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12 Foods That Are Necessary For A Healthy Liver!

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

We are always interested in our diet to make our skin glowing or to boost our immunity. But do we ever have a thought about a healthy liver? Probably not but now it’s time to think of this important organ of our body. Good nutrition can help to keep your liver function normal and healthy.  

What Does The Liver Do?  

The liver is the powerhouse and the main filter of our body. When you eat food, it is broken down into the stomach and intestine by various enzymes, proteins, and bile which is produced by the liver. It is also performed as a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. Below are some important functions of the liver –

Different types of foods that are good for liver

  • Production and excretion of bile
  • Metabolize fat, proteins, and carbohydrates
  • Stores vitamins, minerals
  • Blood purification and detoxification
  • Immunity against infection  

Did you know?

  • Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin, can be a sign of liver disease. Source: niddk
  • Chronic liver disease was the ninth leading cause of death for non-Hispanic blacks in 2020.source: CDC
  • Chronic liver disease is the ninth leading cause of death for non-Hispanic blacks aged 45-64 in the US. Source: cdc
  • The age-adjusted percentage of non-Hispanic blacks diagnosed with chronic liver disease is 1.1%. Source: cdc
  • Consuming coffee can lower the risk of liver disease. Source: ncbi

How to Keep Your Liver Healthy?

  There are many things to support healthy liver functions including:

  • Eating a healthy and organic diet
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid alcohol and liver-toxic medicines
  • Consuming smaller amount of proteins  
  • Detox liver  regularly  

According to Ayurvedic literature, Pippali might be a potent medicinal plant which has hepatoprotective properties and might be useful in managing various liver diseases.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Foods That Good for Healthy Liver Are:

The liver is the only organ in your body that cleanses itself. Whatever we eat or drink is detoxify by our liver therefore it is important to maintain a balanced, liver-friendly diet to keep your liver fit. Here are some food that helps to cleanse your liver naturally –  

1. Avocado  

Avocado is the superfood of this modern world. It contains a good amount of different vitamins, minerals which improves the overall health of the liver. It contains a unique antioxidant known as glutathione which helps to filter harmful toxins from your body.

2. Garlic

Garlic contains a certain sulfur compound that activates liver enzymes which are responsible for flushing out toxins and waste material from your body. It also consists of selenium which protects the liver from damage.

Read More: 10 Health Benefits of Garlic

3. Green Leafy Vegetables  

The greener is always better for your health! Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale is rich with vitamins A, C, K, and antioxidants which help to purify the blood.

4. Turmeric  

Turmeric is the most powerful spice that helps to maintain a healthy liver by protecting against liver damage and regenerate healthy liver cells. It also increases the natural production of bile. Turmeric also prevents fat accumulation in the liver, a problem that could lead to conditions like fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver.

Read More: 13 Health Benefits of Turmeric

5. Beetroot  

Beetroot juice contains nitrates and also acts as an antioxidant that may befit heart health and reduce inflammation. Clinical data also suggest that a chemical found in the beet can help to fight against fatty liver disease.

6. Green Tea

Green tea is full of antioxidants known as catechins. Catechin helps for liver detoxification and reduces inflammation of the liver.

Read More: 8 Health  Benefits of Green Tea

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil and its extract are beneficial in liver diseases. Some researches show that it has a powerful antioxidant that protects the liver from different toxins.

Read More: 12 Amazing Health Benefits of Olive  Oil

8. Walnuts  

In general, nuts are high in nutrients, vitamins, fats, and antioxidants making them beneficial to treat various disorders. Walnuts are a rich source of an amino acid known as arginine that supports liver cleansing. Walnuts particularly contain a high level of plant-compounds. Black walnuts help to oxygenate blood in the liver.

9. Fatty fish

Fatty fish is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which helps to reduce liver inflammation. These fats prevent accumulating extra fat in the liver and maintain normal levels of enzymes.

10. Apples  

Adding fibre-rich fruits like Apple in your diet help to eliminate toxins from your body. It also provides healthy support to digestive tracts.

11. Grapefruits  

Study results suggest that grapes, grape juice, or grape seeds are rich in antioxidants which may help in reducing inflammation and prevent liver injury.

12. Lemon

It is said that a glass of warm water with lemon juice works as a liver detoxifier.

Also Read: What Does Liver Pain Feel Like? Symptoms and Possible Conditions Explained

Organic Herbs for Healthy Liver

The following herbs are the most effective in cleansing your liver-  

1. Chicory Roots

Chicory root is a coffee substitute that is known as a liver tonic.  

2. Peppermint  

Peppermint is full of antioxidants which is useful in digestive symptoms. Peppermint leaves help to promote bile production within the body.

3. Milk Thistle Seeds

Milk thistle seeds can be used for maintaining liver health and acts as a blood purifier.

4. Dandelion Roots

It is rich in vitamins and minerals. The roots have mild laxative effects that can improve digestion and lessening the load of the liver.  

5. Tea & Coffee

Coffee has been shown to lower liver damage even in patients who have existing liver problems, it lowers the risk of cirrhosis and permanent tissue damage and reduces inflammation. Coffee may work by preventing the formation of fats and collagen.

Some studies show that regularly drinking green tea can reduce the internal effects of liver disease while also oxidation and fat build-up in the liver. Tea may also act as an antioxidant while improving the formation of liver enzymes.  

6. Berries

Berries like cranberries and blueberries are rich in plant compounds called anthocyanins. These antioxidants are responsible for the bright colours that these berries have. Berries may improve immune response, increase antioxidant enzyme production and protect against liver damage. This makes all types of berries good foods for liver health.

Also Read: 10 Signs Your Liver Needs Detoxing: Insights from Medical Research


As a vital organ, the liver needs to function optimally to help your body function normally. Through diet and healthy lifestyle choices (such as avoiding smoking and alcohol) you can do quite a lot to protect this organ. The above foods can help to lower the risk of liver diseases and cancer while improving enzyme production and boosting protection against toxins. Using these foods can be a natural, holistic way to keep your liver protected.

As everyone knows liver plays an integral part in our body so we must keep the liver healthy in every way. You should include different foods and juices to their diet to cleanse the liver naturally.

Also Read: How Long Does It Take to Reverse Fatty Liver: A Guide to Restoration and Recovery

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