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विटामिन बी 12 (Vitamin B12): क्या है, खर्च, नॉर्मल रेंज, कैसे होता है, क्यों और कब


विटामिन बी 12 टेस्ट खून में विटामिन बी 12 के स्तर का पता लगाता है। यह विटामिन बी 12 की कमी वाले एनीमिया या मेगालोब्लास्टिक एनीमिया और मैक्रोसाइटिक एनीमिया का निदान करने में मदद करता है। 

नमूना प्रकार

उपवास / खाली पेट रहना जरूरी


विटामिन बी 12 टेस्ट के लिए नमूना प्रकार

विटामिन बी 12 टेस्ट आपके खुुन का नमूना लेकर किया जाता है। आप इस परीक्षण को अपने नियमित परीक्षणों के साथ या एक अलग खून परीक्षण के रूप में प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

आपको विटामिन बी 12 टेस्ट कितनी बार लेना चाहिए?

आपकी स्वास्थ्य स्थिति और पूर्वानुमान के आधार पर, आपको परीक्षण को दोहराना पड़ सकता है। आपका डॉक्टर आपको अपने लक्षणों के आधार पर हर 3-6 महीने में इसे दोहराने के लिए कह सकता है। उपचार और खुराक तदनुसार बदल दिया जाएगा।

विटामिन बी 12 टेस्ट के अन्य नामः

कोबालामिन टेस्ट

साइनोकोबालामिन टेस्ट

मेथिलकोबालामिन टेस्ट

टेस्ट इंक्लूजन: विटामिन बी 12 टेस्ट में कौन से पैरामीटर शामिल हैं?

विटामिन बी 12 टेस्ट रिपोर्ट में आपके शरीर में केवल विटामिन बी 12 के स्तर शामिल हैं।

विटामिन बी 12 टेस्ट क्या पता लगाता है / मापता है और यह किसके लिए निर्धारित है?

विटामिन बी 12 टेस्ट आपके शरीर में पानी में घुलनशील (water soluble) विटामिन बी 12 (vitamin B12) के स्तर का पता लगाता है। विटामिन बी 12 एक पानी में घुलनशील विटामिन है जो आपके खून कोशिकाओं और तंत्रिका कोशिकाओं के उचित कामकाज के लिए आवश्यक है। विटामिन बी 12 के अभाव में आपकी लाल खून कोशिकाएं (red blood cells) सामान्य रूप से काम करना बंद कर देती हैं और आप एनीमिया (anemia) से पीड़ित हो जाते हैं। तंत्रिका कोशिकाएं भी असामान्य रूप से काम करती हैं, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप तंत्रिका तंत्र से संबंधित लक्षण जैसे झुनझुनी, सुन्नता, भ्रम और हाथों में पैरों में दर्द  आदि  हो सकते हैं।

विटामिन बी 12 और फोलेट दो विटामिन हैं जो विटामिन बी कॉम्प्लेक्स का एक हिस्सा बनाते हैं। विटामिन बी 12 और फोलेट आपके शरीर में नए प्रोटीन बनाने के लिए विटामिन सी के साथ मिलकर काम करते हैं। ये सामान्य लाल खून कोशिकाओं और श्वेत खून कोशिकाओं, ऊतक और कोशिका मरम्मत और डीएनए के गठन के लिए आवश्यक हैं। 

विटामिन बी 12 टेस्ट सभी आयु वर्ग और लिंगों के लिए निर्धारित है। यह उन लोगों को सलाह दी जाती है जो निम्नलिखित लक्षणों का अनुभव करते हैं – 

Read in English – (Vitamin B12): Overview, Sample Type and more!

क्योंकि विटामिन बी 12 एक पानी घुलनशील विटामिन (water soluble) है जो मुख्य रूप से पशु स्रोतों में मौजूद होता है, सख़्त शाकाहारी लोगों की एक विशिष्ट श्रेणी है जो विटामिन बी 12 की कमी विकसित करने का खतरा है। 

विटामिन बी 12 परीक्षण को आम तौर पर निम्नलिखित श्रेणी के लोगों के लिए सलाह दी जाती है –

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल

क्या होता है जब आपका विटामिन B12 का स्तर कम हो?

यदि आपके विटामिन बी 12 का स्तर कम है, तो आप विटामिन बी 12 की कमी के लक्षणों का अनुभव करेंगे। इन लक्षणों में कमजोरी, थकान, संतुलन खोना,चलते चलते लड़खड़ा जाना या गिर जाना, हाथों और पैरों की झुनझुनी, सुन्नता, मुंह के छाले, भ्रम, गले में खराश और लाल जीभ, और याददाश्त की कमी जैसी समस्याएं शामिल हैं।

क्या होता है जब आपके B12 स्तर बहुत ज़्यादा होते हैं?

क्योंकि विटामिन B12 एक पानी में घुलनशील विटामिन (water soluble) है, विटामिन का उच्च स्तर मूत्र यानी यूरिन के माध्यम से शरीर से निकल जाती है |

बी 12 की कमी के पहले लक्षण क्या हैं?

बी 12 की कमी के पहले लक्षणों के रूप में आपको कमजोरी, थकान, पीली त्वचा, धड़कन और सांस की तकलीफ, हल्कापन, एक चिकनी जीभ और दृष्टि हानि का अनुभव हो सकता है।

मुझे B12 कब लेना चाहिए?

आप दिन में या रात में किसी भी समय विटामिन बी 12 टैबलेट का सेवन कर सकते हैं। हालांकि बेहतरीन नतीजों के लिए अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह उनके अनुसार विटामिन B12 की गोली या इंजेक्शन ले। 

कौन सा फल विटामिन बी 12 में प्रचुर है?

फल विटामिन बी 12 के प्रचुर स्रोत नहीं हैं।

B12 सप्लीमेंट्स को काम करने में कितना समय लगता है?

विटामिन बी 12 सप्लीमेंट्स लेने के बाद एक सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया 48 से 72 घंटों के भीतर देखी जाती है। इंजेक्शन के रूप में विटामिन बी 12 सप्लीमेंट्स गोलियों की तुलना में तेजी से काम करने के लिए जाना जाता है।

बी 12 के साथ क्या दवाएं नहीं लेनी चाहिए?

ऐसी दवाएं जिन्हें आपके विटामिन बी 12 गोलियों के साथ नहीं लिया जाना चाहिएः
विस्तारित-रिलीज पोटेशियम उत्पाद
निओमाइसिन, जेंटामाइसिन और टोब्रामाइसिन जैसे एंटीबायोटिक्स
फेनिटोइन, फेनोबार्बिटल, प्राइमिडोन जैसी जब्त विरोधी दवाएं
H2 ब्लॉकर्स की तरह हार्टबर्न के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली दवाएं
अगर आपको  विटामिन B12  सप्लीमेंट्स लेने की आवश्यकता पड़ती है तो अपने डॉक्टर से अन्य चल रही दवाओं के बारे में अवश्य बताएं।


7 Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms To Be Aware Of!

Vitamin B12 is a vital water-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in the production of red blood cells. Also known as Cobalamin, it aids in the proper functioning of the nervous system too.

As we get older, our body’s capacity to absorb vitamin B12 from the food we consume starts to diminish. Thus, it is observed that deficiency of B12 is more prevalent amongst the elderly as compared to the young.

However, this may not be the only reason why your body may not be able to absorb this essential vitamin.

Besides the elderly, below are some categories of people who primarily suffer from this deficiency:

Unfortunately, it takes years for the symptoms of this deficiency to show up and diagnose the same could be cumbersome too. Thus, here is a rundown of symptoms that you should definitely keep a tab on.

Did you know?

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency is more common in individuals who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. source: ncbi
  • The use of certain medications, such as proton pump inhibitors and metformin, can increase the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. source: ncbi
  • The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin B12 in adults is 2.4 micrograms per day. source: ncbi
  • Untreated vitamin B12 deficiency can cause irreversible damage to the nervous system. source: ncbi

1. Oral Symptoms such as Mouth Ulcers and Glossitis

Many Vitamin B12 deficient patients experience mouth ulcers along with a burning and itching sensation in the mouth. Many others also suffer from Glossitis – this is a condition where the tongue changes colour and shape and appears red and swollen. It also causes the surface of the tongue to appear smooth as the tiny bumps on the tongue that contain the taste buds stretch out and disappear.

2. A Prickling Sensation in Hands and Feet

One of the most serious long-term side effects of this deficiency is nerve damage. B12 plays a crucial role in the metabolic pathway that produces Myelin. Myelin is a fatty substance that surrounds the nerves thereby offering them protection. Thus without B12, the nervous system is not able to function properly. One very common sign of this improper functioning is Paresthesia, a prickling sensation that one experiences in hands and legs.

In more severe cases, the disease process can progress to involve the nervous system. Sub acute combined degeneration of spinal cord can result from B12 deficiency, causing damage to various segments of the spinal cord. A complete neurologic exam should evaluate for loss of memory, tingling pain in nerves,loss of balance and a loss of joint sensation. A mental status exam may also be useful to evaluate any neuropsychiatric changes.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

3. Pale and Jaundiced Skin

Many B12 patients look pale and have a slight yellow tinge in the whites of their eyes and their skin. This happens due to the improper production of the red blood cells and causes an anaemic condition called Megaloblastic Anaemia. In this condition, the red blood cells produced in the bone marrow are large and fragile and are unable to divide. Since they are too large they cannot pass out of the bone marrow and into the bloodstream for circulation. Without an adequate number of red blood cells circulating in the blood, the skin appears pale and yellow.

Also Read: 12 Natural Remedies For Mouth Ulcers

4. Tiredness and Fatigue

With a shortage of red blood cells, adequate oxygen doesn’t get transported throughout the body. This makes a person feel tired and weak. In some extreme cases, many patients also experience shortness of breath and dizziness. Also, read about  14 things that cause fatigue.

Vitamin B12 is very Important f the maintenance of nervous system in adults in pregnancy when it is combined with folic acid, it is very important to avoid any spinal disorders in the unborn child.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

5. Mood Swings

Low levels of vitamin B12 can also be associated with phases of mood swings and bouts of depression in certain patients.

6. Repeated pattern of headaches

A deficit or insufficient supply of Vitamin B12 in the body can lead to several neurological side effects, including headaches. In fact, headaches are amongst the most commonly reported symptoms related to B12 deficiency in both adults and kids. According to some studies, if you display certain types of headaches, you are more likely to have low B12 levels in your body.

Also Read: What Deficiency Causes Cold Hands And Feet: A Scientific Investigation

7. Difficulty in concentrating

A deficiency in B12 has an aggressive impact on the central nervous system. People with low or deficient B12 levels may feel foggy and light-headed and have difficulty concentrating and completing tasks. Older adults are especially at risk for these side effects because the risk of B12 deficiency increases with age.  

Other symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency include vision disturbances, erectile dysfunction, impaired coordination and muscle cramps.

Must Read: 7 Side Effects of Vitamin B12 Deficiency  On The Body

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.


A Complete Guide To Vitamins & Its Importance For Human Body

When we discuss ways to improve our health, we mostly talk about lifestyle changes and the need to exercise regularly. While these are pro-tips and can really turn your health around, what we often overlook is the importance of a special group of nutrients. We are referring to VITAMINS!

Vitamins are a bunch of organic compounds. They are found naturally in plants and animals. They function the same way as minerals, with the main difference being minerals are inorganic matter that we source from the earth and water. 

Vitamins are absolutely crucial for the growth and the maintenance of good health. In this context, let us share a fun fact – The word ‘Vitamin’ is derived from 2 Latin words – ‘Vita’ means Life and ‘Amine’ means amino acid (initially vitamins were incorrectly thought to be amino acids). 

Let us explore these wondrous nutrients.

Vitamin H, more commonly known as biotin, is part of the B complex group of vitamins. Vitamin H is needed for healthy skin, hair, nails. They also help the nervous system function properly.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Types of Vitamins, their sources and deficiency symptoms

We know of 13 types of vitamins. Let’s learn more about them:

Types of VitaminsSourcesFunctionsDeficiency symptoms
Vitamin A  Cheese, eggs, oily fish, milk and yoghurt.Maintenance of bones, eyesight and immune function. Dry skin and eyes, night blindness, throat and chest infections.
Vitamin C Citrus fruits, berries, peppers, broccoli and potatoes.Acts as an antioxidant and helps in the absorption of iron keeping skin healthy and helps in wound healing.Weakness and bleeding gums.
Vitamin D Sunlight, egg yolk, oily fish and red meat.Is needed for the utilization of calcium and for maintaining the balance of calcium and phosphorus.Muscle and bone pain, bony deformities in children and mental health-related problems.
Vitamin E Plant seed oil, almonds, peanuts, peanut butter, wheat germ, egg yolk, pumpkin and red bell pepper.An antioxidant that helps in immune function.Deficiency is rare – muscle and nerve damage, inability to control muscle movements and loss of sensation in the limbs.
Vitamin K Leafy green vegetables, whole grains and vegetable oils.Helps in the formation of blood clots in case of injuries to prevent haemorrhage.Frequent bruising, heavy menstrual flow and excessive bleeding from wounds.
Vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine) Whole grains, peas, bananas, oranges, liver and nuts.Helps to transform carbohydrates into energy. Loss of appetite, irritability, muscle weakness and blurry vision. 
Vitamin B2 (also known as riboflavin) Milk, eggs, mushroom and yoghurt.Aids in the collaboration of other vitamins and also helps to keep RBCs healthy. Swelling of the mouth and throat, swollen lips, hair loss and skin disorders.
Vitamin B3 (also known as niacin) Saltwater fishes, liver, turkey and chicken.Helps in the utilization of proteins and fats, also keeps the skin and hair healthy.Scaly skin, rashes, headache, diarrhoea and vomiting.
Vitamin B5 (also known as pantothenic acid) Mushroom, avocados, broccoli, peanuts, chickpeas, eggs, milk and sunflower seeds.Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and helps in the healing of wounds. Insomnia, vomiting, stomach pain and depression.
Vitamin B7 (also known as biotin) Sweet potatoes, avocado, salmon, eggs, seeds and nuts.Helps the body produce vital enzymes that are essential for our metabolism.Scaly skin, hair loss, conjunctivitis and lethargy.
Vitamin B6 Bananas, oats, peanuts and chicken.Crucial for brain growth and function.Seizures, compromised immunity, confusion and depression.
Vitamin B12 (also known as cyanocobalamin) Milk, cheese, eggs and meat.Helps in red blood cell formation and the nervous system.Tingling sensation in hands and feet, yellowness of skin, swollen tongue, mouth ulcers, anaemia and depression.
Folate (also known as folic acid or Vitamin B9) Spinach, beet, asparagus, turnip and beans, whole grains and cereals.It is important for cell division and the maturation of blood cells. Fatigue, lethargy, pallor and anaemia.

These types of vitamins can be further classified as:

There are two more compounds that resemble and act like vitamins without being labelled as vitamins:

Commonly searched products containing multivitamins:

Neurobion Forte Tablet 30’s₹29.5
Neurobio Forte Strip of 10 Tablets₹8.95
Besosules Strip of 20 Capsules₹38.82
Becosules Z Strip of 15 Capsules₹26.7
Becosules Z Strip of 20 Capsules₹39.07
Zincovit Strip of 15 Tablets (green)₹89.25
Zincovit Strip of 15 Tablets (red)89.25
Zincovit Tablet 10’s₹76.5
Beplex Forte Strip of 20 Tablets₹33.05

The need for Vitamin supplements

There could be several reasons why people do not consume the right proportions of all the different vitamins:

Vitamins B6, C and E along with micronutrients like zinc, selenium, iron and copper are important for maintaining a healthy immune system in an individual, repeated infections could be a warning sign of deficiency of these vitamins and micronutrients.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D

Precautions with Vitamin Supplements

Taking multivitamins should always be done in dialogue with your doctor or nutritionist. Sometimes, vitamin supplements can cause side effects when consumed in excess or even if your body reacts badly to the ingredients of a particular supplement. Constipation and stomach pain may occur initially (usually it goes away after a few days). Read the ingredient list for any supplement you take to ensure that you are not allergic to anything in it. Also, inform your doctor about any existing medical conditions you have before you start taking a new multivitamin supplement.

Also Read: Vitamin B Foods: Your Ultimate Guide to Essential Nutrients

How to measure Vitamin Levels 

If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of vitamin deficiency and wondering how to check vitamin levels,  you can opt for these tests:

How to interpret test results

Test results are easy to interpret. Usually, reports contain columns for expected levels of the vitamins for which you got tested and the actual levels in your system as revealed by the test. This can tell you if your level is lower, higher or at par with the normal level.

For further clarity, you can ask your doctor to go over the reports.

Why is it important to test the vitamin levels? 

It is important to keep a tab on your vitamin levels whether you are taking supplements or not. Sometimes symptoms don’t show up until very late and a test is like a preventive healthcare check. It will tell you if you need to increase the intake of specific vitamins.

Similarly, even if you are taking vitamin supplements, vitamin level checks are just as important to ensure that there isn’t too much of a particular vitamin in your system because that leads to toxicity.

Also Read: What is Biotin? Your Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Its Role and Benefits

Tips to maintain good vitamin levels and what to do if you are deficient

Methods of preventing and treating vitamin deficiencies are practically the same:

  1. Your diet should comprise:
  1. Lifestyle changes:
  1. People with deficiencies can also take vitamin supplements but only on being recommended by their doctors.

Be mindful of your diet. A proper diet is more than enough to meet your daily requirement of the different vitamins. Paired with a few healthy lifestyle choices, you can easily avert major disorders.

PharmEasy Recommends: PharmEasy Multivitamin Multimineral

Eat and maintain good levels of vitamins and keep a tab on the same with timely tests.

Also Read: Vitamin B Complex Benefits: Exploring Research-Based Health Perks

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.


Don’t Forget These Medical Tests While You Turn 50


Your 50’s should be the prime of your life. Most people imagine a comfortable family life with fewer worries than in your younger days. But poor health can rob you of this peaceful future. Luckily, with advances in medicine, there is plenty you can do to keep good health.

A trend we see is people visiting the doctor only when something goes wrong. While this type of curative medicine is common, preventive health is fast becoming an integral part of medicine. After all, having an increased lifespan is only enjoyable if you have a longer health span too!

Mammograms and Pap smears in females and prostate examinations apart from the routine heart, kidney and liver function tests are highly recommended in elderly and geriatric people to prevent and probably diagnose diseases at an early stage.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D

What is Preventative Health Care?

Preventative medical tests help to catch early warning signs of potential issues before any symptoms show up. There are a variety of screening tests that are recommended based on age milestones. When you are 50, your risk of developing long term serious medical issues rises. 

Eating healthy, avoiding poor lifestyle choices (like smoking) and getting regular exercise are all part of preventive health care. But some medical conditions (for example, cancer) can affect even the most healthy person. Before you ask what medical tests do I need at 50? Let us first answer the question – how do these screening tests help you?

Not only blood tests, one should visit a doctor for a physical examination, eye exam, dental check-ups, echo, TMT etc. after 50.

Dr. Arpit Verma, MBBS, MD (Pharmacology)

How Do Medical Tests Benefit Your Health

By having regular checkups and tests during your 50s, you and your doctor can monitor your health. There are several key markers that can indicate what’s going on inside your body. In case your doctor notices some measurement in your blood is out of the normal range, they can inform you. This early warning allows you to start treatment early and avoid further damage to your body.

What Medical Tests Should I Get At 50?

If you are in your 50s, these will be what the doctor prescribes when you ask them what medical tests do I need at 50? Let’s dive in:

1. Heart Health Tests

The Cardiac Risk markers test acts as a holistic suite of tests to measure your risk of developing cardiac issues. These also include testing for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even examining your family history.

Along with that, there is the Lipid Profile Test to measure your triglycerides and cholesterol. This is helpful not only for trying to ascertain heart problems but also pancreatitis and other issues.

Meeting with your cardiologist once a year is also recommended, especially if you are at risk for developing cardiovascular problems. Your cardiologist may perform only a physical exam or and ask about your health. But they may also prescribe:

Lastly, your doctor may also ask you to check your blood pressure regularly at home.

I routinely advise Hba1c, Liver and kidney function tests, lipid profile, Prostate specific antigen for males, Pap smear for females, ECG, ECHO, TMT for all my patients above 50 yearly.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

2. Diabetes Tests

Your doctor may ask you to get these tests done several times a year if you have a high risk of diabetes. For those with a confirmed diabetes diagnosis, you may need to do an at-home blood glucose test more frequently.

Another important diabetes and prediabetes test is the HbA1c test, which measures the amount of haemoglobin in your blood that is attached to glucose. Since there has been an increase in diabetes cases in northern and western parts of India, this important test can help to detect and confirm diabetes.

3. Cancer Screening

Cancer treatment has come a long way and early screening is an important part of that. For men, it is recommended to take the PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen test). This test helps to monitor for prostate cancer, depending on your level of PSA, you may be asked to get this test once every 2 – 4 years or less.

For women, there are several cancer screening tests. Mammography is a test to detect any abnormalities in the breasts, which could indicate breast cancer. A Pap smear test takes minute samples from the cervix for observation to detect cancerous or precancerous cells. It helps to preemptively detect cervical cancer. Another cancer test for women is the CA 125 (Cancer Antigen 125) test, which can be used as a screening for ovarian cancer. It should be noted that high levels of CA 125 do not always mean cancer is present.

One other common cancer screening test, regardless of gender, is the CA 19.9 test (Cancer Antigen 19.9). It is used to detect antigens from pancreatic cancer but it may also indicate cirrhosis or other non-cancer issues. 

Other Common Tests for Your 50s

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Even if you do not show any serious symptoms, things can still be going wrong inside. The older we get, the more our body’s natural repair and metabolism rate decreases. Slower metabolism also means that as you age, it becomes easier to put on weight. As you can see, it becomes more important as you hit 50 to make preventive tests part of your healthcare routine. With the right tests at the right time, you can avoid serious (and expensive) long term medical issues.

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Read About The Health Tests People In Their 40s Should Book

The key to good health is caution and awareness. You can avert many lifestyle disorders if you are careful with how you live your life. A well-planned diet that provides our body with all the right nutrition, a little bit of exercise regularly and preventive health checkups go a long way in keeping us fit, healthy and happy.

Once you turn 40, it is time you get serious about your health. Your body has undergone a lot of stress in these 40 years of your life and the effects of tireless exertions, unhealthy eating and anxiety begin to show. This is when people begin to notice the onset of several health disorders which may escalate unless the right action is taken. 

So, what is to be done? Simple, you just need to undergo a few basic healthcare tests. These tests will reveal if there is anything wrong with your health. Based on the results, you can tweak your lifestyle or start taking prescribed medication to nip the illness in the bud or manage it successfully.

Without further ado, let us take a look at some tests that everyone in their 40s (or even people who are older) needs to undergo at regular intervals.

What tests should be done at age 40? Here’s a comprehensive list:

Name of the testPurpose of the test
Cardiac Markers TestThis test assesses the risk of cardiac disorders. When your heart is in distress, certain substances called biomarkers are released into the bloodstream. This test measures the biomarkers to predict or diagnose underlying heart disease. Schedule a checkup with a cardiologist once a year. You may also have to undergo ECG, cardiac stress test or 2D echo along with the cardiac biomarkers test to see how well your heart is functioning.
Lipid ProfileOften recommended with cardiac markers test, the lipid profile or panel measures the volume of fat molecules or lipids in your blood. This test will give you the total amount of cholesterol, good cholesterol (HDL), bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in your blood. Fat molecules can clog your arteries, triggering hypertension and eventually heart attack or cardiac arrest. 
Thyroid Test Internationally, doctors are recommending thyroid tests to people over the age of 35, even if they do not exhibit symptoms of overactive or underactive thyroid. Moreover, women are 10 times more likely to develop thyroid problems, so they must mandatorily undergo the TSH blood test once a year. Untreated thyroid disorders can affect your entire metabolism and mental health. It can cause obesity, dementia, arthritis and even heart disorders.
Renal Function Test (RFT/KFT)A kidney function test assesses the state of your renal health by measuring a number of substances such as proteins, glucose, creatinine, electrolyte and minerals. This test is especially necessary if you have already been diagnosed with hypertension or if your cholesterol levels are high.
CBCA Complete Blood Count test will give your doctor a comprehensive look into the state of your health. This test measures your WBC, RBC, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, haematocrit, platelets etc. This routine test gives an idea of your blood picture and may signal an infection or conditions like anemia.
Diabetes Test (postprandial and fasting) and HbA1cSince our current lifestyle makes us vulnerable to diabetes. It is imperative to get the blood sugar test done. For a comprehensive analysis of your glucose levels and how your body responds to insulin, you should book both the fasting and postprandial tests. The HbA1c test can measure your glucose level attached to the haemoglobin (called glycated haemoglobin). It can predict diabetes or detect prediabetes. This is especially recommended for people in southern and western India.
Vitamin B12 TestAs the name suggests, this test will reveal your level of Vitamin B12. Vegetarians and women should definitely get this test done once they enter their 40s because vitamin B12 deficiency is linked to anaemia and since this vitamin is mostly found in animal-based foods, vegetarians are likely to have low levels of vitamin B12. Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to problems of the nervous system, memory loss and weakening of bones.
Urine TestA routine urine test can detect anomalies in the functions of the liver or kidney. It can also diagnose urinary tract infection or any metabolic problem. 
Pap SmearThis test analyzes the cells of your cervix for signs of cancer. Women in their 40s are recommended to undergo this test. This test should be done once every 3-5 years. 
Eye and Dental CheckEven if you have been avoiding yearly eye and bi-annual oral check-ups all these years, it’s time to get serious about these tests. Work from home, increased screen time and unhealthy posture has led to increased risk of short-sightedness and farsightedness. Also cataract, glaucoma, retinopathy are some eye conditions, if diagnosed early can be managed well. Similarly, your oral health needs attention too. You need to have healthy gums and teeth to relish the nutritious food you love and untreated dental infections can bring serious health complications later on.

These preventive healthcare tests are crucial. Do not ignore them just because you are not yet showing any signs of an illness. Eat healthy meals, take nutritional supplements, work out regularly and ask your doctor which tests you need to opt for. The care you take today is an investment for the future.

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