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अजवाइन (Ajwain in Hindi): उपयोग, फायदे और न्यूट्रिशनल वैल्यू

अजवाइन को आमतौर पर कैरम या बिशप वीड्स के रूप में जाना जाता है। इसमें एसेंशियल ऑयल होता है, जो कई बायोएक्टिव कंपाउंड से बना होता है, और इसलिए इसका औषधीय महत्व है। अजवाइन साल भर उपलब्ध रहती है। अजवाइन के पत्ते पंखदार होते हैं। अजवाइन झाड़ी का फल है, जो छोटा, अंडाकार आकार का और हल्के पीले रंग का होता है।

अजवाइन सौंफ और जीरे की तरह दिखती है। प्राचीन काल से भारतीय, अफ्रीकी और मध्य पूर्वी देशों में खाना पकाने के लिए अजवाइन का इस्तेमाल किया जाता रहा है। यह खाने का स्वाद भी बढ़ाती है और चटनी, अचार और जैम में प्रेज़रवेटिव की तरह काम करती है। इसमें डाइजेस्टिव फाइबर का एक अनूठा स्रोत होता है जो पेट की सेहत अच्छी रखने में मदद करता है।

अजवाइन की गंध तेज और तीखी होती है और संस्कृत में इसे उग्रगंध के नाम से जाना जाता है। अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में ब्रेड और बिस्किट बनाते समय स्वाद और महक के लिए अजवाइन डाली जाती है। अजवाइन से शरीर को बहुत सारे फायदे मिलते हैं इसलिए इसे कच्चा या भूनकर भी खाया जाता है। घी में अजवाइन मिलाना एक आम बात है।

इसे चबाने के बाद इसका स्वाद थाइम जैसा होता है। किराने की दुकानों में अजवाइन के साथ-साथ इसका मसाला पाउडर भी उपलब्ध होता है। हमारी डाइट में अजवाइन के कई फायदे हैं, जिनकी चर्चा इस ब्लॉग में की गई है।

अजवाइन के स्त्रोत:

अजवाइन का पौधा आमतौर पर ईरान (पर्शिया), एशिया और तुर्की में पाया जाता है। भारत के कुछ हिस्सों में भी अजवाइन की खेती की जाती है। अजवाइन  मध्य पूर्वी देशों और उत्तरी अफ्रीका में भी पाई जाती है।

अजवाइन के अन्य नाम:

Ajwain ke anya nam

दुनिया में अजवाइन को अलग-अलग नाम से जाना जाता है जैसे कि अजोवन, ओमम, ओमुम, इथियोपियन क्यूमिन, अजोवन कारावे, अजवाएन, अजवान, अजावे सीड्स, ट्रेकिस्पर्मम एम्मी, दीप्यका, यमनी, बिशप वीड, यवनिका, यामनिका, जैन, यवन, यौवन, जावन, योयाना , यवनी, अजमा, जावैन, अजमो, ओमा, योम, जेवैन, अयानौदकन, ओनवा, वामू, जुआनी आदि।

अजवाइन के पोषक तत्व

अजवाइन के पोषक तत्व नीचे दी गई टेबल में बताए गए हैं

पोषक तत्वप्रति 100 ग्राम में
कार्बोहाइड्रेट43 ग्राम
प्रोटीन16 ग्राम
फैट25 ग्राम
फाइबर39.2 ग्राम
सोडियम10 मिलीग्राम
आयरन4 मिलीग्राम
विटामिन C4 मिलीग्राम
कुल कैलोरी305 कैलोरी

अजवाइन के महत्वपूर्ण केमिकल कंपाउंड (रासायनिक यौगिक):

अजवाइन के बीज और उसके तेल में 20 अलग-अलग बायोएक्टिव कंपाउंड होते हैं, जिनमें थाइमोल, टर्पेनोइड, पी-साइमेन, गामा टर्पीनिन और एसेंशियल ऑयल मुख्य हैं।

थाइमोल और कार्वैक्रोल ऐसे महत्वपूर्ण घटक हैं जो फंगस और बैक्टीरिया के विकास को रोकने के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं।

अजवाइन के औषधीय उपयोग और सेहत को मिलने वाले फायदे:

सिर, कान और दांत दर्द के लिए अजवाइन :

कान के दर्द से राहत पाने के लिए अजवाइन के तेल की कुछ बूंदें काफी हैं। दांत दर्द से तुरंत राहत पाने के लिए अजवाइन और नमक का गुनगुने पानी का मिश्रण बहुत असरदार होता है। कभी-कभी जले हुए अजवाइन का धुंआ दांत दर्द के लिए ज़्यादा असरदार होता है। अजवाइन में एक आवश्यक बायोएक्टिव घटक, यानी थाइमोल होता है जो एक मजबूत कवकनाशी और कीटाणुनाशक है। इसलिए, स्किन इंफेक्शन से राहत पाने के लिए अजवाइन को पीसकर लगाया जाता है।

एक्ने और पिंपल्स की रोकथाम के लिए अजवाइन:

अजवाइन में अलग-अलग एंटीऑक्सीडेंट और एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी घटक होते हैं, और इसलिए अजवाइन के बायोएक्टिव अर्क भी एक्ने और पिंपल्स जैसी स्किन की समस्याओं को कम करने में मददगार होते हैं। अजवाइन में मौजूद थाइमोल और कार्वैक्रोल बैक्टीरिया और फंगस को बढ़ने से रोकने में  मदद करते हैं। अजवाइन पाउडर सप्लीमेंट मुँहासे के निशान को हल्का करने में मदद करते हैं।

अजवाइन के प्रोडक्ट और उनकी अनुशंसित डोज़:

अजवाइन की आयुर्वेदिक डोज़  इसके रूपों के मुताबिक अलग-अलग होती है। अजवाइन प्रोडक्ट्स के विभिन्न रूप

प्रोडक्टकैसे इस्तेमाल करें                   दिन में कितनी बार
चूर्णपाचन को बेहतर बनाने के लिए खाने से पहले और बाद में गुनगुने पानी के साथ आधा चम्मच अजवाइन चूर्ण लें।दो बार
काढ़ाएक गिलास पानी में एक चम्मच अजवाइन डालकर 10 मिनट तक उबालें। अस्थमा (दमा) और सर्दी के लिए आधा चम्मच अजवाइन का काढ़ा लें।तीन बार
पेस्टभुने हुए अजवाइन और गुड़ को मिलाकर मिक्सी में पेस्ट बना लें। इसे खाना खाने के बाद लें।दो बार
गोलीगर्म पानी के साथ अजवाइन की एक गोली लें।दो बार
अर्कखाने के बाद अजवाइन अर्क की पाँच बूँदें गर्म पानी के साथ लें।
दो बार

अजवाइन के साइड इफेक्ट और सावधानियां:

अजवाइन का अन्य दवाओं के साथ इंटरेक्शन (परस्पर क्रिया):

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल:

क्या अजवाइन आंतों के इंफेक्शन में उपयोगी है?

जी हां, अजवाइन आंतों के इंफेक्शन को ठीक करने में मदद करती है। अजवाइन को कृमिनाशक गुण के लिए जाना जाता है जो आंतों के किसी भी इंफेक्शन से लड़ने में मदद करती है। यह उनकी गतिविधि को बाधित करने के लिए सीधे पैरासाइट के मेटाबोलिज्म  हस्तक्षेप करती है।

क्या अजवाइन वजन घटाने में मदद करती है?

जी हां, अजवाइन वजन बढ़ने से रोकने में मदद करती है। अजवाइन के अर्क में एंटीऑक्सीडेंट और एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी गुण होते हैं, जो वजन कम करने पर सीधा असर डालते हैं। अजवाइन पाचन में भी सुधार करती है और कब्ज, एसिडिटी और गैस जैसी समस्याओं को दूर करने के लिए शरीर से विषाक्त पदार्थों को निकालने में मदद करती है।

क्या अजवाइन सफेद बालों की समस्या को कम करने में मददगार है?

जी हां, अजवाइन सफेद बालों की समस्या को कम करने में मदद करती है। अजवाइन के अर्क में कैल्शियम और आयरन जैसे मिनरल और आवश्यक ट्रेस एलिमेंट होते हैं, और ये सफेद बालों की समस्या को कम करने में फायदेमंद होते हैं।


अजवाइन का इस्तेमाल पारंपरिक भारतीय खाना पकाने और आयुर्वेदिक हर्बल फॉर्मूला में किया जाता रहा है। अजवाइन में शक्तिशाली एंटी-बैक्टीरियल (जीवाणुरोधी), एंटी-फंगल और एंटी-ऑक्सीडेटिव घटक होते हैं। अजवाइन का तेल स्किन के इलाज के लिए लोशन और मलहम तैयार करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। अजवाइन के हर्बल अर्क में एंटी-बैक्टीरियल (जीवाणुरोधी) और एंटी-इंफ्मेंलेटरी गुण होते हैं, और इस तरह यह पेप्टिक अल्सर के इलाज में असरदार होते हैं, ब्लड प्रेशर और कोलेस्ट्रॉल लेवल को कम करते हैं।

Read in English: Apricot: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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Ajwain: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, and More!


Ajvain (Carum copticum), also called bishops weed, is a herb that is used as a spice and a major ingredient in different types of medicines. Ajvain is thought to have originated in Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean region. Ajvain is extensively cultivated in black soil, especially along the riverbank in Egypt and several other countries like Iran, Afghanistan, and India. The seeds of ajvain are small yet have a hot, penchant, and bitter taste. Ajvain functions as a stomachic (promoting appetite or aiding in digestion) and laxative and is used as an appetiser. It might be helpful for conditions like piles, abdominal tumours, abdominal pain, vomiting, mouth diseases, etc.1

Nutritional Value of Ajwain:

The major constituent of ajvain is an essential oil called thymol which constitutes about 35-60%. The seed also contains

The major constituent of ajvain is an essential oil called thymol which constitutes about 35-60%. The seed also contains compounds like p-cymene, limonene, α-pinene, and γ-terpinene. Ajvain seeds also comprise protein, fat, fibre, minerals, calcium, iron, phosphorous, carotene, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, and carbohydrates. In 100 grams of ajvain, the nutrients found are:1,2

  Energy  238 kcal
  Carbohydrate  47.62 g
  Protein  23.81 g
  Fibre  47.6 g
  Iron    16.19 mg
  Calcium  667 mg
  Potassium  1333 mg
  Fatty acids (total saturated)  0.62 g
Table 1: Nutritional value of ajwain2


Did You Know?

Also Read: Guggul: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

Properties of Ajvain:

Ajvain is known to have many properties like:

Also Read: Methi (Fenugreek): Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, and More!

Based on my experience, I highly recommend incorporating ajwain into your daily diet routine. Other than its culinary uses, a protein present in ajwain has the potential to stop calcium oxalate buildup and may serve as the basis to alleviate the occurence of kidney stones.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Potential Uses of Ajvain:

Potential uses of ajvain for digestion:

Ajvain might help reduce irregular pains of the intestines and stomach in both adults and children. Taking ajvain with common salt and warm water may relieve any colicky (sharp pain in the intestines) pain due to gas accumulation, indigestion, and infections in the intestine. Ajvain might be taken with buttermilk to relieve digestion-related problems. Consult your doctor before taking it for any condition.1

Potential uses of ajvain for respiratory problems:

A mixture of ajwain and ginger might be prescribed by your doctor in cases of chronic bronchitis and asthma. This mixture might help expel mucous and may improve the symptoms of chronic bronchitis and asthma. It might also be helpful for chronic colds and cough. Consuming warm water after chewing ajvain might help reduce cough. Chewing betel leaf with ajvain might help with dry cough. It is, however essential to consult your doctor before taking it for these conditions.1

Potential uses of ajvain for diabetes:

Ajvain seeds might be helpful for diabetes. Powdered neem leaves might be taken with warm milk along with powdered ajvain and cumin seeds. This combination might help in reducing blood sugar levels. However, it is essential to consult your physician before taking this. Moreover, a condition like diabetes must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.[1]

Potential uses of ajvain for migraine:

Smelling ajvain seeds wrapped in a tissue might help in dealing with migraines. Ajvain seeds may also be burnt and inhaled to deal with other problems related to the head.4 However, such effects need to be proved by further research. Moreover, it is essential to consult a doctor before using ajvain for any apparent health benefits.

Potential uses of ajvain for arthritis:

Ajvain seed oil might be helpful for pain related to arthritis. This oil might be used for massage in the affected joints regularly to alleviate pain in rheumatic arthritis.4 Kindly consult a doctor before using it.

Potential uses of ajvain for diarrhoea:

Consuming ajvain seeds might be a natural way to help deal with diarrhoea or dysentery. A handful of ajvain seeds may be boiled and taken in a glass of water. This mixture can be cooled and consumed for diarrhoea.4 However, such effects need to be ascertained by further research.

Other Potential uses of ajvain:

Ajvain seeds might also be used as an insecticide. Moreover, they may also be used for poisonous insect bites.4

Though there are studies that show the potential uses of ajvain in various conditions, but these are insufficient and there is a need of further studies to establish the true extent of benefits of ajvain on human health. 

Also Read: Cardamom: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

Be careful when consuming ajwain! Most individuals may safely use ajwain in their diets, though I recently read an article suggesting pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers avoid it. Ajwain’s constituents may potentially result in birth abnormalities or miscarriages. It is essential to be mindful of this potential risk.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

How to Use Ajvain?

Ajvain seeds might be used as it is or they can be used in powder form. Your ayurvedic doctor will prescribe you the correct form and dosage for use for your condition. Kindly refer to your doctor for advice

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor.  

Side Effects of Ajvain:

When consumed in moderation, ajvain seeds do not produce any harmful side effects. However, in people suffering from conditions like diverticulitis (pain and inflammation in small, bulging pouches that can form in the lining of the digestive tract), ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease), and liver diseases, excess intake of ajvain might lead to some side effects.

Precautions to Take with Ajvain:

It is important to keep these points in mind when using ajvain seeds:

Interactions With Other Drugs:

Ajvain might interact with unknown drugs. Therefore, you should consult a doctor before using ajvain for its potential health benefits.  

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) What is ajvain?

Ajvain (Trachyspermum Ammi L.) seeds are obtained from a herbal plant belonging to the family Apiaceae. It is called by different names like bishops weed, carom, or ajowan caraway. It has several beneficial properties.[1]

2) What are the other names of ajvain?

The common names of ajvain include ajwain, jevain, oma, omam, yom, omu, vamu, yamini, oman, jain, yaminiki, yavan, and more.[2]

3) Where is ajvain found in India?

In India, ajvain is commonly found in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu.6

4) Can ajvain be used for dental problems?

Ajvain seeds might be helpful for tooth pain. Using clove oil, ajvain oil, and water might help to deal with toothache, tooth decay, and bad mouth odour. It may help maintain oral hygiene.4 However, please consult a dentist for dental problems and do not self-medicate.

5) Can ajvain be used for skin-related problems?

A paste can be prepared from ajvain seeds and may be applied on any affected part of the face or body to help with itching, boils, and eczema (a condition in which patches of skin become inflamed, itchy, cracked, and rough). In case of acne, powdered ajvain seeds might be taken with yoghurt and applied to the face. This remedy may help manage acne scars.4 However, more research is required to prove these effects.

6) Can ajvain be used to treat piles?

Consuming buttermilk with ajvain seeds and rock salt might help reduce the bleeding in piles.4 However, please consult a doctor before using such a remedy.


  1. Rashmi Yadav, Chandan Kumar Pradhan, Deepika Gupta, Rahul Kaoshik; Health benefits of Indian aromatic plant ajwain (Tachychpermum Ammi). International Jounral of pharmacy and technology. 2011 3(3): 1356-1366. Available from:
  2. U.S Department of agriculture. Ajwain seed whole organic spices. [Internet] Available from:
  3. Mohammad M. Zarshenas, Mahmoodreza Moein, Soliman Mohammadi Samani, Peyman Petramfar; An overview on ajwain (trachyspermum ammi) pharmacologica; effects; Modern and traditional. 2014 Jan 14(1). Available from:
  4. Pooja Dhiman, Kanika Soni, Sandeep singh; Medicinal value of carom seeds- An overview. Pharmatutor magazine. 2014, 2(3): 119-123. Available from:,%20Issue%203,%20March%202014,%20PharmaTutor,%20Paper-14.pdf
  5. Mohamad Hesam Shahrajabian, Wenli Sun, Qi Cheng; Pharmaceutical benefits and multidimensional uses of ajwain (trachyspermum ammi L.) 11(2): 138-141. Available from:
  6. Monawara Begum, B.P Sharma and S.M Barbhuiya Aziz; Ethnobotanical, phytochemical and pharmacological science of trachyspermum ammi (ajwain): A systematic review. 2021 12(11): 5690-5697. Available from:

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Super-Nutritious Ajwain Seeds and Its Health Benefits

Whenever you have tummy pain your grandmother or mom always puts some ajwain in your mouth for instant relief, isn’t it? Ajwain seeds or carom seeds are the main and essential spices in various Indian dishes. Ajwain is an herb originally grown in our very own country. It is also called ‘Ugragandha’ in Sanskrit as it has a very strong and pungent smell. The seeds are slightly olive green to brown and have a bitter and pungent flavor. It is commonly used in curries and pickles due to its peculiar aroma and health benefits.

Ajwain seeds possess many properties such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, antimicrobial, antihypertensive, and several such properties. The seeds as well as ajwain water contain numerous health benefits!  

Nutritional Properties of Ajwain  

Ajwain is highly rich in vitamins and minerals such as niacin, thiamine, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. It also contains carbohydrates, fatty acids, fibers, proteins, and antioxidants. Ajwain seeds contain an essential oil named – thymol, which gives aromatic fragrances to seeds.

According to what I’ve observed, ajwain seeds contain a brown-coloured oil called ajwain oil, which makes up about 2–4.4% of the seeds. The main component of this oil is thymol, which is known for its potential use to tackle a decrease in appetite.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Health Benefits of Ajwain Seeds  

Ajwain seeds have incredible health benefits. Some people may roast them to refine their flavor. You can also chew then raw or add it to water or tea to achieve its maximum benefits. The benefits of ajwain are numerous, you should just know how and when to use.  

1: Promote digestion and relieve stomach problems  

Ajwain seeds are the most effective home remedy for a stomach problem, it works magically. The active enzymes in ajwain help to boost your digestion by facilitating the release of gastric juices. It also helps to prevent and treat chronic indigestion problems such as gaseous distention, stomach pain, and uneasiness. Some studies suggest that ajwain seeds are great for stomach ulcers and intestinal ulcers.  

How to use – Take 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds and 1 teaspoon of ajwain seeds and add 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder to it. Take this mix with water daily to cure heartburns.

In the light of what I have seen, the ajwain seed offers various health benefits. It is known to help with abdominal tumours, abdominal pains, and piles.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

2: Fight against infection  

Ajwain seeds are powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. The active compound of ajwain – thymol helps to inhibit bacterial growth and fungi such as  E. coli,  Salmonella, and  Candida albicans.  

3: Treats common cold and cough  

Ajwain works as a decongestant when used for cough and cold. Ajwain relieves the blocked nose by discharging the mucus easily. It has a great power to open up the clogged nasal passages. It also improves the airflow of the lungs hence very useful in asthma and bronchitis.  

How to use –  A few crushed ajwain seeds combine with little jaggery and chew them for 2-3 times per day to cure a cold and cough. For a blocked nose, a tablespoon of crushed seeds tie up in a cloth and use it for inhalation.  

I may recommend trying carom ajwain seeds if you’re experiencing a migraine headache. Try wrapping carom seeds in tissue paper and give them a sniff. It might help reduce the intensity of your migraine.

Dr. Smita barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

4: Enhance good cholesterol levels

Ajwain seeds help to lower down the bad cholesterol and regulate the good cholesterol levels. These seeds contain a high amount of dietary fibers and fatty acids that contribute to healthy levels of cholesterol.  

5: Reduce blood pressure  

The thymol in the seeds helps to manage blood pressure. An animal study suggests that ajwain seeds also have a calcium channel blocking effect. It prevents calcium from entering heart cells and blood vessel walls that help to lower blood pressure.

6: Relieve joint pains  

Ajwain seeds possess two properties – anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. These properties may help to combat the symptoms of arthritis. It reduces the redness, swelling, and pain of joints. You can apply the ajwain seed paste on the affected joints or soak in a tub of hot water with a handful of ajwain seeds.

7: Cure tooth and ear pains  

Tooth and ear pains are the two severe types of pains among other pains. Ajwain oil acts magically on ear pain. For tooth-ache, simply gargle with lukewarm water with ajwain seeds and a pinch of salt.

Ajwain water benefits  

  There are several ways of consuming ajwain, drinking ajwain water is one of the best ways. Ajwain water is very beneficial, particularly for women.  

You can make ajwain  kadha by adding water and ajwain seeds to a pan. Boil it till it becomes half. Now take a glass and pass this mix through a sieve. Add lemon or apple cider vinegar, honey and black salt. Stir it and sip it slowly.

1: Aids weight loss  

Ajwain water is highly recommended in Ayurveda to manage weight. It helps to cleanse your digestive system and promote metabolism that leads to weight loss. To prepare ajwain water, roast 2 tablespoons of ajwain seeds and add it to boiling water. Stir this mixture till it changes its color to brown. Let it cool then and strain it before use. Drink this water daily for good results. You can add a tablespoon of honey for flavor.  

2: Useful for females

Ajwain water helps to clean your uterus and stomach to regularise your periods. It also helps to cure the indigestion problem in pregnant women.  

3: Relive the stomach discomfort in babies  

Ajwain water can reduce the gaseous distention of the abdomen in babies and relieve the discomfort.  

4: Coping with respiratory problems

Ajwain  water is known to keep your lungs and pharynx clean so that there is no blockage. This effect is known as a bronchodilatory effect and can be especially helpful to those suffering from asthma. The spice water helps in relaxing the air passage and allows asthma patients to breathe better.

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Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.