I am 65 years old and have had diabetes for eight years. My left arm has been in pain for the past 5 five days. There is also pain at the back of my neck. I don’t feel right. Also, there is heaviness in my arms when I move them. Is this just stress-related or something serious? Please give me some advice.
The complaints mentioned could match with many conditions. It could be as small as a posture-related muscle spasm or a heart-related condition. Heart-related problems are the common complication of diabetes.
Diabetes-related problems start showing their effects with age. Diabetes, over the years, fills blood vessels with lipids(fat). This causes narrowing of blood vessels and, as a result, heart-related problems.
Considering your age, it is best to consult a doctor. The doctor may ask you to take a heart activity test(ECG). This basic test will show if there is any heart problem. Get a complete clinical examination done. Rule out the chances of anything serious, and then get treatment as per the diagnosis.
Read more about glycemic index.