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Lady Finger (Bhindi): Uses, Benefits, Side effects and More!

By Dr Anuja Bodhare +2 more


Ladyfinger, popularly known as bhindi in India, is rich in nutrients. It is considered a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, calcium, potassium and many other nutrients. The botanical name of ladyfinger is Abelmoschus esculentus, and it belongs to the family Malvaceae. Ladyfinger is cultivated in the world’s warm, tropical, and subtropical regions.1 

benefits of lady finger

Ladyfinger is known by several other names around the globe. Bhindi is known as okra, edible hibiscus, ladies’ finger, ockro in English; pitali, tindisha, gandamula in Sanskrit; bamia in Farsi, Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew; bamveh in Bosnia; okra in Swedish; Gombo in Italian and French.2 

Did You Know 

  • Lady finger is a good source of vitamin C, which is important for immune function and collagen production. source: nutritionvalue.org
  • The fibre in lady finger can help promote feelings of fullness and reduce appetite, aiding in weight management. source: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Lady finger contains vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting and bone health. source: medlineplus.gov
  • Consuming lady finger may help improve gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. source: sciencedirect.com
  • Lady finger contains antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the body and protect against chronic diseases. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Nutritional Value of Ladyfinger: 

The nutrients present in ladyfinger are:3 

Nutrients Amount per 100 g 
Carbohydrates 7.45 g 
Protein 1.93 g 
Fat 0.19 g 
Fibre 3.2 g 
Sugar 1.48 g 
Water  89.6 g 
Energy 33 kcal 
Starch  0.34 g 
Sodium 7 mg 
Potassium 299 mg 
Iron 0.62 mg 
Magnesium 57 mg 
Calcium 82 mg 
Phosphorus 61 mg 
Zinc 0.58 mg 
Manganese  0.788 mg 
Copper 0.109 mg 
Selenium  0.7  µg 
Vitamin A 36  µg 
Vitamin B1 0.2 mg 
Vitamin B2 0.06 mg 
Vitamin B3 1 mg 
Vitamin B5 0.245 mg 
Vitamin B6 0.215 mg 
Vitamin C 23 mg 
Vitamin E 0.27 mg 
Vitamin K 31.3  µg3  

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Based on my experience, I have observed that lady finger mucilage might have medicinal applications as a plasma replacement or blood volume expander. It is believed that the mucilage in lady finger has the potential to bind cholesterol and bile acids, aiding in the removal of toxins from the body. Lady finger mucilage could play a role in supporting cholesterol management and liver health.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Properties of Uses of Ladyfinger:

The therapeutic properties of ladyfinger are:

  • It may act as an antioxidant
  • It may help fight fatigue
  • It may show anti-diabetic activity
  • It may act as antibacterial
  • It may show anti-tumour activity
  • It may modulate the immune system)4
  • It may help relieve spasms
  • It may increase urine passage
  • It may help relieve inflammation or irritation
  • It may help reduce fever
  • It may show brain-protective activity
  • It may act as liver protective
  • It may help protect bones2

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Including lady finger seeds or incorporating okra seed oil into your diet can be a beneficial way to obtain essential fats and support your overall health. Lady finger seeds contain a significant amount of oil, ranging from about 20 to 40%. This oil can provide essential fatty acids that are important for various bodily functions, including maintaining healthy cell membranes, supporting hormone production, and promoting overall well-being.

Dr. Anuja Bodhare, MD

Potential Uses of Ladyfinger (Bhindi):

Due to its rich nutrient content and beneficial compounds lady finger may have several potential uses:

1. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for diabetes

The seeds and peels of ladyfinger may help lower blood sugar levels and help manage type 2 diabetes. It may help block the carbohydrate-breaking enzyme, improve insulin sensitivity. Ladyfinger has shown insulin-like property in lab studies, due to which it may be effective in managing blood sugar level.2 However if you are suffering from diabetes, you need consult your healthcare provider first before using lady finger or any other herb to help with your symptoms.

2. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for colon cancer

Ladyfinger has a rich amount of fibres and may act as an intestinal tract cleaner, mainly the colon and large intestine, thereby it may help with lowering colon cancer risk. It also has antioxidants that may have some beneficial effect on the immune system and it may help  cells against mutation (alteration in the genetic material of the cell).2 if you are suffering from any form of cancer, you need to strictly follow doctor’s advice and treatment. Before using ladyfinger or any other vegetable for its properties, make sure to consult with your doctor.

3. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for obesity

Regular consumption of ladyfinger (raw or cooked) may help manage obesity. Ladyfinger has minimal calorie content and high fibre content that may give you a feeling of fullness without overeating. Obesity is not only caused by eating calorific and fatty food items but can also be caused due to nutrient deficiency. Eating ladyfinger along with a healthy lifestyle and eating habits may also help you manage obesity.2 If you want to lose weight, make sure to talk to your doctor or nutritionist before making any changes to your diet. They will be able to guide you better about the positives and limitations of each diet.  

4. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for stomach

Ladyfinger contains probiotics (good bacteria) that are stomach bacteria’s friends. Ladyfinger may show positive effects on the microbiome (community of good bacteria) in the intestine, as it helps in vitamin B complex biosynthesis. Ladyfinger may produce the same effects as yoghurt in the small intestine.2 Before you use lady finger or any vegetable for stomach conditions, make sure to consult your healthcare provider.

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5. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for skin conditions

Ladyfinger has vitamin C and is rich in fibre. The fibre may help remove the toxic waste, and vitamin C may help with pigmentation of the skin, repair the tissues of the body, and aid in managing psoriasis, acne, and other skin diseases.2 Skin conditions require you to consult a skin doctor. You need to reach out to your skin doctor before you use ladyfinger for any skin condition.  

6. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for bad cholesterol

Ladyfinger may help to manage cholesterol levels. A study revealed that supplementation with ladyfinger altered cholesterol absorption and lowered its level in the body. Ladyfinger contains pectin (a type of fibre) that may aid in reducing bad cholesterol. It may also promote the degradation of cholesterol and block fat production in the body. It may also help lower the total cholesterol and triglyceride and promote bile acid excretion in stools. Ladyfinger may alter the production of bile in the intestine and removes the deposited cholesterol; this eliminates the bad cholesterol.2 If you are suffering from high blood cholesterol, you need to adhere to doctor’s advice and treatment. Also, if you want to use ladyfinger for its properties, make sure to consult with your doctor.

7. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for lung conditions

The flowers and leaves of ladyfinger may help with conditions like bronchitis and pneumonia. You may get the helpful properties by boiling the flower and leaves in water. The slimy stuff in ladyfinger may be the secret to soothing and managing flu and common colds.2 However, if you feel like you are suffering from any conditions of the lungs, you need to speak to your doctor immediately and get treated. Avoid using ladyfingers or any herbal remedy without doctor’s consultation.

8. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for osteoporosis

Ladyfinger contains vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and it may help restore bone density and aid in managing osteoporosis. A study suggested that vitamin K may alter the metabolism of bone and positively influence the calcium balance.2 Osteoporosis is a serious condition that requires you to get diagnosed and treated properly. Before you start using ladyfinger for osteoporosis, make sure you have consulted with your doctor.

9. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for anaemia

Ladyfinger contains vitamin K, folate, and iron. These are considered some of the natural nutrients that may help manage anaemia. It may also facilitate the production of haemoglobin, red blood cells and blood clotting. All these actions may protect against anaemia.2 However, avoid using lady finger for anaemia without consulting with your doctor.  

10. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for constipation

The mucilaginous slimy stuff in ladyfinger may help in proper water absorption along the digestive tract and bulk up the faeces making them neither hard nor soft to pass. This slimy stuff and fibre may bind with the toxins and lubricate the large intestine, facilitating normal and effortless bowel movement because of its potential natural laxative property.2 However, if your  symptoms don’t improve, you should reach out to your healthcare provider immediately.  Also, if you are experiencing constipation, you should talk to your doctor first before you use any vegetable on your own.

11. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for brain

A study has reported that ladyfinger may protect the function of the brain and improve memory and learning due to the presence of flavonoid that has brain protective activity. Therefore, ladyfinger may be used to enhance memory.2 However, if you are experiencing any brain related condition, it is better to consult with a doctor before using any  herbal remedy.  

12. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for the liver

Ladyfinger (Bhindi) is known to be helpful for the liver. The slimy stuff in ladyfinger has substances that may bind with the cholesterol and bile acid and detoxify the liver. Ladyfinger contains an antioxidant that may help fight harmful bacteria and germs and protects the body.2 However, if you are suffering from any liver ailment, you need to be careful with your choices. Avoid using ladyfinger without talking to your healthcare provider first.

13. Potential Uses of ladyfinger for nutrition during pregnancy

Ladyfinger has a rich amount of vitamin A, B, and C along with elements like calcium and zinc, making it may be considered as an ideal vegetable that can be consumed during pregnancy. It also contains fibre and vitamin B9 (folic acid/folate). Also, it may have some beneficial effects in the development of the nervous system of the foetus.2 During pregnancy, make sure you have consulted with your doctor before using any herb or vegetable for its benefits.

Did you know that roasted and ground lady finger seeds can be used as a caffeine-free substitute for coffee? By roasting and grinding the seeds, you can create a coffee-like beverage without the stimulating effects of caffeine. It might be an interesting alternative for those who prefer to avoid or reduce their caffeine intake while still enjoying a warm and flavorful drink.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Also Read: Balancing Your Diet: High Potassium Foods to Avoid for Healthy Living

Other potential Uses of ladyfinger

  • Ladyfinger may aid in digestion and act as a hair conditioner. It may also moisturise the scalp, remove dandruff and lice, manage itchy scalp, and make the hair shiny.2
  • Ladyfinger may show anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may help with asthma. It may also avoid development of asthma symptoms and inhibits fatal attacks.2
  • Ladyfinger contains vitamin A and antioxidants that may be helpful in maintaining good eyesight. These antioxidants may help avoid eye conditions such as glaucoma and cataract.2
  • The slimy stuff in ladyfinger is alkaline and may help neutralise the acid in the stomach. It  may also offer a protective coating on the digestive tract and boosts the healing of stomach ulcers.2
  • Few studies have reported that ladyfinger may help in preventing sunstroke this suggestes it may be a natural cooling agent.2

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Though there are studies that show the benefits of the ladyfinger in various conditions, but these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of ladyfinger on human health.  

Over the years, I have observed that lady finger seeds are a valuable source of high-quality protein, containing essential amino acids that are important for our body’s functions. This means that incorporating okra seeds into your diet can provide you with the necessary building blocks for growth, repair and overall health. Including lady finger seeds in your meals can help ensure an adequate intake of protein and support your body’s nutritional needs.

Dr. Smita barode, BAMS

How to Use Lady finger? 

You can eat the following parts of the ladyfinger plant:2 

  • Fruit 
  • Flower  
  • Root 
  • Leaves 
  • Seeds 

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor.

Side Effects of Ladyfinger: 

There are no side effects of ladyfinger.2 However, some people might be allergic to ladyfinger.5 If you notice any side ef

There are no studies that report any major side effects of ladyfinger.2 However, some people might be allergic to ladyfinger.5 If you notice any side effects, you must report them to your doctor.

Also, avoid using ladyfinger against any disease condition or its benefits without consulting with your doctor. It will help you make well informed choices and prevent any possible side effects.

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Precautions to Take With Ladyfinger: 

Some people develop allergic reactions to picking and eating ladyfinger.5 Avoid eating ladyfinger if you are allergic to i

Some people develop allergic reactions to picking and eating ladyfinger.5 Avoid eating ladyfinger if you are allergic to it. Also, if you get any allergic reaction after eating ladyfinger, you must consult your doctor.

Before using ladyfinger or any herbal supplement for its health benefits, make sure you have consulted with your doctor and discussed your ongoing treatment and about the limitations and precautions associated with it.

Interactions With Other Drugs: 

There is no sufficient information available related to the interaction of ladyfinger with other medicines. However, if you notice any signs and symptoms, you must report them to your physician.

Also, if you are taking medicines for any health conditions, make sure you have contacted with your doctor about the possible interactions of the medicine with any herb or vegetable.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What are the benefits of eating ladyfinger?

Ladyfinger/okra may help manage various disease conditions like diabetes, ulcer, anaemia, sunstroke, glaucoma, cataract, osteoporosis, constipation, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, genital diseases, obesity, etc. Also, it may show positive effects on the brain, lung, liver, digestive tract, etc.2 However, you must avoid using ladyfinger for any disease conditions or properties without prior consultation with your doctor.

Are there any side effects of ladyfinger (Bhindi)?

Usually, there are no side effects of ladyfinger. Yet, some people might be allergic to ladyfinger.2,5 If you observe any signs and symptoms, you must report them to your doctor. Also, avoid using ladyfinger for any disease condition without consulting with your doctor first.

Can ladyfinger be eaten during pregnancy?

Ladyfinger may be consumed during pregnancy; it may have many positive effects. It contains vitamins A, B, B9, C, and elements like calcium and zinc, which might be helpful in pregnancy. Also, it may relieve constipation during pregnancy.2 If you are pregnant, avoid using ladyfinger for any condition before you have consulted with your doctor first.

Is ladyfinger good for weight loss?

Lady finger may have some effect on weight management. Regular consumption of ladyfinger, either raw or cooked, may help manage obesity. Ladyfinger has minimal calorie content and high fibre content that may give you a feeling of fullness without eating too much food.2 Therefore, ladyfinger might be helpful in weight loss. However, avoid making any changes to your diet without consulting with your doctor or nutritionist.

Is ladyfinger good for diabetes?

The benefits of ladyfinger for diabetes have been studied. The seeds and peels of ladyfinger may help lower blood sugar levels and help manage type 2 diabetes. Ladyfinger/okra has also shown insulin-like property during trials, due to which it may be effective in managing blood sugar.2 Therefore, you can use okra for managing diabetes. However, if you are suffering from diabetes, it is important that you consult with your doctor before taking any herb or vegetable as a remedy. Make sure to talk to your doctor first.


1.          Singh P, Chauhan V, Tiwari BK, Singh Chauhan S, Simon S, Bilal S, et al. AN OVERVIEW ON OKRA (ABELMOSCHUS ESCULENTUS) AND IT’S IMPORTANCE AS A NUTRITIVE VEGETABLE IN THE WORLD. Int J Pharm Biol Sci [Internet]. 2014;4(2):2230–7605. Available from: https://ijpbs.com/ijpbsadmin/upload/ijpbs_53df5a2907b19.pdf

2.          Das S, Nandi G, Ghosh LK. Okra and its various applications in Drug Delivery, Food Technology , Health Care and Pharmacological Aspects. J Pharm Sci Res [Internet]. 2019;11(6):2139–47. Available from: https://www.proquest.com/docview/2260399243?pq-origsite=gscholar&fromopenview=true

3.          Okra, raw. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2019. p. 1–9. Available from: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/169260/nutrients

4.          Liu Y, Qi J, Luo J, Qin W, Luo Q, Zhang Q, et al. Okra in Food Field: Nutritional Value, Health Benefits and Effects of Processing Methods on Quality. Food Rev Int [Internet]. 2021 Jan 2;37(1):67–90. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/87559129.2019.1695833

5.          Ueda A, Manda F, Aoyama K, Ueda T, Obama K, Li Q, et al. Immediate-Type Allergy Related to Okra (Hibiscus esculentus Linn) Picking and Packing. Environ Res [Internet]. 1993 Aug;62(2):189–99. Available from: https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0013935183711047

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