I have recently been diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes. I have seen my mother taking medicines for diabetes all her life. However, I do not want to take medication for the rest of my life. Is there any other treatment to cure Type-2 diabetes without medicines or some solution where one does not need to take medicines throughout life?
It may not be possible to be completely cured of diabetes, but it is possible to achieve good control. With the right medication, you can normally live while intaking minimum doses of medicine.
The main problem with diabetes is the inability of the cells to recognise insulin. If the insulin does not work, then the glucose from the food we eat won’t reach the cells either. So in Type-2 diabetes, medicines are required to help with this situation.
To ensure that the medication dose is minimal, you can try lifestyle changes to control the blood sugar levels. Lifestyle changes such as daily exercise, weight control, weight loss, balanced diet, and giving up vices can majorly influence blood sugar level control. This will add to the efficacy of the medicines.
Keeping a balance in all aspects is needed here. Over years if an equilibrium is maintained, glucose levels will also be maintained, and the dose of medications can be reduced. But without medication, it will be a difficult task. So there is not a complete solution for diabetes without medicines.
Read more about glycemic index.