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Best Foods To Eat And Avoid With Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be painful and severely affect your life if they are left untreated. These stones may develop in the urinary tract, kidneys, ureters, and the bladder. When there is an excessive amount of minerals or salts in the urine, these can come together and deposit to form a hard stone. Oxalate, uric acid, and struvite are common substances that can crystallize to form stones. 

Kidney stones can occur and grow due to a variety of reasons, with diet weight, and medical conditions playing the most important roles.  Contact your doctor immediately if you notice any of the common signs of kidney stones like pain, dark or bloody urine along with fever and nausea. Your doctor will recommend the best measures to take care of your kidney stones such as medications, surgery, and certain dietary changes. Here are some of the top dietary recommendations that you may get from your doctor.

Did You Know 

Diet for people with Calcium-Oxalate kidney stones 

Oxalates are produced in the body as well as absorbed from the food we eat. Calcium can bind to oxalate and form calcium-oxalate stones, this is one of the most common types of kidney stones. Certain factors may encourage calcium-oxalate stone formation such as low intake of water, excessive amounts of oxalate in the body and urine and high salt levels in your diet. To combat this, you need to: 

In my experience, I have found that ensuring an adequate intake of fluids, especially water, is crucial in avoiding kidney stones. Drinking enough liquid helps to dilute urine and reduce the concentration of substances that can form stones. By staying well-hydrated, you can promote healthy kidney function and decrease the risk of kidney stone formation.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Diet for people with uric acid kidney stones 

Uric acid is a waste product that is made when your body breaks down purines. Purines are found in nearly all plants and meats but some foods have higher concentrations. These include red meats, organ meats, seafood and alcohol. Purines get broken down into uric acid and this uric acid ends up in the kidneys or other parts of the urinary tract in the process of elimination from the body. When there is too much uric acid in the urine, crystals can form leading to uric acid kidney stones. Here are some dietary recommendations for people with uric acid stones: 

Did you know that men are more prone to developing kidney stones compared to women? If you have a family history of kidney stones, your risk of developing them further increases. Additionally, once you’ve had kidney stones in the past, you are more likely to experience them again.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

10 Best foods to try when you have kidney stones 

When the type of stone is not known, you may consider the following points helpful-

1. Water 

It is very important to stay hydrated when you have kidney stones. Your doctor may recommend a fixed amount of water that you need to drink daily, try to stick to this recommendation. 

2. Lemons

Lemons are a great source of citrate which is thought to make the urine less acidic. Uric acid stones can form and grow when urine is acidic hence lemons and limes are great for dissolving these stones if they form. Lemon juice should be diluted with water and can be taken.

3. Oranges

Oranges, like lemons and limes, are citrus fruits with citrate present in them. This has the same benefits as lemon juice and also lowers the acidic level of urine. High acidity in urine is linked with some common types of kidney stones. 

4. Milk

Milk is a great source of dietary calcium. While taking calcium through supplements is linked to higher rates of kidney stones, consuming it from food sources like milk is linked to a lower risk. 

5. Legumes and Nuts

Legumes and nuts are also great sources of dietary calcium that may help to cut down your risk of kidney stones. When calcium is consumed from food sources like these, it binds with oxalate in the digestive system itself. This means that there is a lower chance for calcium oxalate to form in the kidneys. 

7. Lentils, Peas, Beans

Everyone needs protein to stay healthy and these three vegetarian sources are good for those with kidney stones. Non-vegetarian protein foods can increase your risk of kidney stones so try to increase your intake of lentils, peas, and beans instead. People with high uric acid levels may need to reduce protein intake.

9. Rice and Oats

Rice and oats are also low in oxalates. If you want to lower your risk of kidney stones developing, you can either cut down your oxalate levels or increase your calcium levels to bind the oxalate. Rice and oats can be part of a low oxalate diet.

10. Broccoli

Broccoli contains low levels of oxalates which is good for a lower risk of calcium oxalate stones, but it is also a great source of potassium. Potassium is important because it binds to calcium which decreases the chance of a stone forming. Potassium may also be involved in dissolving calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate kidney stones. 

Based on my experience, I always advise my patients to inquire about the sodium content of the food when dining out. It’s important to be mindful of your sodium intake as excessive sodium consumption can contribute to high blood pressure and other health issues. By asking about the sodium content, you can make more informed choices and opt for lower-sodium options to support your overall health.

Dr. Smita barode, BAMS

Also Read: Is Falafel Healthy? A Nutritionist’s Research-Based Perspective

Foods to avoid with kidney stones

1. Salty Foods

High sodium levels are linked to a higher risk of kidney stones and more calcium being passed through the urine. This increases the risk of stones developing so you should avoid salty foods since these can increase your sodium levels. Processed, prepackaged, and fast foods are all high in salt, as well as canned foods. Always check the sodium content on the food label before you eat pre-made foods. 

2. Vitamin C Supplements

Vitamin C can get converted into oxalate in the body if it is taken in excessive amounts such as a supplement. Avoid using vitamin C supplements unless prescribed by a doctor and try to get your daily intake of this nutrient from natural sources only. 

3. Calcium Supplements

Taking calcium through food sources does not increase the amount of calcium in your urine. However, excessive intake of calcium supplements provides your body with much more calcium than you need. This leads to more calcium being passed out of the body through the urine which can increase the chances of a stone forming. If you need to maintain your calcium levels, talk to your doctor and find out what your dietary options are instead of calcium supplementation. 

4. Certain Fruits

Fruits like rhubarb, dates, and raspberries may worsen your kidney stones since they are high in oxalate content. Try to eat fruits like bananas, apples, and cherries instead. 

5. Certain Veggies

Veggies like spinach, potatoes, beetroots, and carrots are also high in oxalates. Since these are healthy foods you should not avoid them entirely. Instead, you can eat calcium-rich foods during the same meal to balance out your oxalate levels. 

6. Caffeine

Caffeine can cause your body to pass more urine, which may lead to dehydration. Low levels of water in the body increase the risk of kidney stones/ You should speak with your doctor and ask them if you can still drink coffee when you have kidney stones. 

7. Animal Proteins

Eating too much protein from animal sources can lead to uric acid building up in your body. Apart from calcium oxalate, uric acid is another substance that can form kidney stones. If you only get your protein from non-vegetarian foods, you may risk a higher chance of uric acid kidney stones. Try to avoid animal-based proteins and use vegetarian sources instead. 

3 Kidney stone-friendly recipes to try

Here are a few recipes to try in case you currently have kidney stones. These recipes include low oxalate ingredients to curb the growth of stones as well as ingredients that may dissolve existing stones. Speak with your doctor before trying out any new diet plan.

1. Basic pomegranate juice 

2. Low oxalate homemade bread 

3. Hydrating refresher

Also Read: Too Much Protein Symptoms: Exploring the Impact on Your Health


Kidney stones can be managed with the right medical attention if you inform your doctor at the earliest. Since these stones can continue to grow unless the right steps are taken, you should not wait once you suspect you might have them. A good diet will contain sufficient amounts of water, calcium, potassium, and lower levels of sodium and oxalates. Surgical removal may also be required in many cases. For more information, consult with your doctor to find out what you should and shouldn’t eat from the above list.  


Should I avoid calcium-rich foods if I have kidney stones?

No, calcium is an important nutrient and is required for a healthy body. You do not need to avoid calcium-rich foods unless your doctor specifically tells you to do so. In most cases, they will recommend avoiding calcium supplements instead.

Which fruits are great for kidney stones?

Fruits high in citrates, such as lemons and oranges are great for kidney stones. 

How is milk good for kidney stones?

Milk contains calcium which will bind with the oxalates in your digestive system and lowers the risk of calcium-oxalate forming in the urinary tract. Too much calcium-oxalate in your kidneys and urine can result in kidney stones forming.

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


Can A Person With Kidney Stones Exercise?

Kidney stones are hard, solid deposits of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys, ureters or urinary bladder. These are usually the result of a poor, unhealthy diet, excess body weight, less water intake and constipation. They can also occur randomly in a person without a known cause. These also occur due to the consumption of certain supplements and medications or in case of any medical condition. Kidney stones can affect any part of your urinary tract. These may start forming when the urine becomes concentrated, allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together.  

Symptoms of kidney stones:

These symptoms may vary based on the severity of the condition. As soon as you notice any of these symptoms, you must consult a doctor immediately instead of self-diagnosing. Kidney stones if left untreated can cause serious health complications, they may block the ureters or make them narrower. It also leads to an increased risk of infection and the inability to pass urine properly puts an added strain on the kidneys which are not good and require immediate medical attention. Kidney stones can occur in people of any age and require timely diagnosis, treatment and in some cases surgery. Managing weight and staying fit can help you lower the risk factors for kidney stones. Exercise along with other measures can be helpful. 

These excercises help in flushing out the stones, the important thing to note is drink atleast a litre of water before and after excercising for better results.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Is exercise good for kidney stones?

Kidneys play an important role in our body by flushing out waste products in the form of urine. If you are suffering from kidney stones, regular exercise can prove to be very helpful and is highly recommended by doctors to lower certain risk factors and enhance the capacity of your kidneys. Certain bowel conditions can raise the risk of kidney stones, hence these exercises are advised to take care of the problem. Keep in mind that the exercises must be done correctly, otherwise, they can do more harm than good. The doctor will suggest a few non-strenuous exercises which will help stimulate your organs and improve the overall health of your kidneys. Here are some beneficial exercises for kidney stones but don’t forget to talk to your doctor before starting any exercise plan.

Did you know?

7 Exercises and yoga for people with kidney stones

 1. Padahasthasana 

This particular exercise must be done by standing upright on the floor. Place your feet close together, now begin with a deep inhalation and bring both arms together. Stretch them straight over the head and feel your entire body stretching up. Exhale as you bend forward and slowly bring your fingertips or palms to the floor. Hold this position for a few minutes and get back to your original posture. This yoga helps massage the digestive organs and alleviate flatulence along with constipation and indigestion.

2. Paschimottanasana

The forward bend posture is to be done while you are seated. Begin by seating with your legs stretched forward and keep them straight together. Then inhale and extend your arms straight out to the sides and up over your head, reaching toward the ceiling while keeping your spine erect. As you exhale, try to come forward by hinging at your hips. Your upper body must rest on your lower body. Lower your arms slowly to grip your big toes with your fingers. This may be a little difficult at first but with practice, you will be able to master this yoga. Try to touch your knees with your nose and remember to lengthen your spine on each inhale and deepen into your forward bend on each exhale. Stay for as long as you can, then relax. It is a beneficial exercise, it calms the body and relaxes the mind and also helps blood circulation in the body.

3. Uttanapadasana

The raised leg exercise should be started by lying down on your back, with arms relaxed on each side, your legs straight and joined together. Inhale and raise both the legs from the floor keeping your knees straight and toes pointing outward. Bring your legs to a perpendicular position to the ground and maintain this posture for as long as you can, breathing normally. Exhale and lower your legs gradually. This asana strengthens the muscles of your lower back, legs, abdomen and pelvic area. By helping the abdominal muscle to contract, it improves the functions of your kidneys.

4. Pawanmukta Asana

This is one of the easiest exercises to do at home for temporary relief from kidney stones. Lie down on your back and bring both your knees close to your chest while inhaling. Hold this pose and try to get your nose close to your knees. Now take a few long breaths, then exhale and release. Repeat this thrice. It can improve your digestive system, assist you with your gastric problem and significantly lessen the impact of constipation.

5. Dhanurasana 

The Bow Pose exercise must be done by lying down on your stomach. You have to keep your feet slightly apart and almost parallel to your hips while placing your arms on the side of your body. Fold your knees up slowly and try to stretch your hands backwards to hold your ankles.

Inhale and lift your chest off the ground while you pull your legs up and stretch them out as you feel the tension on your arms and thighs. Breathe deeply and hold onto the pose for 12-15 seconds before you are back to the ground slowly. This exercise will enhance your body’s posture and flexibility which may provide relief from the symptoms of kidney stones. 

6. Mandukasana 

To perform the Frog Pose exercise, begin in the Vajrasana pose. Now form firm fists with both hands and place them on your abdomen, either side of your navel. Exhale and bend forward slowly as you press your fists. Keep your back straight and look forward as you are bending forward. Hold your breath for as long as you can in this pose. Inhale and relax. This yoga is very helpful for people with kidney stones.

7. Baddha Konasana 

This asana is popularly known as Cobbler Pose, where you sit with folded legs, knees relaxed out. Exhale and bend your knees, pull your heels toward your pelvis and press the soles of your feet together. Your knees must touch the ground and your arms and shoulders must be relaxed. Keep your spine straight, you may try moving your knees like the wings of a butterfly. Hold this pose for up to 2 minutes and do it regularly for best results. These are some of the exercises that may help a person with kidney stones or even if you had kidney stones in past. You can try these exercises with caution, at home, doing them regularly will improve your overall health. These exercises are largely beneficial for proper digestion, normal bowel movements and lower body muscle flexibility and play a role in managing daily stress. You may talk to your doctor about the appropriate exercises.

An important point to remember is that one of the main factors that determines the time it takes to pass a kidney stone is its size. Generally, smaller stones have a higher likelihood of passing through the urine faster than larger stones.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Exercises to avoid for kidney stones

While the above exercises can be performed by people with kidney stones and improve their health, these may not be recommended for everyone. People with any orthopaedic problems must consult a physician before performing these exercises at home. Doing any of the exercises incorrectly may even worsen your condition. Note that you must avoid strenuous exercises that tighten the muscles which may aggravate your symptoms of kidney stones.

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These exercises, when performed regularly, work well for people suffering from kidney stones. These help in congestion removal detoxes the body and eases the pain associated with kidney stones. If you make it a part of your routine, you may be able to cut off some of the known risk factors for kidney stones. A yoga mat is all you need to get started and the best time to practice these exercises is in the morning. Kidney stones depending on their sizes and position may be removed naturally if detected early, in other cases you may have to undergo surgery to remove the kidney stones.


How are kidney stones diagnosed?

Your doctor will want to know the symptoms you are experiencing and ask you to undergo imaging tests like an ultrasound, to take a look at your urinary tract. CT scans may reveal even tiny kidney stones. Some urine tests and blood tests may also be required to predict the underlying cause and types of stones.

What are the different types of kidney stones?

Calcium oxalate stones are the most common types of kidney stones. Some others include uric acid stones, Struvite/infection stones and Cystine stones.

Can I have kidney stones and experience no symptoms?

“Silent” kidney stones show no symptoms and if they are very small in size, they may be passed through urine. You must go for health checkups regularly as these stones are often detected during an X-ray, or ultrasound.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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Best Home Remedies For Kidney Stones

Kidney stones affect about 12% of the population across the globe and adults between the ages of 25 and 45 are more likely to develop them. Kidney stones are made from minerals and salts in the urine that crystallise to form a hard structure. Although they are called kidney stones, they can occur anywhere within the urinary tract (kidneys, bladder and ureters). 

Some kidney stones may not cause any symptoms. However, other stones can often lead to pain and blood in the urine especially when they get stuck in the ureter. If you experience pain while urinating or suspect that you may have kidney stones then speak with your doctor immediately. Several factors can increase the risk of developing kidney stones, including the food you eat and the medicines you take.  

What causes kidney stones?

Kidney stones are formed when there are excessive amounts of minerals and salts in your urine. This promotes the minerals to accumulate together and eventually crystallise into a hard stone. Substances like calcium oxalate, uric acid, struvite and cystine tend to form into crystals when their levels build up in your urine. Here are the main causes of different types of kidney stones:

There are other risk factors and causes that can increase the chance of kidney stones developing:

Symptoms of kidney stones

In any type of kidney stones golden rules include, increasing water intake to maintain two liters of urine output per day, a low salt diet, and a decreased amount of animal protein consumption should be a daily practice

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Home remedies for kidney stones

Half of the patients with kidney stones are known to have a recurrence within five years of the initial finding. Common factors implicated include very little water consumption, weight loss, surgeries and inappropriate exercises and obesity.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

When to seek professional help for kidney stones

You should see your doctor immediately if you experience any symptoms related to kidney stones.  

Your doctor will request diagnostic tests and ask you several questions about your diet and lifestyle. You may need to take certain medications and for large kidney stones, you may need to undergo surgery. 


Kidney stones can be extremely painful to live with and may require serious medical attention. If you are at high risk for developing this condition then ensure that you drink sufficient water regularly. For smaller stones, your doctor may only recommend painkillers and other medicines to help you pass the stone. With the right medical treatment, all stones can be properly dealt with. If you have a lot of pain, do not delay and consult your doctor as soon as you can. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How to fix kidney stones?

Kidney stones can pass through normal urination if they are small enough but this may lead to pain while urinating. Other methods include sound waves to break the stone into smaller bits, cystoscopy and ureteroscopy as well as other surgical procedures. 

What foods cause kidney stones?

If you already have kidney stones, your doctor will advise you to avoid oxalate-rich foods like tea, nuts, spinach and chocolate. No particular food causes a kidney stone but it is a result of multiple factors. Your diet restrictions will vary based on the type of stone detected.

Does any pain occur when the stone is moving?

Pain can occur when the stone is stuck in the ureter, this leads to the muscles in the region spasming. When the stone is moving from one region to another, it may increase your need to urinate often. While passing the stone, you may also experience pain. 

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


Urological Conditions – Why Is Awareness So Important?

Urological diseases are some of the most less talked about diseases around the world. As these diseases affect your urinary tract or reproductive organs, people tend to hide these problems instead of getting them addressed.

Urological diseases destroy your “quality of life” and it only happens because of a lack of awareness. These conditions generally do not require a long-lasting treatment and are easily curable but it is the unawareness that is making people suffer in silence.

To spread awareness about the urological conditions, the European Association of Urology (EAU) runs a campaign named “Urology Week” that aims at educating people about urological diseases and why they should not think it is taboo to talk about these issues.

What are Urological diseases?

Urological diseases refer to a huge array of conditions that are mainly related to the filtering and carrying of urine out of the patient’s body. These diseases can affect anyone, irrespective of their age or gender.

These conditions mainly attack some particular parts of the body. Women experience these conditions in the urinary tract, while men experience these conditions in the urinary tract or the reproductive organs.

Most common Urological diseases

There are plenty of urological conditions and diseases. Here we will be discussing some of the most common ones among them. Have a look –

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

BPH refers to an enlarged prostate, which means that there is an increase in the size of the prostate gland of the patient. Old men suffer from the problem very often but it does not hold any direct connection to prostate cancer.

People experience the symptoms of BPH only because of the pressure an enlarged prostate puts on the urethra, which is a narrow tube responsible for carrying urine from the bladder to outside the body.

Men suffering from BPH experience a frequent urge to urinate. It may also lead to a weak stream of urine when you go to urinate and even after urinating, you may feel like the bladder is not completely empty.

Depending upon the severity of the condition, your doctor may either choose to just monitor the condition, prescribe some medications like alpha-blockers or suggest you undergo surgery.

Urinary Incontinence

Despite being very inconvenient and sometimes embarrassing, urinary incontinence is a very common problem across the world. In this condition, the patient loses bladder control that results in unintended leakage of urine.

This problem can arise out of several situations. Listed here are some of the most common causes of it:

In most cases, the doctors just tell you to make some lifestyle changes like controlling your fluid intake to treat this issue. When these approaches do not yield desired results, your doctor may also ask you to undergo surgery to treat the cause of the condition.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

UTIs are caused due to pathogenic bacteria that tend to invade the urinary tract to cause infection. This condition mainly affects women but men can contract it too. According to a study, about 40 percent of women and 12 percent of men experience UTI that presents themselves with noticeable symptoms at any stage of their lives.

The most common symptom of UTI is a burning sensation while urinating. The other symptoms include a frequent urge to urinate and even after urinating, you may feel like the bladder is not completely empty.

Doctors generally treat this problem with antibiotics. The medicines clear up most UTIs within five to seven days.

Kidney and Ureteral Stones

Kidney stones get developed when there are crystals in the urine that get surrounded by small particles. Ureteral stones are those that travel from the kidney into the ureter. The ureter is the tube that is responsible for carrying urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

These stones usually block the flow of the urine and may cause a lot of pain. Some people manage to get the smaller stones out of their system without taking any medical help but when these stones are bigger, the blockage can be more problematic and extremely painful.

To get these large stones out of the system, the doctors may recommend you some medical or surgical procedures. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a very common technique doctors use these days to treat their patients. This technique involves sound waves to break the stones into small pieces making it easier for the patient to expel them easily out of their body.

Also Read: What Does Cloudy Urine Mean? Decoding the Mystery with Medical Science

Other Urological conditions

There are more urological conditions that people may experience:


Urological diseases are very common and they completely destroy your quality of life, just because you feel embarrassed talking about them. Well, there is nothing to be embarrassed about as many people suffer from these issues and the best way to stay trouble-free is to consult a doctor immediately. Being aware of the symptoms of the diseases and taking the necessary precautions can save you from these conditions completely.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.

EverHerb Kidney Protect Capsules – A Gift Of Health For Your Kidneys!

Are you taking care of your kidneys? They often get overlooked because we focus chiefly on the health of our heart and boosting our immunity. But you must consider the immense role that kidneys play in your body. Kidneys extract toxins from your blood and expel them through urine. If the kidneys did not do their task, harmful matter like urea would accumulate in your blood and spread to all parts of your body. Water content would increase, hypertension will result and eventually, your health will give away entirely.  

But don’t worry, we have the best solution to boost your kidney health. Just consume EverHerb Kidney Protect Capsules every day. These capsules are made from 100% safe Ayurvedic and herbal ingredients that benefit your kidney in multiple ways!

Why do you need EverHerb Kidney Protect Capsules?

Kidneys require a health boost so that they can function efficiently all your life. Start consuming EverHerb Kidney Protect Capsules every day to keep your kidneys working at their peak. It’s 8 herbal extracts improve all aspects of your kidney health. Here’s the secret to these capsules!

Other natural kidney protectors include , replacing onions for salt and cranberries which I recommend routinely to my patients.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

1.  Bergenia ligulata

Kidney stones are a common and painful kidney ailment. But there is a simple way in which they can be eliminated! EverHerb’s Kidney Protect Capsules contain Bergenia ligulata, a herb that comes from the Himalayas. It is called a ‘stone breaker’ because it naturally dissolves kidney stones, which are then removed by urine. This herb also inhibits the development of stones.


2. Tribulus terrestris

Regionally, tribulus is known as ‘Gokharu’. Its antioxidant property helps protect the cells of your kidneys from oxidative damage and infection. Besides, tribulus too can prevent stone formation in kidneys.

  3.  Crataeva nurvala

Many people contract urinary tract infection while using washrooms that are not hygienic, it cannot always be avoided. But if you consume these capsules, you will get relief from the pain and burning sensation of UTI because they contain Crataeva nurvala or ‘Varuna’ that work against this kind of infection. Besides, if your kidneys suffered damage due to stones, these capsules will reduce the damage.

Maintaining your blood sugar levels, staying hydrated, and keeping your blood pressure under 140/90 helps in maintaining the proper functioning of the kidneys.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

4. Boerhavia diffusa

You probably know this herb as ‘Punarnava‘. It increases urine production and urination to help your body get rid of toxins efficiently. Also, because of its anti-inflammatory property, this herb can be effective against kidney infections.


5. Ricinus communis

The famous castor plant has numerous uses in Ayurveda. It can also help your kidneys. Regular consumption of Ricinus communis is known to reduce the chances of getting kidney stones. And if kidney stones do develop, it can help to dissolve them.

6. Hajrul Yahood Bhasma

This is a mineral-based medicine that is also called ‘Jew stone’ and it has many prophylactic properties. It is loaded with magnesium which is needed to prevent kidney stones and kidney failure.

7. Yavakshar

Any kind of kidney or urinary tract infection causes pain and irritation while urinating. Yavakshar can take care of this pain. Because it is alkaline in nature (it is made with the superfood barley), it generates more urine to flush out all harmful substances from your kidneys and reduces their workload.

8. Shilajit

Shilajit is very effective in detoxifying the kidneys. This trusted Ayurvedic ingredient has many kidney health-boosting properties such as shielding the kidneys from damage and preventing kidney issues like renal failure.

Keeping your kidneys functioning well is a must. Consume EverHerb Kidney Protect Capsules regularly to improve your kidney function. If the kidneys are healthy, it reflects on all the other organs as well and you can ensure a happy & healthy life for you and your family!