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Potential Benefits of Alkaline Water: A Science-Backed Exploration

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Alkaline water is obtained from natural sources or artificially created through ionizing machines, alkaline water filters, and pH-boosting additives. 
  • Potential health benefits of alkaline water include GERD relief, weight loss support, enhanced hydration, improved skin health, and increased energy levels. 
  • Drinking alkaline water may have potential risks including over-alkalinity, mineral imbalances, stomach acid neutralisation, and digestion issues. 
  • You can make alkaline water at home using methods such as baking soda, lemon, and lime addition, water filter pitchers, and ionisers. 
  • Individual health needs and preferences should be considered before incorporating alkaline water into daily routine. 


Drinking water is a fundamental requirement for our daily lives. However, lately, there has been a surge in the popularity of alkaline water. Its followers claim numerous potential health benefits and even suggest it may help avoid chronic diseases. In this article we will provide an in-depth exploration of what alkaline water is, explain its differences from regular water, review the research supported potential benefits and risks, discuss how you can make your own alkaline water at home, and answer some frequently asked questions. 

alkaline water benefits

Did you know?

What is Alkaline Water? 

Alkaline water has more pH than normal water. So, it’s less sour and has more alkaline minerals.  

Defining Alkaline Water 

Water with a pH value over 7.0 is alkaline water. This means it’s less sour and more alkaline than normal water. The pH scale starts from 0 (sour) to 14 (alkaline). The pH of neutral water sits at the middle, 7.0. 

Understanding pH Levels 

The term “pH” stands for “potential hydrogen”. It shows how sour or alkaline a substance is. A substance with a low pH is sour, while a high pH makes it more alkaline. Our body aims to keep a steady pH level of around 7.4. 

Alkaline water vs. regular water 

Alkaline water differs from normal water in terms of their pH levels. Also, their taste and appearance. 

  • Differences in pH levels 

Normal drinking water has a pH of 7.0, which makes it neutral.  But alkaline water typically has a pH between 8.0 and 9.0. This gives it less acidity and more alkaline content than normal water. 

  • Taste and appearance 

Alkaline water may have a smoother and slightly sweet taste. It also feels “slippery” or “velvety” when compared to normal water due to its higher pH level and added mineral content. 

Natural and Artificial Alkaline Water 

You can get alkaline water from natural or artificial sources, these have been described in the section below.  

Sources of Natural Alkaline Water 

Natural alkaline water is found in some springs and water sources. Here, water flows over stones and minerals. It picks up alkaline minerals like calcium and magnesium. This raises the water’s pH level, making it more alkaline. 

Artificially Made Alkaline Water 

Artificially made alkaline water is made using ionizing machines, alkaline water filters, or adding pH-boosting additives. 

Ionizing Machines 

Ionizing machines use a process called electrolysis. This separates the sour and alkaline molecules in water. The alkaline molecules stay, while the sour molecules are thrown out. This results in a higher pH level. 

Alkaline Water Filters 

One can attach alkaline water filters to a faucet or use them as a water jug. These filters raise the pH level of water by adding alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. 

pH-Boosting Additives 

One can also add pH-boosting additives like baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, to make water more alkaline. It is important to remember that consuming too much sodium bicarbonate might lead to negative health effects.  

Science-Backed Potential Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water 

Drinking alkaline water is proposed to have many potential health benefits which are discussed below.  

1. Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease (GERD) Relief 

According to a study, drinking alkaline water with a pH of 8.8 helps to neutralise pepsin, a digestive enzyme. This enzyme worsens acid reflux symptoms. So, alkaline water may help lessen acid reflux symptoms. 

2. Supporting Weight Loss 

A scientific study showed positive weight loss results. The study combined exercise training, intermittent fasting, and alkaline supplementation. So, alkaline water may aid in weight loss. However the weight loss in those studies cannot be solely be attributed to the alkaline supplementation. 

3. Enhanced Hydration 

According to a study, drinking alkaline water after a tough workout may change whole blood viscosity.  It is a key factor in how well blood moves in the vessels. So, this suggests that alkaline water may hydrate better than normal water after your exercise.  

4. Improving Skin Health 

While there is no direct evidence, useful minerals in alkaline water, like calcium and magnesium, may help maintain skin healthy. Moreover, the antioxidant properties of alkaline water is proposed to improve skin health by fighting the harms of oxidative stress caused by free radicals. 

5. Detoxification 

Some supporters claim that alkaline water may help to cleanse the body. It does this by washing out sour waste products and toxins. Despite a lack of evidence to back this up, staying hydrated is vital for kidney function and getting rid of toxins. 

6. Balancing Body’s pH Levels 

The human body is great at maintaining a steady pH level.  But some people think that alkaline water may help balance excess acidity in the body. This may help promote overall health. However, we need more scientific research to corroborate this claim. 

7. Increasing Energy Levels 

There is no concrete evidence yet, but some propose that alkaline water and its minerals and higher pH level may help boost energy levels. 

  • Although studies have shown potential benefits of alkaline water, further long-term human studies are needed to confirm these.  

Risks and Side Effects of Alkaline Water 

While drinking alkaline water may offer a range of potential health benefits, it comes with risks that need to be kept in mind. 


Drinking too much alkaline water may cause over-alkalinity, leading to metabolic alkalosis. Symptoms of metabolic alkalosis include nausea, vomiting, muscle twitching, confusion, and coma. 

Mineral Imbalance 

Having a lot of water with added minerals can cause an imbalance. This could lead to gut problems, high blood pressure, kidney stones, and other health issues. Thus, people with reduced renal function should not consume alkaline water.  

Stomach Acid Neutralisation and Digestion Issues 

Highly alkaline water may neutralise stomach acid which is key for good digestion. This can cause gut problems such as bloating, indigestion, and acid reflux. 

Also Read: Potential Benefits of Hydrogen Water: Breaking Down the Research and Claims

How to Make Alkaline Water at Home? 

You can make alkaline water at home in an easy and cost-effective manner .  

Baking Soda Method 

You can add a small amount of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to a glass of water to make it more alkaline.  But always keep in mind that having too much baking soda may pose health risks. 

Lemon and Lime Method 

Adding fresh lemon or lime juice to water can also make it more alkaline. Despite their sour taste, the citric acid in lemons and limes is weak. Plus, lemon and lime contain minerals that help raise the pH level of the water. 

Water Filter Pitchers and Ionisers 

You can buy alkaline water filter pitchers and ionisers online or in stores. They increase the pH level of tap water and add key minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. 

pH Test Strips or Meters 

You can use pH test strips or digital pH meters to keep an eye on your water’s pH level.  It is important to ensure that your alkaline water has a safe pH level, ideally between 8.0-9.0. This avoids potential health threats. 

Also Read: Colloidal Silver Benefits: A Science-Backed Guide


Alkaline water may offer many potential health benefits ranging from GERD relief to supporting weight loss, enhancing hydration, improving skin health, and potentially increasing energy levels. However, it is vital to understand that the benefits of alkaline water should be weighed against risks such as over-alkalinity and mineral imbalances. 

Incorporating alkaline water into your daily routine should be based on your personal preferences and individual health needs, following your doctor’s approval. Staying well-hydrated is a key component of overall health, and finding the right balance of regular water and alkaline water consumption may help you maintain optimal well-being. 

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional if considering incorporating alkaline water into your diet, especially for those with kidney disease or impaired kidney function. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Is alkaline water healthy? 

 There are several potential health benefits linked to drinking alkaline water like GERD relief and better hydration.  However, we need more research to validate these claims.  

What are the pros and cons of alkaline water? 

The pros of alkaline water include potential health benefits relating to GERD relief, hydration, and skin health. The cons address risks such as over-alkalinity, mineral imbalances, stomach acid neutralisation, and harms it poses to people with kidney issues. 

What is the benefit of drinking alkaline water? 

Potential benefits from drinking alkaline water include relieving acid reflux symptoms, supporting weight loss efforts, better hydration, improving skin health, and possibly improving energy levels. But we need more research to confirm these claims. 

Who should not drink alkaline water? 

People with kidney illness or compromised kidney function should avoid or limit their alkaline water intake. This is due to the health threats posed by the minerals in alkaline water. 

How much alkaline water should I drink a day? 

There is no set amount, as the balance between normal water and alkaline water depends on individual likes and health needs. Aim to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Be mindful not to drink too much alkaline water, as it can lead to over-alkalinity and potential health risks. Always check with your healthcare provider before changing your hydration habits. 

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