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Baby Hygiene: Everything You Should Know

It goes without saying that your baby’s personal hygiene is of utmost importance to keep him or her healthy and safe. A baby’s skin is extremely sensitive and delicate, hence it needs special care and the right products that are gentle on the skin. As a new parent, it is crucial to know what’s best for your baby and the doctor may guide you through baby hygiene and daily care. A baby’s defence mechanism is not so strong in the early days and they are likely to pick up many passing diseases and infections, allergy-causing dust can easily find their way onto your baby’s body, particularly through their hands and feet. So you must be on your toes when it comes to newborn baby hygiene.

It is a known fact that a baby must be bathed regularly, and you must change the baby’s diaper at frequent intervals even if it can still hold more, but here are a few baby hygiene essentials that you must consider when you are raising a newborn baby:

Poor sanitation, nutrition and unsafe drinking water cause diarrheal disease, frequent infections, stunting, or impaired growth and development.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Use nail clippers or scissors regularly

Not just bathing your baby every day, you must regularly trim a baby’s nails as part of hygiene. Use a nail clipper or a pair of tiny baby scissors to cut your baby’s delicate fingernails. It may seem to be a daunting task, but it is necessary to keep the baby safe. Babies’ fingernails grow really fast and have sharp edges; they may accidentally scratch themselves, it is also important to note that the baby puts his hands and fingers in his or her mouth often, so to avoid the spread of any infection, baby nails must always be trimmed. Make sure you are using stainless steel blades only and maybe use a magnifying glass to get a closer view of the tiny fingernails.

Wash your hands (or use a hand sanitizer) before handling your baby. Newborns don’t have a strong immune system yet, so they’re at risk for infections. Make sure that everyone who handles your baby has clean hands.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Use a finger brush 

Maintaining oral hygiene is very important and it applies to infants too. From early on you as a parent must focus on the baby growing up with healthy gums and strong teeth. You can start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as his first tooth appears. Begin with a soft bristle finger brush with a small head, made from non-toxic materials. Clean the baby’s tongue because milk can leave back deposits which are bad for oral health and may lead to an odour. Remember, it is never too early to start taking care of your baby’s dental health.

Click here to explore baby care products

Use the right laundry detergent

As your baby’s immune system is still developing, you must be extra careful about keeping infections at bay, even from his or her clothes. While washing baby’s clothes, always use a good quality, mild detergent, but most importantly use a disinfectant. Using any harsh regular detergent to wash the baby’s clothes can irritate your baby’s skin, and the chemicals present in the detergent can lead to allergic reactions in your baby. You can add a few drops of Dettol to warm water, which acts as an antiseptic liquid, before soaking baby clothes in it. Wash the clothes and rinse thoroughly, later, allow the clothes to dry in the sunlight. This can be done by washing the baby’s bedsheets and other baby products as well.

Sanitize and keep your home clean

While the baby may not be stepping out yet, you are on the move and whenever you come back home and want to play or touch the baby, remember to wash and sanitize your hands first. If you have visitors, ask them to do the same before touching the baby. Also, keeping your home sanitized and clean is very important, especially if you have a crawling baby. It ensures that your crawling or walking baby is not exposed to germs. Always use anti-bacterial floor cleaners to sweep the floor of your house. Babies have a tendency to put their hands in their mouths and a baby in a dirty home can mean a baby that falls sick frequently. Make sure that your baby’s sleeping cot is clean, change the bed sheets regularly and keep the room dust-free, twice a week go over surfaces with baby-friendly antibacterial products to kill any germs or bacteria that may have found their way into the baby’s room. The room where the baby stays must be well ventilated, with plenty of fresh air and sunlight. 

Use a sterilizer

You may think that washing a baby’s feeding essentials is enough, but sterilizing them after each feed is a must. Your baby may use a feeding bottle, a spoon, or a bowl and it is ideal to sterilize these regularly. This will remove unwanted germs, and is the best way to protect your baby from health risks and infections. You may buy a non-toxic sterilizer or simply use boiling water to clean the essentials. As a parent you want the best for your baby and sterilizing is a trusted process which has been in use for ages. 

Also Read: Gripe Water for Babies: A Research-Based Guide on Benefits and Usage


A baby’s surroundings must be clean and hygienic at all times. It is true that when you have a baby, you need to be alert and prepared because the baby’s health and safety are the first priority and maintaining that is not always an easy task. Your little one is learning and growing. He or she is likely to put everything in his mouth, so keep things out of reach, and keep the baby’s toys clean, as they say, prevention is the best cure!

Read More – Guide To The First Trimester Of Pregnancy For Expecting Moms

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Breaking Down The Baby’s Growth Stages | 0-5 Years

Right after birth, a baby begins to learn, from crying to latching and one of the most crucial times for baby growth and development is between birth and age 5. It is believed that eighty-five to ninety per cent of a child’s brain develops by the age of five. The child grows physically, learns immensely during this period, and develops new skills from thinking and speaking to social and emotional skills. As parents, it is exciting to see a newborn grow and at the same time you may have several questions like, ”When will they start walking?” or ”When will they start talking?”

The baby growth milestones are a set of specific tasks or skills that average children achieve by a certain age. These are markers looked at by parents, doctors, and teachers and can be matched with other kids of the same age to track growth. While it is true that some kids may be more advanced, some may be slow learners, if you notice that your child is ”falling behind”, missing out on important milestones, then you must address the concern and consult a doctor. Let us take a look at the baby’s growth stages to expect during the first five years:

0 to 3 months

During this time the baby is just adjusting to the new surroundings. They begin to build upon their rooting, sucking, and grasping reflexes. The baby also learns about body movements, begins to notice their own hands, clench them into fists, and brings them to their mouth. They will learn to control their head and hold it up for a few seconds with support. You may introduce tummy time and watch them slightly raise their head. Tummy time strengthens your baby’s neck, back, and arms, it helps in the later development of motor skills, hand skills, visual skills, and even speech and feeding skills.

3 to 6 months

Baby growth in 3rd month includes beginning to roll over, sit up with support, they are able to reach out for objects, bring them to their mouths, and play with toys. You may use sensory-stimulating objects, babies also laugh, look at themselves in the mirror and recognizes familiar faces and sounds. Most babies start teething at around 6 months and the doctor may recommend you to start introducing top feed (food other than breast milk)- liquids, semi-solids, and later solid foods to your child.

Click here to explore baby care products

6 to 9 months

This is the time span when children become increasingly mobile. They learn to grasp and pull objects, and even begin to crawl. You will notice more facial expressions in babies during this time as they learn to imitate you, they look at you when you call their name and smile and make a lot of different sounds. By the time he or she is 7 or 8 months old, your child can eat a variety of foods including infant cereals, chicken or other proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains, yogurts, cheeses and more.

9 to 12 months

Most babies can pull themselves up to a seated position at this age. They can stand up without help and even take their first steps. They also learn to pick up, throw objects and roll a ball. Apart from major growth milestones like standing up and walking, this is a significant period when a child develops more advanced fine motor skills. At 12 months (1 year) the baby can learn to play a few games with you like peek-a-boo, waves bye-bye understands simple words like ”no” and calls parents ”mama” or ”dada”. The baby also starts holding his or her own bottle and you may introduce drinking from a cup. This is when the baby points a finger at things and foods, responds with gestures and sounds, enjoy looking at picture books and more. The baby growth chart by month ends here and after the baby completes a year, physical and mental growth continues at a fast pace.

1 to 2 Years

During this baby growth stage, most kids can understand and respond to words, differentiate objects, and can point out familiar objects and people in a picture book. They also learn to pick things up while standing, colour by moving their entire arm, scribbling, turning knobs and handles, climb off and on a couch or chair without help, walking up and down stairs and moving and swaying to the music. This is the time span when the baby is constantly learning through imitation and exploration.

2 to 3 Years

A toddler becomes very independent at this age, as he or she is now capable of so much. He or she may even start pre-school and learn to sort various animals, shapes, numbers, stacking toys, respond to simple directions, draw a circle when you show how to, name familiar objects, imitate more complex adult actions, say their own name, turn pages of a book, etc. You may notice that they now recognize colours and can have a conversation well enough for others to understand.

3 to 4 Years

3-year-olds observe the world around them, analyze and are curious about the things they see. They learn to question and begin to wonder how things work, and why. Their cognitive skills are growing constantly and allow most of them to demonstrate understanding in regard to past and future events. At this age young children can be taught to ride a tricycle or scooter, they learn to go down a slide without help, throwing and catching a ball, walking in a straight line, building toy blocks and can even shape clay dough. 

4 to 5 Years

At this age, children are progressively growing and learning every day. They are better at using words, imitating actions, counting objects, and performing other basic activities. Around this age, most children are able to rhyme words, identify many colours, and tell stories. They learn what is taught at school and can remember things they read and learn.


A baby’s growth begins well before birth, in the mother’s womb. Once your baby is born, you must connect with them, develop a bond and help them reach the crucial milestones. Allow your baby to gain experiences, do not restrain them and let them explore the environment, talk to them even if they don’t necessarily understand you, imitate your baby’s sounds, facial expressions and more. Make your baby feel secure, indulge them in exciting activities, and interactive games and give them the attention they need to learn, grow and develop. These baby growth tips will help you raise a smart and healthy baby.

Read More – Guide To The Third-Trimester Of Pregnancy For Expecting Moms


Effective Baby Care Tips, Parents Must Know

Babies have skin ten times softer than ours. So naturally, they need more care. Baby’s skin is sensitive and extremely gentle, which is why regular products cannot be used on them. Babycare brands formulate products using the most delicate, gentle and handpicked ingredients that cater to the needs of babies. Keeping your baby well-groomed not only adds to their charm but is also an essential part of their health and hygiene. Here are some ways to keep your baby’s skin soft, supple, gentle and moisturized all day long:

There is nothing better than an old-school firm massage for your baby. Be it with baby oil or baby lotion, massaging the products ensures that it penetrates deep within the layers of the skin, keeping it hydrated and moisturized from within. It is a great way to gain mobility faster by strengthening the muscles and bones and is required not only for the baby’s growing body but for healthy hair too. Besides moisturizing the skin and strengthening muscles, regular massaging of the baby will also improve circulation and comfort the baby. 

It is important to educate parents that after birth 1st stools should be passed within 24 hours and baby should pass 1st urine within 48 hours. If any delay should be brought to notice of Pediatrician.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Bathing the baby daily will ensure complete hygiene. You can start your baby’s day by giving him a nice bubble bath and cleaning him off the pee and poop gently. Generally, baby products are tear-free, non-toxic and leave the baby’s skin soft and smooth. Using mild baby bathing products will gently cleanse, moisturize and nourish their delicate skin without stripping their natural body oils. Baby shampoo from various brands like MamaEarth and Johnson’s Baby gently helps get rid of dirt and grime from your baby’s body as well as hair.

 Feeling, hearing and smelling your presence should provide your baby with a sense of calm and security.

Although every part of the baby’s body requires intensive care and moisture, the baby’s facial skin is super sensitive as compared to the rest of the body. While investing in a good facial moisturizer for the baby, make sure it is free from parabens, sulphates, formaldehyde and fragrances. These gentle, multi-purpose, skin-protecting, and hydrating face creams should be put on your baby’s face post-bath or when you clean their face. It helps the skin retain moisture and keep all the hydration locked in.

Adequate nutrition during infancy and early childhood is essential to ensure the growth, health, and development of children to their full potential, it helps to stay healthy and imbibing good eating habits right from childhood.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Babies can often make a mess when it comes to feeding them. Always keep baby wipes in handy to clean them off. These can keep your baby clean without making the skin too dry. Baby wipes have zero alcohol and come super handy while changing a diaper as well. With these little wipes by your side, show your love and promise your little bundle of joy, the utmost care. 

Click here to explore baby care products

Baby’s skin is super delicate and prone to get infections and rashes easily. Before massaging, moisturizing or oiling your baby, always make it a point to wash your hands thoroughly. Babies have a weak immune system yet to build up, so make sure that everyone who handles your baby has clean hands.

Also Read: Can You Get Herpes from Kissing? Demystifying Common Health Myths

 Breast Milk is the only essential nutrition your baby will require for the first 6 months. Solids and semi-solids can be introduced after 6 months while breastfeeding can continue for up to 2 years. Do not start any top feed without talking to your doctor. For mothers who cannot breastfeed, doctors will recommend a suitable dose and type of formula feed to keep up with the nutritional requirements of the baby. Do not forget to help them burp after a sufficient amount of feed.

Talk to your baby’s doctor and set reminders about all the mandatory vaccinations that your baby requires. Maintain the immunization card (usually provided by hospitals) to keep a record of all vaccines that your baby has received.

Newborns require extra care and need to be held with adequate support on the neck and head. Till your child learns neck holding- be careful about neck support while holding the baby. Never shake the baby vigorously or lift up in the air at this stage.

Even though you may feel anxious about handling a newborn, in a few short weeks you’ll develop a routine and be parenting like a pro. If you have questions or concerns, ask your doctor to recommend resources that can help you and your baby grow together. By keeping these points in mind, you will be able to take care of your baby better.

Read More – Things To Keep In Mind Before Planning Pregnancy

14 Best Baby Powders In India

Key Highlights

Every baby has ultra-delicate, soft and rash-prone skin. Rashes and itching can be aggravated mostly due to dampness. The best way to keep your little one free from sweat and rashes is by using good quality baby powder on them. Baby powders can be used on your infants after a warm bath or after every diaper change to keep them dry and itch-free. As compared to normal powders made for adults, baby powders are much gentler on the skin, keeping in mind the supple and delicate nature of babies. 

The mild fragrance and soft texture of baby powders help keep your baby’s skin feeling fresh and stay happy. You can buy the best baby powders for your newborns, infants, and toddlers at attractive prices from online shopping stores or retail stores. Certain good baby product brands are made with natural ingredients, infused with some that have moisturizing and skin-nourishing properties.

Himalaya Baby Powder Bottle Of 400 GBUY NOW
Johnson’s Baby Powder – 400gBUY NOW
Mamaearth Talc-free Organic Dusting Powder Bottle Of 150 GBUY NOW
Himalaya Baby Powder Bottle Of 200 GBUY NOW
Johnson’s Baby Powder Blossoms – 50gBUY NOW
Sebamed Baby Powder – 200gBUY NOW
Chicco Baby Talcum Powder – 300gBUY NOW
Mee Mee Premium Powder Puff With Powder Storage (pink)BUY NOW
Chicco Baby Talcum Powder – 150gBUY NOW
Johnson’s Baby Powder Blossoms Bottle Of 200 GBUY NOW
Johnson’s Baby Powder 50gmBUY NOW
Mee Mee Fresh Feel Baby Powder – 500 GBUY NOW
The Moms Co. Natural Baby Powder -100gBUY NOW
Johnson’s Baby Powder – 100gBUY NOW
Mee Mee Premium Powder Puff With Powder Storage (blue)BUY NOW

Best Baby Powder In India

  1. Himalaya Baby Powder Bottle Of 400 G
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Himalaya Baby Powder helps keep your baby feeling fresh for a long time. It is infused with herbs and ingredients that may aid in eliminating dampness and keeping your baby cool during summers. It also helps to prevent excess moisture from accumulating on the skin and keeps it friction-free.

  1. Johnson’s Baby Powder – 400g
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Johnson’s Baby Powder is a specially formulated powder to keep your baby feeling dry and fresh. It aids in keeping the skin soft and free from rashes. . It has been finely milled which contains tiny, round and fine talc particles that easily glides on the baby’s skin and keep it gentle, unlike coarse talc. It prevents the baby’s body from excess moisture coming from sweat.

  1. Mamaearth Talc-free Organic Dusting Powder Bottle Of 150 G
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Mama Earth Talc-free Organic Dusting Powder works best for dry and irritated skin. When the baby’s skin is dehydrated and itchy, Mama Earth’s baby powder may help moisturize the skin with the help of its organic ingredients. It may help the body retain moisture while also protecting from diaper rash. The powder is best for infants with sensitive skin.

  1. Himalaya Baby Powder Bottle Of 200 G
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Keeping babies safe and healthy is one of the most important priorities of parents. This also helps in reducing the chances of irritation and rashes. This product is effective and safe for babies, especially with sensitive skin. The ingredients used in Himalaya baby powder have refreshing, cooling and anti-bacterial properties that may help manage the irritation caused by prickly heat.

  1. Johnson’s Baby Powder Blossoms – 50g
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Johnson’s Baby Powder Blossoms is fragrant talc that reduces the chances of problems like rashes and irritation. The ingredients of this product aid in keeping the baby refreshed, and cool. The fine particles of the talc used in making this product help reduce friction, thus keeping the baby’s body gentle and supple. 

  1. Sebamed Baby Powder – 200g
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This product hails from SEBAMED, A German pharmaceutical brand that makes all-natural ingredients used. Upon applying this powder, the baby will feel relaxed and refreshed. It will calm them down and will help with reducing irritation. The product uses all-natural ingredients which do have a negative impact on the baby’s skin.

  1. Chicco Baby Talcum Powder – 300g
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Chicco is an Italian brand that manufactures baby products like Chocco Baby talcum powder that should be a part of the infant’s daily routine. The talcum powder has ingredients with sweat-absorbing properties that help in keeping the baby feeling fresh and airy.

  1. Mee Mee Premium Powder Puff With Powder Storage (pink)
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To ensure safety and durability, Mee Mee Powder Puff is made with premium quality materials. It comes in an adorable pink colour. Mee Mee products are child safe and non-toxic. Add some baby powder inside the storage container and use the puff to apply powder to the baby’s skin, keeping it fresh and smooth.

  1. Chicco Baby Talcum Powder – 150g
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Chicco Baby talcum powder is made with rice starch formulation that keeps your child away from harmful synthetic talc. It takes care of the baby’s delicate and gentle skin by leaving it soft and smooth after every application.

  1. Johnson’s Baby Powder Blossoms Bottle Of 200 G
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Johnson’s Baby Powder Blossoms reduces the risk of rashes and irritation. The ingredients of this product help in keeping your baby refreshed, cool and rash-free. The fine particles of the talc used in making this product help reduce friction, thus keeping the baby’s body gentle and supple. 

  1. Johnson’s Baby Powder 50gm
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This product is a specially formulated powder to keep your baby feeling dry and fresh post-application. It aids in keeping the skin soft and free from rashes and itching. It has been finely milled which contains tiny, round and fine talc particles that easily glides on the baby’s skin and keep it gentle. It prevents the baby’s body from excess moisture coming from sweat.

  1. Mee Mee Fresh Feel Baby Powder – 500 G
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This light powder keeps your baby’s skin fresh and healthy. It can be used after a bath, after a nappy change or at any point during the day. It helps reduce dryness, irritation and redness of your baby’s skin, thus keeping it fresh and healthy all day.

  1. The Moms Co. Natural Baby Powder -100g
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This naturally-derived baby powder is enriched with products like cornstarch that helps absorb moisture effectively and does not make your baby’s skin dry. Its ingredients help soothe and moisturize the baby’s skin, keeping it irritation-free and rash-free. Your child will smell fresh and relaxed upon immediate application.

  1. Johnson’s Baby Powder – 100g
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Johnson’s Baby Powder is a specially formulated powder to keep your baby feeling dry and fresh. It aids in keeping the skin soft and free from rashes and itching. It has been finely milled which contains tiny, round and fine talc particles that easily glides on the baby’s skin and keep it gentle, unlike coarse talc. It prevents the baby’s body from excess moisture coming from sweat.

  1. Mee Mee Premium Powder Puff With Powder Storage (blue)
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Mee Mee Powder Puff is made with premium quality materials to ensure the safety and hygiene of the baby. Its blue colour makes it look attractive and charming. This product is child-safe and non-toxic. Add some baby powder inside the storage container and use the puff to apply powder to the baby’s skin, keeping it fresh and smooth.

Benefits Of Baby Powder:

  1. Reduces the risk of RASH: Baby powders have been traditionally used to lower the chances of diaper rash. It helps keep the baby’s skin soft, gentle and free from irritation. Using good quality baby products will help keep your baby’s skin mild and rash-free.
  2. Nourishes: Certain baby powders have ingredients that help keep the baby’s skin nourished. Baby powders infused with olive oil and jojoba particularly eradicate dryness from the skin.
  1. ODOUR-FREE: Accumulated sweat and rashes can cause a foul odour in babies. Baby powders have a mild fragrance that keeps your baby smelling good all day long.
  1. DOES NOT CLOG PORES: Baby powders are made with small fine particles that easily glide on the skin and prevent pores from clogging. 

Things To Consider Before Buying Baby Powder:

  1. Make sure it is free of all sorts of parabens, sulfates, SLS, synthetic colours and dyes.
  2. It should be dermatologically tested and clinically approved. 
  3. It should be BPA free and hypoallergenic.
  4. The powder should not have a strong fragrance that can sometimes irritate the skin.
  5. It should be made from naturally-occurring ingredients.
  6. Check online reviews before buying baby powders, especially for the first time. See what best suits your baby’s skin.
  7. Trust brands that have been here for a long time and have been recommended by healthcare professionals.

How To Use Baby Powder:

Take some of the powder on your hands and dab it gently all over the baby’s skin. Alternatively, it can also be used with a powder puff which makes it much more convenient and less messy. Avoid dusting too much powder at a time as it may irritate the baby.


Q1. Is it safe to use baby powder?

Ans. If the ingredients of the powder are natural, without any synthetic material and SLS, then the powder is usually safe for your baby.

Q2. What is baby powder good for?

Ans. The main reason to use baby powder is to reduce the risk of rashes caused by diapers around the infants’ bottom and genital areas.

Q3. Which baby powder is the best?

Ans. Baby powders from Himalaya, Chicco, Johnson’s Baby and Mee Mee have all been approved and rendered safe to be used on a baby’s skin.

Q4. Where can baby powder be applied?

Ans. Neck, underarms and skin folds along the joints are usually where baby powders are ideally applied.

Q5. Are baby powders with cornstarch as an ingredient better?

Ans. Baby powders that have cornstarch instead of talc are considered safer to be used on babies. Cornstarch also helps to absorb excess sweat and keeps the baby dry for a longer period.

Q6. Can I use adult talcum powder on my baby?

Ans: No, adult talcum powder contains talc which is a mineral that occurs naturally and is used in many consumer products such as makeup. Talc contains asbestos which is found in underground deposits. It is a carcinogen and can cause contamination. So, it is best to use products that are curated for babies.

Q7. Can I apply the baby powder on the scalp?

Ans: Baby powder contains a number of mineral oils that are not recommended for the scalp.


Best Baby Soap In India For Your Little One’s Gentle Protection.

Key Highlights 


A child’s skin loses moisture quicker than an adult’s skin, and that’s what makes it necessary for you to take extra effort to keep your little one’s skin saturated and hydrated. With regard to cleansing and moisturizing an infant’s skin, you need to be aware of the best cleaning products available in the market. It is important to choose a soap that suits your baby’s skin type, climate and age.

The market is flooded with baby cleansing products that claim to be safe and gentle for your baby’s delicate skin. So here we have compiled a rundown of the best baby soaps that are truly gentle on your little one’s skin: 

                  Product Name                      Check Price
Sebamed baby cleansing bar – 150gBUY NOW
Dove baby bar rich moisture soap box of 75 gBUY NOW
Johnson’s baby soap – 150gBUY NOW
Mamaearth baby soap (pack of 4) box of 300 gBUY NOW
Himalaya extra moisturizing (buy 3 get 1 free) baby soap box of 75 gBUY NOW
Johnsons baby soap blossoms – 75g with new easy grip shapeBUY NOW
Himalaya gentle (pack of 4) baby soap box of 75 gBUY NOW
Pigeon baby nourishing soap – 100 gmBUY NOW
Johnson’s baby soap box of 100 gBUY NOW
Himalaya baby soap wrap of 75 gBUY NOW
Johnson’s baby milk soap 75gmBUY NOW
Himalaya honey & milk baby soap wrap of 75 gBUY NOW
Chicco baby moments soap (buy 3 get 1 free) box of 500 gBUY NOW
Johnson’s baby soap – 50gBUY NOW

The Best Baby Soaps in India:

1. Sebamed baby cleansing bar – 150g 

Sebamed is a German-based product with 100 per cent soap and alkali-free composition. It can be used as early as one month onwards after the birth of the baby.


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2. Dove baby bar rich moisture soap box of 75 g

Dove baby bar is a product of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Dove started its array of beauty products in 1957 in the US. It is formulated with a unique blend of mild cleansers and  ¼ moisturizing cream, allowing your little one’s skin the gentle care it needs and deserves.


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3. Johnson’s baby soap 

Johnson and Johnson is a US-based pharma company and also one of the most well-known drug makers. Johnson and Johnson were founded in 1886 approximately over 125 years ago and developed its significant presence in the pharmaceutical industry in 1959. Johnson’s baby soap is clinically proven to be gentle and mild on the baby’s skin.


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4. Mamaearth baby soap

Mamaearth company is an Indian brand that was founded in 2016. The aim of Mamaearth is to provide natural baby care, skin care and hair care products that are toxin-free. Mamaearth uses Ayurveda and science in the development of natural and toxin-free products.


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5. Himalaya extra moisturizing baby soap 

Himalaya is an Indian multinational pharmaceutical company based in Bangalore. It was established in the year 1930 and produces health care products that include Ayurvedic ingredients. Himalaya extra moisturizing baby soap is formulated to gently cleanse the baby’s soft skin without causing dryness of skin post-bath.


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Since our childhood, we have always related to Johnson and Johnson’s as the brand that caters to child care products. The peculiar sweet fragrance still makes one nostalgic about the good old days. Johnson’s baby soap blossom comes with a mild fragrance and rich moisturizing formula. 


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7. HImalaya gentle (pack of 4) baby soap

Himalaya Gentle baby soap is infused with almond and olive oils that make it ideal for everyday use. It gently cleanses the baby’s skin hydrating it effectively.  


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8. Pigeon baby nourishing soap

Pigeon is a Korean brand founded in 1957 with the vision to develop quality mother and baby care products. It has managed to become a one-stop-shop for mothers and mother-to-be for its quality, comfort, convenience and affordability factors. Pigeon baby nourishing soap is a mild cleansing soap with the goodness of coconut for deep nourishment.


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9. Johnson’s baby soap

For the longest time, Johnson and Johnson are been one brand that is synonymous with baby care products. The brand understands that the delicate skin of babies needs extra moisture to stop dryness.


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  1. Himalaya baby soap wrap 

Himalaya refreshing baby soap is a breath of fresh air with its unique combination of ingredients like watermelon, khus-khus and neem. All these ingredients make it ideal for use in summers when oily skin, excessive heat and prickly heat become major issues. 


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11. Johnson’s baby milk soap

Johnson’s baby milk soap is enriched with natural milk proteins to keep the baby’s soft skin nourished and healthy. It has a mild fragrance and is clinically tested to be gentle and mild. 


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12. Himalaya honey & milk baby soap wrap

Himalaya honey and milk baby soap are specially designed with herbal ingredients for a baby’s sensitive skin. Ingredients like honey, sunflower, castor oil and milk render it with richness prerequisite for baby’s tender care.


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13. Chicco baby moments soap

Chicco is an Italian brand founded in 1958. Chicco is committed to offer innovative and quality products, safe for your child’s soft and sensitive skin. Chicco baby soap is suitable for everyday use on a baby’s delicate skin with its natural active ingredients.


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14. Johnson’s baby soap

Johnson’s baby soaps are manufactured mild and gentle considering the delicate and sensitive skin of babies. These soaps are clinically proven to be safe for babies. Enriched with baby lotion and Vitamin E it helps create a creamy lather and gently cleanses the skin. 


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Benefits of Baby Soap

Some of the key highlights of a good baby soap are:

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Things to Consider Before Purchasing Baby Soap 

Spend some time reading the product labels before buying. Always read the list of ingredients on the soap you wish to buy. Milk proteins, olive oil, glycerine, almond oil, honey are some of the ingredients to look for while buying baby soap. 

Opt for baby soap that does not contain ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol or other harsh chemicals that might harm the baby when used consistently. The foaming detergent sodium Laureth sulfate might cause skin irritation and is a common ingredient in bubble baths. Chemicals such as these are not necessarily harmful in smaller quantities, but babies’ skin being still under the developing stage becomes more susceptible to negative side effects than adults. Other baby soap ingredients, such as Cocamidopropyl betaine, coconut diethanolamide and propylparaben have been identified as potentially toxic and should be avoided. 

Always buy baby soap that is gentle and moisturizing to keep your baby’s skin soft and supple. Look for ingredients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Milk Proteins and Wheat, almond and olive oils which helps to keep baby’s skin hydrated. 

         Harsh soap can irritate the baby’s delicate skin while a good baby soap lets you skip putting lots of lotion on the baby after a bath.

Most Baby soaps are made with natural organic ingredients that do not contain harmful chemicals. Additionally, these organically based formulas used in soaps can help in providing nourishment baby’s skin needs.

Baby soaps often come with a no-tear formula. A tear-free claim is quite important for most parents as they don’t wish to see their little ones suffering from soap stings in their eyes. Sometimes it can scare little kids to an extent where they start hating bath time and try to avoid and refuse it. Ophthalmologist-tested mild soap ensures your baby’s eyes won’t sting. 

How to Use 

To gently cleanse and protect the natural moisture barriers  present on the soft skin of your baby you should:


Q1. Can I use regular soap for my baby?

Ans: The skin of the baby is extremely fragile and delicate which makes it more susceptible to environmental changes.  The less oily and thinner texture of baby’s skin needs extra moisture-based soap with no chemicals that might irritate their supple soft skin. Thus baby soap is preferable to regular soaps for babies. 

Q2. Will using a moisturizing bar suffice in absence of lotion?

Ans: It is recommended to moisturize a baby’s skin after baths as the baby’s skin is thinner than the adult’s skin. This makes their skin more prone to dryness. Hence, moisturizing the baby’s skin with a good lotion or oil is advisable. 

Q3. Can baby soaps be used by adults?

Ans: Yes baby soaps can be used by adults, especially with sensitive skin types. Advantages of baby soaps like milder nature, gentler on the skin, more moisturizing content and more balanced pH make it a good choice for adults with sensitive skin. Also, most baby soaps are free from colourant, parabens and mineral oil which gives them an edge over regular soaps. 

Q4. Are baby soaps tear-free?

Ans: Most baby soaps are termed as tear-free which means it is free from ingredients like formaldehyde that might irritate the eye. This can make them gentle, mild and safe for the baby’s delicate skin and eyes. 

Q5. Does baby soap lighten skin colour?

Ans: No, baby soap does not contain any chemical or bleaching ingredients that can cause skin whitening. It provides hydration and helps to keep the baby’s skin hygienic and healthy.

Q6. What factors to avoid when purchasing baby soap?

Ans: When buying baby soap for your child, you should typically pick the best product for their special skincare needs. The ideal baby soap should be free of artificial fragrances, parabens, synthetic dyes, sulphates, formaldehyde, essential oil blends, propylene glycol and chemical sunscreens. 

Q7. When is it safe to start using baby soap on my infant?

Ans: You can start using unperfumed, gentle baby soap on your child’s skin from about four to six weeks of age. Ensure to use only a little and only a couple of times a week as your infant’s skin is very delicate at this age. 

Q8. How many times should I bathe my infant weekly with baby soap?

Ans: Bathing your infant about 2-3 times a week with a mild baby soap is enough to keep them clean.


Expecting Fathers – 11 Helpful Tips For A First Time Dad

All the to-be-Dad’s out there who have read or watched ”What to expect when you’re expecting”, will know that nothing can really prepare you for the joys and challenges of fatherhood. However, getting the right advice and support will surely help you embark on this new and exciting journey.

1. Becoming a Father –

Having a baby changes your priorities. Both men and women face similar issues on becoming new parents. However, men tend to focus more on financial responsibilities. Their joy is often mixed with anxiety. Remember that you are not alone in your doubts and fears and that it’s completely normal to have mixed emotions. Talk to your partner and discuss the life changes that lie ahead.

2. Supporting your partner during pregnancy –

Pregnancy can be exhausting both physically and emotionally for your partner. But your support can help ease the process. Get more involved with the house chores so that your partner can get adequate rest. Your partner would have her set of doubts as well. With the emotions running high, pregnancy, especially for first-time moms could get a little scary. She would fret about things like, Is the baby doing ok, What would the labour be like or would she have to undergo a C-section. Be the hand she can hold onto and the shoulder she can cry on.

3. Accompanying your partner to the Doctor’s appointment –

Make sure you keep aside time to accompany your partner for the doctor’s appointments. This goes on to show that you will be with her all the way into the pregnancy.  You will also know what’s going on in the pregnancy and will help you be better prepared. Lastly, it will help you connect with your unborn baby.

4. Help her get some sleep –

Falling asleep gets difficult and uncomfortable as the pregnancy proceeds. Getting her a full body pillow that will make side sleeping a bit more comfortable by helping support the back and cradling the belly is definitely a gift she would appreciate.

5. Be patient –

Pregnancy affects hormones. Your partner may feel fantastic one minute and maybe an emotional wreck the other. Try to be patient, understanding and loving.

6. You’re in it together –

Support her by adding or dropping habits that she has to because of the pregnancy. For example, giving up alcohol and coffee. Exercise is crucial for the mom and baby, go for a walk or hit the gym together.

7. Tell her she’s Beautiful –

Your partner will be undergoing some serious body transformation during pregnancy. Make sure to tell her that she is beautiful and that you love her.

8. Help her through the morning sickness –

Affecting about 75% of pregnant women, morning sickness is quite possibly the worst part of pregnancy. Its symptoms include headache, excessive sleepiness, nausea and vomiting. Morning sickness may begin from about a month after conception and go on until the twelfth or fourteenth week of pregnancy. Some women may experience it during the entire duration of pregnancy. The name ‘Morning sickness’ can be deceiving as most women experience the symptoms throughout the day. Be willing to take those trips, even at midnight to help her be at ease.  

9. Quit Smoking –

If you’re a smoker, now is the time to stop. Cigarette smoking can be dangerous for babies. If you do decide to continue, make sure you don’t do it near your partner, you don’t offer her or leave your cigarettes lying near her.  

10. Be prepared for birth –

Prepare a checklist for the final weeks before the birth of your baby. The few things that could go into it will be:

11. Find a Paediatrician –

Start looking for a paediatrician about 3 months before the birth of your baby. Ask for recommendations from friends, relatives, neighbours, co-workers with kids or your obstetrician. If possible, schedule a prenatal consultation about 2 months before your due date.

In conclusion, on average, a woman having her first baby can have labour lasting anywhere between 12 to 24 hours from her first contraction to delivery. Spend this time together and helping her feel at ease. The pain she is experiencing is far beyond your imagination. Stay focused on her. Finally, there’s no way to anticipate every possible scenario, but the birth of your child is a life-changing event. Cherish It!

Disclaimer: The above information has been prepared by a qualified medical professional and may not represent the practices followed universally. The suggestions listed in this article constitute relatively common advice given to patients and since every patient is different, you are advised to consult your physician, if in doubt, before acting upon this information. Lupin Limited has only facilitated the distribution of this information to you in the interest of patient education and welfare.