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Food Items To Include In Your Diet If You Have Varicose Veins

Varicose veins, also known as spider veins, varicose or varicosities, are twisted or enlarged veins, occurring mainly in the legs. Varicose veins occur when the veins become dilated, enlarged and overfilled with blood. Varicose veins will typically appear swollen and enlarged, often associated with pain and inflammation. They tend to be blueish purple or red. The condition of varicose veins is rather common, especially among women. Around 25 to 30 per cent of adults suffer from varicose veins, especially in the lower legs.

Regular veins have one-way valves that are designed to block blood from flowing backwards. When regular valves fail to perform as they are supposed to, blood begins to collect in the veins rather than continuing toward your heart. This causes the veins to enlarge. Varicose veins mostly occur in the lower leg area because these veins are the farthest from the heart with gravity making it more difficult for the blood to flow upwards. This disorder will require diagnosis and good treatment. However, in addition to that, your doctor may recommend certain changes in diet and food to help you temporarily deal with the discomfort.

10 Best food Items for people with Varicose Veins

With blood accumulating in your veins, varicose may cause discomfort, inflammation and pain in the affected area. Some of the food habit changes and additions you can inculcate in your diet are as follows:

  1. Beetroot: Research and studies have shown that consuming beets regularly can effectively lower the chances of varicose veins. Beetroots contain a naturally occurring compound called betacyanin. This compound is what majorly contributes to the beautiful red colour of beets. Betacyanin is a phytochemical compound that lowers the levels of homocysteine in the body. Having high levels of homocysteine can damage blood vessels and lead to blood clots. Beets can easily be added to your everyday salads and can be juiced or steamed to be included in your daily diet. 
  2. Ginger: For many centuries, ginger has been used in Indian households as a spice as well as its medicinal properties. It is widely used to lessen the symptoms of varicose because it helps increase blood circulation and dissolves fibrin in the blood vessels. Fresh ginger has a more robust flavour and is said to be more effective in vein health. Ginger can be used as a spice in most Indian dishes. 
  3. Turmeric: Since ancient times, turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine to unclog blood vessels and promote effective blood circulation. Curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric, increases the production of nitric oxide, which in turn facilitates better blood flow and circulation.
  4. Apples: Fruits like apples, bananas and pears are high in fibre content. High fibre fruits lower the chances of inflammation and help with your overall health. Apples are high in rutin, a powerful antioxidant compound that helps to keep veins healthy. A quick fruit salad including apples or pears is a healthy option when it comes to lowering symptoms of varicose veins. 
  5. Grapes: Red and purple grapes are loaded with flavonoids and vitamins along with oligomeric proanthocyanidins, also known as OPCs, which some researchers believe could lessen vein and leg swelling.
  6. Cherries: Like apples, cherries are loaded with rutin. Rutin is a flavonoid that helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as keeps your veins healthy. In addition, this flavonoid is also anti-inflammatory, an excellent source of antioxidants and lowers the chance of blood clots.
  7. Raw nuts and seeds: Nuts are rich in niacin and vitamin B3, essential nutrients for blood flow and lowers blood circulation issues. Hemp, sunflower, flax and chia seeds are some foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids and fibre. They are also a good source of anti-inflammatory proteins that help in removing cholesterol and promoting blood flow quality.
  8. Green leafy vegetables: Leafy green vegetables such as kale and lettuce are excellent sources of magnesium, a mineral that plays a key role when it comes to managing blood circulation and blood flow. 
  9. Avocado: Some fats are good for your health and your veins, such as the fats found in avocado. Avocados are also a great source of vitamins C and E, potassium and magnesium. Avocados can be sliced and consumed with toast, can be added to salads or made into guacamole (avocado paste with hot sauce and lime juice).
  10. CinnamonCinnamon is a powerful spice known for regulating blood sugar levels and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. Other benefits of cinnamon include the ability to increase blood flow and promote circulation. Cinnamon may particularly help blood vessels dilate and widen, which makes it easier for blood to flow throughout your body. 

Flavonoid-rich diets such as green leafy vegetables and grapes may aid in the reduction of varicose veins in some people. Flavonoids may increase blood flow, stopping the blood from pooling in the veins and aiding in its movement. They may also relax blood vessels and lower the blood pressure in the arteries, which may lessen the occurrence of varicose veins.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Foods to avoid while suffering from Varicose Veins:

Apart from seeking medical help to diagnose varicose veins, it is important to maintain a healthy diet to lessen the symptoms of varicose veins from getting worse. Consider the following list to be a guideline of the food that varicose veins should avoid:

  1. Refined carbs: People with varicose vein symptoms should avoid refined carbohydrates or simple carbohydrates as much as possible. They are responsible for chronic diseases and largely contribute to poor vein health. The absence of fibre in refined carbs causes strain during excretion. As a result of this, it causes pressure to build up in the veins of the lower rectum and may damage them.
  2. Canned foods: Canned foods are lined with a chemical called Bisphenol. Bisphenol creates a mimic of estrogen and affects the hormones in our body which can cause or worsen varicose veins. Opt for fresh foods instead of buying canned goods.
  3. Foods with added sugar: Chocolates, cakes and cookies are processed foods that often contain high amounts of added sugar which contributes to obesity and weight gain.
  4. Fried foods: Fried foods have very little nutrition content, almost negligible fibre and is very hard to digest and is not exactly healthy. They should be avoided until the condition of varicose veins has lessened.
  5. Alcohol: This one goes without saying, but alcohol is probably the worst on this list. Steer clear from consuming alcohol if you have varicose veins.
  6. Red meat: Red meat is quite hard to digest. It has little fibre and it takes a lot of effort to digest a couple of red meat pieces. Avoid consuming dishes that include red meat.
  7. Salty foods: Foods with high sodium content like ham, pizza and hot dogs should be limited. A high concentration of sodium in the blood causes the body to retain more water than usual. This causes an increase in blood in the body, which leads to an increase in pressure in the vein. This increase in pressure can cause swelling and water retention in the legs.
  8. Caffeinated beverages: Strong coffee or other kinds of beverages should be avoided as long as your symptoms are not gone.

Researchers have found that grape seed extract from the plant Vitis vinifera may help relieve swelling in the lower legs and other symptoms of varicose veins. However, I suggest grape seed extract should be taken only after the recommendation from the doctor as it may interact with some drugs like blood thinners.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Varicose Vein-friendly recipes to try: 

When it comes to varicose veins, it is best to consume homemade food items with the above ingredients. You must follow a healthy diet that is per your doctor’s suggestions and body needs. Here are some interesting recipes you may try on:

1. Carrot and ginger soup

2. Beetroot raita

3. Quinoa stuffed bell pepper

Blood vessels carry blood throughout the body and their health directly affects your blood flow and circulation. When you eat healthy foods and indulge in exercises that provide better circulation, you are allowing your cardiovascular health to remain healthy and lessen your risk of problems like varicose veins. Try to include food items using ingredients that are beneficial and have been known to promote regular blood flow.

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What is the main cause of varicose veins?

Varicose veins are caused by increased blood flow towards the veins of the legs. The blood moves towards the heart by one-way valves in the veins. When the valves become weakened or damaged, blood can collect in the veins, causing them to swell.

What happens if varicose veins are left untreated?

If varicose veins are left untreated, the veins continue to get more damaged and there is increased pain and swelling. It may further lead to soreness and ulceration of the skin.

Can I have varicose veins on one leg?

Some healthcare professionals believe it could be because you experienced an injury to that side of the body which caused damage to the veins or the valves of the veins.

Can varicose veins affect your heart?

According to certain vascular surgeons, in very extreme cases, varicose veins might affect the arterial system of the heart, but this generally does not happen. 

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


5 Best Summer Season Fruits For You!

The brutal summer heat in India can give you a terrifying case of dehydration or other seasonal illnesses unless you take a few crucial precautions. One of the most nutritious, not to mention mouth-watering ways to beat the heat and prevent summer-related health issues is to gorge on these 5 fruits.

1. Watermelon

These fluid-filled fruits are packed with Vitamins A, B6 and C and potassium. These nutrients prevent your eyesight from deteriorating and boost your immunity so your body can easily ward off summer illnesses such as the common cough and cold or allergies.

The potassium in watermelons does not allow water levels in your body to dwindle. It also keeps your muscles flexible and boosts heart health. Most importantly, its high water content prevents dehydration.

2. Guava

Guavas don’t allow your blood sugar levels to spike and drop. If you are diabetic (or even if your sugar levels are fine), you can eat this fruit without worrying about the dangerous consequences of excess sugar.

Summer brings with it a host of digestion problems causing your digestive system to become sluggish. Guavas are high on fibres that are not only very filling (so you don’t end up consuming heavy foods that choke your digestive system) but also keep your digestive tract clean.

The brutal summer sun can cause skin burns and guava can help even out skin tone. This fruit can also ease menstrual cramps.

3. Ripe Papaya

This fruit is chock-a-block with nutrients such as Vitamins A, C, foliates and phytochemicals. It improves gastrointestinal health, fights indigestion and prevents bloating.

Since it contains beta carotene, it reduces the strain your eyes endure in summers and eases inflammation. The anti-oxidants in it can keep your heart healthy.

In my experience, I have observed that staying hydrated is crucial during the summer months, particularly on hot days when temperatures can soar to 100 degrees or higher. While consuming hydrating fruits is beneficial, it is equally important to prioritize overall hydration through the intake of water and low-sugar or no-sugar added beverages. These choices effectively quench your thirst and help keep your body properly hydrated, enabling it to function optimally in the heat.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

4. Mango

For a lot of people, summers are synonymous with mangoes – the king of fruits. Not only are they extremely appetizing, but they also pack in a ton of goodness. They’re a good source of calories so, when you find your energy being zapped by the summer heat, just bite into a few mango slices for a quick boost.

Mangoes contain plenty of fibres, an entire range of vitamins as well as potassium. The yellow colour in mangoes is imparted by a pigment that protects your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun – which is at its full force in the summer season.

Also Read: What is Monk Fruit: Discovering the Health Benefits and Potential Uses

5. Muskmelon

The final fruit on our list is muskmelon. This aromatic fruit is an old summer favourite. It is loaded with Vitamin A which bolsters immunity and reduces inflammation and Vitamin C which helps with cell repair and brings a glow to your skin even when the sun is at its most unforgiving.   

The beta-carotene in muskmelon boosts the health of your eyes and anti-oxidants flush out free radicals from your body. This fruit will also keep your heart beating strong and stabilize blood pressure. Most importantly, it aids with digestion and regularises bowel movement.

From my experience, I have observed that it’s important to be mindful of our intake of sweet treats like cake, pie, cookies, and candy. While it’s okay to enjoy them occasionally, I recommend limiting yourself to 1 or 2 servings a few times a week. When you do indulge, choose high-quality options and savor the experience to make it special. Additionally, don’t forget to prioritize the consumption of fresh fruits in a variety of flavours and colours, as they provide essential nutrients and contribute to a balanced diet.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Why Are Fruits Important In Summer?

The body is made up of almost 60% water, that’s why we need water every day. In summer, the hotter temperatures cause an automatic sweating reaction which helps to maintain a stable body temp. But this sweating uses up a lot of water. Without sufficient water intake, your body will eventually use up whatever water you have and you can end up dehydrated. While drinking water should be the main source of hydration, summer fruits are a lot more appetising and can contribute to this as well. Fruits and vegetables also come with a host of additional nutrients (particularly vitamins, minerals and plant compounds) that add to your overall nutrition.

Also Read: Can You Freeze Watermelon? Exploring Storage and Preservation Tips

Disclaimer: The above information has been prepared by a qualified medical professional and may not represent the practices followed universally. The suggestions listed in this article constitute relatively common advice given to patients and since every patient is different, you are advised to consult your physician, if in doubt, before acting upon this information. Lupin Limited has only facilitated the distribution of this information to you in the interest of patient education and welfare.


World Cup – Cricketers Diet During Practice Session And Match Day!

The Cricket World Cup is a demanding tournament. This tournament is spread across a month and a half, with each team playing 9 matches in the group stage. The stress and the rigorous physical activity during these matches can take a toll on their bodies and consequently, their performance. That is why cricketers need to be on a strict fitness routine before and during the tournament. And diet is instrumental to a cricketer’s fitness regime.

Many people wonder what cricketers eat before these intense matches, the type of diet that doesn’t allow their energy levels to falter during the course of a high-octane match.  

You also have to note that it’s not just the diet on the match days, but also during the days when they practise that matters. After all good preparation is the key to winning matches, a part of which is a good diet.

Here is a Look at the Diet Regime of a Cricketer

Practice Session Diet

Cricketers spend more time training than actually playing the matches. They might even have to be in several practise sessions every day. These sessions can be gruelling and drain a cricketer’s energy. That is a cause of worry because exhausted players cannot win matches and are prone to picking up injuries. That is why a very specific diet is formulated for the practice sessions.

The factors that are taken into consideration while devising individual diet plans for every cricketer are:

Before a session, every cricketer consumes a nutrient-rich and high-energy meal that will sustain the player for quite a few hours. Processed foods are strictly avoided.

A pre-training diet consists of whole-grain snacks, fruits, boiled vegetables, protein bars, lean proteins, healthy biscuits and dairy products. But on days when training will be very intense, cricketers also eat muesli bars and yoghurt.

As for fluids, the temperature and weather conditions, as well as the duration of the training session determine how much liquid a player needs to drink. Fluid loss interferes with the accuracy of bowling and fielding. So before and during the practice session, players consume energy drinks, water and non-sweetened fruit juices to stay hydrated.

Post-training session diet is just as strict. A cricketer can’t deviate from his diet plan because recovery hinges on what he eats afterward. This diet is very particular to mend and repair muscles and replenish the fluids lost during the practice session. So a cricketer consumes plenty of proteins and electrolytes.

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Here are some food items that feature in a post-training meal:

Cricketers are usually discouraged from drinking alcohol because it messes up their metabolism and adversely affects their health.

In my opinion, good nutrition is quite essential in enhancing a sports performance. Sportsmen should follow specially designed diets that will meet their nutritional requirements and support their muscle growth and repair. Their diet should be rich in unrefined carbohydrates like wholegrain bread, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Diet Before the World Cup Match

The diet on a matchday is very similar to the diet they stick to during training. How well a cricketer performs depends largely on what he consumes right before the match because food is the fuel that will keep him going.

A pre-match meal will be something like this:

A cricketer’s life is bound by dietary strictures during the cricket world cup. This is to ensure that they remain in peak health throughout the tournament.   

Any well-balanced diet won’t be complete without proper hydration. Water plays an essential role in enhancing athletic performance. All sportsmen including cricketers should not rely on thirst to drink water. In my opinion, drinking water every hour during practice sessions or actual matches might be quite beneficial in reducing the chances of dehydration.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Importance of Diet and Fitness for Cricketers

The physical fitness required for cricketers during, after and even during their career cannot be underlined. Cricketers nowadays have an extensive training program along with a rigorous diet that they are required to follow. Cricketers have hired personal trainers and nutritionists who help them and guide them to get a physically fit, toned and healthy body to perform well on the field.

In order to keep fit, diet plays an extremely important role. A bad diet can hamper the growth and improvement of players on the field of playing in the World Cup. A good diet along with a well-regulated fitness regime can ensure the players are ready for the rigours of international cricket.

For decades now, cricketers have been giving a lot more importance to the food they consume in order to keep themselves fit. Cricketers require a good diet that includes a high amount of protein and fibre. According to the interviews of some of the international cricketers, a good diet is known to provide fuel to the body. Not picking a good diet will hamper the performance of the players on the field. If the carbohydrates and proteins are reduced, cricketers will feel lethargic and could end up with cramps. They are recommended to have a rich carbohydrate diet, followed by protein and a very little amount of fat. 

Hence, most cricketers, especially young players up against a team for the first time in the World Cup, should focus on their diet and fitness. If they do not match, it will result in weight gain and their performances will dip.

Disclaimer: The above information has been prepared by a qualified medical professional and may not represent the practices followed universally. The suggestions listed in this article constitute relatively common advice given to patients and since every patient is different, you are advised to consult your physician, if in doubt, before acting upon this information. Lupin Limited has only facilitated the distribution of this information to you in the interest of patient education and welfare.


Love Fast Foods? They Could Bring On A Health Disaster!

COVID 19 has not been easing off of health scares and the anxiety born out of constantly worrying about the safety of your loved ones. Let us not try to add to our health worries. There are things you are doing that could actually be damaging your health. And at a time when we all need to be at peak health, you should focus on strengthening your immunity.  

The dangers of fast foods

None of us can claim that we are able to resist the lure of fast foods. They are delicious and at the end of a stressful day, these foods can be mood-lifters. They are part and parcel of friends’ meet-ups. We even serve them to guests because who honestly has the time to cook elaborate dishes? 

But the harsh truth is, fast foods have a ruinous effect on your health. They are particularly notorious for triggering and/or aggravating obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases and even some types of cancer.

As you may have heard, some of these diseases are considered comorbidities for a person infected with COVID-19. That means if you develop these health conditions, you are likely to suffer a more severe COVID infection than usual. So why take that risk? Let us get into the details of how fast foods can destroy your health.

Fast foods and heart health

Fast foods are loaded with unhealthy fats that can increase LDL (bad cholesterol) levels in your body. This LDL deposits along the arteries that carry blood to your heart. The arteries become narrow and the walls become hard. Blood has to push harder to reach your heart. This triggers hypertension (high blood pressure). Also, since the passages are narrowed, very little blood is able to make its way to the heart. Those muscles of the heart that are oxygen-deprived (blood carries oxygen) slowly stop functioning. Eventually, LDL and high blood pressure trigger a heart attack or even a cardiac arrest.

Fast foods may also initiate a stroke. The LDL that accumulates in the arteries as plaque may break free. Blood will carry it to the brain where it will cause a stroke. 

Fast foods and non-alcoholic-fatty-liver disease (NAFLD)

NAFLD is a silent killer. It can wear away your liver’s ability to function. It is not just alcohol that causes chronic liver disease but foods that pack in a lot of unhealthy fats and sugars can also damage your liver. Fast foods can cause fats to be deposited in your liver and may even trigger inflammation. If unchecked, this could lead to serious liver damage (cirrhosis). NAFLD may even cause liver cancer. NAFLD is almost always a result of a diet rich in triglycerides (hint: all those rolls, burgers and pizzas you adore). NAFLD can easily be avoided and even if you have already been diagnosed with fatty liver disease, you can drastically reduce your liver fat by losing weight.  

Fast foods and diabetes

Fast foods are loaded with sugars, fats and salts. None of these in excess is good for you, especially if you have already been diagnosed with diabetes. These foods will mess up your diabetes management plans. Besides, fast foods have a high glycemic index, which means right after consumption, they will make your blood sugar level shoot up, the level will drop again soon. This constant fluctuation is really bad for someone with diabetes and may even trigger insulin resistance in people who do not have diabetes. 

Also Read: Are French Fries Healthy? A Detailed Nutritional Analysis 

Fast foods and obesity

By now we all know that fast foods stuff us with calories. Our sedentary lifestyles do not allow us to burn these extra calories and the result is weight gain. This has happened to multitudes of people during the lockdown. But did you know that obesity is the risk factor for many diseases including heart problems, fatty liver disease, arthritis, asthma, type 2 diabetes and stroke? 

Fast foods and obesity can also trigger different types of cancers such as breast cancer, endometrial cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer, liver cancer, oesophagus cancer or kidney cancer.

Does that mean it’s a complete ‘no’ to fast foods?

Actually, there is a bit of good news. Some ‘fast foods’ are not all that bad for you. Usually, grilled foods use very very little oil and hence are not exceptionally harmful. Instances of good fast foods include chicken bowls, quinoa bowls, protein bowls, grilled sandwiches, tandoori chicken or paneer, veg/ chicken wraps (if the tortilla is made from whole wheat or mixed grains). But a word of caution, this is not a license to binge on fast foods. Everything needs to be eaten in moderation. 

Also Read: Best Fast Food For Weight Watchers: Making Healthy Choices on the Go

How to kick fast foods addiction

Like any addiction, this too may seem like a difficult addiction to extricate yourself from. 

Take a vow to steer clear of fast foods. Do not push off implementing this vow, do it right away. There are many healthy foods you can eat that taste exciting. Eat healthy and filling meals so that you are not tempted to binge. Also, remember to exercise a little every day to amplify the effects of your healthy diet and to boost your immunity against diseases.

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Can a Keto Diet for Diabetes be Harmful?

Diabetes, a metabolic disorder, results in abnormal blood sugar levels in our bodies. If not checked, it can cause significant damage to the body. While medicines have their role to play, dietary changes can positively impact blood sugar levels. When thinking of making a lifestyle change for improved health, people ask, ”Which is the most effective and the best diet for diabetes?” The consensus believes that the Keto diet is the best for diabetes, as it is a low-carb diet.

What is a Keto Diet?

Keto meals target a lower blood sugar level by decreasing the carbohydrate in the diet. Simply, it is a low-carb, high-fat diet plan.

The Keto diet meal plan advocates the following conditions: 

Keto for Medical Conditions

The Keto diet has been here for a century now. It is thought to be beneficial as a therapeutic tool for various medical conditions such as:

–   Epilepsy in kids

–   Parkinson’s

–   Alzheimer’s

–   PCOS

–   Diabetes

–   Dementia

–   Bipolar Disorders

–   Some Cancers

But, What Happens when a person living with Diabetes opts for Keto?

When a diabetic person follows the Keto diet meal plan, the body goes into a stage of ketosis. Ketosis is when the body starts to use the body fat for energy as opposed to carbohydrates. This phenomenon has popularised the belief that the Keto diet for diabetics is beneficial in terms of weight loss and blood sugar control.

The word ketosis should not be confused with Ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis is a complication of diabetes. When the blood sugar reaches high levels and there is a lack of insulin, the body starts breaking fat cells to meet the energy requirements. Ketones are released in the blood as a result of fat breakdown. High levels of ketones can be fatal and result in Ketoacidosis.

Is Keto Diet harmful to a person with Diabetes?

Under certain circumstances, the keto diet may harm the body more than doing good. 

  1. Low Blood Sugar

Not monitoring blood sugar levels when eating keto meals can be dangerous. As the ketosis begins in a few weeks of the diet, the blood sugar levels can take a dip. If the monitoring is irregular and medicine dosage is not adjusted to the changing blood sugar levels, it can cause serious issues.

  1. High Blood Sugar

If the keto diet is not followed actively, the blood sugar levels may consequently increase. As per research, the keto diet for diabetes does not allow the body to utilise insulin optimally. It can result in insulin resistance, increasing the risk of type-2 diabetes.

  1.  Increased Risk of Obesity and Cholesterol

Since the keto diet advocates 75% of fat as the main component of the diet, it can be detrimental. Often patients with diabetes also have higher chances of Dyslipidaemia (abnormally elevated cholesterol levels or fats in the blood). The increased fat intake can shoot up cholesterol levels

Though there is a lack of evidence to support the theory, there can be a link between the keto diet and the risk of obesity and heart diseases. 

  1. Post-diet Weight Gain

If the diet is not maintained properly or left abruptly, there can be rebound weight gain after the diet. The body metabolism and insulin levels may not adjust accordingly. This behaviour of the body can create a problem.

Keto-related symptoms to watch out for:

Consult the diabetologist if you feel any of the below signs and symptoms when following the keto diet for diabetics:

Also Read: Is Coconut Milk Keto? Exploring its Potential in a Keto Diet

Serious side-effects of Keto

The keto diet is known to have some side effects. Unmonitored keto meals or keto diet plans that are not in sync with the diabetic and metabolic history of the person can have side effects. Some of the side effects that may occur with keto meals include:


The basic premise of keto meals and their impact on blood sugar levels makes it one of the contenders as the best diet for diabetics. Dietary requirements, calorie intake, body metabolism, and type of diabetes vary amongst individuals. Experts suggest that a person with diabetes must follow a diet that is sustainable for a long period of time. Keto diet or other extreme diet plans may show exciting results in a short duration, but they are difficult to follow throughout life. One must learn about a healthy nutrition plan for diabetes from their doctor and registered nutritionist based on their eating habits, choice and health needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.

How To Eat Healthy For A More Powerful Workout?

According to a 2019 survey conducted by Mintel, 64% of Indians lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not engage in any form of exercise and physical activity. However, people are becoming aware of the need to exercise regularly because working out reduces your risk of falling ill and keeps comorbidities of COVID-19 such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma in check. Despite this growing awareness of fitness and nutrition, most people do not reap all the benefits that exercise has to offer because they are not complementing their exercise regime with the proper diet. It is no secret that the effects of exercise can be amplified with the correct foods. Exercise and nutrition go hand in hand.

Here are some pointers to consider when charting your workout diet plan in order to make the most out of your daily exercise routine.

1. The Importance of a Healthy Breakfast

Eating a healthy breakfast that consists of whole-grain cereals, bread, bananas, yoghurt etc., can provide you with the energy needed for a satisfying and rejuvenating morning workout. Breakfast should ideally be the biggest meal of the day in order to maintain a healthy balance between exercise and diet. Therefore, you need to be mindful of the fact that skipping breakfast may cause loss of energy and even dizziness and lightheadedness during workouts.

2. Control Portion Sizes

If you consider making breakfast a relatively large meal, then it is best to tailor your workout diet plan in such a way that you exercise not before three to four hours after breakfast. However, if your routine places workout in the evening hours, then you can eat a moderate-sized meal (like lunch) about at least two to three hours before a workout. More importantly, it is much more effective to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day instead of the standard 3 large meals when aiming for weight loss.  

Eat 20 grams of whey protein and 20-30 grams of slow-digesting carbs within a half-hour of training. Aim to get 20%-30% of your daily calories from healthy fat sources such as salmon, nuts (particularly walnuts), seeds and avocados. Keep saturated fat (found in dairy and meat products) to 10% or less of your daily calorie intake.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

3. Pre-exercise Snacks

Although consuming small energy-boosting snacks before a workout may not always provide a massive increase in energy levels, it does help to maintain blood sugar levels as well as reduce unwanted hunger pangs during a workout. These snacks can include granola bars, peanut butter sandwiches, fruits and other protein or energy bars. One of the most important nutrition tips when considering pre-workout meals or snacks is that you should never consume them less than an hour before working out.

4. Post-workout Meals

After a successful workout, it is important to replenish your body with carbohydrates and proteins for muscle recovery. A good fitness and nutrition plan includes a healthy balance of protein sources like lean meats, lentils, fats. For example, yoghurt and fruit, peanut butter sandwiches, pasta with meatballs and chicken with brown rice make for healthy post-workout meal options.

Also Read: What Are Whole Foods? A Comprehensive Guide to Healthy Eating

5. Don’t Completely Cut out Fats & Carbohydrates

It is a common misconception that fats are bad for a healthy workout diet plan. The fats contained in foods like olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts and egg yolks are in fact good for your body. These fats can help improve digestion, nutrient absorption and can even boost testosterone levels in men. Moreover, the complete exclusion of carbohydrates from your diet can be counterproductive as well. Just as proteins like chicken breast, lean-cut beef and all kinds of fish help to build muscle, good carbohydrates and fibres found in brown rice and whole-wheat bread, cereals and fresh fruits can aid the metabolism of your body and provide energy.

6. Other Factors to Consider

Apart from food, water also plays an important role when it comes to exercise and nutrition. According to the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine, drinking two to three cups of water before working out, half to one cup of water every 20 minutes during a workout and two to three cups of water for every pound of weight lost after working out is a healthy practice. Limit alcohol intake and quit smoking if you want to see added health benefits.


With the help of these nutrition tips, you can develop a healthy workout diet plan at home and achieve the required results of either building muscle or weight loss or both. However, it is recommended that you consult a professional like a dietician and/or nutritionist in order to get expert advice on exercise and diet that is best suited for you depending on your individual needs. The amalgamation of the right nutrition and optimum exercise can yield fruitful results for a healthy body, 

Also Read: Soft Foods to Eat: A Comprehensive Health and Recovery Guide

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Can I Exercise On An Empty Stomach?

Most of us who like to exercise first thing in the morning always wonder whether we should first have breakfast, or catch up with it later? It’s often recommended that you work out first thing in the morning before eating breakfast, as it is believed to help with weight loss. However, exercising after eating may give you more energy and improve your performance.  

Does exercising on an empty stomach help you lose more weight?

The theory is that your body feeds on fat and carbohydrates which is stored in your body for energy instead of the food you’ve recently eaten, leading to higher levels of fat loss. Working out on an empty stomach would direct your body to use the stored-up protein as fuel rather than using it to build and repair muscles after exercise.  

Also, if your body uses stored fat as energy, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to burn more calories or reduce your body fat percentage. This is because your body will adjust itself to using fat reserves for energy and might continue to store more fat than usual to make up for it.

Is it safe to work out on an empty stomach?  

Some research does support working out on an empty stomach however, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the ideal way. When you exercise on an empty stomach, you may burn valuable energy sources (proteins) and have less stamina.  

You will not only feel intense hunger but your stomach can also cramp. Sometimes, your blood sugar levels may drop and leave you feeling lightheaded, nauseous, dizzy or shaky.  

Which foods will help you improve your performance?

Working out requires you to follow a well-balanced diet to improve your performance. Choose food that is natural and nutritious, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Add nuts, seeds and sprouts which are a rich source of iron.    

If you do decide to work out after eating, choose a meal that can be digested easily and is rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Eat your meal at least 2-3 hours before your planned workout. If you’re pressed for time, munch on an energy bar or fresh/ dried fruit.  

A post-workout meal is equally important to improve and speed up recovery. Have a meal that is rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins within 30 minutes to 2 hours after a workout. You can choose from options that include soymilk, smoothies, sandwich, energy bar, yoghurt, etc.    

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water before, during and after your exercise.

It’s often recommended that you work out first thing in the morning before eating breakfast, in what’s known as a fasted state. This is believed to help with weight loss. However, working out after eating may give you more energy and improve your performance.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Also Read: Food For Upset Stomach: A Research-Based Guide To Soothing Foods

Which foods will help you improv

When should you eat?

Depending on the type of activity, you can determine whether you should eat before a workout or not. Light exercises such as yoga and walking may not require you to fuel up beforehand.  

However, it’s essential that you eat before any activity that requires a lot of strength, energy and endurance, or even if you plan to work out for over an hour. These activities could include swimming or running.  

Foods with a high-fibre, high-fat content, fast food or energy drink are not recommended to be consumed for at least one hour before the workout as they hinder an effective workout and make the person more full.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

How should you plan your meals?

To get the most out of your next workout activity, prepare by eating foods that will provide the best fuel for your body.

Foods such as Complex carbohydrates like high-protein oatmeal or homemade granola will arm you with plenty of energy to get through your next aerobic routine. Also, lean protein, like nuts and nut butter, is great for sustaining your system and keeping you full while you work out.  

Schedule your pre-exercise meal about 90 minutes before your exercise. Always have an option for foods that are light and easy to digest, like fresh fruit, an energy bar, juice or a smoothie in case you need a snack closer to your workout time.

Having food in your stomach before you start working out not only makes your workout more fun but will also help you build and sustain muscle mass to achieve the optimal results you admire.  

You are your own best guide, so listen to your body and do what is best for you and your body. Be happy, stay hydrated, maintain a balanced diet and live a lifestyle in line with your best health interests. Remember to always talk to your family physician/ doctor/ nutritionist before starting any new exercise program.

Also Read: What is the Best Time to Exercise?

Disclaimer: The above information has been prepared by a qualified medical professional and may not represent the practices followed universally. The suggestions listed in this article constitute relatively common advice given to patients, and since every patient is different, you are advised to consult your physician, if in doubt, before acting upon this information. Lupin Limited has only facilitated the distribution of this information to you in the interest of patient education and welfare.  


Constantly Hungry? Here Is What You Are Doing Wrong

Are you always thinking about your next meal? While being constantly hungry may be a sign of an underlying health problem and should be checked by a doctor if you have similar concerns, there could be other reasons too. Read on to know more.

Reasons for always feeling hungry

If you are the kind of person who is always hungry and is tempted to binge on snacks and desserts even after having a hearty meal, then your diet could be the problem.

Eating too many carbs

Is your dinner heavy? Eating a meal heavy in carbs the night before could be exactly why you are always hungry the following day. Consuming a lot of carbohydrates in one sitting results in its quick absorption into the body in the form of sugar. The spike of sugar – particularly glucose – in the blood releases a surge of insulin that stimulates body cells to use up glucose. As the sugar is eliminated from the blood, it triggers hunger and cravings for more carbs – this could be the reason for those midnight cravings!


What’s the alternative? Ditch refined carbohydrates and switch to moderate amounts of unrefined carbohydrates like sweet potatoes and quinoa, combined with lean protein and a good serving of non-starchy veggies like broccoli.  

Consult a doctor if hunger pains regularly persist despite eating balanced meals. Stomach pains may suggest a gastrointestinal disorder or infection.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Your diet lacks essential nutrients

Is your protein and fibre intake adequate? For years now, experts have been suggesting you include protein and fibre in your diet – the reason is that these essential nutrients are incredibly filling and can satiate your hunger pangs by keeping your tummy full for hours. Eggs, poultry meat, soy products, nuts and seeds, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and whole grains – these are the healthiest source of protein and fibre.

What’s the alternative?  Instead of eating crackers made from refined flour, grab a whole grain cracker when you feel hungry. Slice up an apple and relish it with peanut butter on top to get a full serving of healthy fats, fibre and protein.  

If you always feel hungry, it may be a sign of dietary deficiencies, stress, not getting enough sleep, or hormone imbalances. Eating enough protein, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep can help reduce hunger. Hunger is your body’s natural cue that it needs more food.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Leaving a long gap in between meals  

Is the gap between your lunch and dinner over 5 hours? Many people follow a strict diet as a weight loss strategy and end up starving themselves for long hours – this could be another reason for always feeling hungry. When you deprive yourself of eating for quite a long time or leave huge gaps in between meals, your body keeps sending signals that it has been too long since you have eaten.

What’s the alternative? Instead of getting three square meals, stick to frequent smaller meals every three to four hours, depending on your meal plan and level of activity. Keep some dry fruits, a small pack of yogurt and healthy snacks close by, as you might need to munch on these every few hours.

It is normal to feel hungry at times after going through a rough day at work or right after doing some high-intensity activity. However, if it feels like you are always hungry and on the lookout to binge on snacks but cannot figure out why then you should consider the above points.    

With the right kind of foods and healthy eating habits, there is a good chance your constant hunger could finally subside.  

Also Read: Foods to Avoid with Trulicity: A Comprehensive Dietary Guide

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6 Spices And Herbs You Must Eat!

Spices and herbs have innumerable health benefits. If you want to stay in peak health and enjoy your life to the fullest, then you have to make room for a few spices and herbs in your regular diet.

A list of Spices you should consume –

Turmeric (Haldi)

We will kick off our list with turmeric, which is one of the most versatile spices out there. It is extensively used all over India and is a necessary component of curries.  

This yellow spice is as valuable as gold when it comes to your health. Here are some benefits of turmeric:

  1. Turmeric contains curcuminoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties that protect you from chronic or acute inflammation.
  2. It will stop your immunity from mistakenly attacking the healthy cells.
  3. Turmeric can boost your immunity and help you fight off aggressive foreign particles that intend to harm you.
  4. It can repair damaged tissues and muscles.
  5. It strengthens your cognitive abilities and can combat dementia or Alzheimer’s.
  6. Turmeric is high in antioxidants and therefore beneficial for heart health.
  7. Curcumin present in turmeric can prevent unnatural cell growth and in effect stop cancer from taking root.

You possibly use turmeric in cooking. You may also take a small quantity of it early in the morning with some warm water.

Read More: 10 Health Benefits of Turmeric

Cinnamon (Dalcheeni)

Yet another regular ingredient of Indian cuisine, cinnamon too, is extremely vital for promoting good health. Some of the ways it can help you are-

  1. Use cinnamon instead of sugar to flavour your tea and avoid all the harmful effects of sugar.
  2. This spice can suppress pain, especially the kind originating from painful joints.
  3. Cinnamon contains anti-inflammatory compounds..
  4. It can prevent cancer and help with muscle repair.
  5. Cinnamon can reduce high blood pressure.
  6. It prevents the fluctuation of sugar levels.

Cinnamon adds great flavour to desserts, so feel free to add decent amounts whenever you feel like baking or preparing something sweet.

Spices and herbs can be naturally or accidentally contaminated with pathogens or foreign matter. The latter, such as certain unauthorised colorants, confirm that they are of good quality before using.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Black Pepper (Kaali Mirch)

A gently spicy flavour that goes with most Indian dishes, black pepper is packed with goodness-

  1. Black pepper contains antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals that would otherwise harm your heart.
  2. Its anti-inflammatory properties can prevent heart disorders, arthritis, cancer and diabetes.
  3. It can improve your brain function.
  4. Black pepper helps your body absorb other nutrients better.
  5. It is also a natural pain-killer.

Black pepper can be sprinkled onto any food.

Turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin, may have anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, and other benefits. Its been studied extensively and found that it has great effects in mainly arthritis. Since the absorption of curcurmin is poor, consuming turmeric with black pepper which contains piperine enhances the absorption of curcurmin by over 2000 times.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Also Read: Serrano Peppers: Unraveling the Research-Based Health Benefits

Peppermint (Pudina)

Peppermint is a wonder herb. Here are a few reasons you should buy a few sprigs of peppermint right away-

  1. It improves your digestion, so chew on a few peppermint leaves if you feel that your meal is taking too long to be digested.
  2. It boosts your mood by triggering the secretion of endorphins.
  3. It is an effective remedy against nausea, morning sickness and motion sickness.

If you don’t like peppermint in your food, you can brew yourself some peppermint tea instead.

Also Read: White Pepper: Exploring Its Health Benefits and Culinary Uses

Basil (Tulsi)

You will find a basil plant in quite a lot of Indian households. The health virtues of its leaves have been chronicled in the ancient texts and science too has proven that basil offers the following benefits-

  1. It fights off the common cough and cold.
  2. Basil is effective against bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory problems.
  3. It can lower high blood pressure.
  4. It can safeguard the health of your heart.
  5. Basil can ease headaches and earaches.

Tulsi leaves are aromatic and delicious. You can simply pluck a few leaves and chew them.

Read More on 11 Health Benefits of Tulsi

Fenugreek (Methi)

Fenugreek is also widely used in preparing Indian cuisine. It is extremely beneficial for your health-

  1. Fenugreek boosts the health of your heart by curbing bad cholesterol.
  2. It can stabilize blood pressure.
  3. Fenugreek in your diet can help you lose weight.
  4. It can soothe pain in your muscles.
  5. It can improve your digestion.

Roast fenugreek seeds and use them for cooking. You may soak these seeds overnight and drink the water the next morning.

Indian spices and herbs are chock-a-block with nutritional benefits. Try incorporating the spices and herbs we mentioned in your diet to stay happy and healthy.

Also Read: 10 Incredible Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


PV Sindhu’s Historic Win – Here Are 3 Takeaways For You!

PV Sindhu created history when she won gold at the BWF World Championship on 25th August 2019. It took her multiple attempts to become the world champion but she didn’t let her failure dishearten her.  She persisted with enormous amounts of self-discipline, dedication and drive and finally succeeded. And we can all learn a lesson or two from her victory. While we will not be competing to win gold, we can try to mimic her routine to a degree so that we too can stay fit, healthy and succeed in our respective careers.

Here Are A Few Pointers From Sindhu’s Daily Routine-

1. Eat Your Way To Fitness –

Diet is at the core of your health. Sindhu’s diet is an uncompromising balance between carbohydrates and proteins. Carbohydrates give you the energy you need to keep your body going. Proteins, the building blocks, help in the repair of your damaged cells and muscles. For snacks, she keeps in hand dried nuts, fresh fruits and non-sugared fruit juice. But for dinner, she keeps it light, just like all dieticians would advise you, she only eats grilled vegetables and meat.You don’t have to follow her diet because this grilled or boiled diet might be too bland for most of our palates. But, you too should focus on incorporating just the right amount of healthy carbohydrates such as whole grain, potatoes, seeds and nuts and proteins (animal/plant), and other wholesome foods that give you a reliable mix of nutrients such as vegetables and dairy.  Consume healthy fruity snacks in between meals to keep your metabolism going strong. And make sure your dinner is light so that it doesn’t affect your sleep.

2. Work-Out Is The Key –

PV Sindhu is in sports and a sportsperson’s routine can be punishing. She wakes up at 4 AM and begins her gruelling exercise routine that consists of sprinting, pushups, sit-ups, weight training, core strength exercises and whatnot.While you possibly won’t have the time to work out as much as she will, you can always squeeze in half an hour of exercise every day. Go on a run, swimming, cycling to keep your heart healthy. Do some basic strength training at the gym to increase your muscle mass. Exercise can protect you from diseases such as heart ailments, arthritis, kidney disorders etc.

3. The Power Of Positive Thinking –

You can’t rise to the top without taking a few beatings. Twice PV Sindhu came second and won silver, but her determination paid off this year and she has now struck gold.And this happens to all of us. There are many roadblocks in terms of situations and people but, like Sindhu, who faced her share of criticism, you can’t afford to be sidetracked. Keep the goal in sight and keep fighting. Think positive and be your own life coach. Add yoga and meditation to your daily routine to build focus and determination.

Conclusion –

PV Sindhu’ story is that of hard work and determination and eventually success. It teaches us that we too can reach our goals in life, be it health or any other, simply with determination, hard work and focus.Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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