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17 Protein-Rich Foods For A Healthy Life

Nowadays, people are more health-conscious and fitness enthusiasts who are very particular about their high protein diet plans. But why protein diet? Protein is an essential micronutrient for proper cell growth and to keep your body functioning well. If you are doing exercise daily then your body may need extra proteins to maintain and repair tissues, muscles.

How Much Protein Do You Need?

The daily requirement of protein may vary according to the age, weight, gender, and level of physical activity. The nutritional value of proteins is measured by the number of amino acids. The recommended daily dose of protein is between 46-63 grams for adults and it may increase to 65 grams in pregnant and lactating females.

Did You Know?

What are the Health Benefits of Protein? 

Did you know that a cup of cooked lentils contains approximately 18 grams of protein and 15 grams of fibre? What’s more, lentils are low in saturated fat and sodium, making them a healthy choice for your diet. The high protein content of lentils can support muscle growth and repair, while fibre helps promote digestive health and aids in managing cholesterol levels.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Protein-rich foods benefit weight loss and weight gain and aid metabolic health. Some other health benefits include:

1. Curbs hunger and appetite

Protein suppresses your hunger hormone ghrelin and boosts levels of peptide YY. this helps to promote a feeling of fullness and prevents you from eating unnecessarily. 

2. Increases strength and muscle mass

Protein is believed to be the building block of muscle and so, eating protein-rich foods is especially important if you are engaged in strength training. 

According to the recommendations of the National Academy of Medicine, it is important for adults to consume a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day. This means that for every 20 pounds of body weight, you should aim to consume just over 7 grams of protein.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

3. Great for improving bone health 

Studies have revealed that a diet rich in protein, especially animal protein may help to maintain bone health as you age thus, lowering the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. 

4. Reduces binging habits 

Eating breakfast or dinner high in protein will restrict you from indulging in mid-meal snacks or late-night snacks which can be very helpful for overweight adolescent boys and girls trying to lose weight healthily. 

5. Boosts fat burn

Eating protein boosts your metabolism by degrees and helps you to burn excess fat faster. 

6. Reduces blood pressure 

Contrary to popular belief eating a low-fat protein diet can help to reduce chances of heart attack, stroke and kidney conditions. This is because protein helps to lower systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. 

7. Good for  kidney health 

A protein-heavy diet can negatively impact those with already existing kidney disorders but for people with healthy kidneys, consuming protein-rich food is not harmful.

8. Helps in speedy repair after injury 

Protein is the building block of organs and tissues and so it speeds up recovery after an injury. 

9. Maintains fitness even as you age 

One of the many effects of ageing is sarcopenia which is responsible for bone fractures, frailty and an overall lowered quality of life. Protein slows down the process of muscle deterioration and protects you from early sarcopenia. 

Surprisingly, plant-based foods are actually the leading source of protein worldwide. They make up 57% of the daily protein intake, while meat only contributes 18%. This means that foods like legumes, grains, nuts and seeds play a significant role in meeting our protein needs.

Dr. Smita barode, BAMS

Also Read: Are Eggs Dairy? Debunking Food Misconceptions

What Are The High Protein Rich Foods?

Different food contains different proteins and they have various roles in our body. There are 9 essential amino acids that are not naturally found in the body. Hence, we need to include protein foods in our diet to get proteins easily for the bodies. Here are some high protein food options for you to get the best out of your body.

1: Chicken 

Boneless and skinless chicken breast is one of the common and best sources of protein. Bodybuilders and athletes usually include chicken breast in their diet because it does not have saturated fat. Chicken breast contains 31 grams of protein per 100 grams.

2: Pork Chops 

The pork tenderloin is considered as an extra-lean chop which is rich in proteins and has low-fat levels.

3: Eggs White

It is one of the excellent protein sources for ‘eggetarian’ people who do not eat meat or seafood. Egg contains almost all essential amino acids which are necessary for protein formation. You always think that egg yolk is more nutritious than egg white but that’s not true. Egg white is a pure form of protein than egg yolk with less amount of saturated fat. Four egg whites have almost 16 grams of protein.

4: Seafood 

Seafood is a rich source of proteins with a lot of health benefits. Fish like salmon contain about 22 grams of proteins and usually has low fat.

5: Greek Yogurt 

Greek yogurt is one of the tasty sources of proteins. It provides on average 10 grams of protein. Greek yogurt is more concentrated than regular yogurt hence it contains more proteins.  Also, better to choose a plain Greek yogurt than a flavored one as it may contain more carbohydrates and sugar.

6:Skimmed Milk

Milk is always considered as a complete food as it is full of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, calcium, minerals, etc. But always choose skimmed milk as it has more proteins and no fats and carbohydrates. It keeps your bone and teeth healthy and prevents osteoporosis. 1 cup of skimmed milk provides 8 grams of protein.

7: Paneer 

Paneer is an alternative for chicken. It is a rich source of casein protein. Paneer has 18 grams of protein per 100 grams.

8: Nuts and Nut Butter 

Nuts such as groundnuts, almonds, and cashew are rich with proteins, unsaturated fats, and satiating fibers. They are slow-burning food which gives you stomachful feeling for a longer time which helps to reduce your cravings.  ¼ cup of nuts provides 7-9-gram proteins.
Nut butter such as peanut butter, almond butter is new healthy products. These are high in proteins, potassium, and fibers.

9: Soy-Based Products

Soybean is also known as ”meat without bones” because of its protein richness. It is available in various forms like the soy yogurt, soya milk, roasted soybeans, etc. It is a great source of protein and vitamin C with very low fats and no cholesterol at all. Soya is an alternative for vegetarians and lactose-intolerant people. It contains 36 grams of protein per 100 grams.

10: Red Lentils 

Lentils are excellent for proteins for vegetarian folks. It contains 27.1 grams of protein per 100 grams.

Also Read: Is Goat Cheese Good for You? Exploring the Health Benefits back by Research

11: Split Chickpeas

Chickpea curry or dal is the commonest dish present in Indian plates. It is one of the easiest protein-rich food available in India. Chickpeas are low in fat and high in proteins. It offers 8.86 grams of protein per 100 grams of serving

12: Seeds 

Are you ever consult a dietician for a diet plan? If yes, then he/she must be told you to add different seeds in your diet like sunflower seeds. Seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds are full of proteins. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids which are good for your immunity and heart and liver health. On an average  ¼ cup seeds provide around 9 grams of protein.

13: Quinoa 

Quinoa is a gluten-free, plant food that is packed with all essential amino acids. It contains 8 grams of proteins in 1 cup cooked Quinoa.

Also Read: Is Granola Good For You: Unraveling the Truth Based on Nutrition Science

14: Oats 

Oats is the new superfood for health-conscious people. It is an excellent source of protein. They contain 11 grams of protein per 100 grams.

15: Tofu 

Tofu is full of proteins as it is prepared from soy milk. It also contains magnesium, copper, zinc, and vitamin B1. It is gluten-free and low in calories helps to reduce and maintain weight. It contains 8 grams of protein per 100 grams.

Protein is an important nutrient to keep your body healthy and fit. There are various food sources available around us to add to our diets like chicken, egg whites, lentils, nuts, etc. These high protein foods help you to be energetic and strong without adverse effects.

Also Read: Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken? A Guide to Food Storage Practices

16. Granola 

Granola is a healthy cereal that helps you lose weight when you pick a version that’s high in fibre. A bar of granola provides you with about 100 gm of protein. You can either consume a granola bar on its own or have granola like cereal by mixing it with milk or greek yoghurt for a high-powered yet light breakfast, perfect for hot summer months.

17. Edamame Beans 

Edamame beans are high in protein and contain amino acids essential for the human body. About half a cup of cooked edamame beans offers you around 9 grams of protein. A medium-sized bowl of lightly cooked edamame beans pairs well with roti or rice.

Also Read: Savory Oatmeal: Reinventing the Traditional Breakfast Dish

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much protein is in 100 gm paneer?

Paneer, a popular Indian cheese, contains approximately 18 to 20 grams of protein per 100 grams. This makes it a favourable source of protein, especially for vegetarians. Its mild flavour and firm texture make it versatile in various culinary dishes.

How much protein is in 100 gm chicken?

Chicken is a widely consumed source of protein. In a 100-gram serving of cooked, skinless, boneless chicken breast, you can expect to find approximately 31 grams of protein. This makes chicken an excellent choice for those looking to increase their protein intake, whether for muscle growth, maintenance or overall health.

Why is protein important?

Protein is vital for numerous bodily functions, including growth, muscle repair, immune function and the creation of enzymes and hormones. Without enough protein, the body can’t function properly, making it an essential part of a balanced diet.

Can vegetarians and vegans eat enough protein?

Yes, there are plenty of plant-based protein sources. Lentils, chickpeas, tofu, tempeh, quinoa and various nuts and seeds are great examples. By eating a varied and balanced diet, vegetarians and vegans can easily meet their protein needs.

How much protein do I need?

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein varies by age, gender and activity level. Generally, adults need around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Athletes or those looking to build muscle may need more.

What are some high-protein snacks?

Some healthy and high-protein snacks include Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs, edamame, protein bars or shakes made with whole ingredients and mixed nuts.

Are protein supplements necessary?

Most people can get enough protein from whole foods and don’t need supplements. However, athletes, bodybuilders or those with specific dietary restrictions may benefit from protein supplements such as whey or plant-based protein powders.

Can too much protein be harmful?

While protein is essential for the body, excessive protein consumption, particularly from animal sources, may lead to kidney strain and other health problems. Balanced intake in line with individual needs is typically considered best.

What’s the difference between complete and incomplete proteins?

Complete proteins contain all nine essential amino acids in the right proportions, while incomplete proteins lack one or more of these amino acids. Animal proteins are usually complete, while many plant proteins are incomplete. However, a varied plant-based diet can provide all essential amino acids.

Is protein only important for building muscles?

While protein is indeed vital for muscle growth and repair, its role in the body is multifaceted. It’s also essential for proper immune function, enzyme and hormone production, maintaining healthy skin and hair and much more.


List Of Protein Rich Food For Vegetarians

Proteins are an important part of our daily diet. They provide our muscles, cells and other vital tissues with the growth factors that are required to keep them healthy and functioning normally.

In India, a large proportion of individuals prefer to follow a vegetarian diet. While this is a highly nutritious diet, it can sometimes be low in certain elements such as vitamin B12 and proteins. It is quite common in clinical practice to see vegetarians suffering from low vitamin B12 levels, though clinical evidence suggests that people who follow vegetarian diets have a lower incidence of developing heart disease and related complications.

In this article, we shall take a look at a brief list of protein-rich food for vegetarians.

The Need For Protein

Proteins are basically made of building blocks called amino acids. Amino acids are essential for cell growth and development throughout our lifetime. Proteins form the basic structure of not just our vital organs, but also our skin, hair and numerous other important parts of our body. If we consume lesser quantities of protein, we could lose muscle strength and muscle mass and become weaker. For individuals who are recovering from a medical illness, a high protein intake often helps in faster recovery.

Did You Know?

The following chart is a rough summary of daily protein requirements based on weight. 

WeightMinimum Daily Required ProteinActive Lifestyle Protein Requirement (sportspersons, weight training)
45 kg to 50 kg64g to 70g77g to 85 g
54 kg to 59 kg76g to 83g93g to 100g
63 kg to 68 kg89g to 95g108g to 116g
72 kg to 77 kg102g to 108g124g to 131g
81 kg to 86 kg115g to 121g139g to 147g
91 kg to 95 kg127g to 134g155g to 162g
100 kg to 104 kg140g to 146g170g to 178g

Did you know that approximately one-fifth of your body weight is made up of protein? Yes, you heard it right! Protein is not just a nutrient but a building block for your very existence. It plays a crucial role in the structure and function of every cell and tissue of the body, from your luscious locks and sturdy nails to your life-sustaining blood, resilient skin and robust bones.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Note that protein requirements will vary on the basis of sex, age, level of physical activity and other factors like whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Let’s take a look at some of the protein-rich foods that are available in the vegetarian group.

Protein Rich Food For Vegetarians:

1. Lentils

Lentils, also called daal, is a popular addition to an everyday meal in India. Each cup of lentils contains about 18 g of protein making it an excellent source of vegetarian protein. Lentils can be had in the form of soups or can be eaten with rotis or even rice.

In addition to protein, lentils also contain a good quantity of fibre which can help maintain healthy bacteria within the gut. There is some understanding that regular consumption of lentils may also reduce the risk of developing heart disease and cancer. However, a small number of individuals who consume lentils on a regular basis may notice excessive flatulence. This is not unique to lentils but is generally seen with a high protein diet.

Lentils also contain quality antioxidants and numerous minerals which can help protect the cells. Make sure you have a cup full of lentils every day to get your dose of protein.

2. Legumes

Legumes include varieties of beans such as kidney beans, black beans, chickpeas and similar ones that are widely considered to be a powerhouse of proteins. Chickpeas contain about 15 g of protein per serving and also contains numerous other elements and minerals that can keep you healthy, strong and fit. Clinical studies also found that regular consumption of legumes can help keep cholesterol levels low.

Chickpeas and other legumes are great in salads or in the form of low-fat, low salt curries.

3. Nuts

Nuts are basically superfoods. If you wish to follow a good veg protein diet, you should strongly consider adding nuts to the cavalry. Nuts such as almonds and cashew nuts are an excellent source of protein and are always included in the protein foods veg list.

On average, eating about 20 to 25 whole almonds every day can give you about 6 g of protein. However, this can be quite a lot to eat in one go and just having a handful of mixed nuts every day can give you the protein boost your body requires. Not just that, nuts also contain a good quantity of dietary fibre and vitamin E.

If you are looking for a heart-healthy snack and protein-rich food for vegetarians, make sure you include nuts as a part of your daily diet. However, make sure you keep the salt intake low and avoid eating salted nuts.

We’re about to uncover a fascinating fact about protein—one that sets it apart from fats and carbohydrates. Your body relies on protein to build and repair tissues, but unlike the others, protein cannot be stored as a reserve. This means that you must provide a continuous supply of protein through your diet to meet your body’s repair and maintenance needs.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

4. Green Peas

You wouldn’t think to look at it, but green peas are an excellent source of protein. A cup full of these green beauties gives you nearly 9 g of protein. In addition to this, they are rich in vitamins A, K and C and also contain numerous minerals and a high quantity of fibre. Simply including green peas in your daily vegetarian diet can help give you the additional protein your body requires.

5. Quinoa

Quinoa is gradually catching on in India as a food that is healthy, low in fat and high in protein. Each cup of quinoa can provide around 9 grams of protein and is excellent for those who suffer from diabetes. They are rich in dietary fibre, which can help in keeping the blood sugar levels under control. Their glycemic index (GI) is 53. Keeping in mind that GI of 55 or below is considered low, quinoa is an ideal food that can be included in a diabetic diet plan. You may refer to the Glycemic Index Food Chart to find out the GI of other foods. Besides these, quinoa also contains a high quantity of complex carbohydrates and numerous minerals. Quinoa is definitely one for the protein foods veg list.

6. Soy Milk

Of late, there is been a fair amount of advertising regarding soy milk as a good source of protein and this is entirely true. There are many individuals who are intolerant to lactose who require an alternative source of protein, and soy milk is a great one, containing nearly 7 g of protein per cup. But it is not just the protein that makes soy milk an excellent food; it is also a good source of calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. However, the latter vitamins are usually present in soy milk that has been fortified.

You could add soy milk to your tea or coffee or you could just drink it directly. Avoid the sweetened variety as this can add to your body weight and would nullify the healthy effects of consuming this protein-rich food regularly.

Additionally, there are several products made from soy other than milk which is also protein-rich. These include tofu (made from the curd of soy milk), edamame (a preparation made from immature soybeans, boiled or steamed) and tempeh (a fermented preparation native to Java, it is made in a cake form). These products all come with similar health benefits to soy milk since they maintain their high protein content but they also have added benefits like other nutrients. They can also ease hunger pangs since they are solid foods unlike soy milk, this, in turn, helps to reduce your food consumption. These products can thus not only help to provide your daily requirement of protein but also aid you when you try to lose weight.

7. Oats

There is no doubt that oats are superfoods. Not only are they high in protein but they are a powerhouse of soluble fiber and clinically proven to help reduce the risk of developing heart disease and to lower cholesterol. A small cup of oats can provide you with nearly 6 g of protein and a quarter of your daily requirement of fibre. They also help regulate blood sugar levels, owing to their high fiber content and low glycemic index. You can take a look at the Diabetes Food Chart to find other foods that can help control diabetes better. 

Try and avoid masala oats or ready meals as these contain higher quantities of salt and may not be the healthy start to the day that you hope you will get from them. Instead, buy regular oats and consume them with milk and a spoonful of honey sprinkled with almonds. You could even chop some fruit up into them, or add a fistful of berries. A cup full of oats in the morning is a great way to start your day.

Also Read: White Asparagus: Nutritional Benefits and Culinary Uses Explored

8. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have recently caught on in India and are being used more and more in our country as a superfood. A 35 g serving of Chia seeds contains 6 g of protein and a whopping 13 g of fibre! In addition to this, they are also high in nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and iron and also contain omega-3 fatty acids and numerous antioxidants that can keep you fighting fit.

Chia seeds are easy to use, and make sure that you consume the organic variety. Also, make sure that what you are consuming are not basil seeds as they look quite similar to Chia seeds. Simply soaking Chia seeds in water for a short time and then having them with your favourite beverage can give you the nutritional boost your body deserves. Chia seeds are a great protein for vegans.

9. High Protein Vegetables

Vegetables are widely considered to just contain vitamins and minerals with a small number of carbohydrates and proteins. However, there are some vegetables that have a greater quantity of protein such as spinach, potatoes, broccoli, asparagus and even sweet potatoes. Though the quantity of protein each of these is not comparable to non-vegetarian sources, it still is quite a decent value at around 5 g per cup full of veggie cooked.

10. Fruits

Fruits are generally poorer sources of protein. That being said, fruits such as bananas, guava and certain berries have a decent quantity of protein in them. However, don’t rely on fruits as your source of protein instead, choose from one of the options listed earlier in this article.

11. Edamame 

Edamame is soybeans that have not been fully matured, typically eaten as a side dish in the eastern countries of Asia. Edamame may be found in popular dishes like sushi or can be consumed as a standalone snack/meal. This form of soybean may be cooked and eaten either in the pods or as beans. Due to its simplistic preparation, edamame is a protein-rich vegetarian food that can be easily added to any diet. Edamame has about 12g of protein per 100g of beans.

12. Wild Rice

Although not really a species of rice, wild rice is a grain found and grown by the native peoples of North America and in certain parts of China. This grain is slightly chewy with an almost vegetable-like taste and provides a lot of nutrition including 15%-20% of your daily required zinc and manganese. Wild rice has a protein content of about 4g per serving of 100g, keep in mind that you may eat more than just 100g of wild rice in each meal. Wild rice may be a great staple protein-rich vegetarian food to add to your diet since it can be consumed regularly (even multiple times a day). Of course, we recommend having this food along with other dishes, you might end up getting bored of plain cooked wild rice. 

13. Brussels Sprouts 

Apart from being high in fibre and overall great for health as a green vegetable, Brussels sprouts are also surprisingly a good source of protein. While its protein content of 3-4g per 100g does not make it a competitor to meats and eggs, it is still a high protein-rich vegetarian food that you should add to your diet. Add protein to your salads with this veggie, or simply steam or roast Brussels sprouts as a midday meal. 

14. Sweet Corn 

Corn is one of the most cultivated crops in existence today, it is used for the production of corn syrup, and cornflour and used as a food source by itself. Sweet corn is a yummy snack to try, whether boiled, steamed or roasted with a delicious slathering of butter on top. Sweet Corn has a 3.3g protein content in every 100g serving, along with an almost non-existent fat and no cholesterol. 

15. Avocado  

Avocado is a fruit native to North America that has gained popularity as a superfood due to its highly nutritious nature, both in macronutrients and the vitamins and minerals it contains. Although it was initially popularised in Mexican cuisine, avocado is fast becoming a protein-rich vegetarian food for bodybuilding and fitness routines. Avocados can be eaten as is, just sliced up or added to salads and other preparations like guacamole.

It’s time to debunk a common misconception that you need to be non-vegetarian to fulfil your protein requirements. Contrary to popular belief, you can absolutely meet your protein needs through a vegetarian or plant-based diet. Explore the vast array of protein-rich plant foods available and create delicious, nutrient-dense meals that support your health and fitness goals.

Dr. Smita barode, BAMS


Q1. Can eating too much protein be bad for health?

Ans: Yes, eating too much protein can put you at risk of developing kidney stones. Further, those who eat a higher quantity of saturated fat and red meat on a weekly basis are at risk of suffering from various kinds of heart disorders and colon cancer. Ideally, the recommended protein amount for men daily is 56 grams and for women 46 grams. However, this can vary depending upon your height and weight. 

Q2. What protein diet to follow during Indian summers?

Ans: The Indian summer can be unbearable and uncomfortable. As the mercury rises, our desire to eat food dips. But there are ways to maintain a healthy diet and your fitness regime without having to compromise on food. When the heat gets too much, here are some ‘cool’ ways to include protein in your diet:
> Chilled protein shakes 
> Raita to have with your meal 
> Watermelon seeds 
> Have more lentil soup

Q3. What protein dishes are best for winter?

Ans: To keep yourself fit, warm and well-cared during the cold winter months, you should eat the following protein items:
> Eggs 
> Nuts and seeds
> Lentil soup
> Soy 
> Chickpea curry 

Q4. Which vegetarian/vegan foods can be said to be the perfect example of a complete protein source?

Ans: In order to ensure that you are getting your ‘complete protein source’ through your daily meals, add these foods to your diet:
> Amaranth: A type of pseudocereal that acts as an alternative to gluten-free grain originally a staple in Mayan and Aztec cultures.
> Buckwheat: A plant-based pseudocereal that is a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus. 
> Ezekiel Bread: A highly nutritious bread that contains the goodness of nine essential amino acids because it is made from a combination of soybeans, millet, spelt, lentils, wheat and barley.
> Spirulina: A type of algae-based supplement
> Hemp Seeds: Comes from the plant cannabis sativa and is rich in alpha-linolenic acid and essential fatty acid omega 6.
> Nutritional Yeast: a deactivated strain of saccharomyces cerevisiae with a characteristic umami flavour that imparts a cheese-like flavour to pasta, mashed potatoes and popcorn. Sold in the market as flakes or yellow powder.
> Hummus & Pita bread: Hummus in combination with pita bread is a classic Middle-Eastern dish that provides you with all nine essential acids. This is because hummus is made from ground chickpeas and the dough of pita bread is made from a type of wheat that is low in lysine.

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