra be done if I am taking treatment for any health condition? 

Yes, Gyan mudra may be done even if you are undergoing any treatment for any health condition.2 


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  1. S S, Sharma C. Mudra Therapy and Its Classification. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (IJHSR) [Internet]. 2021 [cited 22 September 2022];11(1):118-126. Available from: 
  1. Raghupathi D. Theory and Practice of Hastha Yoga. International Journal of Science and Consciousness [Internet]. 2016 [cited 23 September 2022];2(3):33-41. Available from: 
  1. Kumar S, Venu A, Jaya M. Effect of yoga mudras in improving the health of users: A precautionary measure practice in daily life for resisting the deadly COVID-19 disease. Lessons from COVID-19 [Internet]. 2022 [cited 22 September 2022];:41-59. Available from: 
  1. Saraswat N, Kumar D. Effect of Jñāna mudra on anxiety level among young adults. International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health [Internet]. 2021 [cited 22 September 2022];8(3):31-34. Available from: 
  1. V. R. S, Krishnan D, Kumar A. Image of Dakshinamurthy in the Mural Art of Kerala. Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology [Internet]. 2018 [cited 22 September 2022];6: 756‐763. Available from: 
  1. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M. Meditation: the inner yoga. Souvenir of the CME on “Sleep, consciousness and meditation: neurological correlates.” Department of Physiology & CYTER, MGMCRI, Puducherry. 2014;27:30-5.Available from : 
  1. Karki A. Importance of Mudras in Stree Swasthya. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences [Internet]. 2021 [cited 23 September 2022];6(6):116-119. Available from: 
  1. M. Booth F. THE HUMAN PINEAL GLAND: A REVIEW OF THE ‘THIRD EYE’ AND THE EFFECT OF LIGHT. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Ophthalmology [Internet]. 1987 [cited 27 September 2022];15(4):329-336. Available from: 

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