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Diabetes And Heart Disease: What Is The Relationship Between Them?

Diabetes and heart disease as a combination is a deadly one. Did you know that adults with diabetes are two to four times more likely to suffer from heart disease than those without diabetes? While it is difficult enough to deal with diabetes, when the person begins to suffer from cardiac problems, the situation becomes much worse. The American Heart Association considers diabetes to be one of the controllable risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Read more to find the connection between diabetes and heart problems and how you can prevent them.

A link between Heart Disease and Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that is marked by high blood glucose levels. Over a period of time, the elevated sugar in the blood leads to arterial damage that causes them to stiffen and harden. This is known as Atherosclerosis. High sugar levels also lead to plaque formation, as those with diabetes also have high cholesterol levels. When the arteries get damaged due to plaque, the body sends platelets to try to repair the wall. Due to the narrowing of the arteries, this leads to a blockage that stops the oxygen from reaching the heart and the brain and ultimately results in a heart attack or a stroke. It is interesting to note that high cholesterol levels have already occurred before the elevation of sugar levels. Therefore, heart disease has already manifested before the onset of diabetes. Please remember not to self-diagnose or take medications without proper consultation.

Risk Factors of Diabetes and Heart Disease

There are several risk factors when it comes to diabetes and the heart. Here are some of them.

  1. Family History

Those who have a family history of diabetes and heart disease are at very high risk. They should be extra careful about their diet, medicines and exercise. Those with Type 2 diabetes are at a risk of having a silent heart attack or a heart attack without any symptoms.

  1. High Cholesterol Levels

The LDL levels (bad cholesterol) determine the timeline of the onset of heart disease. LDL has been considered one of the most critical factors in determining vulnerability to cardiovascular problems.

  1. Smoking

Smoking causes constriction and tightening of the blood vessels, thereby reducing blood flow to the heart and the brain. Those who smoke and have diabetes, increase their risks of developing heart problems exponentially. Read more about the relationship between smoking and diabetes.

  1. High Blood Pressure

This is another significant risk factor for diabetes and heart disease. Chronically elevated blood pressure levels cause a majority of heart attacks.

  1. Obesity

Obesity is linked to high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and diabetes. Even those who appear lean or thin but have a high amount of belly fat are at an increased risk of developing heart disease.

  1. Sedentary Lifestyle

Those who are not active physically and have diabetes tend to develop heart problems at a much earlier age than their counterparts who are diabetics but who exercise.

  1. Age

Those who develop diabetes earlier in life have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular problems. Also, as one gets older, the odds of suffering from heart disease increase.

  1. Unhealthy Diet

A diet rich in fats, processed foods and with fewer quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables is bad for diabetes and the heart. Following such an unhealthy diet will cause diabetes and heart disease.

  1. Stress

People with diabetes already respond negatively to stress as their sugar levels become high due to anxiety. Stress can indirectly increase the risk of developing heart problems as it makes one overeat or smoke or drink more. Also, read about the different relaxation techniques to help fight stress.

  1. Gender

More men develop heart problems under the age of 55 years. Women suffer more from cardiac issues once they cross 55 years of age.

Symptoms of a Heart Attack

Many people who have diabetes suffer from ‘silent heart attacks’ due to the nerve damage related to their high sugar levels. This is why regular screening is essential for all those who have diabetes. There are some symptoms to watch out for. If you suffer from any of the following, call the ambulance immediately.

  1. Chest pain is one of the most common symptoms of a heart attack. It is also known as Angina. It feels like a pressure or painful squeezing of the chest. One might feel it in the arms, neck, back or jaws.
  2. Nausea and lightheadedness
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Sweating
  5. Fatigue
  6. Indigestion
  7. Loss of balance or dizziness.
  8. Trouble seeing things or having double vision.
  9. Confusion
  10. Sudden severe headache

Prevention of Diabetes and Heart Disease

There are a lot of things you can do to manage your diabetes and stop or delay the onset of heart problems. The risks are reduced by introducing lifestyle changes, medicines and increasing activity levels. Here are some tweaks that bring positive results.

  1. Healthy Diet

Eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat food items, a high protein diet helps to combat heart problems. Read more about diet tips for diabetes.

  1. Healthy Weight

Shedding off the excess weight and maintaining a healthy weight helps to keep away the cardiac issues for long. Instead of a tough weight loss plan, sit with your doctor and chalk out a reasonable weight-loss strategy.

  1. Quit Smoking

Smoking damages the blood vessels in the body and increases the risk of heart problems. Quit smoking to improve your health. Read more about how to quit smoking.

  1. Get Moving

Exercising for just 30 minutes five times a week brings down the risks of developing heart problems in people with diabetes. If you cannot exercise in one go, divide the activity into batches of ten minutes. It also helps to control the high glucose levels in the blood. Read more about the health benefits of exercise.

  1. Stress Management

Learn to meditate and not stress over things in life. Anger, jealousy, spite are negative emotions that affect the body negatively.

  1. Medications

If you already have heart disease, take your medicines on time to prevent more complicated issues. Furthermore, inform your doctor if you have any history of allergy to medicines (if experienced in the past).

  1. Control the Parameters

To prevent an early onset of heart problems, keep your blood sugar levels and your blood pressure levels under control. Avoid too many fluctuations to prevent organ damage.


There are several treatment options to keep heart disease and diabetes under control. With proper lifestyle changes, effective weight management and efficient control over blood sugar levels, those who suffer from diabetes can live healthy and quality lives.

Read More: 10 Home Remedies for Diabetes

Disclaimer: The above information has been prepared by a qualified medical professional and may not represent the practices followed universally. The suggestions listed in this article constitute relatively common advice given to patients and since every patient is different, you are advised to consult your physician, if in doubt, before acting upon this information. Lupin Limited has only facilitated the distribution of this information to you in the interest of patient education and welfare.

References –


Why Do More People Get Heart Attacks In Winter?


Heart attacks are worrisome in their own right, but did you know that data shows heart attacks (and strokes) are more common in the winter? Several studies over the years have confirmed that this statistic is certainly not a fluke, which has led to further investigation.

Why more heart attacks in winter? What could be causing this phenomenon and is there any way you can lower your risk? The great thing is that since its discovery, many doctors and cardiology experts have put forth the potential causes for this rise. Let’s understand the issue and later look at what you can do to stay away from this health issue.

What is causing more heart attacks in winter?

Before we get into the probable causes, first we need to understand what it means when we say that there are more heart attacks in the winter months. Let’s take an imaginary hospital as an example. If we make a list of all patients who come to this hospital during 1 year, for some reason we will see that during the colder months more people had heart attacks. According to some studies (conducted in the real world), there may be a 31-33% higher incidence of heart attacks in winter and every 1-degree Celsius drop in temperature came with a 0.49% increase in deaths from all causes. 

With that out of the way, let’s delve into the reasons this may be happening. 

Does this mean I am at risk?

While the above reasons and mechanisms are universal to humans, it’s not that any one of them can cause a heart attack. Rather, each factor plays a part in successively increasing the risk but even all these things together may not be enough. It comes down to being at risk for a heart attack before the cold weather. People who are already at risk may find their bodies pushed to the limits during winter, which may potentially lead to a higher risk of a cardiac incident. 

Who is at a higher risk for a heart attack in winter?

Most cardiologists suggest that older people, those who smoke or drink regularly and those who do not get any regular activity are most at risk. By limiting your exposure to colder temperatures and keeping up a regular amount of daily physical activity, these people may be able to lower their risk of a heart attack in winter.

The upcoming winter – Looking forward  

With winter coming around soon, we want to stress that the purpose of this post is not to cause fear and alarm. There are plenty of things you can do to stay fit-

  1. Stay warm to protect yourself from cold weather
  2. Get plenty of physical activity (as per your doctor’s recommendations) 
  3. Follow up with your doctor for a routine health checkup and review of ongoing medications.
  4. Healthy eating habits
  5. Stay away from smoke and alcohol as much as possible

If you are someone who is at risk, you may want to do blood pressure and blood sugar check-ups regularly and maintain them in a healthy range. Additionally, you can always speak with your doctor if you are worried about how to handle the upcoming season. Don’t forget that staying happy and stress-free is always recommended for good health.

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.



Better Heart Health- Things To Remember

Heart health is something that every individual should focus on, irrespective of his/her age or lifestyle preferences. After all, a healthier heart is a prerequisite for not just long life but also the overall quality of life in turn. There are several things that you can do in order to enhance your heart health. 

Some of them include the following: 

Heart disease risk falls significantly when people exercise regularly, maintain a balanced diet and healthy weight, control their blood pressure and get good quality sleep.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Combine these tips with a daily workout routine in order to keep your heart healthy for the long haul. A few lifestyle changes are always in order for you to live a long, happy and healthy life. 

When done regularly, moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity strengthens your heart muscle. This improves your heart’s ability to pump blood to your lungs and throughout your body.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Also Read: Exercise to Increase Stamina: Science-Backed Strategies to Boost Your Endurance

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

10 Incredible Foods That Are Good For Your Heart

The heart is one of the most important organs in our body. We are alive because our heart is pumping inside the body. It cleans the blood and pumps healthy blood to the rest of the body. Keeping your heart healthy is key to your long and healthy life.

There are many things you can do to keep your heart healthy such as regular exercise, an annual checkup, quit smoking and practise de-stressing activities. However, one simple lifestyle change that will benefit your heart is watching what you eat!

Food has a strong connection with a healthy heart. Eating a healthy diet with the right number of calories is an essential part of taking care of the heart. The American Heart Association suggests a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, poultry, fish, and nuts.

 So let’s have a look at top food options that help you to maintain your heart healthy – 

1: Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collard greens are well known for their richness with vitamins, minerals, and fibres. They are rich in vitamin K that helps to regulate blood clotting time. These green vegetables are full of antioxidants that help to keep your heart healthy and counter potentially harmful compounds in your body. They also have dietary nutrients that reduce blood pressure and lowers the stiffness of blood vessels so that they can improve their function. 

You can add these vegetables to salads, sandwiches, or curries. You can also mix them with rice or pasta. The possibilities are endless.

2: Citrus foods 

Oranges, Tomatoes are high in vitamin C and antioxidants that benefits your body in various ways. These fruits are also rich in vitamin A, folate, fibres, carotenoids, flavonoids, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Eating citrus fruits can prevent the future formation of heart blockages. 

According to a study, women who eat more flavonoids found in orange have a 19% lower risk of ischemic stroke (caused by a clot).

You can eat them raw or drink them as juice. You can also add these fruits in salads, sauces, or yoghurt. They are the best food to prevent blockages. 

Berries include heart-healthy polyphenols that are rich in antioxidants, that may assist in lowering blood pressure. Berries are known to be low in fat and a rich source of fibre, folate, iron, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

3: Whole grains

Whole grain contains simple carbs that digest slowly, which is good for health, unlike complex carbs. They are rich in digestive fibres and omega-3 fatty acids that help to reduce bad cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart diseases. Whole grains include whole wheat, oats, brown rice, and quinoa. 

You can use oatmeal on its own as a healthy breakfast. If you want to eat bread, make sure it should make of bran or whole wheat. Avoid white rice and replace it with brown rice to add fibre, magnesium, and Vitamin B to your diet. 

4: Nuts 

Nuts include almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and peanuts contain fibres and vitamin E that helps to lower bad cholesterol and keep your heart healthy. Nuts also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, mono-saturated fats, calcium, and magnesium. Walnuts are high in plant-based omega-3 fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA, tied to anti-inflammation and improved circulation. Many people add nuts to salads and also eat a handful of nuts as a snack.

5: Seeds 

Chia seeds and flax seeds are good sources of heart-healthy nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and fibres. They help to lower levels of triglycerides, bad cholesterol, and total cholesterol. They also reduce blood pressure and minimize the buildup of fatty plaques in the arteries.

You can sprinkle them on just about any meal or snack, including yoghurt, oatmeal, muffins, and breakfast cereals. 

6: Fatty fish and fish oil

Fish and its oil are some of the best foods for your healthy heart and arteries. Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel has omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for removing plaque from your vessels. It also helps to decrease bad cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. You can eat fish in a grilled or steamed form.

7: Dark chocolate 

Many of us don’t think about this option, but dark chocolate is very beneficial for heart health. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, resveratrol, and cocoa phenols (flavonoids) that lower blood pressure and lower the risk of having calcified plaque in the arteries. Always buy dark chocolate with low sugar to satisfy your sweet tooth. 

8: Garlic 

Garlic contains a chemical compound called Allicin that reduces blood pressure and enhances your heart health. It also clears the blood clots in arteries. You can chop or press raw garlic and add this garlic to salads, sandwiches or sprinkles.

Studies have found that consuming green tea may be linked to a decrease in cholesterol, which is known to be a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. In my opinion, one may consider consulting the doctor and consuming green tea in a regulated amount to avoid any harm.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

9: Oatmeal

A warm bowl of oatmeal can keep you full for hours. It fights snack cravings and helps keep blood sugar levels stable over time. People with diabetes can have it for breakfast. It is a healthy choice. Oats’ fibre can help your heart by lowering bad cholesterol (LDL). You may make pancakes, muffins or other baked goods with oats.

10: Avocados

These are an excellent source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which leads to reduced cholesterol levels and a lower risk of heart disease. Avocados have lipid-lowering and cardioprotective effects. They are also rich in potassium, which can decrease blood pressure and is associated with a lower risk of stroke.

Other foods for a healthy heart 

Changing your eating habits and avoiding certain foods are necessary to keep your vital organ-heart healthy. Try various exercises, meditation, and a balanced diet to prevent health issues. Including the above heart-healthy foods as part of a nutritious, well-balanced diet can help keep your heart healthy and minimize your risk of heart disease.

Read more about: Top 10 Zinc-Rich Foods For Vegetarians






Essential Tips For A Healthy Heart!

Cardiovascular diseases cause the highest number of deaths all over the world. The health of our hearts depends on a lot of lifestyle factors. Poor nutrition choices, bad lifestyle decisions, and improper mental health care can result in strokes, heart attacks, embolisms, and coronary heart disease. Here are 20 ways to keep your heart healthy:

Eat healthily

Eating fresh produce and eliminating processed foods from your diet will reduce trans- fats, the number one cause of heart disease in men and women.

1. Focus on heart-healthy foods. 2. Maintain a healthy weight. 3. Stand up and get moving. 4. Live smoke-free. 5. Catch the signs of heart disease early

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Antioxidants Intake

By increasing your intake of antioxidants found in berries, artichokes, nuts, leafy greens, and citrus fruits you can ensure good heart health.

Quit Smoking

Smoking causes the blood vessels going to and fro from the heart to constrict, increasing the odds of getting a heart attack. Quit smoking to keep your heart happy.

Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined. If you experience any sign of a compromised heart health like chest pain, pain in the jaw, loss of consciousness, etc. immediate medical intervention is essential.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D

Regular Exercise

Aerobics, Zumba, yoga, swimming, brisk walking, jogging, and taekwondo will increase heart rate which keeps the system functioning well.

Bust the Stress

Stress makes us indulge in unhealthy activities like drinking, eating junk and smoking. Find ways to de-stress and learn to practice deep breathing exercises.

Delete Cholesterol

Avoid processed foods, eat natural and healthy and your cholesterol levels will see a dip.

Also Read: Recommended & Normal Cholesterol Level

Sleep Enough

Restful, seven hours of sleep every night is a must for a healthy heart.

Read More: What are The Benefits of Sleep?


Having an active social life can reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease. Meet friends and family often.

Embracing a positive perspective on life could contribute to your long-term well-being.

Dr. Arpit Verma, MBBS, MD (Pharmacology)

Stock Up On Fibre

Eat your raw fruits and veggies and the wonder cereal oats to improve heart functioning.

Reduce Alcohol

Limit your alcohol intake and avoid binge drinking sessions. Choose wine over the hard drinks to have a happy heart.

Weighty Issues

Reduce your weight if you are on the heavier side. Look up the optimum weight for your age and height and aim to achieve that.

Pet Therapy

Having a pet reduces stress. If pets are not your thing, indulge in some gardening, or volunteer for some charity work.

Cooking Oil Matters

Eliminate refined oils from your cooking. Switch to olive oil, peanut, sesame or mustard oil.

Reduce Salt

Salt is known to increase blood pressure. Reduce its amount from your diet and use herbs and spices to add more flavour to your food.

Eat Your Oats

Oats are the friendliest cereal when it comes to your heart. Rich in fibre and high in protein, oats are the best breakfast option.

Regular Checkups

Meet your doctor regularly to have consistent updates on your health


They are the richest in antioxidants, which are responsible for avoiding heart issues. Eat a handful to stay healthy

Eat Fish

The healthiest alternative to red meat and chicken, fish is also rich in antioxidants.

Eat chocolate

Chow down some dark chocolate but only in moderation. The darker it is, the more antioxidants it will have proving beneficial for your heart.

Dental hygiene

Dental health is related to your heart’s health. Floss and brush daily and visit the dentist regularly.

Reduce belly fat

Excessive belly fat is often responsible for high blood pressure and higher levels of lipid in the blood. All these factors are extremely detrimental to heart health. Thus, It is important to keep your belly fat in control.

Also Read: 10 Visual Signs You Are Actually Not Healthy: An Informative Guide to Spotting the Clues

Physical activity

Working out regularly reduces the resting heart rate. It raises the heart rate while the body is engaged in physical activities which strengthens the lungs. Even if there is not much time left for exercising, a simple evening stroll might be beneficial.

Stretching exercises

Stretching reduces stress levels which ultimately helps in keeping the heart-healthy.  

Take the stairs instead of using the lift

Walking up and down the stairs is considered a great cardio activity and is sometimes even added to fitness regimes by trainers. It is a good way of getting your body moving while doing other chores. 

Be aware of your health

Being aware of the blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels which are healthy for your gender and age not only helps you remain healthy and seek help when necessary.

Intimacy with your partner

Intimate activity with your partner has several benefits including keeping your heart healthy. It may reduce your blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of heart-related diseases.

Do not skip breakfast

The first meal of the day is also the most important meal of the day. Eating a balanced breakfast daily helps maintain a healthy body weight and provides energy throughout the day.

Also Read: Take Care of Your Heart: Foods To Avoid If You Have Heart Palpitations

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.


What Are The Benefits Of Switching To Canola Oil?


While the debate continues around fats, their types and how much of it should be included in our diets, canola oil is emerging as one of the top healthy oils lately. Why are so many health-conscious people swearing by it? And could you make the change yourself? 

This oil comes with several health benefits over other cooking oils and here we’ll explore everything from the canola plant itself to canola oil nutritional values. But first, what is canola oil?

What is Canola Oil?

Canola oil originates from a genetically modified version of the rapeseed plant. Rapeseed has had many uses historically. Its use continues in modern times including as animal feed, for the production of vegetable oil and the production of biodiesel.

In natural form, rapeseed contains high levels of erucic acid which is toxic to humans and also lowers the nutritional value (when used as animal feed). Several human-safe breeds of this plant have been bred, with much lower levels of erucic acid (as low as 2%). The canola plant is one of these specific breeds that was made for human and animal consumption and is similar to most other rapeseed plants on the outside. Canola oil is made from crushed/pressed canola seeds.

Canola Oil Nutrition

Canola seed oil is made up primarily of unsaturated fats, with no traces of cholesterol. This low level of saturated fats is why canola oil is comparatively healthier than other cooking oils.

Saturated Fats7.4 g
Trans fats0.4 g
Polyunsaturated Fats (Omega-6)20 g
Polyunsaturated Fats (Omega-3)8 g
Monounsaturated Fats (Oleic acid)63.3 g

Additionally, canola oil contains vitamin E and K and does not have any other vitamins or minerals.

Health Benefits Of Using Oil from Canola Seed

Canola oil is made from healthy fats with a very low content of saturated fats. This may be especially beneficial for people with heart issues or those who want to avoid heart problems.

The polyunsaturated fat in canola seed oil is vital for the production of DHA and EPA in our bodies. DHA and EPA are required for the brain and heart to keep these organs healthy. The same compounds are also involved in lowering your risk of type II diabetes.

Since canola oil has a low cholesterol content and a large level of essential antioxidants, which can help the body’s metabolism run smoothly. Slow circulation or an overworked cardiovascular system do not cause our bodies to become sluggish, nor do they drain our energy.

The absence of cholesterol in this oil is another reason why it is considered a healthy choice, especially for those who might be overweight or suffering from cardiovascular conditions. Some studies note that people had up to 16% lower bad cholesterol (LDL) when participants switched to canola oil from a high-saturated fats diet.

Other studies indicate that in people who made the switch, it helped to improve blood sugar control, reduce abdominal fat and also decrease blood pressure. 

A final benefit comes for those who maintain plant-based diets. Canola oil can be a great source of fatty acids without needing to eat meat.

Tenderness and stiffness in joints can be alleviated with canola oil. It is also beneficial for persons who are experiencing inflammation as a result of acute arthritis. Canola oil also functions as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing inflammation caused by asthma and gastrointestinal disorders. 

Canola oil is high in vitamin E and K, which helps to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, acne, blemishes, and give people a youthful, lustrous complexion. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. Antioxidants found in canola oil, such as vitamin E, are effective cancer fighters. Healthy cells transform into malignant cells as a result of the damaging free radicals. Canola oil contains vitamin E, which can help to lessen the risk of cancer. Canola oil aids cancer treatment by reducing cancer cell multiplication and spreading if it has previously been infected by cancer cells.

Cooking Benefits of Using Oil From The Canola Plant

Canola oil is high-processed and hence ends up with a neutral flavour, making it less likely to interfere with your cooking. If you’re afraid to switch oils because you’re worried it may change the taste of your food, don’t worry. This oil is versatile and can be used in most of your regular dishes.

While many organizations suggest using it for baking and/or salad dressings, there are many healthier oils (healthier meaning they have more nutrients) out there. Instead, canola oil can be a great replacement for frying, sauteing and deep frying due to its bland flavour.

Speaking of frying, this oil also has a high smoke point, which makes it even more attractive to chefs at home. This higher smoking point means less trans fats are produced while cooking and that you needn’t worry about smoke or burning smells even with high-temperature flames.

Downsides of Canola Oil

A lot of the positive, ”healthy” image of canola oil comes from biased sources (sponsored by the canola oil producers). So while this oil may in fact be healthy, there is a lack of in-depth studies into its long term real-world health benefits. There are a few negative studies that associate daily canola oil usage with memory issues (in mice). Another downside is the high ratio of omega-6 acids to omega-3, which is typically not considered healthy. Lastly, a few smaller studies indicate that canola oil may harm heart health rather than improve it. Neither side has proven the true benefits or risks of this oil. In moderation and without using it excessively, most data points to some health benefits.

Canola oil contains the deadly toxin mustard gas, which has been linked to a number of health issues. It has the potential to harm the liver and the heart. The partly hydrogenated vegetable oil has been linked to artery inflammation and calcification. These factors raise the risk of coronary heart disease. Canola oil contains erucic acid, which is toxic and may cause normal growth to be hindered.

Should You Make The Switch

Canola oil is not a replacement for all oils. Some people prefer olive oil for its flavour while others like almond oil for the smell and taste. Canola oil is almost without odour but it may still have a place in your kitchen if you need something natural that will not affect the overall taste of your dish. Maybe try to add it to your diet if you need to lower your cholesterol but always inform your doctor of such dietary changes. If you notice healthy changes in your cholesterol, blood pressure or other factors, feel free to make canola oil a permanent part of your diet. 

Keep in mind that your existing oil may have a taste that you are accustomed to. So while canola oil does not have much of a flavour you may still experience a few changes in the taste of your food, due to the absence of your usual oil.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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6 Simple & Natural Ways To Reduce Cholesterol

Cholesterol is an essential component of metabolic processes in the body. It is needed for the flexibility of cellular walls and for producing hormones in the body. Only when there is too much of it in the body, it spells trouble. Cholesterol plaques the arteries and is the primary cause of heart disease in the world. But there is no cause for worry. Even if you have been living a very unhealthy lifestyle, if you make small changes now, you could scale back the cholesterol levels in your body.

Did you know?

Here are 6 Simple Steps to Lower Cholesterol

1. Eating Right

There is a lot of changes that you can make in your diet to have a healthy heart and to lower cholesterol.

2. Increase Physical Activity

Work out for a minimum of 30 minutes daily is essential to lower cholesterol. Exercising helps to reduce LDL and increases HDL. Apart from improving your physical fitness, it is beneficial for the heart. Even ten minutes of walking done in two or three sessions during the day can show positive results.

3. Stop Smoking

Smoking is injurious to health as it changes the manner in which the body responds to cholesterol. Tobacco tar leads to quicker storage of cholesterol in the arteries. Quitting smoking has shown to reverse the effects.

Read More: 7 Health Hazards of Smoking  

4. Weight Management

Losing even five kilos has shown to reduce cholesterol levels in the body by 8%. Snack healthy, eat six small meals a day and exercise to lose weight. Observe what is sabotaging your weight loss plans and work on those aspects.

5. Moderate Alcohol Consumption

Drinking too much alcohol can put a lot of stress on your heart. Drink in moderation to avoid the build-up of cholesterol.

6. De-Stress

Stress and cholesterol are closely linked. Learn not to sweat the small stuff. Meditate, do yoga or read a book to chill out.

I recommend that in early morning in empty stomach people with high cholesterol should drink hot water mixed with flax seed powder. Research shows it significantly reduced the levels.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Effect of Untreated High-Cholesterol  

High cholesterol can lead to many serious and long term medical issues, especially if it is not treated and managed well. These issues can include:

Sometimes, just making lifestyle changes might not be enough. Consult your doctor and take your medication regularly to avoid complications.

High cholesterol might be a cause of heart disease and a fatty built up in your arterial walls. Limiting trans fats, saturated fatty acids in food and a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids might be beneficial to reduce cholesterol levels.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Read More:  7 Different Types of Relaxation Techniques for Fighting Stress

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can regular exercise help lower cholesterol?

Absolutely! Regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, running, swimming or cycling, can positively impact cholesterol levels. Exercise helps raise HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol, which improves the overall cholesterol profile.

Does quitting smoking affect cholesterol?

Yes, quitting smoking can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Smoking damages blood vessels, leading to inflammation and increased LDL cholesterol. By quitting smoking, individuals can improve their heart health and lower their risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Can stress management play a role in reducing cholesterol?

Yes, stress management is vital for heart health, and it can indirectly impact cholesterol levels. Chronic stress can contribute to unhealthy lifestyle habits that may affect cholesterol. Meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises and time in nature can help manage stress and promote better heart health.

Are there any specific foods to avoid for managing cholesterol levels?

For managing cholesterol levels, it’s advisable to limit the intake of foods high in saturated and trans fats. These include fatty meats, full-fat dairy products, processed foods and commercially baked goods. Reducing these unhealthy fats can support cholesterol management and overall heart health.

What are some natural ways to reduce cholesterol levels?

Several natural methods can help lower cholesterol levels. These include adopting a heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Regular physical activity, such as aerobic and strength training, can also benefit. Additionally, managing stress, quitting smoking and maintaining a healthy weight contribute to cholesterol reduction.

Can dietary fibre help lower cholesterol?

Yes, dietary fibre is essential for reducing cholesterol levels. Soluble fibre, found in foods like oats, beans, lentils and fruits like apples and citrus, helps lower LDL cholesterol (commonly known as “bad” cholesterol). Including these fibre-rich foods in your diet can have a positive impact on cholesterol levels.

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Guava Fruit Benefits: Amazing Uses Of Guava Leaves

Guava, a tropical fruit produced in Venezuela, Mexico and Colombia is usually eaten fresh or made into beverages, while its skin and leaf are used as a home remedy during various conditions. Most people think that guava is associated with a person getting cold and this may be true. Moreover, these fruits also have health benefits. Guava is also helpful during dangerous health problems such as high blood pressure, diarrhoea, diabetes, cough and different types of cancer. In fact, it is so good for diabetes that it can be included in your Diabetes Diet Plan.

Well, how does guava do all of this? The answer to this question is that guava has a high source of vitamin C and fibres that act as antioxidants. These antioxidants have the tendency to reduce or stop harmful effects pertaining to oxidation.

Common facts about guava

Guava is a fruit with medicinal properties and helps in many health problems such as diarrhoea, blood pressure and so on. Here are some facts about guava that you need to know.

Based on my experience, I have observed that water extracts of guava may have liver-protective activity. They have been found to significantly reduce elevated levels of liver enzymes and bilirubin in the blood. Guava extract may have a protective effect on the liver, promoting its health and function.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Nutritional facts about guava

If pineapple is called the king of fruits, then guava is called the queen of fruits all because of its medical properties and capabilities. Guava was first sold in the market in Florida in 1847 and between 1948 and 1969, 21 cultivators of guava were introduced in Hawaii. One major threat to the growth of this fruit is that a sudden dip in temperature can cause guava trees to die. Here are some nutritional facts you need to know about guavas.

Guava contents per 100gAmount
Vitamin C275% of the daily recommended intake
Folate12% of the daily recommended intake
Vitamin B59% of the daily recommended intake
Vitamin B68% of the daily recommended intake
Niacin7% of the daily recommended intake
Magnesium6% of the daily recommended intake
Potassium9% of the daily recommended intake
Phosphorus6% of the daily recommended intake
Manganese5% of the daily recommended intake

Note: Guava has great medicinal benefits, but it must be consumed within the limit. Guava contains fructose, which may be harmful to your health if consumed in large quantities.

In my experience, I have observed that water extracts of guava may have anti-proliferative activity against KB cells. This means that the extracts have the ability to inhibit the growth and division of certain harmful cells.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Types of guavas

Most guava trees have similar characteristics, while there are some that grow in colder climates grow to a maximum of 12 feet. Other grown in warmer climates reach up to 20 feet. Guava plants must be well taken care of during winter. However, for all those fitness enthusiasts, guava can be the weight loss agent. Here is a list of the different types of guavas.

1. Pink and red varieties of guavas

These guavas are also called desert guavas and usually taste sweet and appear to be pink in colour. This breed of guavas is easily available in the market around you. This is often sold in Hong Kong and has a smooth texture with fewer seeds. This breed is considered high quality.

2. White and yellow Ccloured Guavas

This breed tastes typically acidic and mild with no fragrance. The inside layer appears to be pale white or yellow while the skin looks green when ripe. This variety may also turn pinkish when ripe.

Note: Though there are many different varieties of guavas, all of them are said to be a powerhouse of healthy nutrients.

Over the years, I have observed that the leaf of Psidium guajava, commonly known as guava, has a spasmolytic effect. This means that it can help relieve spasms or involuntary contractions of certain muscles. The main component responsible for this effect is a compound called quercetin, which is found in its leaf and the plant extract.

Dr. Smita barode, BAMS

Health Benefits of Guava

Guava fruits are called the queen of all fruits because of their high level of medicinal value. Any 100 grams serving of guava fruit contains 68 calories and 8.92 grams of sugar. It is also rich in calcium and contains 18 grams of minerals for every 100 grams. This shows that the fruit has the capability to aid in different diseases. However, in order for you to have more insight into the topic, let’s take a peek into the health benefits of guava.

1. Guava helps boost your immunity

Guava is rich in vitamin C and is said to contain four times the content of vitamin C found in oranges. Vitamin C helps boost immunity levels that prepare your body to fight common infections and pathogens. Also, more vitamin C helps in good eyesight.

2. May reduce the risk of developing Cancer

Vitamin C, lycopene and other types of polyphenols act as antioxidants that help in neutralising infections in the body that prevent the growth of cancerous cells. Guava fruit has been shown to prevent prostate cancer and also prevents the growth of breast cancer cells.

3. Helps to manage blood sugar levels

Guava has a high content of fibre and glycaemic index that helps prevent the development of diabetes. You may refer to Glycemic Index Food Chart to find out the GIs of other foods and modify your diet accordingly. Fibre content regulates blood sugar levels from spiking, while glycemic index also restricts your blood sugar to rise at a short.

4. Guavas help in keeping your heart healthy

Guava contains high amounts of sodium and potassium that helps the body to balance and regulate high blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension. Guavas help in reducing cholesterol that is one of the primary reasons for heart diseases. However, this fruit increases the levels of good cholesterol and substitutes this with bad cholesterol.

5. Helps during constipation

Guavas contain high amounts of good dietary fibre when compared to other fruits. One guava a day contains 12 per cent of fibre intake that makes it highly beneficial for digestive health. It also helps in healthy bowel movements. This reduces your risk of constipation.

6. Helps in better eyesight

Guava fruit contains vitamin A that helps boost an individual’s eyesight. Eating guava not only prevents bad eyesight but also prevents you from developing cataracts and macular degeneration.

7. Guava is an anti-stress agent

Guava contains magnesium in the fruit that helps relax your muscles and nerves. So, this means that after a hard workout or a long day at the office, you need just one guava to get you relaxed. This fruit helps you combat stress and provides a good energy boost to your system.

8. Guava helps women during pregnancy

Guavas benefit pregnant women such that it contains folic acid and vitamin B-9 which is recommended to be given for women since it helps in developing the baby’s nervous system and protects the baby from neurological disorders.

9. One of the best solutions for toothaches

Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory action and antibacterial ability that fights infections and kills germs and people consuming guava leaves at home will help curb toothaches. The juice from the guava leaves is also said to provide relief from swollen gums and oral ulcers.

10. Aids in weight loss

If you are a fitness enthusiast, or if you feel that you are on the heavier side, then you need to eat guava that aids in weight loss. Guava regulates your body’s metabolism. Raw guava is said to have less sugar when compared to apples, grapes and oranges.

11. Helps in cold & cough

Guava has a very high content of vitamin C and iron when compared to other fruits. However, guava is proven to prevent you from getting a bad cold or any viral infection. The juice from raw guavas is very beneficial in curing cough and cold. It gets rid of the mucus and disinfects the respiratory tract, throat and lungs.

12. May help with menstruation pain

Many women experience bad and painful cramps as period symptoms. There is a study that suggests guava leaf extract can help reduce the pain during menstruation. This study involved 197 women consuming the guava leaf extract (6 mg) and found that it greatly helped in reducing the pain and that it works better than many painkillers as well!

Also Read: What is Monk Fruit: Discovering the Health Benefits and Potential Uses

Benefits of guava leaves

We all depend on western medicine for simple problems like fever, cold, cough etc. But, don’t forget that guava leaves are very healthy too. If guava fruit is healthy, then its leaves are super healthy. Here are some of the benefits of guava leaves that you need to know.

Note: Guava leaves can either be boiled in hot water and consumed or made tea using them. Either of these will benefit you in many ways.

Also Read: Yellow Dragon Fruit: Everything You Need to Know About its Health Benefits

Guava leaves for healthy hair

Hair fall is a result of an unhealthy scalp. Guava leaves can help stop hair fall and strengthen your scalp because of their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It is also being used in scalp related problems and dandruff.

It is also rich in vitamin B & C that helps in nourishing and aids in hair growth. So if you have a guava tree in your garden, then don’t pile up those leaves or burn it, instead make it a point to make a paste out of it and gently apply it on your scalp. This will fight hair fall and help strengthen your scalp.

Also Read: What is Breadfruit? Exploring Its Origins and Nutritional Benefits

Benefits of guava leaves tea

If green tea is considered healthy and ayurvedic, then guava leaf tea is even healthier and this can be consumed if you are having abdominal pain, watery stools etc. All you need to do is to add guava leaves to boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. Then strain the water and allow it to cool for 5 minutes. Make sure it is at least lukewarm when you are consuming it. Also, this must be consumed on an empty stomach and you may find instant relief once you’ve followed the steps carefully.


Guava fruit, including its leaves, has medical properties that can benefit you with developing any side effects. However, it is better than you consume in moderation. Here are some frequently asked questions that will help you have an insight into the topic of guava fruits and their other health benefits.

Is guava fruit recommended for people with diabetes?

Most diabetics have been advised to eat apples, but guava can also be consumed as a snack for diabetics. It is rich in dietary fibre and can help ease constipation and help lower the risks of developing type 2 diabetes. It contains high levels of vitamin C that can be helpful for many health-related problems. Guava, the queen of fruits, can be consumed once a day, and this can be added to your fitness diet as a diabetic.

Is eating boiled eggs with guava fruit dangerous?

Guava is a healthy fruit that can be consumed, but it may be an allergy for some. Similarly, eggs may also be an allergy for some people. If you have read this article and you would want to consume both boiled egg and guava together, then it is advised that you consult a doctor and seek medical advice on the same.

What is the difference between white guava and pink guava?

Logically speaking, both are the same, but what draws a distinctive line between the two is their colour and taste. Both breeds of guavas have similar benefits as the other. These two breeds are found in different countries of the world. Guava as fruit or its leaves has healing properties and the best part is that they do not have any side effects. While these fruits may seem allergic to some, there are others who may love eating them. However, the difference between the two is their colour and taste, but their healing properties remain the same.  

What is the best time to eat guava?

Guava must be eaten at any time except on an empty stomach. This goes for bananas too. This is because, if your body needs to reap the benefits of these fruits, there must be some food in your stomach for it to digest and mix along with. Also, keep in mind that this must be consumed 30 minutes after you finish eating.
Guava fruit, as well as its leaves, have medicinal properties that can heal certain health problems. However, make sure that you do not consume it in excess. Just like the old-fashioned saying, ”An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, similarly, guavas have better healing properties than an apple. But, if you’re allergic to guavas, then you need to consult a doctor and ask him/her for a solution.

Can guava spike my blood sugar?

While the fibre content and low glycemic index typically make guava safe for diabetics, if you consume too much guava too quickly, you can spike your blood sugar. This is especially true if you consume a particularly sweet breed of guava. For most people, however, moderate consumption of guava is an exceptionally healthy dietary choice. 

Can guava cause diarrhoea?

Yes, when consumed in large amounts or if you already have a digestive issue, then guava may contribute to diarrhoea. One factor that may contribute to this is that guava contains indigestible seeds, another factor is that it may possibly result in insufficient absorption of fructose. 

Can guava be eaten raw?

Yes, guava is perfectly consumable raw, and it is mostly consumed in this form. Make sure to check whether the guava you have purchased is ripe before you consume it.

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You Could Have A Heart Attack And Not Even Know About It

When we think of heart attacks, an image pops up in our minds. A person experiencing searing pain in the chest and losing consciousness. While this does indeed happen, there is another phenomenon called a silent heart attack. Most people are not aware of this kind of heart attack. The silent heart attack is not accompanied by the usual signs of a heart attack. It is very much possible that the person experiencing the attack wouldn’t even realize that something is amiss. While this can happen to anyone, persons with diabetes are more prone to it.

If a heart attack can be painless, does that mean it is also harmless? Not at all. A silent heart attack will damage your heart health just like a regular heart attack. In the case of uncontrolled diabetes, due to the damage to nerves, your body fails to sense the pain and discomfort due to the heart attack. It might eventually even put your life at risk. In a way, a silent heart attack is more dangerous than the one that triggers pain. If you don’t even know that you’ve had a heart attack, you will not be able to seek medical help and your health could deteriorate without any warning.

It is also worth knowing the  difference between cardiac arrest and heart attack. Mostly, heart attacks occur when one of the arteries (blood vessels) leading to the heart gets blocked, while cardiac arrest is when the heart stops beating and the person stops breathing normally. Cardiac arrest is worse than a heart attack.

So what is to be done? Let’s find out!

What exactly is a silent heart attack?

Any heart attack, silent or otherwise, happens when your heart muscles do not get a steady supply of oxygen-rich blood through the arteries for a long period of time. The muscles need oxygen to stay healthy and carry out their tasks. But when plaque (caused by bad cholesterol) builds up in the arteries, these blood vessels lose their flexibility and the passage becomes narrow. Naturally, not enough blood is able to flow through them to the heart. The oxygen-starved heart muscles start dying and eventually, a heart attack happens which can further damage the heart muscles and other vital organs of the body.

A silent heart attack may not be characterized by sudden intolerable pain but it is a misconception to think that there are absolutely no warning signs. In the days preceding the attack, people do experience certain mild heart attack symptoms which most ignore. Recognising these signs for what they are, the precursor to a heart attack can help you prevent one.

1. Discomfort in your chest

Any unusual feeling in your chest that persists for more than a day should be examined by a doctor. Heartburn can cause intense stabs of pain but this does not last for more than a few minutes. So do not ignore your chest discomfort by chalking it up to indigestion.

Other heart attack symptoms that need to be brought to your doctor’s attention are – mild pain in your chest, a feeling of pressure anywhere in this region or an inexplicable fullness. Do not overlook these signs of a heart attack.

2. Pain in other parts of the body

A silent heart attack (or any other heart attack) may trigger pain anywhere in the body other than in the chest in the days leading up to the attack. It is difficult for people to associate body pain with an upcoming heart attack. If you feel constant pain in your arms, neck, abdomen, back or jaws, let your doctor know. 

3. Breathlessness or disorientation

If you are having difficulty breathing or are feeling dizzy, the cause might be more than your asthma acting up or exhaustion. Impending heart attacks often trigger both these heart attack symptoms. Poor blood supply to the heart means that even minor exertions like walking up a flight of stairs can make you wheeze. Disorientation happens because your heart isn’t able to pump enough blood to the brain. 

4. Nausea

Nausea could be triggered by a variety of causes from indigestion to the flu. But a future heart attack is also sometimes preceded by intense nausea and vomiting. You may also break out into sudden cold sweats accompanied by dizziness. If you haven’t caught the flu or if there are no other signs of indigestion, then contact your doctor immediately.

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Conclusion: Learn to care for your heart

No matter what your age is, you need to take better care of your heart. Exercising 5 days a week is a must. If you are a heart patient, discuss with your doctor about the right exercise for your body. A healthy diet can keep risk factors of heart disorders such as hypertension, high levels of LDL and obesity in check. Undergo cholesterol tests, monitor your blood pressure and give up smoking. Be especially careful if your family has a history of heart diseases. Most importantly, familiarize yourself with the tell-tale signs of a heart attack. If you experience any discomfort for an unusually long time, do not hesitate to inform a doctor. This will save your life.

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Why Are Heart Attacks Becoming Common Among The Youth?

South Asian populations, including Indians, account for a high risk of heart ailment even in the younger age groups. In fact, according to a Stanford University study, South Asian people have a 40% higher mortality rate due to heart attacks than people from the rest of the world.  

But of late, it has been observed that the age group that is the worst hit is the 25 – 40 bracket. The age group who is often indulged in unhealthy lifestyles and habits like smoking, alcohol and remain ignorant of the fact that they too are at risk of developing some serious illnesses. Appearing healthy from the outside does not assure perfect health.

It is important to prevent heart attacks as they could lead to severe complications like heart failure. What’s the difference between heart attack and heart failure? Generally, heart attacks occur when the blood flow to a part of the heart is partially or completely cut off, while on the other hand, heart failure is a condition where the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to other body parts as efficiently as it should.

The time has come to become aware of the possibility of grave heart disorders and learn of ways to avert them. No matter how young you are, it is not too early to start taking care of your heart.

Physical activity significantly helps to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. When done regularly, moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic exercises can lower an individual’s risk for coronary heart disease.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D

Why are young people having heart attacks?

Typically people think that the risk of heart ailments rises when a man reaches his 50s and a woman crosses the age of 65. But these days, heart illnesses or other disorders that lead to heart problems such as hypertension or high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are being noticed in people in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

Why are the youth today more vulnerable to heart attacks than the previous generations?

The primary reason is the prevalent sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet. Modern lifestyle ups the risk of heart attacks among the youth.

Stress and anxiety

The lives of the youth today are riddled with stress. Stress levels are higher today than ever before. With workplace toxicity, unrealistic expectations, financial insecurity in a volatile job market, distressing news and social media abuse being rampant, the youth today do not have healthy ways of dealing with stress

Chronic stress is dangerous for the body. It causes unhealthy weight gain and high blood pressure. Undiagnosed hypertension damages the arteries and lowers blood supply to the heart. In the absence of enough blood, the heart muscles start degrading and eventually, this causes a heart attack.

Indians have higher risk of CAD at young age compared to other populations. Risk factor profile remains similar to those of old adults such as dyslipidemia, tobacco, diabetes, and hypertension but conditions like hyperhomocysteinemia, hypercoagulable states, and cocaine use, etc. are specific to younger population and should be evaluated in CAD cases. CAD in the young is increasing in prevalence in India due to changing lifestyle. Family history of premature CAD is one of the strongest risk factor in young individuals.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Unhealthy dietary habits

Another answer to the question of why do young people have heart attacks, lies in the foods that the youth today eat. To deal with stress and also because the youth barely has the time or energy to cook healthy meals, unhealthy eating is on a rise. Frequent cravings are satiated with sweets, desserts and oily fried foods. Reliance on take-out foods has increased. All these foods are harmful to the heart.

Trans fats found in deep-fried foods, white bread, cookies, cakes or pastries raise the level of LDL (bad cholesterol). LDL builds up along the inner lining of blood vessels of the heart. This creates an obstruction that narrows the passage and limits how much blood reaches the heart. This may eventually trigger a heart attack or cardiac arrest. Youth these days indulge in extreme diets, take a variety of health supplements on their own which can be harmful. Any diet plan or health supplements should not be taken without discussing with a doctor or registered dietician.

Obesity and diabetes

Unhealthy eating causes obesity and is one of the primary risk factors of diabetes. Studies have found that the obesity rate in India is increasing more rapidly than the global average and India already ranks 3rd in the obesity index. 

The incident rate of obesity is quite high in the youth and obesity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. Both obesity and diabetes are considered risk factors for heart diseases. 

It is important for everyone to stay aware of the warning signs of heart attack and get yourself tested by a cardiologist when in doubt.

Dr. Arpit Verma, MBBS, MD (Pharmacology)


Too little or too much exercise is another reason why young people are having heart attacks.

Cardiovascular exercises such as jogging, brisk walking, swimming, dancing, skipping rope (any exercise that makes your heart rate go up) ward off obesity and keep LDL and triglyceride levels in check and thus protect the heart. Exercises also increase blood supply to the heart. But unfortunately, many youngsters are reluctant to exercise because they think they don’t have enough time after work.

On the other end of the spectrum are youngsters who exercise too much in a bid to fit the media-established idea of the ‘perfect body’. If there is a pre-existing heart condition that has not been diagnosed yet, then excessive exercise can damage the heart further and bring on a heart attack. Unregulated weight training can thicken the heart muscles and unprescribed supplements can trigger arrhythmia. 

According to doctors, some people in their 20s start developing heart blockages because of genetics or bad cholesterol. In such a state, if the person puts his/her body through an extreme workout, the exertion can trigger the formation of blood clots near the blockages which can result in a heart attack. 

Sedentary lifestyle

Lack of physical activity, prolonged sitting hours in front of a laptop or TV, excessive screen time, poor sleep habits, improper eating schedule together affect a person’s health. Working in these areas can offer great health benefits and this applies to people of all age groups.

Will a healthy lifestyle reduce heart attack possibilities?

All healthcare experts will tell you that you can substantially lower the risks of cardiac problems by following a healthy lifestyle. A perfectly healthy-looking person may also have an underlying illness that can be diagnosed by routine health checkups. Follow these tips:

If needed, consider seeking the help of a therapist. It is nothing to be ashamed of.

Start taking better care of your heart health from today. No matter how young you are, your health deserves special attention and love. Live healthy to prevent not just heart attacks but many other illnesses as well. And if there is a prevalence of heart disorders or diabetes within the family, get yourself tested at least once a year. Prevention is always better than cure, stay aware and keep up good health.

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