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Amaltas – Uses, Benefits, Side Effects & More!

By Dr Anuja Bodhare +2 more

The content has been written by a medical expert.


Amaltas, also known as Cassia fistula or Golden shower tree is a popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine known to be useful in a variety of health conditions. This tree has many names, out of which Pupping pipe; Golden Shower, Aragvadha, and Indian Laburnum are the most common ones. 

Benefits of Amaltas

Amaltas is prevalent in India and Pakistan and is also found in a few parts of Southeast Asia. Due to its extensive beneficial properties, it is cultivated in many parts of India.1  

Properties of Amaltas:

All the parts of  Amaltas- The leaves, seeds, root, pulp, fruit, and bark have various potential properties that are responsible for its various uses.  It may also helpful in pacifying all three body energies:  Vata, Pitta, and  Kapha.2  

1. Leaves:  

The leaves might possess laxative properties.    

2. Seeds: 

  • The seeds of Amaltas might possess laxative,
  • It may have antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties
  • It may also have carminative (expelling gas from the stomach) properties.    

3. Fruits: 

  • The fruit extracts may contain laxative properties
  • It may have antipyretic relieving fever
  • It might have analgesic effect    

4. Flower: 

  • The flowers of Amaltas may contain laxative properties
  • It may have astringent (tightening skin tissues) properties
  • It may have wound-healing properties.    

5. Pulp: 

  • The pulp of Amaltas may function as a safe laxative for pregnant women and children.  
  • It may have anti-microbial properties

6. Bark: 

  • The bark of Amaltas contains antioxidants (prevention of cell damage) properties
  • It may have anti-inflammatory properties.  3,4

Other than loads of health benefits, Amaltas may be beneficial for taking care of a stomach illness. I recently read in an article that it may be a perfect choice to aid in acid reflux since it is a rich source of anti-oxidants.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S M.D (Ayu)

Potential Uses of Amaltas:

1. Potential Uses of  Amaltas for Constipation:

Amaltas may be a remedy for constipation. The emulsion obtained from Amaltas may be effective in the 3-week treatment of functional constipation in children.  Amaltas may be used as a mild laxative in pregnant women as well. The  Amaltas pulp can be mixed in hot water and taken for constipation.5, 6    There is a need for more scientific research to prove these claims.

1. Potential Uses of  Amaltas for Suppressing Cough:

Amaltas may have antitussive (cough-suppressing) properties. The pods are burnt, made into ash, mixed with salt and honey. This mixture may be used for relieving cough. It may also have some effect on fevers.    The leaves of Amaltas also may be effective in relieving cough.  Amaltas may help to boost immunity and protect the body against infections.7 There is a need for more scientific research to prove these claims. You must consult a doctor for better advice.

3. Potential Uses of  Amaltas for  Skin Diseases:  

The leaves of Amaltas can be used in skin conditions like ringworms, eczema, and skin eruptions.  Amaltas root may help with dermatological problems. The fruit pulp of  Amaltas was also found to be beneficial in treating skin diseases and worms. The leaves of amaltas may be used in erysipelas.8 However, these properties of amaltas to manage skin problems would need further studies. Therefore, you should not amaltas without guidance from a doctor.

4. Potential Uses of  Amaltas for the Heart:

Amaltas may contribute in strengthening heart muscles, reducing blood cholesterol levels, and preventing the build-up of lipids. Hence, it decreases the risk of heart diseases, blood clot formation, etc.4 These activities, however, are yet to be proved in humans. Moreover, heart conditions must be properly diagnosed and treated by a specialist doctor. Therefore, kindly ensure to consult a doctor.

5. Potential Uses of Amaltas for Urinary Problems:

Amaltas can also be used in problems related to urination like burning during urination, urinary retention and obstructions in the abdomen.4 There is a need for more scientific research to prove these claims. You should consult a doctor for prescriprion and guidance.

Though studies show the benefits of amaltas in various conditions, these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of amaltas on human health.  

Also Read: Tejpatta – Benefits, Side Effects & Precautions

Amaltas may be used as an anti-venom to snakebites. I recently read an article that suggests due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, Amalatas is a potential anti-venom for snakebites.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

How to Use Amaltas:

Amaltas is available in different forms:1

  • Flower powder 
  • Fruit pulp 
  • Amaltas Vati (tablets) 
  • Amaltas Avaleha (syrup) 
  • Decoction (essence) 

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor.  

Side Effects of Amaltas:

Generally, Amaltas is safe even when used for children. However, an overdose of leaves and barks of Amaltas produces side effects like8

  • Cramps 
  • Abdominal pain 
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting 

Therefore you must consume amaltas as per advise of you doctor only. He will guide you for suitable form and dose.

Precautions to Take Amaltas:

  • When taken raw, all parts of  Amaltas may be poisonous.  
  • Taking high doses of this drug can lead to conditions like severe diarrhea and dysentery.    
  • Amaltas  is not recommended  in infants and pregnant women.1

Also Read: Nagkesar – Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Precautions & More

Interactions with Other Drugs:

There is a lack of sufficient data regarding the interaction of amaltas with any other drugs. Therefore, consult a doctor before taking it, especially if you are on medication and/or are receiving treatment for any condition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Can Amaltas be Used for Skin Allergies? 

Amaltas help protect your skin and can reduce rashes and irritation. It can be used for conditions like skin eruptions, psoriasis, eczema, etc.9  However further research is needed to validate this claim.

Can Amaltas be Used for Abdominal Pain? 

The paste made from the fruit of  Amaltas is rubbed gently around the navel area for abdominal pain. It is also used for treating bloating.10  Consult a doctor for advice on the use of amaltas for abdominal pain.

Is Amaltas Indicated in Arthritis? 

Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Amaltas is effective in arthritis.11  However, more research is needed to prove these claims as concrete facts.

What Kind of Habitat is Amaltas Found in? 

Amaltas is commonly found in tropical, subtropical, and deciduous forests. They also prefer moist areas and mountain areas.4 

What are the Parts of Amaltas? 

Amaltas contains stem bark, leaves, root bark, flowers, and pods. All these parts have extensive medicinal uses. 

Can Amaltas be Used for Healing Wounds? 

Amaltas is an effective remedy for treating skin wounds.  Amaltas can be used as an ointment on the affected area for obtaining better wound closure and reducing the size of the wound.12  Take the advice of a qualified doctor for any injury or wound, it may cause more harm than benefit if not taken proper care.

Does Amaltas have Anti-bacterial Properties? 

Amaltas is known to be effective in controlling the growth of bacteria. It is also antifungal in nature. The fruit pulp of  Amaltas contains anticandidal properties.13  More studies are needed to identify the extent of the benefit of amaltas against bacteria.

Can Amaltas be Used for Diabetes? 

Yes,  Amaltas can be helpful in the treatment of diabetes. It protects the pancreatic cells from damage and improves the secretion of insulin.14  Diabetes is a serious health condition and you must consume herbs or medications only under medical supervision.

What are the Beneficial Properties of  Amaltas?  

Amaltas is an antidiabetic, hepatoprotective (liver protecting), antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, antioxidant, antitussive, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antitumor, anti-itching,  antileishmanial, wound healing and larvicidal.8  

Also Read: Shankhpushpi – Benefits, Side Effects, Precautions & More


  1. Planet Ayurveda. Cassia fistula- Uses, health benefits, dosage, medicinal properties. [Internet] Available from: 
  1. Research gate. Medicinal properties of Aragvadha (Cassia fistula Linn.). [Internet] Available from: 
  2. Ayesha Maqsood, Ayesha Munir, Dr. Sammia Shahid; A Phytopharmacological Evaluation of Cassia fistula. A Comprehensive Review. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. 2020 May-June; 62 (2): 45-53. Available from: 
  1. National center for biotechnology information. The effect of Cassia fistula emulsion on pediatric functional constipation in comparison with mineral oil: a randomized, clinical trial. [Internet] Available from: 
  1. Planet Ayurveda. Amaltas, purging Cassia (Cassia fistula). [Internet] Available from:  
  1. T. Bhakta, Pulok K. Mukherjee, Kakali Saha, M. Pal & B.P. Saha; Studies on Antitussive activity of Cassia fistula (Leguminosae) leaf extract. 140-143 Pharmaceutical biology. 2004 May; 36 (2): 140-143 Available from: 
  1. International journal of pharmaceutical sciences and research. Cassia fistula Linn: A review of phytochemical and pharmacological studies. [Internet] Available from: 
  1. Research gate. Cassia fistula Linn. (Amulthus)- An important medicinal plant: A review of its traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological properties. [Internet] Available from: 
  1. Research gate. Therapeutic uses of Cassia fistula: Review. [Internet] Available from: 
  1. Research gate. Prophylactic anti-arthritic effect of Cassia fistula in murine rheumatoid arthritis model. [Internet] Available from: 
  1. PubMed. Wound healing potential of Cassia fistula on infected albino rat model. [Internet] Available from: 
  1. National center for biotechnology information. Antibacterial and antifungal activities from leaf extracts of Cassia fistula L: An ethnomedicinal plant. [Internet] Available from: 
  1. Research gate. Antidiabetic activity studies on Cassia fistula fruits. [Internet] Available from: 

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