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Best Home Remedies For Smelly Armpits

By Dr Anuja Bodhare +2 more


Nobody likes unpleasant body odour, especially when it’s coming from your armpits! It can be embarrassing. The interaction of sweat and bacteria on your skin usually creates the unpleasant odour we all want to avoid. Before reading about home remedies, let’s look at the reasons for the underarm smell.

Friendly Reminder: The information shared here is for educational purposes only and the reader should consult a registered medical practitioner before implementing any changes to their health routine.

Home Remedies For Smelly Armpits

What Causes Smelly Armpits?

When we sweat, the fat, salt and water in the sweat mix with the bacteria already on our skin, resulting in the smell of the armpits. The food we eat, hormones and medications can play a role in the armpit odour. It may happen with anyone, but some people are more susceptible to developing body odour than others. Some of the factors which might lead to smelly armpits are: 

  • Your genes may make you more prone to developing smelly armpits
  • If you are stressed or anxious 
  • Exercising  
  • Hot weather 
  • If your weight exceeds the standard weight recommendation 
  • Hair is a breeding ground for bacteria, providing an area for sweat and bacteria to interact. So, armpit hair might be a cause of smelly armpits.

Medical Conditions that May Cause Smelly Armpits

  • Gout 
  • Infectious diseases [8]
  • Liver and kidney diseases[1]
  • Diabetes (causing diabetic ketoacidosis) [1]
  • Menopause [3]
  • Thyroid diseases [1]

Certain Foods that May Cause Smelly Armpits

  • Sulphur-containing foods such as onions, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, red meat and garlic [1] 
  • Other foods that trigger body odour include caffeine, alcohol, hot sauce, and other spicy foods, such as curry or cumin[5]

Home Remedies for Smelly Armpits

Here are a few home remedies for smelly armpits that you should try to eliminate the underarm smell.

1. Green Tea

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Green tea might help block pores on your skin and reduce sweating. To do this, soak a few green tea bags in warm water when making tea. Then, remove the tea bags and put them under your armpits for a few minutes when they reach room temperature. Consistent use of this remedy might help reduce armpit odor[9].

2. Lemon Juice

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Lemon juice contains citric acid, which kills bacteria[10]. You can juice a lemon and mix it with water. Then, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and apply it to your underarms to reduce odor. If you do not have a spray bottle, apply this mixture to your armpits. 

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda may balance the skin’s natural acids, reducing the smell of armpits[6]. Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to form a semi-solid paste. Apply the paste to your armpits and allow it to dry. After it dries, wash it off.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar has acid, which helps destroy bacteria effectively[11]. Thus, it might be used as a home remedy for smelly armpits. To use it, dilute a few drops of apple cider vinegar in water. Then, put the diluted water in a spray bottle and spray it on your underarms. Alternatively, apply the mixture to your underarms using a cotton swab.     

5. Turmeric 

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Turmeric helps kill bacteria[12] that react with sweat and cause a foul odour. This can be used as one of the home remedies for smelly underarms. You can use turmeric powder to make a paste which is not too liquid. Apply this prepared mixture to the underarms and leave it for some time. You can then rinse it off. Using this regularly is a good remedy for an underarm smell. 

6. Antibacterial Soaps 

Maintaining good personal hygiene may reduce body odour. Antibacterial soaps help reduce the number of bacteria on your skin, thus decreasing the chances of developing body odour[7]. While bathing, focus on your armpits and give them a good scrub to reduce the bacterial load.

7. Clothing

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Wearing loose-fitting cotton clothes might help reduce body odour. Clothes that absorb moisture from the body, known as moisture-wicking fabric, can also be helpful. Bras and underwear made of this fabric might help. Washing clothes regularly and wearing clean clothes may also be a good way to reduce the underarm smell.

8. Lifestyle Modifications

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Lifestyle modifications like decreasing the intake or avoiding foods that cause body odour, like caffeine, alcohol, onions, garlic, etc.[2], may help to manage body odour and smelly underarms. Removing underarm hair could also be helpful, as hair acts as a breeding ground for bacteria. You can remove underarm hair by either shaving or waxing it[2]. These little changes reduce the underarm smell. 

Though studies show the benefits of herbs and home remedies for smelly armpits, these are insufficient. Further studies are needed to establish the true extent of these benefits for human health. Thus, they should be taken cautiously and never used as a substitute for medical treatment.

When to Seek Medical Help?

Increased sweating can mean something more in the following situations, and therefore, you should visit a doctor:

  • If you experience unusual sweating while sleeping 
  • If your skin is constantly damp with sweat 
  • Body odour, which is a little fruity, can be an indicator of diabetes
  • If you experience a sudden change in body odour or notice increased sweating 
  • When the body odour is bleach-like, it can indicate liver or kidney disease
  • If you are sweating even when you are not in a warm setting or physically active 
  • If you experience infections in the body areas more prone to sweating 
  • If you are sweating so much that it affects your daily activities like using a computer, holding a pen, or turning a doorknob

You must not rely solely on home remedies to manage smelly armpits. If the symptoms don’t improve, consult a doctor for advice.

Embracing home remedies and practising good hygiene can effectively address armpit odour, but for those with hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), sweating can cause discomfort and self-consciousness in public. Many patients complain of extreme stress and discomfort due to excessive sweating. Seek guidance from a medical professional to explore potential treatment options. Botox injections can work wonders in some instances.

Dr. Arpit Verma, MBBS, MD (Pharmacology)


Dealing with smelly underarms can be a hassle. Natural remedies like apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda may help freshen you up quickly. However, you should check in with a doctor if you’re dealing with frequent infections or unexplained sweating.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to get rid of the underarm smell?  

To eliminate the underarm smell, you can try a few home remedies, such as baking soda, lemon juice, and green tea.

Is the underarm smell always because of sweating?  

Sweating can cause an underarm smell when the fat, salt, and water in sweat come into contact with the bacteria on the skin. However, sweating is not the sole cause of the smell; certain foods or underlying conditions, such as diabetes, hormonal changes, etc., can also cause it[4]. You can sweat a lot and still not have smelly armpits.

Can we get rid of the underarm smell by bathing?  

Yes, you can get rid of the underarm smell by bathing regularly. Using antibacterial soaps to scrub the underarms might help with the underarm smell by reducing the number of bacteria on the skin.

Is alcohol good for getting rid of the underarm smell?  

No, there is no report of alcohol helping get rid of the underarm smell. On the contrary, intake of alcohol can lead to the development of body odour and smelly armpits.


  1. Antonis. When are smelly armpits a sign of a serious illness? [Internet]. Harley Street Health Centre; 2025 [cited 2025 Feb 5]. Available from:
  2. Website N. Body odour (BO) [Internet].; 2022 [cited 2025 Feb 5]. Available from:
  3. Watson S. What’s that smell? Get rid of body odor. Harvard Health. 2024 [cited 2025 Feb 25]. Available from: 
  4. Mogilnicka I, Bogucki P, Ufnal M. Microbiota and malodor—etiology and management. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020 Apr 20 [cited 2025 Feb 25]. Available from:
  5. Ms DCR. Five foods and drinks that affect body odor. Ohio State Health & Discovery. 2019 [cited 2025 Feb 25]. Available from: 
  6. LAMB JH, Department of Dermatology and Syphilology, School of Medicine, University of Oklahoma. Sodium bicarbonate: An excellent deodorant. 1946 Feb [cited 2025 Feb 25]. Available from: 
  7. The benefit of washing with a bar soap on axillary malodor and odor-causing bacteria. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2016 Apr 29 [cited 2025 Feb 25]. Available from: 
  8. Di Cicco F, Evans RL, James AG, Weddell I, Chopra A, Smeets MAM. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting axillary odor variation. A comprehensive review. Physiology & Behavior. 2023 Jul 28 [cited 2025 Feb 25]. Available from: 
  9. Body Odor – 
  10. Citric Acid Confers Broad Antibiotic Tolerance through Alteration of Bacterial Metabolism and Oxidative Stress 
  11. Antibacterial apple cider vinegar eradicates methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and resistant Escherichia coli 
  12. Bactericidal Activity of Curcumin I Is Associated with Damaging of Bacterial Membrane

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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