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Potential Benefits of DHEA Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide Based on Science and Research

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • DHEA is a hormone produced in the adrenal gland, and it helps produce other hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. 
  • Some potential benefits of DHEA supplementation may include improved bone density, management of depression, improved sexual function, adrenal support, and healthy aging. 
  • DHEA levels can be increased naturally through lifestyle changes, diet, and exercise. 
  • While short-term use of DHEA supplements is generally safe, side effects can occur, including changes in hormonal balance. 
  • When considering DHEA supplementation, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage and minimise potential risks. 


Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a natural hormone in our body. It keeps us healthy. But as we get older, our bodies make less DHEA. This can impact our health. In this article, we will explore more about DHEA, how it works, and possible side effects.  

What is DHEA? 

The Definition and Identification of DHEA 

DHEA is a type of steroid hormone. It is made mainly in the adrenal glands, located above the kidneys. Our bodies use DHEA to make other hormones. These include testosterone and estrogen, key hormones for males and females respectively. 

dhea benefits

The Functions of DHEA in the Body 

DHEA does more than just make hormones. It plays other roles in the body as well which are as follows.  

  • Supports the  immune system 
  • Aids cells grow and repair themselves  
  • Controls mood and brain function 
  • Keeps muscles strong and bones healthy 
  • Supports sexual health and fertility 

Did you know?

Potential Benefits of DHEA Supplementation 

1. Bone Density and Osteoporosis 

DHEA changes into estrogen and testosterone in the body. Estrogen and testosterone control the process of breakdown of old bone and formation of new bone. DHEA makes sure that there is balance between the two processes to keep bones strong. This is the proposed mechanism for DHEA’s proposed benefits on bone health. Some studies have found DHEA supplements may help in maintaining bone strength. They are proposed to strengthen the bones of older adults, especially women. But not all studies show the same results. Further probing is required into this. 

2. Depression Management 

DHEA is thought to regulate stress responses and mood by affecting serotonin and dopamine. The exact mechanism is not clear. However, several studies have linked low DHEA with depression. This link was most common in older adults. Some studies found that DHEA supplements might help. This was mostly true for those with mild depression. Or for people who did not respond well to other therapies. More research is required to confirm these findings.  

3. Sexual Function, Fertility, and Libido 

There are also studies suggesting that DHEA may boost fertility. It mainly helps women with poor ovarian reserve. Or women undergoing fertilisation procedures. It seems DHEA improves the quantity and quality of eggs. This makes pregnancy more likely. DHEA supplementation may aid in improving sexual desire. Further studies are required. 

4. Adrenal Problems and Adrenal Insufficiency 

Adrenal glands make DHEA. But they also make the stress hormone cortisol. People who have adrenal insufficiency don’t make enough of these hormones. These people could benefit from DHEA supplementation. It may help with symptoms related to low cortisol. For example, it may help with fatigue, weakness, and blood pressure changes. 

Several studies have found improvements in mood after DHEA supplementation, energy levels also improved, and overall quality of life got better. But it’s important to discuss with  a healthcare provider first. They can help you decide what dosage is best for you and how long you should take it. 

5. Aging and Its Related Problems 

  • Skin Health 

As we get older, our skin changes. It gets thinner and less elastic. And wrinkles and age spots can appear. But DHEA might help. Some studies suggest it might improve skin health. While other studies are not so sure. More research is needed. 

  • Cognitive Function 

Old age can also lower DHEA levels. Lower DHEA can impact cognitive function. This includes memory, learning, and attention. Some studies found improvements after DHEA supplementation. But not all studies agree. We still need more research. 

6. Muscle Strength and Body Composition 

  • Effects on muscle size and strength 

DHEA is also used often by athletes. It’s believed to boost muscle strength and growth. But the benefits seem minimal for younger adults. Older adults, however, seemed to get small benefits. Especially if they were frail or had health issues. 

  • Fat burning and weight loss implications 

Some people also use DHEA for weight loss. They believe it may help burn fat. This is especially true for older people or those with metabolic disorders. But again, not all studies agree. We need more research to figure out the right dosage and how long it should be taken. 

Natural ways to increase DHEA levels 

You can increase DHEA in your body in natural ways. It involves changes in lifestyle, diet, and exercise. 

1. Lifestyle Changes 

Managing stress very essential. For example, you can meditate, apply breathing techniques, and practice mindfulness. Make sure you get good sleep. Try for 7-9 hours a night. Avoid smoking and drinking too much.  

2. Diet and Nutrition 

A balanced diet may also boost DHEA levels. Make sure your meals are rich in quality protein, healthy fats, and fruits and vegetables. 

3. Exercise 

Regular exercise helps too. Medium to intense workouts can increase DHEA production. Especially for older adults. You should aim for about 150 minutes of medium-intensity aerobic exercise per week. And do strength training at least twice a week. 

DHEA Safety and Side Effects 

As with any health product, do take note of possible risks linked to DHEA. Short-term use of DHEA supplements is generally safe. But it’s not risk-free. For example, it can upset the balance of hormones in the body. 

1. General Side Effects 

For some people, DHEA supplements can cause the following.  

  • Oily skin 
  • Acne 
  • Hair loss 
  • Excess hair growth 
  • Mood swings 
  • Trouble sleeping 

2. Side Effects for Women 

Women should also be aware of the following side effects as well.  

  • Breast tenderness or shrinkage 
  • Changes in menstrual cycle 
  • Deeper voice 
  • More facial hair 

3. Side Effects for Men 

Men on DHEA supplements should watch out for the following reactions. 

  • Shrinkage of testicles 
  • Breast enlargement 

4. Drug Interactions 

DHEA may interact with some medications such as: 

  • Antipsychotics 
  • Lithium 
  • Certain antidepressants 
  • Hormone therapies 
  • Blood thinners 
  • Some anti-epileptics  

Before you start DHEA supplementation, discuss with a healthcare provider. This is especially important if you have any health issues or are on medication. 

5. Precautions for Specific Populations 

Some people should be more careful with DHEA: 

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women 
  • People with a history of hormone-related cancers 
  • Those with a history of heart disease or stroke 
  • People with liver disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, thyroid disorders, or blood clotting disorders 

How to Use DHEA Supplements? 

If you and your healthcare provider decide DHEA supplements could benefit you, there are guidelines to follow. 

Selecting a Quality Supplement 

Be careful in choosing a DHEA supplement. Look for ones tested and approved by an independent body. Their certification ensures that the supplement is of good quality. And it confirms that what is listed on the label is indeed inside the bottle. 

Dosage Recommendations 

Your healthcare provider can help figure out the right amount of DHEA that needs to be taken . Most oral DHEA supplements range from 5 mg to 100 mg per day. You’ll want to discuss your individual needs and health history with your healthcare provider. 


DHEA is a crucial natural hormone. It may offer benefits for certain people, like older adults or those with health issues. However, many questions remain unanswered about DHEA’s safety, effectiveness, and long-term effects. For individuals considering supplementation, consult with a healthcare provider to ensure the best outcomes. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Is it OK to take DHEA every day? 

If your healthcare provider recommends it, you can take DHEA supplements daily. But always follow their guidance on dosage and duration. 

What does DHEA stimulate in females? 

For both men and women, DHEA is a precursor to sex hormones. In women, DHEA may affect sexual function, fertility, and hormonal balance. 

Why does DHEA make me feel so good? 

DHEA has many roles in the body. It serves as a precursor to hormones and may influence mood and cognitive function. These actions may result in improved well-being and mental health. 

What is the downside of DHEA? 

Possible downsides include hormonal imbalances, side effects (like skin issues and mood changes), and drug interactions. You should discuss with a healthcare provider before starting DHEA to ensure safe use. 

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