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Anaemia – 9 Signs And Symptoms To Be Aware Of!

Symptoms of anaemia are very telling, yet one of the most common issues that doctors face is anaemia in their patients. Despite being well-off, many people do not have optimum haemoglobin levels in their blood. A person is considered anaemic when because of a low level of iron in the blood the body cannot produce enough red blood cells. Haemoglobin is a protein that helps in the formation of these cells which are needed to carry oxygen around the body. With insufficient oxygen, the muscles and tissues cannot work inefficiently.

There are many causes of anaemia. Poor diet, wrong lifestyle choices, fad diets, pregnancy or internal bleeding could all lead to this condition. Anaemia affects the overall quality of life. One can recognize it through various signs and symptoms that your body exhibits.

Here’s the list of top symptoms of Anaemia to look out for:

1. Fatigue

The unusual amount of tiredness in day to day life is one of the most prominent symptoms of Anaemia. General debility, crankiness, and poor concentration are all because of low iron levels. To improve your iron intake, couple your iron-rich diet with a dose of Vitamin C to aid better absorption.

2. Skin Pallor

Pale skin and eyelids can be explained due to Anaemia. Due to low amounts of red blood cells, the skin loses its rosy glow. Lower eyelids are one of the first organs that the doctors check when they suspect Anaemia.

Iron deficiency anemia is very common among Indians , due to dietary deficiency mainly among vegetarians. Eating lots of green leafy vegetables, red vegetables and cooking food in iron kitchenware will help combat this silent public health problem.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

3. Shortness of Breath

People who suffer from Anaemia constantly feel breathless even with a little bit of activity. Insufficient oxygen to the muscles makes them work harder. Even the heart which is a muscle must pump harder to make the oxygen reach the other tissues and muscles.

4. Brittle Nails

People who suffer from Anaemia have chipped nails. In the more severe cases, anaemic have spoon-shaped nails where the edges rise above and the middle of the nail dips. It is imperative that one avoid such a dangerous condition. To avoid brittle nails, one must each leafy green vegetable, add meat and seafood to their diet.

Also Read: 8 Different Types of Foods to Fight Anaemia

5. Headaches

Frequent headaches and spells of dizziness are another sign of anaemia. Due to low supply of oxygen to the brain, the vessels swell up and increase pressure in the brain and cause headaches.

6. Poor Appetite

Anaemics, especially children, and infants suffer from poor appetite. Instead, they have cravings for unusual things like chalk, ice or dirt.

If you lose iron faster than you can replace it through your diet, you may become anemic. Many donors have adequate iron levels to donate blood safely, but frequent blood donors should be aware that blood donation may lead to low iron levels or anemia.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

7. Heart Palpitations

An irregular heartbeat is another prominent symptom of a prolonged case of Anaemia. The heart doesn’t get its required amount of oxygen and that makes it beat irregularly. It can make the patient feel uncomfortable.

8. Damaged Hair and Dry Skin

When the body lacks iron for its basic needs, it diverts the allotted amount for its regular functioning. It is but obvious that the skin and hair will be the first to suffer. Lusterless, dry hair accompanied by hair loss is a precursor to low iron levels.

9. Sore Mouth and Tongue

An inflamed, swollen tongue that is pale and smooth is another indication of iron-deficiency anaemia. The pallor of the tongue is due to the low supply of red blood cells.

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Who is most likely to develop anaemia?

Anyone can develop anaemia, although these are the higher risk groups:

Read More: 7  Home Remedies for Anaemia

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4 Common Causes of Iron Deficiency Anaemia That You Must Know!

Iron is an essential nutrient for growth and efficient bodily functions. The lack of iron in the body is called as anaemia or iron-deficiency anaemia. The body needs it to make a protein called haemoglobin. Low haemoglobin levels hamper the red blood cells from carrying oxygen to the body organs. If not checked in time the situation could deteriorate and stop the organs from functioning properly.

A healthy diet ensures that the body makes up for its iron needs. But if you have been feeling fatigued all the time, suffering from a poor appetite, and feeling a general sense of incapacity, you might need to get a blood test done. Women of child-bearing age, children and old people must be especially careful about their haemoglobin levels.

Causes of Iron Deficiency Anaemia

However, there are cases of Iron-Deficiency anaemia caused which are not linked to gender, lifestyle or even diet. They are as follows:

1. A Low- Iron Diet

If you have been substituting your full meals with a soda and a sandwich, you need to sit up and read this. Fast food, apart from harming your waistline is hugely deficient in iron. A diet that doesn’t incorporate leafy greens, meats, eggs, fruits, and vegetables could be sending you an anaemic downward spiral. A regular supply of the above items in your food habits will keep your iron levels above the average and ensure high haemoglobin in the blood.

2. Are You Absorbing the Iron in Your Diet?

You might be supplying your body with all the iron-rich food, but if it is not absorbing it efficiently, it is a lost cause. Ensure that you compliment your iron-rich diet with some dose of Vitamin C in the form of a dash of lemon juice, an orange or some other citrus. Celiac disease could also cause iron-deficiency because it affects the intestine which is the site of iron absorption. Many people lose parts of their small intestine after facing gastrointestinal issues like colon cancer. They are bound to suffer from iron-deficiency anaemia.

Another important thing in children is that they have developmental delay and deficits in intelligence due to iron deficiency. It can easily be treated by Iron supplements.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

3. Blood Loss

Heavy periods can lead to severe iron-deficiency anaemia in women because of high blood loss. Women must ensure that they eat and stay healthy to make up for the monthly blood loss. Menstruation affects all women, not just those who are in the fertility window. Young girls in their attempt to have size zero figures cause irreparable damage to their systems by eating only certain kinds of food and that too in low quantities. Parent must get their daughters checked regularly for their haemoglobin levels. If you suspect your periods are heavier than usual, consult your gynaecologist. Apart from, peptic ulcer and colon cancer can also lead to iron-deficiency anaemia.

Iron is a mineral which is commonly implicated in the growth and development in the body and most importantly to make hemoglobin which is important to carry oxygen to the lungs and back. Thus, if you encounter any symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, it is critical to visit a physician and get yourself treated.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

4. Pregnancy

Many times, iron-deficiency anaemia can be because of pregnancy. The growing baby puts excessive demands on the mother’s biological system. Also, the pregnant woman’s blood volume increases to supply nutrients to the baby. Expectant mothers must supplement their diets with an iron capsule apart from eating iron-rich foods and iron-fortified cereal.

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How To Tell If You Have Anaemia?

Anaemia symptoms and signs are easy to spot when they become more severe, but initially, you may not notice any changes. For those who are at a higher risk (pregnant women, elderly, those who have suffered blood loss) it is vital to be proactive and get your blood tested regularly. For others, you can watch for these anaemia symptoms and get tested if you notice one or more of them:  

Also Read: How to Increase Iron Levels Quickly: Effective Strategies Backed by Research

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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